Sometimes people just have one job to do and they still manage to screw it up. In fact, they manage to screw it up so bad it's even difficult to believe they didn't notice. Luckily, when you're not the one who messed up it can be pretty funny.

Keep on scrolling to take a look at Bored Panda's list of people who had one job and failed so miserably it's hilarious. To be fair, everyone makes mistakes, but these mistakes... They just bring up one question: WHY?!


College Of "Planning"

 A photo of a building entrance sign that reads "COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING," but the first letter "C" is missing, making it read "OLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING." The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, highlighting the irony of a college for planning and design having a poorly maintained sign.

pirateotter Report

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jefbateman avatar
Jef Bateman
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This was done on purpose as a joke that demonstrates the need for careful planning.

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They've Been Mowing For The Past Month

A photo of a lawn with a red traffic cone placed next to a small, untrimmed patch of tall grass in an otherwise neatly mowed area. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, highlighting the irony of missing such an obvious spot during lawn maintenance, as if the cone was put there to protect the grass instead of trimming it.

dwarvenhammer Report


Jesus Was Working Today

A photo of a grocery store shelf filled with wine bottles, but the sign above the shelf reads "water." The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the mix-up between labeling and product placement, as the sign clearly mismatches the actual items on display.

CMikeHunt Report


You Had One Job

A photo of a flooded park where the water drain is comically placed on a raised patch of grass, completely missing the flooded area. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, emphasizing the absurdity of poor planning as the drain is useless in its current position, unable to serve its purpose during heavy rain.

ChocolateCurry Report


This Is Annoying

A photo of a patterned sidewalk with a red line made of tiles meant to create a continuous path, but one tile is out of place and breaks the pattern. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously pointing out the oversight in laying the tiles correctly, disrupting the intended design with a single misplaced piece.


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caitlinpaige0401 avatar
Awkward dog
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Does anyone else have the strong urge to either paint that correctly or take a sledge hammer to it? I sure do.

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Good Job, Africa

A photo of a T-shirt with a large black silhouette of the African continent, but the text underneath incorrectly labels it as "Asia." The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, highlighting the hilarious mistake of mismatched geography, as the shirt designer failed at the simple task of correctly identifying the continent shown. Report

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dariab_1 avatar
Daria B
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ah, well, they both start with an "A", you can easily get confused. ^_-

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One Job... One Job

 A close-up photo of a remote control with directional buttons labeled incorrectly; the button marked “LEFT” has a right-pointing arrow, and the button marked “RIGHT” has a left-pointing arrow. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the failure to match the labels with the correct directions, making the remote confusing and dysfunctional.

vfdsugarbowl Report


Perfect Bench Placement

A photo of a wooden bench positioned directly under a leaking water spout from a stone wall, with water pouring onto the seat, making it impossible to sit. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the poor placement of the bench, rendering it useless and turning a simple seating area into a wet and impractical spot.

Ulysius Report


Well Done

A photo of an ice cream cone with a chocolate coating on the cone but missing the chocolate layer on top, as shown on the packaging. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the discrepancy between the advertised product and the actual ice cream, showcasing a failure to deliver the expected delicious treat.



My Work Is Done Here

A two-panel image showing a tram platform with a bright yellow line painted along the edge. In the close-up, the yellow line is painted over some dog poop, indicating that the painter did not bother to clean it up first. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously emphasizing the lazy approach to the task, as the paint job is ruined by the disregard for obvious obstacles.

Giovani_Salami Report

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dariab_1 avatar
Daria B
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, I'd do the same, I guess. No, actually, I'd just not paint that one part.... Ewww....

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Nice Job

A photo of a car parked on the side of the road with yellow lines painted directly over it, continuing up the hood and roof of the vehicle. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously capturing the absurdity of the road painter’s refusal to move the car, instead painting over it as if it were part of the road.


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tmbeggs avatar
Tracy Beggs
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well the headlight assembly doesn't have paint on it, and neither does the windshield wiper .. details details Photoshopper!

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The Easter Bunny Is A Master Of Disguise

A two-panel image showing a chocolate figure wrapped in foil decorated as a Santa Claus. When unwrapped, it reveals a chocolate bunny instead of a Santa figure. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the mismatch between the festive wrapper and the actual chocolate, making the mistake comically obvious.

taylorstanley Report


Back To School? Just What I Need!

A photo of a store display labeled “BACK TO SCHOOL” filled with kitchen knives, completely mismatched with the intended theme of school supplies. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the ironic and inappropriate placement of knives in a back-to-school section, showcasing a major oversight by the store staff.

