If you’re a proud owner of a cell phone, chances are you’ve received a mysterious text from an unknown number. Most likely, you sent back a quick message in response, letting them know that they mixed up the digits or just simply ignored it. But some people just can’t resist the opportunity to play along with the anonymous sender, resulting in some of the funniest interactions.
We’ve gathered some of them in this list, courtesy of the r/wrongnumber subreddit. Scroll down to find happy accidents that probably brightened someone’s day, and be sure to share your own similar encounters below!
While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out a conversation with cybersecurity and privacy specialist Jonathan Steele and cybersecurity specialist Sam J. Brown, who kindly agreed to tell us about the malicious intent that sometimes hides behind wrong number texts.
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Sent Picture Of My Kids (Left) To The Wrong Number And Their (Right) Response Was
My Heart
Jake's Butthole
While receiving a wrong number text can sometimes lead to amusing outcomes, there’s quite a high chance that the person who ‘accidentally’ mixed up the digits is trying to get the conversation going just enough to deceive you.
This is called a ‘wrong number text’ scam. In the first half of last year, Americans received over 10 billion spam and scam texts per month, and wrong-number text scams are just one type of them. The aforementioned can be especially sneaky and are seen as a growing problem.
Oh Dear
Pleasant Conversation I Had With A Total Stranger Today
Can we continue this conversation.. here on BP?
Here's my contribution. 1000000317...dc651e.jpg
dont have any food pics but heres an extra plate for you guys ! plate-66f3...8c15e9.jpg
Yum! I will make this for my friend's birthday next week. I was trying to decide. Thank you.
They ARE blackberries. They're everywhere in the UK, lol, so not even any need to buy them. ;-)
There are 4 or 5 (or maybe even more) types of berries that look exactly like blackberries, but have thier own names. The two I can think of right now are loganberries and ollalieberries. Other than size I’ve never been able to tell them apart. Presumably she used one of them.
Load More Replies...Loganberries are a raspberry/blackberry hybrid, are dark red and look like elongated raspberries. Olallieberry is a loganberry/youngberry (itself a blackberry/dewberry/raspberry hybrid) cross, and does look more like a blackberry. Olallie comes from a Chinook work for berry, so Olallieberry means 'berryberry'. All the blackberry hybrids are cultivated, so the ones found growing wild are almost always normal blackberries.
Ooo! I haven't heard of any of them :-), interesting, but could be confusing, lol. The almost black ones in the pic, are the same colour as the ones that I collected from my garden a few months ago... Are the 2 you mentioned grown/originated in the USA? Haven't seen them over here.
Dewberries look almost identical to blackberry. The only difference I know is one is on a tall bramble and the other grows on a short bramble.
American dewberries look identical to blackberries but grow on stems that trail on the ground rather than upright. European dewberries grow on upright stems like blackberries, but the fruit looks different, the drupelets being less tightly grouped, larger and softer than blackberry drupelets. European dewberries, when ripe, are coated in a thin layer of waxy droplets resembling dew, hence the name. American dewberries don't have the dewy coating.
... Here's a pizza I made; pepperoni, venison, sausage, and bacon ... Chef-Boy-A...6ced70.jpg
Awesome & wholesome friendship! Those black coloured berries is Mulberries I think
Yes, they look like mulberries to me too. We have a huge mulberry tree out there front of our unit
And the rest is history. Can’t help wondering about what happened with Wyatt and if Liam was ok with the sleeping arrangements though. 🤣😉
Too small for blackberries, so I'm going with black raspberries, which are yummy.
Everyone needs soneone to send food pics to. Even of failed dishes 😂
I object! Not to the potential friendship and beautiful food pix back and forth but the timing, because I was supposed to be full after having lunch an hour ago and now my stomach is telling me I need cake and parfait XP XD
Love This Wrong Number Reply
Wait a sec, *asking suspiciously* is this the hire-a-killer website that's a front for law enforcement?
To learn more about this type of scam and its prevention methods, Bored Panda reached out to cybersecurity and privacy specialist Jonathan Steele and cybersecurity specialist Sam J. Brown.
