‘Yahoo Answers’ Is Shutting Down Forever, And Here’re 35 Of The Most Epic Screenshots To Remember It By
Yahoo Answers, one of the longest-running and most storied web Q&A platforms on the Internet, is shutting down forever on May 4th. So we at Bored Panda decided to pay our respects to this iconic online project and take a look at some of the funniest and weirdest posts people made there.
To do so, we turned to Yahoo Answers Now, a subreddit where people share all the interesting stuff they find on the platform. And there have been plenty of them. The best part of scrolling through these ridiculous questions and answers is that you never really know if the person is kidding or they're actually a prime example of humanity's biggest flaws.
Continue scrolling and check out the screenshots for yourself.
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Yahoo, which is now part of Verizon Media Group following the company’s sale to the telecom for nearly $5 billion in 2017, announced the change at the top of the Yahoo Answers homepage. The message links to a FAQ page, which details the timeline of the shutdown—starting April 20th, the platform will no longer accept new submissions.
Users will also have until June 30th to request their data. After that, it will be inaccessible. That includes "all user-generated content including your Questions list, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any images," Yahoo said, but "you won't be able to download other users' content, questions, or answers."
Given the circumstances, you could say Yahoo Answers Now is about to become a precious time capsule.
A note sent to active Yahoo Answers members provided them with a little more detail as to why Yahoo is shutting down the platform, saying that "it has become less popular over the years" and that the company "decided to shift our resources away" from the product to "focus on products that better serve our members."
"We launched Yahoo Answers sixteen years ago to help people around the world connect and share information," the message said. "With you and millions of other users, we built the best place on the web to ask and answer questions on a variety of topics, creating a community of global knowledge sharing. While we could not have been prouder of what we accomplished together, we are reaching out today to let you know that we have decided to shut down Yahoo Answers on May 4th, 2021."
"I don't know if I have the right to remain ignorant, but I refuse to find out" --- Calvin
"While Yahoo Answers war once a key part of Yahoo’s products and services, it has become less popular over the years as the needs of our members have changed," the message continued. "To that end, we have decided to shift our resources away from Yahoo Answers to focus on products that better serve our members and deliver on Yahoo’s promise of providing premium trusted content."
"Starting on April 20th you will no longer be able to post any new questions or answers. However, you can still view any posted questions and answers until May 4th. On May 4th the site will be shutting down. If you would like to download a copy of your questions and answers you have posted, you can do this by signing into Your Privacy Dashboard and requesting a download. You will be able to do this until June 30th, 2021 after which your Yahoo Answers data will be securely deleted and no longer available. The closure of Yahoo Answers will not affect your Yahoo account or other Yahoo services. For further information and instructions on how to download your data, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions."
"Thank you for contributing to Yahoo Answers — we’re proud and honored to have helped you connect with and learn from the Yahoo community these past sixteen years. If you’d like to provide feedback, please feel free to reach out to our team."
As The Verge pointed out, the fact that Yahoo Answers has become a meeting place for far-right individuals may have also contributed to its demise.
Whatever the true reasons are, it's hard to argue with Justin McElroy, a co-host of the comedy podcast 'My Brother, My Brother and Me,' who said that Yahoo Answers was a place for people to put questions they were too embarrassed to ask the people they knew in real life. "The weird, the dumb, the truly, truly demented: it all found a place on Yahoo Answers."
Wasn't the Lion King based on Macbeth? Which, admittedly, is not a brilliant piece in terms of historical accuracy...?
I spat out so much oatmeal... again... i hate cleaning up
Load More Replies...Naw, forget that song - I like the one that goes: oontz oontz oontz oontz badda badda oontz oontz oontz oontz
I like the one that goes ayyyayyy woboboboboboooo aaaaaaaay bom bom bom brrrrrtz yaaaaay aaaayaaaayyyy bwoub bwoub bwoub aaaaaaaaayy
Load More Replies...Try Shazam. Or, if in doubt, listen to The Prodigy, it'll most likely be them. If not, you won't be disappointed anyway.
Don't judge, i've actually tried to search "da da da, da da, da da" on google before. Did not work.
duh duh duhduhduhduhduhduhduh duh duh duh duh duh duh duhduhduhduhduhduh duh duh duh duh...
Load More Replies...if you just sent the "singing" part with no context to someone, that would be hilarious
I was working in a music store in the 90s, and a customer wondered if I could help her find a song she’d heard. She said, “It’s about love and it’s by a black guy.”
I know what song you are thinking of, but I won't tell. By the way, you got the ER ER ER ER ER ER part wrong. It should be ER ER ER BROING ER ER.
I'm going with the theme from Jaws....that shark has to coming for you by now
I remember someone else on Yahoo answers once asked what that song was that went "La da da da da dee dum dum dum dum da da da da".
