“Now That’s Gonna Be Stuck In My Head”: 45 Worthless Bits Of Trivia Or Knowledge Shared By Our Community
Sometimes we don't realize how big the storage of our brains is. We might forget some facts or happenings now and then, but it's only natural when considering we have to digest new information every day! However, some snippets of knowledge appear to be unforgettable so that even the most random and useless thing might be stuck in your brain forever.
So, I got curious about what worthless bit of trivia or knowledge is forever stuck in our pandas' heads! Here's what people had to share.
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Gary Oldman is 13 days younger than Gary Numan.
Polar bears have black skin. Their fur is actually clear, not white, and each strand of fur is a hollow tube made of keratin (the same stuff as our fingernails) to trap heat and keep them warm.
That wombats poop cubes. It has something to do with their intestines being really good at removing water and compacting waste and it comes out in cubes.
Iceland is much less icy and much more green than Greenland.
I had a teacher tell me that Iceland is green and Greenland is icy.
Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west.
A proper one this time. Pineapple 'eats' you as you eat it. Pineapple contains a chemical called Bromelain that deconstructs (and will eventually dissolve) proteins, including human tissue. So if you're wondering why it tingles on your tongue now you know (thankfully our stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve concrete so takes care of Mr Pineapple)
I also heard bromelain can help bring on labor when I was pregnant with one of my kids. My poor mouth was raw from eating so much of it 😝
Some words are contranyms, meaning a word that has two different meanings that are the opposite of each other.
The three examples I know are:
Cleave (can mean either to cling to or to separate from)
Left (can be used to refer to the part of a group that departed or the part that stayed. "Three sheep left the flock, how many were left?")
Off (can mean either to activate or to deactivate. "The alarm went off, so I turned it off.")
Finland is home to the most metal bands per capita, with around 53.5 metal bands per 100,000 people.
A day on venus is longer than a year on venus
A city in California has the Goodyear Blimp as its official bird.
OMG, I snorted in laughter just reading that. Did you know it is illegal to hunt bigfoot in a certain state (Washington?) because it would technically be an endangered species? This has been in my head for a long time.
That the angels do not naturally have a human form. When you actually read in depth about them, they are said to be both beautiful and yet among the most terrifying beings in the universe. When they say "Be not afraid" there is a reason for it, and it's not because they popped out of nowhere in front of your face.
This is the first description of an angel that has made sense to me, but now I have more questions. Going by what you said, if they appear to be both beautiful and fearsome, do you think, if they do appear to humans, that their appearance can vary from human to human, depending on said human's disposition? If you're an evil person, would your angel come off as fearsome and terrifying, whereas a good human would get the beautiful image of that angel?
Their appearance can change to human, if necessary, but yes, a truly evil person would be terrified regardless of form. A truly good person who sees an angel may be startled but will gaze in awe and wonder.
Load More Replies...I read that as "angles" and the whole thing started getting weird real quick. Literally my thought process: "...both beautiful and yet among the most terrifying beings- wtf. is this really about angles?? *concerned face*"
Hehe. A triangle with wings, now THAT would be hilarious.
Load More Replies...I think the top three are most accurate and have the most biblical description.
Load More Replies..."Be-- Be not af-- How am I supposed to tell you 'Be not afraid' if you won't stop screaming?!?"
Is this a fact though? Should we be doing "facts" about make-believe creatures? And the Bible isn't even original in coming up with angels. There are sculptures of winged humans dating back to ancient Sumeria (about 3000 BCE). That's before humans came up with monotheism as a thing. So this is like saying that in real life elves are really these tall beautiful immortal creatures because that's the way Tolkien describes them. But stories about elves existed for hundreds of years before Tolkien was born (maybe thousands). Relatively speaking, Christianity is just a Johnny-Come-Lately as far as angels are concerned. So FALSE, and also there are no FACTS about FICTION!