Brown explains, “Scammers use a tactic known as social engineering, where they try to manipulate people into giving up personal information or performing actions that compromise their security. These messages are often made to seem casual and innocent, like "Is this John?" or "Hey, long time no see!"—something that might make you think it's just a mistaken text.”
Brilliant Team Work
Imagine Being The Parent
Teaching Moment
Once the targeted person is engaged, they may start asking for personal information or send malicious links. “In some cases, scammers may even try to impersonate someone you know from an unknown number, using familiar language or details to trick you into trusting them and letting your guard down. When in doubt, don’t engage—hang up or ignore the text, and contact the person directly using the number you already have for them,” warns Brown.
Steele also mentions that the wrong number texts can further escalate into more consequential scams like phishing, pig butchering, or romance scams, all in hopes of extracting personal or financial information.
Not Hannah
Le Sigh, Some People. She Continued To Go Off And Cuss At Me Lol
Tried To Get Everyone A Raise
Nah, you’re definitely looking for this guy. Caesar was stabbed to death a LOOOONNNG time ago. Been about 2 days.
To stay safe against scammers’ attempts, it’s important to know how to recognize when they're happening. “Key signs include vague introductions, responses to nonexistent conversations, urgent requests for personal details, or links to unfamiliar sites,” tells us Steele.
Nah You Right
I Don't Know Why They Didn't Reply
Lady Asked For Where To Put The Rocks. I Was Feeling Helpful…
Meanwhile, Brown says that the first red flag we should notice is the unknown number that is asking questions or trying to start a conversation.
Another warning sign could be strange conversation starters. “Scammers often use vague messages like “Who is this?” or “Is this [random name]?” to get a response. Once you engage, they may try to gather more information or convince you to click a link,” says Brown.
Lilian Is A P*ss Monster
My Favorite Wrong Number Experience By Far
Requests for personal information are an additional bright red flag that people should identify right away. “Scammers might try to create urgency or appeal to your emotions to prompt a quick response. Messages like “I’m in trouble” or “You’ve won a prize” are designed to make you act before thinking,” Brown adds. “Be highly suspicious of texts that include links or ask you to download something. These could lead to websites that try to steal your information or infect your device with malware.”
It’s Me Mario…
I Feel Like A Bad Person…
Poor Maya!
Was the recipient the real Maya or was it a completely wrong number & a troll answer...? 🤔
So if you receive a text from an unknown number, the safest thing to do is delete it without replying. “Responding could confirm that your number is active, making you more of a target,” notes Brown. “Never click on links in texts from people you don’t know, as they could lead to phishing websites or install harmful software on your phone. Most smartphones let you block and report suspicious numbers, which can stop further messages.”
I’ve Decided To Answer All Obvious Spam Texts Something Toe-Nail Related
I Guess Mia Doesn’t Like Riddles
Some Random A*s Person Text Me. Even Tried Calling Me Once
So they wanted the right number for someone the responder doesn't even know??
“It’s also a good idea to turn on two-factor authentication (2FA) for your important accounts, like email or banking, to add extra security. Make sure your phone’s software updates are current to protect against potential threats. Always be cautious—if something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and avoid engaging with the message,” Brown additionally mentions.
They Sent Me A Pic Of The Cake!
Couldn’t Help But Play Along
Keelie never text back after that..
Guess I Was Bored
Steele recommends people use iOS’s “Filter Unknown Senders” apps like RoboKiller. “Avoid engaging with unknown numbers, and never click suspicious links,” he once more stresses.
It Is Your Duty To Mess With Wrong Number Texts
Squad Goals
Who’s This
Aggressively Canadian
Girlfriend Got A Random Number And It Made My Day
Just About Ended A Marriage
First Wrong Number Experience, And It Was A Karen!
Hope Olivia Is Doing Okay
Bro Thought I Was Someone Else
Ah Yes A “Facial”
Just A Little Trolling
Wholesome Interaction
@kyra Heiker- WE KNOW! It’s still funny! Why do you feel compelled to share the obvious without context?