When I saw the er part, my I thought of the sound of of cars screeching on the road
It's not a cannibal if it eats another species. Cannibals are e.g. mother bunnies devouring their babies when stressed. But yeah inevitably that cat will become a maneating lion.
I think quite a few of these are trolls... out to get anyone to engage with them. Other posts make me despair for humanity's future.
Yahoo Answers has long been a place for transparent trolling. Everyone knows the trolls are trolling and engages anyway.
Load More Replies...We are missing the most legendary question on that site. "Do spider have puss puss?"
Too many people are taking these "questions" seriously. It was a great place to go and "troll" maybe, but I'd lable it more as a place to joke with like minded snarky and sarcastic friends. I'll miss it terribly. Spent many an hour on here.
I asked the ice cube question to my kids, ages 4 and almost 8. "Would you poop it out?" "Yes" "why" *shrugs* -4 yr old. Then my older, who BTW knows about solids, gasses, and liquids. "maybe. It would grind up." *motions hand around like food through intestines* "Why? Is your body inside cold like a freezer or warmer like an oven?" "Warm" "Ok, so rethink this" "It would melt" "why" "because it is water". It was pretty funny to me.
plz help plz help I can't stop laughing it hurts is there a way to stop?
Apparently someone named Sophie will have to find a new place to rant online. Sophie-607...b8-png.jpg
How has nobody mentioned "how is babby formed" yet? (If you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-lia-FEIY )
These aren't very smart Republicans.
Edit: I know there are better ones, but my favorites were already posted Screenshot...39-png.jpg
There was someone in the cat section who never, not one single time, could answer a question without calling the person a moron, a liar, an idiot etc. I once disagreed with her & she threatened to report me because she knew the owners of Yahoo. I will miss her bitchiness.
The many questions about pregnancy on Yahoo Answers are something. For one thing, none of them can spell "pregnant" right.
I used to troll on Yahoo Answers. Most of these dumb comments are deliberate for the laughs, it's what made Yahoo Answers such fun. Sadly, the place was over-run with trolls, some of whom were on the board that decided when the site was being abused, and they counted these fun posts as abuse (they should have gone with it, in my opinion). So, a small section of users had carte blanche to post anything they liked, while taking down any competition on their turf. The way it was managed actively encouraged this sociopathic behaviour. It got very nasty. I tried posting fun movie trivia questions, to see if anyone could guess the film based on a first person narrative of one of the characters. But once the trolls on the board got my number, they deleted everything, hacked my associated Yahoo mail account and tried to get me to kill myself.
It had great potential for being a really fun social media site, ruined by petty rules that were misapplied and having groups of the most successful users, the very trolls causing problems, on board as overseers, with the power to take anyone else's account down. The trolls owned the site, working together so accounts would be active 24 hours a day, owning multiple accounts, with some posing as friends, while thy attacked you on other accounts, hacking people's email addresses and constantly cat-fishing. It was so badly managed that numerous people were coerced into attempting suicide, and there was no one any of us could go to to have the issues investigated. It became so toxic that I had a breakdown and tried killing myself. Fortunately I got a handle on it and left. Correctly managed, Yahoo Answers could still be a fabulously funny and entertaining site, because it was never going to work successfully as a serious Q&A resource (for any serious information, you go to experts).
Load More Replies...I just can not but wonder how some people have the capacity breathe, never mind type stuff like this?
Hate to see it go away, besides autocorrect nothing can get me out of depression faster.
Still don't know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great @dr_samuel_63 After been diagnosed with the Herpes VIRUS for the passed 7years, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found many testimonies of Great @dr_samuel_63 in an online research Like anybody would be, i advice any one that is living with Herpes virus should Contact the one and only Great @dr_samuel_63 today, because he has the cure to any virus problem.
Is BP running out of good design submissions to fill this space? I've been wondering about this since last March.
Yahoo Answers was one of my favorite things when I was a teacher. I'd start the test, open my laptop, and if a question appeared that was on my test, I'd answer with, "You need to come up front and speak to me." If that didn't work, I'd call out the email address, because people always inadvertently answer to that.
We need a hero to save every single one of these gems in a permanent storage somewhere, complete with redundancies for the future generation.
These people must have been trolling. My level faith in humanity is already in the very low negative points and it is dropping. If these people seriously asked these questions then aliens please save us.
