People Are Sharing Their Best ‘Zero Waste’ Tips And Tricks, Here Are 30 Of The Most Helpful Ones (New Pics)
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to us citizens of the world. Many are trying to adopt more planet-friendly habits in their daily life and make a positive change.
Online communities like r/ZeroWaste on Reddit have emerged as valuable platforms for sharing ideas, experiences, and resources. Over 1.1 million members discuss everything from eco-friendly household products to sustainable fashion choices and green travel options. r/ZeroWaste was created on February 20th, 2013 and it has loads of information, so let’s dive into it.
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Wow! This Makes Me So Happy. Great Work And Great To Be Reminded That There Are People Who Care!
The term “Zero Waste” is self-explanatory, though many proponents agree that it is nearly impossible. There are just some things we cannot control, like the making of products we use in our daily lives. This said, many zero wasters agree on a more general purpose: to get as close to zero as possible.
Although everyone can participate in the zero waste lifestyle, location matters greatly. Depending on where you live, you may be of a different distance to your local farmer’s market or even have the ability to own your garden.
Instead Of Polluting The Planet With Confetti, Hole Punch Leaves Instead!
That’s So Cool And Ingenious!
Many places in Asia you get each item wrapped in plastic, than in a bag and another. I am looking at you Indonesia, China
The motivation behind zero waste is to help prevent planetary crises, save the environment, and generally improve people’s and animals’ well-being. Finding your sources or even joining the r/ZeroWaste community can be a solid start.
This Mini Thrift/Exchange Corner By The Dumpsters Where Neighbours Place Their Still-Usable Unwanted Items
Develey Mustard Jars, Made To Become Drinking Glasses After The Removal Of The Lid And The Label, Have Filled Many A Shelf In Many A Home
"He's Usually Full By The End Of The Day" Really Puts Into Perspective How Much Plastic Waste Is Washed Ashore
Love this! Just a wee curious how it gets emptied. Truck shaped like a shark?
There are five main principles for zero waste, as Bea Johnson, writer and activist, distinguishes in her book, Zero Waste Home:
•Refuse what you don’t need. Simply do not purchase unnecessary things and/or use stuff like plastic straws.
•Reduce what you do use. Have generally less waste.
•Reuse whatever you can. Practice thrift shopping or re-making your stuff. This also includes saying no to disposable things and yes to reusable ones.
•Recycle what you can’t refuse or reduce. If there is no way you can avoid something, choose to recycle. Just keep in mind that not all material can be recycled and thus ends up disposed of in landfills.
•Rot what‘s left over. Befriend composting as a way of giving nutrients and fiber back to the earth.
Friendly Post-Halloween Reminder: If You Can't/Don't Have A Compost Bin Or Don't Want To Eat Your Leftover Pumpkins, Check Your Local Town Pages For Farmers Iso Your Jack-O-Lanterns! Most Are More Than Happy To Get Their Animals Some Tasty Treats! This Is The Fourth Post I've Seen Just This Morning
Went to a pumpkin farm that had pigs and they'd give all the damaged pumpkins to them so that they didn't go to waste. Everyone was so happy, especially the piggies!
We Literally Waste Trillions Of Food Every Year
Yeah but there are d**k heads that like to sue companies and ruin it for everyone tho!
Thanks, I Love Plastic Bag Bans
You’ve already seen many tips and tricks for sustainable cooking from Reddit, but here are more. Though eating and cooking are very individual, there are a few general guidelines on how to make it more environmentally friendly and healthy.
•Plan your meals. Buy the things that you will eat throughout the day or week, so the remaining food does not get thrown away.
•Think twice when eating out. Takeaway food usually comes in plastic containers, if the portion is too big, food gets wasted.
•Repurpose what you can. Use the leftovers to create a new recipe and make a smoothie from overlooked fruits and veggies.
•Shop with zero waste in mind. Bring your bag, avoid things with plastic packaging, and pay attention to expiration dates.
•Store food for maximum life. Keep your fridge and shelfs clean, so the bacteria do not build up and cause food to rot quicker.
•Preserve your foods. Make food last longer with pickling, freezing, canning, etc.
Apologies For The Quality, Got A Kick Out Of This!
I heard that they're banned in a lot of American neighbourhoods because of the HMO telling you what you can do even if you own garden! Although it's similar in other places too- here in London our apartment block says that "to maintain standards, residents are forbidden to dry laundry on their balcony". We use a clothes horse indoors.
Cardboard Bread Tab
You Could Even Do This For A Homeless Male... Love This
Can be done with any kind of bag. We used to make them up from all the free/cheap products that I used to get by couponing. By the time the holidays came around, we usually had between 15 and 20 full.bags which we donated to a local shelter. We also made up as many small kits as possible, using whatever we still had, also donated. Wish I could still do that
From the perspective of industry, some companies aim to remove the concept of waste entirely by transforming rubbish. For example, Arthur Huang with his company Miniwiz is creating new building blocks from waste. In 2010, they made an earthquake and fire-resistant exhibition building in Taipei, that was constructed of bricks made from 1.5 million plastic bottles.