Jalaliep Report


You Had One Job

 A photo of a bronze medal that mistakenly reads “3st” instead of “3rd,” mixing up the correct ordinal suffix. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the simple yet glaring error in medal design, turning what should be a symbol of achievement into a comical oversight.



Even More Than You Would Expect

A photo of a store sign that reads “OPEN 9 DAYS A WEEK,” displaying an impossible claim of extra days. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the ridiculous mistake in advertising, as the sign inaccurately boasts extended business hours that defy basic logic.


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davefromarizona avatar
Dave Nelson
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Actually this makes sense if you know the motto, for the 99 cent only store: 99 cents only, 9 days a week, from 9-9. Just part of their original motto.

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Hey Joe, Did You Get That Urinal And Toilet Installed? "Sure Did, Boss"

A photo of a bathroom stall with a misplaced divider awkwardly positioned between a toilet and a urinal, providing no privacy for either. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the absurd design flaw in the restroom layout, making the divider completely ineffective at separating the two fixtures.

Social_Hazard Report


A Friend Of Mine Ordered A Picture Cake And Gave The Woman A Thumb Drive With The Picture She Wanted To Use

A photo of a cake with an image printed on top showing a USB drive, instead of the intended file from the USB itself. The actual USB drive is held next to the cake, revealing the misunderstanding. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the mistake of printing a literal photo of the USB drive rather than using the data stored on it, leading to an ironic and funny cake design failure.

just_leave_it Report


Tried To Surprise My Mum For Mother's Day. Put This In The Special Requirements And They Print It On The Box

A photo of a package with a printed label that includes special instructions saying, “It’s a surprise party for my mother and we live together so please can the box not look obvious it’s party supplies.” Ironically, the entire message is printed visibly on the outside of the box, making the surprise impossible. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the failure to keep the instructions discreet as intended.

NicoleDaviess_ Report

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ieva_pradera avatar
Ieva Idonga
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Order/packaging instructions are for the people who actually pack it. They don't even look at the delivery instructions are those are for the delivery driver so need to be put on the box for them to be able to read it.

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Happy Valentine's Day To All The Single Ladies

A photo of a grocery display filled with cucumbers, decorated with a Valentine’s Day sign that reads “happy valentine’s day” inside a heart shape. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the mismatch between the romantic holiday theme and the entirely unromantic display of cucumbers, making the setup unintentionally funny.

followthehippo Report


We Have 3 Sinks. We Need 5 Paper Towel Holders

A photo of a restroom with four sinks but five paper towel dispensers awkwardly installed above them, with the fifth dispenser hanging uselessly over the counter. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the poor planning in the layout, as the extra dispenser serves no purpose and crowds the space unnecessarily. Report


You Had One Job

A TV news segment showing a mugshot with the headline “DENTIST ASSAULT Suspect” and the placeholder text “Firstname Lastname” instead of the suspect’s actual name. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the editing mistake where the placeholder text was not replaced, making the news report look unprofessional and incomplete.

DorkMasterFresh Report

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dariab_1 avatar
Daria B
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

M... Maybe it's a privacy policy thing...? Yeah.... It's definitely privacy keeping... ^_^"

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This Is Confusing

A photo of a backpack with an image of Superman on the front pocket, but the label at the bottom incorrectly reads “BATMAN.” The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the obvious branding error that confuses two iconic superheroes, turning a simple product design into a laughable mix-up. Report


Just Following Instructions

A photo of a birthday cake with a message that reads, “Happy Birthday Dick Ha Ha Ha Don’t Write That His Name is Matt.” The entire note, including the instructions not to write the joke, is piped in frosting. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the bakery’s failure to follow simple instructions, turning a cake into an unintended comedic error.

darkplane13 Report

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ema-sklepic avatar
Ema Sklepic
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hahaha xD well, maybe somebody would want exactly that on a cake, and then they would get mad is she/he didn't do it xD So i get that logic hahahah ;D

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My Dad Hired A Company To Install A Fence After Extending The Driveway. This Is Their Handy Work

A photo of a fence with an awkward design flaw where one section of the fence is raised off the ground, leaving a large gap underneath. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the pointless installation that fails to serve its purpose of providing privacy or security, making the fence appear absurdly ineffective.

korosuzo815 Report


Take A Left And Then Bunnyhop To Your Destination

A photo of a bike lane that leads directly into a metal barrier, making it impossible to ride through safely. The image is a classic "You had one job" meme, humorously highlighting the hazardous and illogical design of the bike path, turning what should be a safe space for cyclists into a dangerous obstacle course. Report


Ready Meals

A "You had one job" meme showing a supermarket shelf labeled "ready meals" stocked entirely with bottles of wine instead of actual ready-to-eat meals. The humorous mismatch highlights a clear error in stocking the shelves, turning what should be a meal section into a mini wine display. Report

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engelchen49 avatar
Danusha Kuchtová
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

take 5 spoons of fermented grape concentrate and 6 cubes of water (frozen). - I'm a good housewive.