And let us never forget this absolute gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg
i hoped as i copied the url that it was that video, and i was not disappointed
Load More Replies...Your information is great. I like this. deveondi atlanta hip hop; did deveondi record a song with beyonce; did rapper deveondi do a song with shawn mendes; did deveondi record a song with ariana grande ; is ariana grande dating deveondi; was deveondi in a verzuz battle; are deveondi and will smith friends; deveondi recent facebook post; deveondi news ; deveondi celebrity gossip; deveondi celebrity news; is deveondi a southern hip hop rapper; facebook deveondi; deveondi on facebook; did deveondi do a song with megan thee stallion; deveondi black lives matter; how many albums do deveondi have; how many songs does deveondi have; is deveondi dating; is deveondi dating anyone; who is deveondi dating; music deveondi how many; deveondi pictures 2021; deveondi pictures 2020; deveondi youtube; did miley cyrus do a song with deveondi ; are demi lovato and deveondi friends; did deveondi and selena gomez doing a song together; are deveondi and lil baby friends Deveondi
I think quite a few of these are trolls... out to get anyone to engage with them. Other posts make me despair for humanity's future.
Yahoo Answers has long been a place for transparent trolling. Everyone knows the trolls are trolling and engages anyway.
Load More Replies...We are missing the most legendary question on that site. "Do spider have puss puss?"
Too many people are taking these "questions" seriously. It was a great place to go and "troll" maybe, but I'd lable it more as a place to joke with like minded snarky and sarcastic friends. I'll miss it terribly. Spent many an hour on here.
I asked the ice cube question to my kids, ages 4 and almost 8. "Would you poop it out?" "Yes" "why" *shrugs* -4 yr old. Then my older, who BTW knows about solids, gasses, and liquids. "maybe. It would grind up." *motions hand around like food through intestines* "Why? Is your body inside cold like a freezer or warmer like an oven?" "Warm" "Ok, so rethink this" "It would melt" "why" "because it is water". It was pretty funny to me.
plz help plz help I can't stop laughing it hurts is there a way to stop?
Apparently someone named Sophie will have to find a new place to rant online. Sophie-607...b8-png.jpg
How has nobody mentioned "how is babby formed" yet? (If you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-lia-FEIY )
These aren't very smart Republicans.
Edit: I know there are better ones, but my favorites were already posted Screenshot...39-png.jpg
There was someone in the cat section who never, not one single time, could answer a question without calling the person a moron, a liar, an idiot etc. I once disagreed with her & she threatened to report me because she knew the owners of Yahoo. I will miss her bitchiness.
The many questions about pregnancy on Yahoo Answers are something. For one thing, none of them can spell "pregnant" right.
I used to troll on Yahoo Answers. Most of these dumb comments are deliberate for the laughs, it's what made Yahoo Answers such fun. Sadly, the place was over-run with trolls, some of whom were on the board that decided when the site was being abused, and they counted these fun posts as abuse (they should have gone with it, in my opinion). So, a small section of users had carte blanche to post anything they liked, while taking down any competition on their turf. The way it was managed actively encouraged this sociopathic behaviour. It got very nasty. I tried posting fun movie trivia questions, to see if anyone could guess the film based on a first person narrative of one of the characters. But once the trolls on the board got my number, they deleted everything, hacked my associated Yahoo mail account and tried to get me to kill myself.
It had great potential for being a really fun social media site, ruined by petty rules that were misapplied and having groups of the most successful users, the very trolls causing problems, on board as overseers, with the power to take anyone else's account down. The trolls owned the site, working together so accounts would be active 24 hours a day, owning multiple accounts, with some posing as friends, while thy attacked you on other accounts, hacking people's email addresses and constantly cat-fishing. It was so badly managed that numerous people were coerced into attempting suicide, and there was no one any of us could go to to have the issues investigated. It became so toxic that I had a breakdown and tried killing myself. Fortunately I got a handle on it and left. Correctly managed, Yahoo Answers could still be a fabulously funny and entertaining site, because it was never going to work successfully as a serious Q&A resource (for any serious information, you go to experts).
Load More Replies...I just can not but wonder how some people have the capacity breathe, never mind type stuff like this?
Hate to see it go away, besides autocorrect nothing can get me out of depression faster.
Still don't know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great @dr_samuel_63 After been diagnosed with the Herpes VIRUS for the passed 7years, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found many testimonies of Great @dr_samuel_63 in an online research Like anybody would be, i advice any one that is living with Herpes virus should Contact the one and only Great @dr_samuel_63 today, because he has the cure to any virus problem.
Is BP running out of good design submissions to fill this space? I've been wondering about this since last March.
Yahoo Answers was one of my favorite things when I was a teacher. I'd start the test, open my laptop, and if a question appeared that was on my test, I'd answer with, "You need to come up front and speak to me." If that didn't work, I'd call out the email address, because people always inadvertently answer to that.
We need a hero to save every single one of these gems in a permanent storage somewhere, complete with redundancies for the future generation.
These people must have been trolling. My level faith in humanity is already in the very low negative points and it is dropping. If these people seriously asked these questions then aliens please save us.
And let us never forget this absolute gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg
i hoped as i copied the url that it was that video, and i was not disappointed
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