My Public Defender Said She Was Sending Me My Court Date Information And I Received This
I Got Broken Up With By A Random Person
I’m very curious about the myriad of wrong numbers for spouses and significant others. 🤔
Escalated Quickly
@kyra, again, if you could share more than, “another scam,” maybe you wouldn’t get downvoted as much. For example, what ABOUT it being a scam?
I Might Have Gotten Agnes In Trouble
Probably Should’ve Just Told Them It Was The Wrong Number
Poll Question
How would you handle a wrong number text on your phone?
Inform them about the mistake
Ignore the message
Play along for fun
Block the number
I am still waiting patiently for the IRS to drag my husband off to jail for failure to pay back taxes via gift cards I could easily have purchased at my local Walmart.
Yeah, lots of scams. I got one once. I exchanged messages for a WEEK with somebody I believed was a nice person. The first message was like a wrong number message. After a week, it was like (or probably) the person I was talking to was replaced by some greed monster. Things like "if you have 3,000 now, we can make that double in a week".
Some of these scams are literally assembly line productions -- you get passed along from the initial contact, to a fluffer,, to a closer. If you had been talked into 'investing' there's a whole scam website set up to show you how much money you've made -- but you'll never be able to take it out.
Load More Replies...With the obvious exception of the scams, how are these people sending messages to the wrong number of those they are in regular contact with? I imagine that close friends or family will be saved on their phone contact list, negating the need to enter a phone number in the first place.
my mom has had her number for a few years now and continues to get texts and voicemails for someone named joanne, about joanne's kids needing to be picked up, about court dates, about job interviews, etc. she finally had one recently that mentioned an email address, so my mom emailed her to be like "please for the love of god stop giving this number out". she wishes she could get something as entertaining as these.
I've accidentally sent a text to the wrong person but only because their name was directly under the person who I actually meant to send it to, I realised straight away and texted - "Sorry wrong person!"... But yup a lot of these are scam texts. I once got one from a courier company here in the UK about my delivery date except I hadn't ordered anything. I found out after that they send these texts out to find out if that phone number is an 'in use'/live one. You might end up with scam phone calls too. So never reply to them and obviously don't give out any personal information if you do... If you do reply to them, taking the mickey out of them? Take screenshots of it to share with the rest of us so we can laugh with you too!!! 😄
Not even wrong number. This is a basic interaction with the boys.
my number was apparently owned by some guy Matthew before i got it and i am getting ALL the scam messages!
I once received an urgent landline phone call from what seemed to be a doctor in a hospital trying to reach another doctor in the same facility. I explained the error and ended the call quickly to hopefully save a life, and never found out the results. The havoc or danger that could've been caused if I had pranked the call might've made the newspaper in the pre-internet days. Please don't trifle with lives!
I kept getting texts about "extended warranty auto insurance" running out. So, I decided to play. I said "Sign me up!" He asked the year and make of my car, so I told him my daily driver was a '62 Chevy Corvair Monza. After a minute, he replies "Don't you have anything newer?" I told him I had a '58 Cadillac Hearse in the garage that was getting a new crate engine and did that count? Haven't heard from them since.
Wait I'm gonna to an impression for everyone, can you guess who it is? "Well known scam" "Obvious scam" "Another scam"
I've been getting voicemails that are some variant of "Search and your business is not verified, please press one to verify your business, press two. If you wish to have your business not displayed on Google voice searches or call [redacted but not the phone numbers it's coming from] to opt out." [taken from transcript] constantly, which is odd as I don't know how they got my number. Then there's this poor guy who keeps texting me intermittently about home financing. He seems to have gotten legitimately confused but it's been long enough it would be weird to say 'Sorry, you've been texting the wrong number for 6 months, I'm not Chucheng'
I've never received a wrong number text, just the odd phone call - but then I'm not on social media, which saves so much hassle :)
You're here. In this comment thread. This is social media.
Load More Replies...I'm not on a phone though, and I'm using an alias and a dummy email account.
I can't believe how many friends or family are dialing wrong numbers.... if they are in your phone how do you dial the wrong number??!!! My problem is butt calls. I give 'em and get 'em. I put my phone in my pocket and it will dial somebody in contacts. I am thinking of turning it to airplane mode when I am not using it to avoid this.