Hey I know everyone has different beliefs, but could we all just respect each other please? Not trying to sound mean or anything, just asking
Load More Replies...But how many of them can dance on the head of a pin? That issue remains unsettled.
well, most of them are bad at dancing, but Aziraphale can
Load More Replies...It's okay, if you can get them to look at each other. Then they're quantum locked forever.
Load More Replies...The one made entirely of rings and eyes, but I think I read somewhere that there is a ranking of types of angels. Kinda link wolf pack ranks. And the humanoid ones are lower ranking. And the ones who ask you not be afraid are higher ranking.
My wife is both beautiful and fearsome. It just depends on how far I think I should push her.
something i learned many years ago: never look up biblically accurate angel.
Yeah, but people talk about what fictional characters look in pictures or movies versus how they're depicted in the source book all the time
Load More Replies...I have seen some pretty twisted, completely inhuman depictions of what actual Biblical angels might look like. More like H.P. Lovecraft than your average Christmas card.
Yep, heavenly beauty can't be easily understood by people
Load More Replies...Probably why, lore-wise in Supernatural, they burn people's eyes out of their head when they see their true form.
If you accept the original premise of the Bible - written by simple followers (not my description, it's in the same book) who were mostly uneducated, couldn't read or write (except Luke who was very educated but never actually met Christ, but wrote his gospel from HEARING stories told). Everyone who's heard a retold story knows they change with each retelling.
Here's my thought process on mythology: When Lucifer was thrown out of heaven he took a bunch of angels with him. Now we are told that angels slept with humans and crated the giants... Well I'd take that further and if the fallen angels have greater strength, and abilities to humans they could have been seen as gods and there's where all the myths come from. Now humans have great imaginations but there has to be a place to start. The other thing is once you start looking into myths from different parts of the world, why are there so many similarities if it wasn't because they were all fallen angels. Then when watching ancient alians, use the same theory of fallen angels while watching and things start to connect.
Your starting premise makes a lot of assumptions. How about they were aliens and that's where all the myths come from (including coming from above and being able to fly)?
Load More Replies...The existence of angels to a non-religious person is not a fact. That they are described in the Bible as terrifying is a fact.
Load More Replies...Well duh, obviously. I mean, that's why you can't look at angels directly and why they need a meatsuit in "Supernatural" 😂
Angels have no bodies so no physical appearance as we do, and they appear to us as we visualize them. Angels have only love and goodwill for us, and we should not fear them.
I remember reading a bunch of "stuff" (articles, textbooks, blah blah blah, 'stuff') and from what I recall there are bits in there about... "angels" being 6 winged non-bodied three-faced heads... or something? Yeah... "Be Not Afraid" my ... foot.
The Greek " angelus" just means "messenger", so they could take any form from human to some of the bizarre descriptions in the bible.
Angels do not have material form. They are souls without body. In fact, one reason that Lucifer rebelled was because he was envious of the fact that mankind had both body and soul. So, a visitation by an angel was like a horrifying, eldritch ghost appearing before your eyes complete with the awesome power of Heavenly grace about them. Be not afraid indeed.
Angels were never said to have wings, either. That was a human invention because it looked good in paintings.
In some religions, angels are made of light, they don't look like men or women, probably formless too!
I'm not religious but I do have a fascination with angels and demons. It might be worth checking out the actual descriptions given to them in religious scripture as it's incredibly interesting. A lot of artists have created versions. Angels for the most part are very weird looking. Demons, though, are very offensive looking. It's funny to look at the biases certain artists put into some of them that are clearly personal. I'm really obsessed with the hierarchy of demons and angels and I'm a huge scary movie buff and I'm kind of surprised we haven't seen a truly terrifying version of hell before. I've done a lot of research on this and I've watched pretty much every movie old and new with any kind of depiction of it and they are generally pretty tame. I think we're missing out on seeing something truly terrifying if anyone would have the guts to make it.
That is right but also isn’t. Normals angels look human with wings. The deformed angels are the throne room angels and if you read their description, they might be scary to some people. They are saying don’t be afraid because a bright human looking being with wings just showed up out of nowhere.
