There are nearly 422,000 species of plants in this world, according to a recent study carried out by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, one of the world’s largest environmental organizations. This amazing biodiversity clearly explains why we see so many different types of plants and flowers in various colors, shapes, and sizes. But that might explain why, every now and then, we also run into plants that are so strange and unusual, that we could say they come from a different planet.


    Euphorbia Obesa (Baseball plant)

    Adansonia Grandidieri (Grandidier’s baobab)

    Selenicereus Grandiflorus (queen of the night)

    Amorphophallus Titanum (corpse flower)

    Aristolochia Salvadorensis (the Darth Vader plant)

    Actaea Pachypoda (doll’s eyes)

    Tacca Chantrieri (black bat flower)


    Dracaena Cinnabari (Socotra dragon tree)

    Strongylodon Macrobotrys (jade vine)

    Dracunculus Vulgaris (dragon lily)

    Rafflesia Arnoldii (the biggest flower in the world)


    Lithops (pebble plants or living stones)

    Drosera Capensis (best known as the Cape sundew)

    Hydnora Africana (a beetle trap)