Whenever I get a scam call or text I answer in Japanese. At this point I'm pretty sure 99 percent of scammers don't know Japanese because I don't get as many since I started doing that lol.
I am still waiting patiently for the IRS to drag my husband off to jail for failure to pay back taxes via gift cards I could easily have purchased at my local Walmart.
Yeah, lots of scams. I got one once. I exchanged messages for a WEEK with somebody I believed was a nice person. The first message was like a wrong number message. After a week, it was like (or probably) the person I was talking to was replaced by some greed monster. Things like "if you have 3,000 now, we can make that double in a week".
Some of these scams are literally assembly line productions -- you get passed along from the initial contact, to a fluffer,, to a closer. If you had been talked into 'investing' there's a whole scam website set up to show you how much money you've made -- but you'll never be able to take it out.
Load More Replies...With the obvious exception of the scams, how are these people sending messages to the wrong number of those they are in regular contact with? I imagine that close friends or family will be saved on their phone contact list, negating the need to enter a phone number in the first place.
my mom has had her number for a few years now and continues to get texts and voicemails for someone named joanne, about joanne's kids needing to be picked up, about court dates, about job interviews, etc. she finally had one recently that mentioned an email address, so my mom emailed her to be like "please for the love of god stop giving this number out". she wishes she could get something as entertaining as these.
I've accidentally sent a text to the wrong person but only because their name was directly under the person who I actually meant to send it to, I realised straight away and texted - "Sorry wrong person!"... But yup a lot of these are scam texts. I once got one from a courier company here in the UK about my delivery date except I hadn't ordered anything. I found out after that they send these texts out to find out if that phone number is an 'in use'/live one. You might end up with scam phone calls too. So never reply to them and obviously don't give out any personal information if you do... If you do reply to them, taking the mickey out of them? Take screenshots of it to share with the rest of us so we can laugh with you too!!! 😄
Not even wrong number. This is a basic interaction with the boys.
my number was apparently owned by some guy Matthew before i got it and i am getting ALL the scam messages!
I once received an urgent landline phone call from what seemed to be a doctor in a hospital trying to reach another doctor in the same facility. I explained the error and ended the call quickly to hopefully save a life, and never found out the results. The havoc or danger that could've been caused if I had pranked the call might've made the newspaper in the pre-internet days. Please don't trifle with lives!
I kept getting texts about "extended warranty auto insurance" running out. So, I decided to play. I said "Sign me up!" He asked the year and make of my car, so I told him my daily driver was a '62 Chevy Corvair Monza. After a minute, he replies "Don't you have anything newer?" I told him I had a '58 Cadillac Hearse in the garage that was getting a new crate engine and did that count? Haven't heard from them since.
Wait I'm gonna to an impression for everyone, can you guess who it is? "Well known scam" "Obvious scam" "Another scam"
I've been getting voicemails that are some variant of "Search and your business is not verified, please press one to verify your business, press two. If you wish to have your business not displayed on Google voice searches or call [redacted but not the phone numbers it's coming from] to opt out." [taken from transcript] constantly, which is odd as I don't know how they got my number. Then there's this poor guy who keeps texting me intermittently about home financing. He seems to have gotten legitimately confused but it's been long enough it would be weird to say 'Sorry, you've been texting the wrong number for 6 months, I'm not Chucheng'
I've never received a wrong number text, just the odd phone call - but then I'm not on social media, which saves so much hassle :)
You're here. In this comment thread. This is social media.
Load More Replies...I'm not on a phone though, and I'm using an alias and a dummy email account.
I can't believe how many friends or family are dialing wrong numbers.... if they are in your phone how do you dial the wrong number??!!! My problem is butt calls. I give 'em and get 'em. I put my phone in my pocket and it will dial somebody in contacts. I am thinking of turning it to airplane mode when I am not using it to avoid this.
Whenever I get a scam call or text I answer in Japanese. At this point I'm pretty sure 99 percent of scammers don't know Japanese because I don't get as many since I started doing that lol.