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Hey, Can You Put This Shirt On That Mannequin?

A "You had one job" meme showing a mannequin in a clothing store displaying a dress shirt and tie. The mannequin is humorously dressed incorrectly, with the shirt only partially worn and one sleeve awkwardly hanging. The display emphasizes a comical failure in setting up a simple store showcase, highlighting the phrase "You had one job" perfectly.

JFK_NOSCOPEZ420koosh Report


All The Best For Your Baby. Really?

A "You had one job" meme showing a grocery store section labeled "Baby, all the best for your baby" above shelves filled with alcohol, including wine and beer. The humorous misplacement of baby products with alcohol highlights the error and perfectly fits the theme of someone failing at their simple task, making it a classic "You had one job" moment.


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engelchen49 avatar
Danusha Kuchtová
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

back in the good ol times everything was classier. and everything was found in the cough medicine section.

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Who Was In Charge Of Moving The TV?

A "You had one job" meme showing a digital screen mounted sideways on a wall, making it difficult to read the displayed content. The screen's incorrect installation exemplifies the classic theme of a simple task being botched, capturing the essence of "You had one job."

amir786mavia Report


You Had One Job, Phone

A "You had one job" meme showing a display advertising a phone that "floats on water" inside an aquarium. However, the phone is lying at the bottom of the water tank, contradicting the sign. The humorous disconnect highlights a simple failure in showcasing the product as intended.

sambianchetto Report


Watermelon? All My Life Was Wrong, Apparently

A "You had one job" meme showing a package of corn on the cob mislabeled as "Watermelon." The price tag prominently displays the incorrect label, emphasizing the simple task of labeling that was completely missed, creating an ironic and humorous mistake. Report


Let's Go Out On The Balcony .......Oh Wait

A "You had one job" meme showing an apartment building with multiple balconies that are oddly positioned in front of windows with no access doors, making them completely unusable. The image highlights a humorous construction fail, emphasizing the absurdity of the balconies' placement.

check-meow-t Report


Trust Me I'm An Engineer

 A "You had one job" meme showing a door handle that was installed incorrectly, making it impossible to close the door properly. The image captures a hand attempting to turn the handle, but the door handle's poor alignment highlights the humorous installation fail.



You Had One Job

A "You had one job" meme showing a yearbook page where the same man's photo is mistakenly used twice under two different names, "Teresa Kennedy" and "Ben Kisila." This highlights a glaring editing error that makes the image humorous and ironic, emphasizing the failure in paying attention to details.


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ugaaswiilhoog avatar
ugaas wiilhoog
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When you don't have enough minorities in a company so reuse the one you got as many times as possible and hope nobody notices or there is a glitch in the matrixx.

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Animal Planet, You Had One Job

A "You had one job" meme showing a toy packaging labeled as "Pull Back Tarantula" with a picture of a tarantula on the packaging. However, the toy inside is actually a plastic cockroach, making the mismatch between the label and the product hilariously evident. The packaging reads, "Scurries up to 6 feet!" which adds to the humor of the obvious error.

CarlDrogo Report


You Had One Job, Cheese

A "You had one job" meme featuring a fish sandwich in a cardboard box with a slice of cheese awkwardly placed half outside of the bun, not melted and hanging over the edge. The poorly assembled sandwich humorously highlights the simple task that was done incorrectly, emphasizing the classic "You had one job" fail. Report


Walmart Never Fails To Fail

A "You had one job" meme showing a blue baby onesie with a smiling rhino graphic, labeled as "Happy Hippo" on the patch above. The clear mislabeling highlights a humorous fail, embodying the essence of having one simple task and getting it completely wrong.

wickedlovley328 Report


You're Clearly Going To Go Far In This Job

A "You had one job" meme featuring a cake that was supposed to have a birthday message. The cake order slip specifies "Happy Birthday Ryan," but instead, the cake has "CK-543C" written on it, matching the code on the slip rather than the intended message. The mistake highlights the humorous failure of a simple task.