Actually, angels do have human form, since they are/were/will be, humans. They are beautiful because they are purified beings, terrifying because they frequently carry bad news. The seraphim described in Isaiah and Ezekiel are symbolic, rather than actual beings. According to my religion.
The word for thinking about your thinking is metacognition. It only comes in handy when you're trying to impress teachers.
Cats have 38 muscles in each ear
To be fair, it takes quite a few muscles to consistently ignore you lol
Many years ago, when wood was in short supply it was a common practice to dig up and reuse coffins.
Quite often the grave diggers would see scratch marks on the underside of the coffin lid, left there by someone who was buried but still alive!
This happened so often, in fact, that all newly buried people had a length of string tied to their finger, leading all the way aboveground where it was tied to a bell.
When someone buried alive would move their hand trying to desperately claw their way out, the bell would ring aboveground.
Those people were called "Dead Ringers".
The men hired to listen for the bells during the night were known to be working the "graveyard shift".
It’s possible to put a lightbulb inside your mouth, but you can’t get it out without breaking either the glass or your jaw. And no, I don’t know why.
Rockets/spaceships are launched from positions near the equator to the east because the Earth's rotation makes a start more fuel efficient that way.
Squirrels don’t remember where they buried their acorns. They just bury so many that it’s easy to find one wherever they dig.
Pigs can actually run faster than people. As prey animals, they evolved to run away a lot.
That giraffes mostly sleep standing up and only for like 30 minutes a day.
Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles per hour.
Not trivia, just a Spanish word my nutty, Mexican friend from college made me learn, for some weird reason. It's the word for "ear, nose and throat" - otorrinolaringologo. I've found myself repeating it over and over in my head whenever I'm in a lot of pain, especially with migraines. I don't do it intentionally, it just happens. Thanks for the subconscious coping mechanism, Hermès!
Tyrannosaurus Rex is closer to us in time than they were to stegosaurus.
The average person has four to six dreams a night.
And the brain has certain setups that occur every now and then in your dreams. I often dream of the same fictional places.
The okay hand symbol means "pay me" in Japan. Thanks, Nat geographic!
Cats can't taste sweet things because of a genetic defect.
Americans spend around 2.5 days each year in total looking for their lost things.
Giraffes use their necks to generate momentum with their heads when they fight.
Yooo! have any of you seen a video of giraffes fighting each other?? it's some pretty scary stuff. I thought they were gentle creatures, but nah they just a tall version of bulls. They got the horns and everything. O.O
The bits at the end of shoe laces (metal or plastic or whatever) that make it easier to lace up your shoes are called aglets.
For all of you Phineas and Ferb watchers out there, you must recognize that. There was an entire episode all about aglets.
LEGO is the number producer of wheels in the entire world.
that squids brains are doughnut shaped, and their esophagus goes through the middle of their brain before going to their stomach. so food passes through a squids brain before it gets to their stomach.
That DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. I've known it since the 4th grade. I'm 57
Heteropaternalsuperfecumdation is the term for when a woman has twins with different fathers. It's very rare.
My twins looked so different as babies that a handful of strangers actually asked me if they had the same father!
If you burn dust it smells like burning flesh and you can get rid of your roommate really fast this way. A professor told my mom's friend that a long time ago and I tell almost everyone I meet.
That makes sense. I remember reading that the majority of dust is mainly skin cells that have come off the body.
They found 7 tons of human hair when they liberated Auschwitz.
A journalist in 1950 predicted that women in the year 2000 would be amazons like Wonder Woman.
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "A B C D E F G" sound the same
That the smell of rain is called petrichor. We get it. Read it a few thousand times from people thinking their smart.
aardwolves, a type of hyena, are one of the few insect-eating canine-appearing mammals. (hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs). I have all the facts I can find about aardwolves living inside my head
Australia is the only country which eats its National animals. And they’re delicious!
