10-Year-Old Gets Fed Up With Idiots Hurting The Planet And Writes Open Letter To Humanity
Hi. My family is a frequent reader of Bored Panda, and my younger daughter Sophie felt strongly that the following was post-worthy.
Today she disappeared into her bedroom for a little while and when she came out she handled me this (I think it speaks for itself!)
Share on FacebookHi, My name is Katya and I’m reaching out on behalf of Maffick, a digital media company based out of LA. We would love to feature this letter on our platfroms! Would it be ok to use it? We will give you full credit! Feel free to contact me at katya@wearemaffick.com
Hi, My name is Katya and I’m reaching out on behalf of Maffick, a digital media company based out of LA. We would love to feature this letter on our platfroms! Would it be ok to use it? We will give you full credit! Feel free to contact me at katya@wearemaffick.com