Febtober2k Report


Found In A Newly Renovated Middle School

A "You had one job" meme showing a misplaced door installed high up on a wall, partially blocked by tiles and almost reaching the ceiling, making it completely inaccessible. The door's odd position emphasizes the humorous failure of completing a basic installation correctly.

poopdikk Report


This Is Not Cool

 A "You had one job" meme featuring a roll of pink toilet paper with a significant misalignment, showing the paper twisted and partially off the roll, creating an awkward and unusable spiral shape. The image humorously highlights a simple manufacturing mistake.



Someone Please Just Fix It With A Sharpie

A "You had one job" meme featuring a wall sign in a dessert shop that reads, "STRESSED SPELLED BACKWARDS IS DESSERT" with a swirl of soft-serve ice cream graphic above. The statement is clearly incorrect, showcasing a humorous mistake that makes the sign ironic and amusing, perfectly embodying the "you had one job" theme.

Mycd Report

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Toothbrushes And Toothpaste

A "You had one job" meme showing a supermarket shelf labeled "toothbrushes" filled with toothpaste boxes, and a shelf labeled "toothpaste" stocked with toothbrushes. The image humorously illustrates a clear misplacement of products, emphasizing a failure in organization and execution of a simple task.


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cassiewilliams avatar
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Who wants to bet when the perpetrator of this mishap is made to fix it, he takes down the entire displays to switch them instead of just switching out the sings?

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A "You had one job" meme showing a packaging fail where a box labeled "Strawberries" is filled with grapes instead. The packaging features bright red strawberries on the label, but the transparent plastic reveals dark purple grapes inside, highlighting a humorous mismatch between the product and its packaging.

kwansolo Report

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kyooko avatar
Geek In the Blue Toolbox
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe the packaging was too tight, and the strawberries turned blue from the lack of oxygen?

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Translator Ain't My Damn Job

A "You had one job" meme showing packaging text that reads, "Decorative items not included. Spanish for Decorative items not included." The humor lies in the error where instead of providing the Spanish translation, the text just repeats the instruction in English, highlighting a translation fail.

Mancaveaccount Report


Ordered Cheeseburger With Only Ketchup

 A "You had one job" meme showing a fast food bun with two small spots of ketchup applied sloppily in the center, missing the majority of the bread. The image humorously highlights the simple task of evenly spreading condiments on a bun, showcasing a clear job fail. Report


Thank God, My Feet Were Getting Tired

A "You had one job" meme showing a park bench awkwardly fenced off by a chain-link fence that runs directly through the seating area. The image highlights the absurdity of poor planning, where the fence placement makes the bench completely unusable, illustrating a clear job fail.

conspicuousaf Report

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I Don't Think I Am A Perfectionist But This Is Very Annoying

A "You had one job" meme showing a set of three light switches labeled incorrectly. The switch on the left is labeled "CENTRE," the middle switch is labeled "LEFT," and the right switch is labeled "RIGHT," but the labels don't correspond to their positions, highlighting the obvious error.

qewrty Report

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kathinka avatar
Katinka Min
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, it's ordered alphabetically from left to right - totally logical! ;-)

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This Tile

A "You had one job" meme showing a tactile paving path on a sidewalk for visually impaired individuals. The yellow tiles are meant to form a continuous guide, but a square section is misaligned, breaking the path and disrupting the intended direction. This mistake highlights an obvious oversight in the construction or maintenance of the path. Report

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martinw avatar
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not a mistake, a port for something and done on purpose by the photographer or a lazy worker.

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You Had One Fucking Job, Gate

A "You had one job" meme showing a security barrier arm installed next to a paved road, but instead of blocking the path, the barrier is positioned off to the side, completely missing the road it’s supposed to secure. This highlights a major installation error, as the barrier serves no purpose in its current placement.

evan274 Report

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Smarty Pants

A "You had one job" meme showing a staircase with a railing that stops in the middle of the steps, failing to provide support where it's needed most. The image highlights a design oversight, emphasizing the absurdity of the incomplete railing placement that leaves people without assistance on the stairs. Report

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lily-ryan11 avatar
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always had funny flipping on those rails as a kid, now I have an excuse.

