
30 Examples Of What Young People Have Had Enough Of Hearing From Older People, Shared In This Online Community
When we were kids parents taught us to be respectful towards older people than us and we did, because they had more knowledge and experience, so it seemed that they knew better and we couldn’t disagree with them or oppose their views. But growing up you start to realize that actually, adults don't actually always know what they are doing, how things work and their knowledge might be expired.
So we get frustrated when older people than us still try to pretend they know better and criticize our way of living. There are things that they like to repeat all the time and Reddit users shared what they are when baker10923 asked them, “Younger people of Reddit. What are you tired of hearing from older generations?”
Do you get annoyed when you hear older people say these things? What other things you personally are tired of hearing? Let us know in the comments!
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I'm 64 and I'm really tired of listening to people my age whine about stuff that younger people do.
* It definitely was NOT better when we were kids;
* a phone isn't that f-ing hard to figure out;
* It's not that nobody talks anymore; it's just that nobody wants to talk to *you.*
"Don't believe everything you see on the internet"
~ my parents when I was a teenager in the late 90s
Now I have to tell my parents that.
I'm tired of people complaining about how younger people are terrible as though they weren't the ones that raised those younger people to be what they are.
I'm not younger, but I'm a fed up with some older people expecting gratitude "for all that they have done" while taking zero responsibility for the problems that they will leave future generations.
They're so judgemental and rude. I'm a restaurant worker and I swear young people are way more polite and easy going while older people have zero patience (even though they're the ones who are already retired), oftentimes make racist, sexist, homophobic and bodyshaming comments and still act like they're above the younger generation simply because they've been alive for longer.
That I’m wasting my entire purpose as a woman because I don’t want kids.
Pull yourself up by your boot straps and work harder.
Buddy, I’ve been working 60+ hours a week and prices keep going up and my pay is not and I actually cannot afford to change jobs, change my living situation, buy a more fuel efficient car, or go to college. There actually is no out. There is no work harder and I’ll make it. I’m literally in the poverty trap. I’m slowly making my way out of it but it’s going to be a long a*s time unless some other opportunity magically appears. College isn’t the price of a McDouble anymore old man.
People need to keep up with how the economy shifts in the US and to some extent in Canada. For example, prices have gone up far faster than minimum wage, wage disparity has gotten more extreme, job security barely exists, etc. All one has to do is check the news, listen to people, etc. It makes no sense to stay frozen in time and offer platitudes.
- I don't work hard enough (I've been employed as long as I've legally been able to work, balancing up to 3 jobs at a time...but sure)
- I'm old, i.e., too old to be loved (tons of problems with that, but also, I'm 31?! That's not old)
- I expect too much (yea, decent pay, decent and affordable housing. Totally a spoiled brat).
- I'm immature because I don't want bio children (I'd argue it's a sign of my maturity that I know myself well enough to not have kids)
- My standards in relationships are too high (not to be abused by partners/friends/employers...if that's high bar, I'm speechless).
"You kids and these damn phones..."
My parents are on their phones more than I am by a lot.
When I was a kid in the 70's, no one had cell phones. Or other screens. But we did get in trouble for wanting to spend vacations reading comic books. Drove my grandma esp. crazy. Something I remind my brother of when he complains about his daughter and her phone use. And yes, we are on our phones as much as she is...
“No one wants to work” we want to work just not for poverty wages
"No one wants to be taken advantage of for poverty wages, in order to make corporations richer". Fixed it for ya.
I’m 32 so not young not old but definitely hate hearing s**t like for example my bfs dad saying he didn’t know he raised 3 girls when he found out my bf and his brother drink tea.
How we can't fix anything ourselves. Then promptly ask us to fix their WiFi, set up their new phone and figure out why their computer is running slow.
We can do plenty, we just have a different skill set!
Just had someone the other day ask me "so why arent you married?"
I'm like.. if i met someone worth marrying, then I would!
I hate how we've gone from me getting facebook as a teenager and my parents being like "DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET" to them sending me "medical research" from unverified/unreputable sources.
Anything to the effect of "young people can't have back pain (or any other physical disability)." Like, dude, I *wish* being in my twenties made me immune to being injured. But that's literally just not how the human body works.
"You just have to work harder if you want to buy a house, that's what I did"
Yeah well I don't make 50% of the price of a house, a year, like you did
My parents' (Silent-Boomer cusp) first house was 1 year of my dad's salary. My (GenX) house cost more than 3 years of my salary. And I was only able to buy it because I worked 6 months of overtime (60-80 hours a week) and, at the time, it was a buyer's market. I still could only afford a small 2BR house.
how sensitive we are
I made a comment on a YouTube video calling a gay couple cute and some f****n boomer stalked my YouTube channel and felt the need to insult me several times
like I’m not the sensitive one in this situation
There are insensitive morons in every age group. I'm sorry that happened to you.
