No matter where I go, I am always drawn to people. More and more in practicing travel and portrait photography, I learn that to achieve soulful photographs, the photographer needs to be genuinely interested in her subjects as if they are all her friends, as if they are people she loves. This results in compassionate photographs, and this was my goal for Portugal (and always).
We spent 6 days exploring Lisbon. We spent one day walking by foot, one day catching trams and trains, one day bicycling and one day not moving at all. On all of these days I took three portraits a day, of the people that made this city shine. It is in this way I can make my personal visual diary of the experiences and people we encounter in these cities we wander, I bare my soul to flood soul into my portraits, to pay tribute to the lives that enhance our travels and own lives. My camera is the tool that allows me to spread kindness and empathy and understanding. The more portraits I take around the world, the more I understand and reflect on the world around me. Lisbon has been one of my favourite cities to photograph in. x
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