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Upside Down Fanta

A "You had one job" meme featuring a Fanta can labeled as "Naranja" (orange) flavor, but it's clearly upside down with the logo also misplaced. The image humorously captures a packaging error, emphasizing the irony of a simple job that was done incorrectly. Report

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stellapajukallio avatar
Stella Pajukallio
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't think it's a fail, isn't this the new campaign? I've seen quite a few of those

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Chicken, Beef, Whatever

A "You had one job" meme showing a package of raw beef labeled with a blue ribbon sticker that reads "Chicken." The humorous mistake highlights the irony of mislabeling meat, emphasizing that the person responsible for the label had one simple job to do, and failed.

medic3166 Report

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jacquelynplace avatar
Mya Lugar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, if it were only labled with the PRICE for chicken on the white lable, I would snatch up all they had! Beef is outrageous these days!

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Someone Needs To Read More Comics

A "You had one job" meme featuring a Hot Wheels toy packaging labeled as "BATMAN™ HOT ROD," but the packaging displays an image of The Flash, a different superhero, alongside a red and yellow car. The humorous mistake emphasizes the irony of the mix-up between characters from the DC Comics universe, highlighting a simple job that went wrong.

Seiyorah Report


I Was Only Paid To Put Back The Pavements, Not To Put Them Back At Their Right Place

A "You had one job" meme showing two sections of a sidewalk with a painted line meant to indicate a path. The line is erratic, broken, and misaligned, awkwardly weaving around different tiles and obstacles, creating a confusing and poorly executed design that humorously highlights the failure to maintain a straight path.

Absooh Report


They Probably Don't Need To Get In There Anyway

A "You had one job" meme showing a poorly paved road where the asphalt is laid over only half of a manhole cover, leaving the other half exposed and misaligned. The image humorously highlights the failure to properly cover the manhole, emphasizing the lack of attention to detail in completing the job correctly.

henx125 Report


Lime Juice, Lemon Juice

A "You had one job" meme showing two boxes labeled "Lime Juice" and "Lemon Juice" that are incorrectly filled. The box labeled "Lime Juice" contains yellow lemon-shaped bottles, while the box labeled "Lemon Juice" is filled with green lime-shaped bottles, humorously highlighting the mix-up and the failure to correctly match the labels with their contents.

mdrnart Report

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He Had One Job

A "You had one job" meme showing a flat-screen TV mounted on a wall, but installed upside down, with the control buttons and brand logo appearing at the top instead of the bottom, highlighting a clear mistake in setup.

gizzy2008 Report


Meanwhile In Hungary, Budapest.

A "You had one job" meme showing a sign that attempts to provide a translation. The Hungarian text reads "Villám csap be a budai karmelita templomba," while the English translation directly below incorrectly states "Same in English," instead of translating the content. The mistake is highlighted, suggesting someone failed to provide the actual translation.


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markusmccloud avatar
Markus McCloud
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7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The worst part is "Same in English" is written *in English*. (Or are those words spelled the same in both languages?)

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To Whomever At Warner Bros Was In Charge Of The Dvd Case Design For Deathly Hallows Part 2

A "You had one job" meme showing a stack of Harry Potter DVD cases arranged in the wrong order. The titles are supposed to be in chronological order, but they are placed randomly, with "The Deathly Hallows Part 2" at the top and "The Sorcerer's Stone" near the bottom, creating a humorous mix-up of the movie sequence.

pelagren Report

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s-padfoot avatar
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think they couldn't find a decent photo of Harry in the Part 2 = D Or maybe it is trying to tell you that Harry Pottey died in it. hehe

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Cherry And Green Apple

A "You had one job" meme featuring two slushie machines labeled incorrectly. The left machine, filled with green slush, is labeled "Cherry," while the right machine, filled with red slush, is labeled "Green Apple," creating a humorous mismatch between the colors and the flavors.

magicteddybear Report


So My Son Fixed Our Shower

A "You had one job" meme showing a makeshift showerhead made from an upside-down green plastic soda bottle, such as a Mountain Dew bottle, attached to the shower pipe with water streaming out through holes in the bottle, highlighting a humorous and ineffective attempt at replacing a showerhead.

dontknowbuthello Report

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caitlinpaige0401 avatar
Awkward dog
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel as though that's really clever of him to think of something like that!

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Best Employee Of The Month

A "You had one job" meme showing a red car parked in a spot where someone painted the parking lines right over the car itself, leaving a white paint streak across the hood, windshield, and bumper, highlighting a careless mistake.

johnraider Report

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kf_samandari avatar
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8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The fact that the whole tire is also painted makes me think this is a passive-aggressive revenge stunt.

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Hot Dog Buns

A "You had one job" meme featuring packages of hot dog buns labeled as "8 count," but clearly showing only six buns inside each package, highlighting a packaging mistake.