I have a ton of useless trivia knowledge, but anytime anyone asks me to just name one at random, I can't think of any. Makes me good at trivial pursuit, but bad at conversation.
Boredpanda is officially so stuck for content that they're recycling their own posts from 6 months ago.
IKR? It explains why I randomly get likes for things I wrote months ago! Man, so weird when you don't remember writing it, lol.
Load More Replies...The first name Madison didn't exist until the movie Splash.
Load More Replies...The bit of trivia I know is that the velocity of a liquid flowing through a a narrow tube (such as a blood vessel or a catheter) is directly proportional to the pressure of the liquid and the fourth power of the radius of the tube and is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the liquid and the length of the tube.
The compound that makes lightning bugs glow is called luciferin. Etymology of the word is from the Latin lucifer which means light bearing.
Vulgar latin of the medieval era, likely not the latin spoken by Julius Caesar. Lucifer is from the latin word "lux" (meaning light) and the suffix "fer" meaning carried (think of the words confer, ferry, defer, transfer). Luciferin - light carrying.
Load More Replies...Was there even ONE actually NEW "fact" on this list? I didn't have to read more than five words on each one to recognize it. Even the personal "facts" (which... why are those even included? WHO CARES???) aren't new. This is boring. Fitting, I guess. Grrrrr.
According to monty python there was a composer by this name: (from memory, spelling may be off) : Johann Gambol Putty Devon Ausfern Splaindenschlitter Crass Krenbon Fried Digger Dingle Dangle Dongle Dungle Bearstein Von Knackerthrasher Applebanger Horovitz Ticolinsinc Granderknotty Spelltinkle Grandlish Grumblemayer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleisen Bandwagon Guten Abend Bitte Ein Nuremburger Bratwurstle Gespurten Mit Weimach Luber Hundsfoot Gumberaber Schoenendanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler Aucher Von Hautkopf, of Ulm. First hubby memorized it, then I did as well. We are major geeky dorks and love it!
I turned my head full of trivia into cash on 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' during its first season. It's on YouTube. Look up "Stan Flouride" and it's your first hit.
If you eat an earthworm from the wrong side, it can crawl up your esophagus
What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half of a worm in your apple.
Load More Replies...The fact that two of the great Romantic composers died of tertiary Syphilis - Schumann and Schubert.
My entire brain is full of useless knowledge. I was blessed with a phenomenal memory, so I can tell you the name of every kid I was in class with in alphabetical order. I can tell you the names, addresses, telephone numbers and birthdays of people I haven't seen in 50 years. I can recite poems ad nauseam. I literally could entertain people all day long with the useless crud my brain is full of.
Either "CALL JG WENTWORTH 877-CASH-NOW" (specifically the one with the opera Viking) or damn it I had another one but I forgot it so :(
Does anybody else find when they try to submit a story from their phone, it limits your text to only a few characters?
if you take acutain (the acne stuff, idk how to spell it) there is a good chance your bones are green
The denty bit of skin above your lip is called your filtrum (not sure on the spelling?).
philtrum. from the ancient greek meaning love charm.
Load More Replies...That you aren't supposed to give any honey to a baby, because it contains small amounts of botulism in it, but small enough that it won't affect children or adults. Botulism is a toxin that can cause muscle paralysis and maybe even death. They also use botulism for Botox injections, so it will permanently relax your muscles and erase wrinkles.
Ok I remember the haiku Hyde created about Jackie in that 70s show My heart aches with pain. When I see you I vomit Die away from me I also remember spikes poem that he wrote as William in Buffy the Vampire Slayer My soul is wrapped in harsh repose Midnight descends in raven colored clothes My heart is full, tis grown a bulge in it When I espy your beauty effulgent. I also memorized the musical episode of Buffy the vampire slayer ... So. Yeah.
I can't get it out of my head that almost half of Americans buy into and repeat the obvious BS of a willfully ignorant, racist, NYC con artist who spreads tinfoil hat rumors like the one you just spouted.
