If you’re neck deep in deadlines or are going through a tumultuous time, a quick boost of encouragement might just be the saving grace you need to tide you through. Remember: Every push on the road toward achieving your dreams counts.
In this piece, we pool the best “you can do it” memes to kick your butt a little, push you even harder, and make you succeed in life. Take them to heart — we’ll be cheering you all the way!
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“He Couldn’t”
Same Bunny, Different Morning
Serotonin Is What Keeps You Going
The Science of Motivation
When we feel motivated, specific neurons in our brain send chemical signals through high-speed neural networks to other parts of the brain, paving the way for future signals to follow. This fascinating process was uncovered in a 2018 study on motivation by the Center On The Developing Child at Harvard University (1).
Then come the almost magical synapses of motivation, where experiences trigger the release of these chemicals to regions that connect emotions, memory, and the sensation of pleasure and reward. This links the feeling of reward to the emotions we feel and the experience that led to it, and it influences both our expectations of reward and the actions we are motivated to take to get it.
The research further states that chemicals, including dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate, and naturally occurring opioids, are produced in the brain, each serving a different purpose. For example, when dopamine is released, it signals to the rest of the brain that something important is about to happen — something we should enjoy or avoid at all costs. We are motivated to either ditch the effort or go for it.
”Positive Possum Believes in You!”
“The Lazy Tiger in Me”
The Power of a Motivational Meme
Even if the odds seem insurmountable, forwarding that motivating meme to someone lacking confidence can still help. Those tiny parcels of encouragement can sometimes spell the difference between success and failure.
Beta Souders, who holds an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and is pursuing a PsyD in Clinical Psychology, wrote an interesting piece in 2019 for the Positive Psychology titled “Motivation and What Really Drives Human Behavior.” In the article, Souders delves into the impact of a motivating environment and its effects (2).
Souders claims you should never underestimate motivational pushes — no matter how mundane or minute they seem. Things that have a short-term positive effect buildup and help us be successful in many areas of our lives.
Hedgehog Cheerleader
Duck Motivation
Social Influence Is the Secret to Staying Motivated and Achieving Success
While standard methods like checklists, calendars, and progress tracking are excellent, you can leverage a little-known trick to push yourself to perform.
Ayelet Fishbach writes about using social influence in the article “How to Keep Working When You’re Just Not Feeling It,” published in the Harvard Business Review in 2018 (3).
According to Fishbach, the key is to expose yourself to high performers who inspire you, boost your get-up-and-go attitude by giving and receiving advice, and keep the people you’re working hard for front of mind. Positive social influences can drive you to do your best and reach challenging milestones.
Intrusive Negative Thoughts
Cheat Motivation
“Reminder: Your Strength Has Gotten You Through Before, and It Will Again”
“When Waffles are Her Love Language”
“Nail It!”
“Always Remember You’re in the Middle of It”
Future Self Cheering You On
It's too late to ask either one, but I suspect that "I knew you had it in you" was the first thing my dad said to my mom when I was born.
Llamas Ar in Full Support Mode
Things Are Smaller Than They Seem
That is something that surprises me every time. Why cannot I see it before?
Huge Potential
Dad and His Little Helper
“The Markings of Greatness”
Beat the Impossible
”Figure It Out, Lead Your Way”
“If Sonic Can, So Can You”
“You is...”
“Emotional Support from my Friends”
”Despite the Imperfections, You Can Still Do Anything”
”Show Up and Believe”
Cry but Try
Sidewalk Support
Message to “Keep Going”
Parental Pride
“Which Step Have You Reached Today?”
“You Can Do the Thing”
“Do It You Can”
”Rise and Try Again”
”Make a Change — Only You Can Do It”
Pin That Note
Crush Those Thoughts with Your Best
- National Scientific Council On The Developing Child. “Understanding Motivation: Building the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation.” Center On The Developing Child, Harvard University, December 2018. | https://harvardcenter.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/wp14_reward_motivation_121118_FINAL.pdf
- Beta Souders, MSc., PsyD candidate. “Motivation and What Really Drives Human Behavior.” Positive Psychology, November 5, 2019. | https://positivepsychology.com/motivation-human-behavior/
- Ayelet Fishbach. “How to Keep Working When You’re Just Not Feeling It.” Harvard Business Review, November 2018. | https://hbr.org/2018/11/how-to-keep-working-when-youre-just-not-feeling-it
These are great! This is the old Bored Panda we all knew and loved! I used to regularly print out memes like these to take to work for my clients (working in a psychiatric hospital) and use them for my classes and therapy sessions. Let's have more positive columns like this one!
So great that you do that. One of the best things about seeing messages like these in meme form is that it helps to see how common these kinds of thoughts & challenges really are.
Load More Replies...This actually worked. I've been procrastinating on BP all day because I don't want to do the housework. I'm now going to go and clean the kitchen. I can do it!
These are great! This is the old Bored Panda we all knew and loved! I used to regularly print out memes like these to take to work for my clients (working in a psychiatric hospital) and use them for my classes and therapy sessions. Let's have more positive columns like this one!
So great that you do that. One of the best things about seeing messages like these in meme form is that it helps to see how common these kinds of thoughts & challenges really are.
Load More Replies...This actually worked. I've been procrastinating on BP all day because I don't want to do the housework. I'm now going to go and clean the kitchen. I can do it!