FoxXix Report


You Had One Job, Burger King

A "You had one job" meme featuring a disappointing burger with a sesame seed bun, lettuce, and a slice of tomato, but missing the patty. A hand is lifting the top bun to reveal the lack of the main ingredient, making the burger look incomplete and humorous.

Sasquatchfl Report


Whoever Typed The Description For #78.... You Had One Job....

A "You had one job" meme featuring a princess-themed balloon meant for a girl, but with the name "Connor" awkwardly written on it in black marker. The text above the image reads, "#78 Ou Had One Job, Grandpa," humorously highlighting the mistake of assigning a masculine name to a princess balloon.



You Had One Job, Grandpa

A "You had one job" meme featuring a balloon with the word "PRINCESS" in fancy pink letters, but underneath, the name "Connor" is written in black marker. The contrast between the elegant design and the mismatched name highlights a humorous mistake.

thatronspecial Report

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You Had One Job

A "You had one job" meme showing a tiled wall with a floral pattern in a bathroom, but one tile is incorrectly rotated, breaking the alignment of the design and standing out against the uniform pattern of the other tiles.

weallknowitall Report


They Missed The Most Essential Part Of The V-neck

A "You had one job" meme featuring a close-up of a gray shirt labeled as "The Essential V-Neck," but the shirt has a crew neck instead of a V-neck, making the label incorrect and humorous.



No Description Needed.

A "You had one job" meme showing a public restroom building labeled with a "WC" sign and an arrow pointing downward. The hanging flower baskets above the windows are all installed upside down, with the base of the baskets facing up, highlighting the mistake.



You Had One Job

A "You had one job" meme showing four condiment bottles on a table. The first bottle is Heinz Tomato Ketchup, the second is Heinz Yellow Mustard, the third is Heinz Sweet Relish, but the label is printed upside down, and the fourth is another bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. The upside-down relish label highlights a labeling mistake.

Pheon809 Report


These Watermelons Taste Different

 A "You had one job" meme showing a large bin labeled "Watermelons" filled with oranges instead. The sign on the bin clearly depicts watermelons with the word "Watermelons" written on it, but it is filled with bright orange fruits, creating a humorous mismatch. The text overlay reads, "You had ONE job..."


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ericlambrecht avatar
Eric Lambrecht
Community Member
5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The creators got into a fight. One said they were actually one giant eagle, and the other said they were watermelons. Too bad nobody knew they were oranges :(

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I'm A Painter Not A Meteorologist

A "You had one job" meme showing a building with rain streaks visible through a window. The building has white streaks running down from the roof, indicating a failed attempt at cleaning or painting, only covering one vertical strip instead of the entire facade. The image is taken through a rain-soaked window, emphasizing the incomplete and mismatched result.

AngryEthnicDownUnder Report


Bike Repaired!

A "You had one job" meme featuring a bicycle where the frame is incorrectly assembled, with the front and rear halves of the bike painted in two different colors, not matching up properly. The misalignment of the paint job emphasizes a clear mistake in the assembly or painting process.



U Clear On The Concept, Much??

A "You had one job" meme showing a gutter downspout that is supposed to direct water into a green splash block, but it is misaligned and positioned slightly to the side, missing the splash block entirely. The image humorously highlights the poor placement of the gutter system, failing at its intended function.


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ice_queen_91 avatar
Ice Queen
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Builders do this when the yard is still being planted so it doesn't erode the seeds. Once the grass grows in you flip them around.

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Looking For Pyjamas? Better Go Somewhere Else...

A "You had one job" meme depicting a children's clothing section in a store with a large sign that mistakenly reads "childrens nightmare" instead of "children's nightwear." The humorous error makes it seem like the section is meant to cause fear rather than sell children's pajamas, adding to the irony of the situation.



My Job Was To Pave The Street, Not To Solve A Puzzle.

A "You had one job" meme showing a sidewalk with a mosaic of green and white tiles meant to form a pattern. The pattern is incorrectly aligned, creating a jumbled, chaotic look instead of a smooth, continuous design, highlighting the irony and humor in the failed attempt at simple tile work.



Meanwhile In Bucharest...

A "You had one job" meme featuring a sidewalk with red and black brick tiles where the tiles are not properly aligned, leaving gaps and uneven edges between the sections. The mismatched placement highlights a failed attempt at maintaining a straight and consistent pathway.


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joseph_mage avatar
Joseph Mage
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one is actually normal, it reduces the cost not removing the old ones.

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