Regardless of what profession, region or faith you belong to, death is something that every human will have to face, sooner or later. Everything with a beginning has an ending too and so do we. Some people find death to be the scariest thing imaginable, while on the other hand, some people like to think that dying is nothing more than just a transition to some other place.

Just like us, the great thinkers and achievers of past times used to spend time wondering about death. Thankfully for us, these great people shared with us what they came to understand and think about death.

Many of these timeless thoughts that they shared with us became iconic and today, a lot of people want to get one of these quotes printed when looking for headstones for sale.

For some people, these timeless quotes provide guidance and bring calmness, while some people love these quotes for the wisdom they provide regarding what life is.

Some of these great minds chose to look at life and its inevitable ending through the lens of wisdom while some on the other hand, chose to do away with the seriousness a subject like death brings by expressing their thoughts using humor. Whatever the tone, these quotes are a source of great wisdom and guidance.

Below is a collection of our most favorite death quotes:

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    Quote #10 by Dylan Thomas

    Quote #9 by Steve Jobs


    Quote #8 by Chuck Palahniuk


    Quote #7 by Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Quote #6 by Robert Fulgham

    Quote#5 by Bansky

    Quote #4 by Khalil Gibran


    Quote #3 By Norman Cousins

    Quote #2 by William Shakespeare


    Quote #1 by Leonardo Da Vinci