26 Newest “Yes, But” Comics That Continue To Expose Our Society’s Contradictory Nature
Interview With ArtistAnton Gudim is back on Bored Panda with his brilliant "Yes, But" comics. We’re pretty sure neither the artist nor his series needs any introduction, but if this is your first time encountering his work, we’re very glad to have you here and we’re sure you’ll stay for longer. We definitely advise you to catch up on our previous publications showcasing Anton's earlier strips.
As a brief introduction, if you don’t know this artist, you are about to explore some of the most on-point comics, relatable to all of us, that present various examples of human contradictory nature and the common things that surround us every day, which we often don’t pay much attention to. Well, now it’s time to realize some of the obvious things we do. Scroll down to discover the most recent works by "Yes, But" and to read more about its creator.
More info: Instagram | vk.com | x.com | patreon.com | gudim.threadless.com
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When we reached out to Gudim, we asked him about his work to gain insights into the idea generation and creative process behind the “Yes, But” comics. First, he shared where his inspiration for the new strips comes from: "I’m always observing the world around me, taking note of interesting or paradoxical situations that I encounter. These observations often serve as the basis for my comics. As for my work environment, I can create pretty much anywhere as long as it's peaceful and I have the mental space to focus."
When you sit down, you block air movement, creating a low pressure zone. The hot air and smoke from the fire moves to fill that zone. If possible, sitting evenly around the fire should lead to even pressure, so the smoke will rise instead of getting in your face.
Yup!! I cannot stand those tags and sometimes cutting them out makes the itching and stabbing feelings worse!
Anton continued, modestly noting that he doesn't come up with anything special; the ideas simply come to him on their own. He said: "It means that the topic has not exhausted itself and the format itself has a wide interpretation, which almost does not restrain my creative impulses."
I look better with enough sleep than I do with fancy face treatments. The most important lotion is sunscreen.
We were also curious about whether the artist has faced any challenges, such as criticism from individuals following his work online, and we learned that: “Criticism is part of being a creative individual, especially when your work is shared on such a vast platform. I view every critique as an opportunity to grow and improve. However, it's crucial to distinguish between constructive criticism and simple negativity. If the critique is meaningful, it could potentially influence my future work, but I won't alter my style just due to personal dislike."
I can count on one hand, how many times in my 60 years I've seen a public clock with the correct time
Finally, Gudim admitted that there are still many topics he hasn’t touched upon in his series yet, but he definitely has a list of things he’d like to feature in his upcoming comics. He added: “Given the endless stream of contradictions and absurdities in our lives, there's no shortage of subjects to cover. However, I prefer to keep my plans under wraps. The surprise element of my comics, I believe, contributes to their appeal."
... When part of the directions include "turn onto the unpaved road...
I have seen far too many people with headphones on, talking on phones, using speakerphones, and not paying attention to their surroundings in crosswalks and traffic alike. Why??
so true ! pay (often expensive) a beautiful view like this but which we cannot enjoy at night because of the reflection of the windows !
"Please turn off devices with transmitting function" is the new directive.
because I don’t want to hear that woman on the bus screaming in her phone while I listen to my music to isolate me even more
But he's happy? Seems like the wrong face to make when he's sold already . . .
These are getting worse and worse. Most of these aren't even "social contradictions". I'm going to stop clicking
These are getting worse and worse. Most of these aren't even "social contradictions". I'm going to stop clicking