Load More Replies...I have a ton of useless trivia knowledge, but anytime anyone asks me to just name one at random, I can't think of any. Makes me good at trivial pursuit, but bad at conversation.
Boredpanda is officially so stuck for content that they're recycling their own posts from 6 months ago.
IKR? It explains why I randomly get likes for things I wrote months ago! Man, so weird when you don't remember writing it, lol.
Load More Replies...The first name Madison didn't exist until the movie Splash.
Load More Replies...The bit of trivia I know is that the velocity of a liquid flowing through a a narrow tube (such as a blood vessel or a catheter) is directly proportional to the pressure of the liquid and the fourth power of the radius of the tube and is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the liquid and the length of the tube.
The compound that makes lightning bugs glow is called luciferin. Etymology of the word is from the Latin lucifer which means light bearing.
Vulgar latin of the medieval era, likely not the latin spoken by Julius Caesar. Lucifer is from the latin word "lux" (meaning light) and the suffix "fer" meaning carried (think of the words confer, ferry, defer, transfer). Luciferin - light carrying.
Load More Replies...Was there even ONE actually NEW "fact" on this list? I didn't have to read more than five words on each one to recognize it. Even the personal "facts" (which... why are those even included? WHO CARES???) aren't new. This is boring. Fitting, I guess. Grrrrr.
According to monty python there was a composer by this name: (from memory, spelling may be off) : Johann Gambol Putty Devon Ausfern Splaindenschlitter Crass Krenbon Fried Digger Dingle Dangle Dongle Dungle Bearstein Von Knackerthrasher Applebanger Horovitz Ticolinsinc Granderknotty Spelltinkle Grandlish Grumblemayer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleisen Bandwagon Guten Abend Bitte Ein Nuremburger Bratwurstle Gespurten Mit Weimach Luber Hundsfoot Gumberaber Schoenendanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler Aucher Von Hautkopf, of Ulm. First hubby memorized it, then I did as well. We are major geeky dorks and love it!
I turned my head full of trivia into cash on 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' during its first season. It's on YouTube. Look up "Stan Flouride" and it's your first hit.
If you eat an earthworm from the wrong side, it can crawl up your esophagus
What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half of a worm in your apple.
Load More Replies...The fact that two of the great Romantic composers died of tertiary Syphilis - Schumann and Schubert.
My entire brain is full of useless knowledge. I was blessed with a phenomenal memory, so I can tell you the name of every kid I was in class with in alphabetical order. I can tell you the names, addresses, telephone numbers and birthdays of people I haven't seen in 50 years. I can recite poems ad nauseam. I literally could entertain people all day long with the useless crud my brain is full of.
Either "CALL JG WENTWORTH 877-CASH-NOW" (specifically the one with the opera Viking) or damn it I had another one but I forgot it so :(
Does anybody else find when they try to submit a story from their phone, it limits your text to only a few characters?
if you take acutain (the acne stuff, idk how to spell it) there is a good chance your bones are green
The denty bit of skin above your lip is called your filtrum (not sure on the spelling?).
philtrum. from the ancient greek meaning love charm.
Load More Replies...That you aren't supposed to give any honey to a baby, because it contains small amounts of botulism in it, but small enough that it won't affect children or adults. Botulism is a toxin that can cause muscle paralysis and maybe even death. They also use botulism for Botox injections, so it will permanently relax your muscles and erase wrinkles.
Ok I remember the haiku Hyde created about Jackie in that 70s show My heart aches with pain. When I see you I vomit Die away from me I also remember spikes poem that he wrote as William in Buffy the Vampire Slayer My soul is wrapped in harsh repose Midnight descends in raven colored clothes My heart is full, tis grown a bulge in it When I espy your beauty effulgent. I also memorized the musical episode of Buffy the vampire slayer ... So. Yeah.
I can't get it out of my head that almost half of Americans buy into and repeat the obvious BS of a willfully ignorant, racist, NYC con artist who spreads tinfoil hat rumors like the one you just spouted.
Load More Replies...