"The young people always just want to Drink and go to partys"
1. No
2. Don't pretend like you didn't do this too lol
"You should really buy a house and settle down"
I'm bloody well trying Karen. Just cause you bought your house in the 60's for 40k and a blueberry, off your husbands salary, whilst you were a stay at home mom, then sold it for 600k this year to retire off of- Doesn't mean that it's the same for this generation, right now. Far from it infact. Just. Shut up.
"stop eavesdropping"
I'm not eavesdropping you're just talking loud because you're deaf and I'm not
I'm sick of hearing about them b******g about participation trophies. I got one in middle school and was told to appreciate that I got it. I didn't want it. I knew that I hadn't done anything to deserve a trophy. It went into a drawer and was forgotten.
People love complaining about how participation trophies have ruined children when it was the adults that decided to hand them out. How idiotic is it to basically say "here's your award for existing." followed by "You f*****s need to be awarded for just existing!" in nearly the same breath?
My bro-in-law coaches kids' soccer. He wouldn't be keen on participation trophies. He blew off an email from a couple who worried about their kid's self-esteem if they didn't play in every game. My BIL explained to the kid why they weren't playing in one of the games and the kid was fine. He's very good with children, but he doesn't treat them like delicate hothouse plants. He definitely has more patience with the kids than their parents!
Tired of people referring to their significant others as the old ball and chain or just talking s**t about their wives to friends a lot. It’s like their wives are a burden to them?
"Your generation is sensitive and weren't taught hard work" yall literally raised us, how is it our faults.
"When I was your age, I already had 5 kids and two grandchildren" or "My granddaughter is your age and she already has 3 kids. When are you going to give you mom some grandkids?!".
I'm 30. Not that old, not that young. But this kind of comment? Definitely old for me. I'm so tired of older ladies saying this. I think I wasn't even 18 when they started! They don't accept any reasonable answer that isn't a "I'm working on it". A "maybe later" or "I'm doing my best to get a steady career before having kids" or "we are saving"? Gets them on a rampage saying some bs about kids not costing a thing and that I'm getting old or that women were born to be mothers or whatever... So I started being rude. Sorry, but not sorry.
"Video games are a waste of time."
Says the boomer dips**t sitting on the couch, sitting on his phone with Fox News playing in the background.
you could spend a whole day doing anything. Gardening, baking, reading, working, you name it. a whole day. no one says squat. but the MOMENT you sit down to play some minecraft its 'a waste of time' or 'invaluable to your day'...
"When you're older you'll agree with me."
Ffs just because you're older doesn't mean you're always right or that you know the answers to all my life's problems. You grew up in a different time period, with different problems, and different social views. Your problems might be similar, and you might be right some of the time, but that is no excuse to shut down every logical point I make against your beliefs with this line.
“I have more life experience than you…” then proceeds to go on an emotionally stunted rant based on their own personal bias due to trauma they refuse to process because “they know best.”
Alot of people need to know this, especially older ones: If you talk down to someone's feelings due to having gone through similar trauma and "came out fine" - you didn't in fact come out fine.
I'm an older millennial. I have a good job, own a house, am married, and have two kids.
It is 2022 and at least half the times I hear someone older reference "millennials" it's talking about people who are currently the age my cohort was 22 years ago when the millennium was a thing.
Are they going to go straight to talking about Gen Alpha, and just skip Gen Z? Just like nobody ever talks about Gen X? It's all Boomers and Millennials.
Sshhhh.... let them fight amongst themselves. Not that we care anyway.
Load More Replies...I am 63 and most of the people I work with are between 20 and 40 years old and they are some of the nicest, most polite, kind, intelligent people I know. All of the comments on this thread are just damned annoying. I never say any of this to my colleagues. They are fine people. Every generation has problems. That is the way of the world. I think we should all just stop whining on about how so-and-such is wrong and just get on and fix it!
I've been called a millennial in a derogatory context. By someone my age. We're both Gen X.
I'm 55 I still get tired of my parents telling me to find a good church home.
My least favourite is definitely "Oh young people are offended by everything! What a bunch of crybabies!" Next time someone posts a meme to that effect on my FB feed I'm going to respond with a link to "Moral panics of the 1960s".
Those same people lose their s**t if you suggest anything they disagree with
Load More Replies...Once had an old lady be like, 'there weren't any lesbians back in my day.' b***h of course there were they just didn't want to admit it because of homophobic f***s like you. Now stop bothering me and my girlfriend. Eat your mushy brussel sprouts and mind ya business.
I live in a building for people with disabilities (like myself) and mostly elderly people. They never open their windows, or the windows in the common areas, they crank up the central heating in the common areas even though there is a heatwave, or it's the middle of summer; the corridors of stuffy and stink of boiled cabbage and old urine... The washing machines and dryers are always set on the highest heat setting, because everybody does the laundry on a boil wash; and then there is this creepy old man who lurks around the corridors, listening at people's doors and sticking his nose into everybody's business. Unfortunately I need to live in a place like this but I'm about 20 to 30 years younger almost everybody else - the only other younger person in this building is my partner who is 4 years older than me.