In his own words, “From packaging to fast fashion to car batteries, we have to actively transform all this material that’s been collecting for the past 40 or 50 years – it’s not going away, so somebody has to deal with it.”
McDonald's France Start To Remove Single Use Packaging, To Replace Them With Washable Ones
Bought This Handmade Basket From An Old Man At The Farmers Market, Made From Old Strapping Bands And Electrical Cords
Rosemary Christmas Tree So We Can Plant It Once The Holidays Pass
It is International Day of Zero Waste on the 30th of March. This has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly. On their website, they explain that this day “promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns, supports the societal shift towards circularity and raise awareness about how zero-waste initiatives contribute to the advancement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
At Least We Are Trying… Right?
This! While I am not saying the average consumer shouldn't be trying to help the environment, I feel like the most serious help would be if the corporations and industries changed their practices. For example, I can only recycle plastic #1 and #2. Why are there so many #5? (On a separate not: Why are the plastic numbers so difficult to find/see?) Why am I not using disposable straws but the fishing industry is responsible for half the plastic in the ocean... it goes on and on.
When I Came Home For Xmas My Mom Was Making Fire-Starters Out Of Dryer Lint & Old Candles She’d Melted Down
I Thrifted Almost Everything For My New Home Office. The Desk, Chair, Rug, Futon, And Dresser Were All Secondhand!
Join one of the communities, like r/ZeroWaste on Reddit or the zero waste movement initiated by Zero Waste International Alliance. “Working towards a world without waste through public education and practical application of Zero Waste principles, ZWIA’s mission is to drive systemic change using environmental and social justice principles”.
This Amazing Zero Waste Store Just Opened In My City
This Seafood Place Called Nordsee Puts Their Ketchup In A Waffle Cone
A lot of foods at fairs are also served like this in Germany (where Nordsee is based) - fried mushrooms, corn on the cob, chips/fries.
You Can Refill Six Different Types Of Cleaning Liquids With This Refill Station
Coffee Stop With My Parents
I Feel Like A Magician, Turning Old Sweaters, Scarves And Hats Into New Bags. The Yarn Of Old Things Is Great For Creating Something New. And This Process Is Almost Infinite
Got A Hole In The Back Of One Of My Favorite T-Shirts And My Friend Offered To Add A Stitching Of A Flower To Fix It. I Love The Shirt Even More Now!
You Know What They Say, "You Are What You Don't Properly Dispose Of" Comic By War And Peas
It Took A Few Years, But I Realize We Have Become Jar People
I Always Hated Taking The Plastic Film Off Before Putting In The Recyclables. We Are Moving In The Right Direction!
* Side-Eyes Cupboard Full Of Jars I'll Use "One Day" *
Jars, bottles, cute bottles with droppers from face serums, decorative boxes from cookies... I am a hoarder who thinks "maybe I can use this one day".
Instead Of Throwing Away Broken Little Crayons My Toddler Burns Through I Melted Them Down In A Silicone Mold I Found 2nd Hand
La Fermiere Yogurt Comes In Reusable Jars. This One Is Made Of Clay
I sometimes feel guilty about all the plastic I use in my medical supplies.
I work in the medical field. Trust me, your use of plastic is a drop compared to the waste produced in a clinic on any given day. The first time I realized how much waste we produced in a day, I was stunned. And most of it is not recycled. However much you're thinking I'm talking about, it's 100x more. It's absolutely incredible how much medical waste there is. And no one cares
Load More Replies...Suitcases are an item which probably get thrown away when they could be repaired. I'm just packing my suitcase for an upcoming trip and feeling quite satisfied as I've had it for many years, and though different bits have broken or fallen off, I've always been able to repair it, which is vastly preferable to buying a new one both from financial and environmental points of view. Youtube has some handy explainers for this kind of thing.
I sometimes feel guilty about all the plastic I use in my medical supplies.
I work in the medical field. Trust me, your use of plastic is a drop compared to the waste produced in a clinic on any given day. The first time I realized how much waste we produced in a day, I was stunned. And most of it is not recycled. However much you're thinking I'm talking about, it's 100x more. It's absolutely incredible how much medical waste there is. And no one cares
Load More Replies...Suitcases are an item which probably get thrown away when they could be repaired. I'm just packing my suitcase for an upcoming trip and feeling quite satisfied as I've had it for many years, and though different bits have broken or fallen off, I've always been able to repair it, which is vastly preferable to buying a new one both from financial and environmental points of view. Youtube has some handy explainers for this kind of thing.