12 Milestones In Medical History
We may sometimes take for granted the amazing things that our doctors and nurses can do for us when we need their help, and we may even forget that the simplest forms of medicines we have today actually took years of trials before they ‘did what they said on the tin’!
From said Trials, to Surgery, to Test Tubes and sheep, here is an infographic displaying 12 of the greatest ‘firsts’ in medical history – that have all lead to further medicines, treatments and technologies to be created!
More info: blog.anthonynolan.org
12 Milestones In Medical History
Source: blog.anthonynolan.org
We may sometimes take for granted the amazing things that our doctors and nurses can do for us when we need their help, and we may even forget that the simplest forms of medicines we have today actually took years of trials before they ‘did what they said on the tin’!
From said Trials, to Surgery, to Test Tubes and sheep, here is an infographic displaying 12 of the greatest ‘firsts’ in medical history – that have all lead to further medicines, treatments and technologies to be created!
More info: blog.anthonynolan.org
12 Milestones In Medical History
Source: blog.anthonynolan.org
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