If at all possible, see if you can live out of the country. Sometimes it's cheaper if you have steady income.
Load More Replies...I read somewhere idk where that either Julius Caesar or Augustus complained that "The youth of today have no respect for their elders." It's the same in every generation. Only difference now is media means it can be shouted about, hence this whole post on Bored Panda. Internet. Nothing wrong with that, it's progress and how the human world works, and always has. But, just know, you younger ones, that your children will do the same. Blame you for all the wrongs they want to correct.
for me its the fact that a lot of them wont or dont use the internet claiming its this new thing i mean come on you were alive when it was invented they expect the majority of people to be inconvenienced by not using it because they dont want to
It’s not that older people are more rude and insensitive. Strangers are rude and insensitive to each other. When people only associate with others as much alike as themselves, or interact anonymously online, there’s no relating or kind understanding, just flexing and judging. I know: we old people bore you, but maybe that’s why the only ones who get through are the jerks (who were jerks 40 years ago too)
Well, it is true that people are more likely to remember someone who was a total jerk than otherwise.
Load More Replies...Most of these complaints apply to the last few thousand years of humanity. “[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. … They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” Aristotle 4th Century BC
I know not all people do it, but I'm tired of the "you're just making up excuses!" line... okay, so you get to do whatever you want almost all day, while I have to balance household chores with work, being a second-degree black belt, having MRIs every 3 months(for childhood brain cancer), and taking two medicines for epilepsy(levetiracetam and lamotrigine)?
It's like our grandmother doesn't like us doing things our way, seriously. We try to just put the dishes in the dishwasher in the most space-wise way as possible, and she comes over and completely takes almost all of the rack out and puts them back in and says "theres no room in there, hand wash these!". Grandmother, I love you dearly, but please, your not even paying me to do these. Let me do them the way i would like to. -Jim
My least favourite is definitely "Oh young people are offended by everything! What a bunch of crybabies!" Next time someone posts a meme to that effect on my FB feed I'm going to respond with a link to "Moral panics of the 1960s".
Those same people lose their s**t if you suggest anything they disagree with
Load More Replies...Once had an old lady be like, 'there weren't any lesbians back in my day.' b***h of course there were they just didn't want to admit it because of homophobic f***s like you. Now stop bothering me and my girlfriend. Eat your mushy brussel sprouts and mind ya business.
I live in a building for people with disabilities (like myself) and mostly elderly people. They never open their windows, or the windows in the common areas, they crank up the central heating in the common areas even though there is a heatwave, or it's the middle of summer; the corridors of stuffy and stink of boiled cabbage and old urine... The washing machines and dryers are always set on the highest heat setting, because everybody does the laundry on a boil wash; and then there is this creepy old man who lurks around the corridors, listening at people's doors and sticking his nose into everybody's business. Unfortunately I need to live in a place like this but I'm about 20 to 30 years younger almost everybody else - the only other younger person in this building is my partner who is 4 years older than me.
If at all possible, see if you can live out of the country. Sometimes it's cheaper if you have steady income.
Load More Replies...I read somewhere idk where that either Julius Caesar or Augustus complained that "The youth of today have no respect for their elders." It's the same in every generation. Only difference now is media means it can be shouted about, hence this whole post on Bored Panda. Internet. Nothing wrong with that, it's progress and how the human world works, and always has. But, just know, you younger ones, that your children will do the same. Blame you for all the wrongs they want to correct.
for me its the fact that a lot of them wont or dont use the internet claiming its this new thing i mean come on you were alive when it was invented they expect the majority of people to be inconvenienced by not using it because they dont want to
It’s not that older people are more rude and insensitive. Strangers are rude and insensitive to each other. When people only associate with others as much alike as themselves, or interact anonymously online, there’s no relating or kind understanding, just flexing and judging. I know: we old people bore you, but maybe that’s why the only ones who get through are the jerks (who were jerks 40 years ago too)
Well, it is true that people are more likely to remember someone who was a total jerk than otherwise.
Load More Replies...Most of these complaints apply to the last few thousand years of humanity. “[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. … They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” Aristotle 4th Century BC
I know not all people do it, but I'm tired of the "you're just making up excuses!" line... okay, so you get to do whatever you want almost all day, while I have to balance household chores with work, being a second-degree black belt, having MRIs every 3 months(for childhood brain cancer), and taking two medicines for epilepsy(levetiracetam and lamotrigine)?
It's like our grandmother doesn't like us doing things our way, seriously. We try to just put the dishes in the dishwasher in the most space-wise way as possible, and she comes over and completely takes almost all of the rack out and puts them back in and says "theres no room in there, hand wash these!". Grandmother, I love you dearly, but please, your not even paying me to do these. Let me do them the way i would like to. -Jim