If you are concerned about our home, planet Earth, then you probably know that leading a waste-free, eco-friendly lifestyle is one of the best solutions in preserving our precious home. If you’ve just started adopting the right mindset and need a bit of help navigating through it all, Bored Panda is here to help. And there’s no better time to start living greener as Christmas!

    The feeling of Christmas spirit wouldn’t be complete without a Christmas tree, right? While the stores offer many choices for Christmas tree decorations, why not making them yourself! Also, DIY ideas and projects are a great way to spend some quality time with your family or friends; it’s always great fun making Christmas decorations together.

    In this DIY project tutorial, we will show you how to make Christmas decorations for your home. The video consists of 23 DIY Christmas decorations. You will learn how to make various Christmas wreaths, ornaments from pasta and more things that will make your Christmas tree look truly festive. So scroll down below, and let’s get started!


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