Well, when I say you shouldn’t visit this place, I base this on the fact that you’ll be hooked and never want to leave – just like I didn’t. So.. You’re welcome.

To start with, this magical place is a province in the center of Sweden and consists of a little less than 113 000 inhabitants, meaning the nature is close to untouched. This might not be too attractive for your everyday city person, therefore I am aiming this article at all you (us) nature fantasts who are always on the lookout for a green get-a-way.

Do you consider yourself a mountain person? Forest person? Or maybe a water person? No problem, this area has it all. Though taking all of this fauna into count, you better not be scared of bears as this place is the most densely populated brown bear habitat in the world. They also have the folklore of Storsjöodjuret, a large lake monster that’s been known of since it’s first report in 1635. Adding to the list of animals you might encounter are among other: the wolf, the moose, the reindeer, the lynx, the wolverine, the arctic fox etc.

So with no further ado, let me introduce you to: Republiken Jamtland, the destination for every nature photographer.

More info:


    You would have to drive through endless of forests like this


    You would be forced to breath fresh mountain air :(

    You wouldn’t be surrounded by traffic nor loud humans (or any sound at all to be honest)


    Your typical “jamte” is very much into outdoor exercise and you would probably have to be too

    The mountain weather is very unpredictable and rain is unavoidable, even for horses!

    You might have to wake up to this on the ground


    The views are empty of sky scrapers and all you’ll see is basically this


    Or sometimes this

    Though if you have to endure a hour long climb, you might have to look at this

    And don’t get me started on the moose! They are everywhere, standing in the way of shots

    Houses from hundreds and hundreds of years ago are still standing and taking up space




    And why put yourself in a situation where you might have to be surrounded by just trees?

    Or what if you got stuck in the mire while picking lingon- and cloudberries?

    And one can only handle so much blue and pink, right?

    Like come on?

    And don’t forget about the constant sun during summer, it never get’s dark!


    The woods are very dense and you might find yourself in one of John Bauer’s tales

    What if a bear was to appear?

    Or perhaps this one? Not a place for someone with Suriphobia, I tell you

    Slippery waterfalls all over, very dangerous

    Let’s not talk about the risk of falling trees in the woods, better stay out of there

    The boringly calm lakes


    The cloudy days :/

    All the scruffy gardens

    People leaving their belongs all over the place

    But after all.. Maybe this is just the place for you? :)