Blurting out something negative or insulting during a date can be a major faux pas and can cause significant damage to your potential relationship. But not everyone can avoid it.

So when Reddit user Batmanstitty posted a question on the platform a few days ago, asking everyone "what's the worst thing a person has said to you while on a date?", many came forward with pretty memorable and ridiculous statements.

No wonder 67% of Americans who are on the market say their romantic endeavors aren't going well!


People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe It was all going really well until she saw a group of people with various disabilities when we were going for a walk and proceeded to tell me how, while she had nothing against the disabled, they made her physically ill because of how "messed up" they are and she wished there were limits on how much they could be out in public.

I told her, as a person with an invisible disability of my own, that she skin crawl and that she should be limited on how much she can be in public.

There was obviously no second date.

Cunt_Cuntly , ELEVATE Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe We were about the same height and he said I could never wear heels around him. Little did he know, I can do what the f**k I want.

    Waste_Coat_4506 , Godisable Jacob Report

    We managed to get in touch with Batmanstitty and they agreed to have a little chat with us.


    "I have thought about this question before," the Redditor told Bored Panda about the origins of their post. "[I was] wondering if people have had bad experiences like myself while dating, and it definitely blew my mind to see the response I got from everybody."

    "The stories are honestly insane to read and to know people actually dealt with weird, scary, and mind-blowing dates," they added.


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe After ordering a really expensive meal and drink, after I had offered to buy dinner. Plate: 50 dollars. Drink: 25. Like holy s**t. I will admit I went with it until:

    “I want to date someone like you but not you, I was going to tell you earlier but I was hungry” then she went and made plans with another dude for after our meal.

    I went to the bathroom and then snuck out when our food was brought. I dunno how she paid for that because I ordered something equally as expensive.

    I know you cant force attraction, but f**k you b***h.

    I blocked her as I left.

    Hotmanwhore , Pixabay Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe “If we do this long term, I’m gonna call the shots, you won’t work, you’ll stay home and raise the kids, you won’t be allowed to leave the house and only have friends over that I approve of, you’ll have life 360 on your phone with me being the only one to access it, and we’ll sell your car too so you have money to buy the heels I want you to wear and the makeup you’ll wear everyday” so I took a hard pass

    Jynxed_Out , Crypto Crow Report

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    Lisa M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell me you're an abuser by telling me you're an abuser.

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    After going through the replies, the Redditor noticed a trend that many stories were by people who dabble in online dating, using apps like Tinder, Bumble, etc.

    That might be due to the way people look at these services. A whopping 43% of men say they are using the apps to casually date (while 42% are downloading them to find a long-term partner).

    Alternatively, 48% of women say they are using dating apps to find long-term partners and 37% use them to date casually.


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe “You know that cancer is a hoax perpetuated by big pharma and the government preying on the uneducated, right!?!?” He says to me, a cancer survivor who’s life was f*****g derailed by cancer…

    AccomplishedCow9133 , Polina Tankilevitch Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe ‘You don’t want any more kids? Don’t worry, I’ll change your mind and you’ll enjoy carrying my child.’

    There was no second date and I ended up having to block him everywhere.

    lupum121 , Camylla Battani Report

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    Nitka Tsar
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Does this sound threatening to anyone else? I got shivers reading this

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    Women are also more likely to see risk – both physical and emotional – when it comes to dating; when those who say dating has become harder for most people in the last 10 years were asked to describe in their own words why they think this is the case, women are twice as likely as men to cite increased risk.

    For their part, men are more likely than women to say technology is a reason dating has gotten harder. Overall, 47% of Americans say dating is now harder than it was 10 years ago, and this thread illustrates it pretty well.


    "What are you, a F****t?"

    Because I declined to sleep with her on the first date... I don't sleep around, it's not for me. All power to you if that's something you enjoy, but don't pressure someone into it by questioning their sexual orientation. I also don't find it particularly attractive to be calling people slurs because you didn't get your way.

    TestudoWarrior Report

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    Aria Whitaker
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Calling someone gay because they do not want to sleep with you is the definition of CRINGE. How pathetic.

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    "I was reading about plus size models today. What do you think about plus size models considering you're a bigger girl?"

    I am 5'4" and 125 lbs. He was not being sarcastic. Dude had the most warped sense of body image I've ever encountered. Joke's on him though because his head was shaped like a lightbulb.

    pineapple_blurt Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe “Stop pulling away when I try to kiss you because people are looking and it makes me seem rapey”

    Whatsername2020 , Samantha Gades Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe wistfully after 2 wines... "God, you are so amazing, such a shame you look like that."

    bonjelascott , Natalie Bond Report

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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah thank you, pour me some more wine so I can tolerate being with you ...

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "So, aren't you going to invite me to your place? I bought you lunch. You kind of owe me." from a guy I met ONCE and had breath so bad I am surprised it didn't melt the fork.

    randommusicfan , Jason Briscoe Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe First date, I order a mocktail and he says, “I’m not going to pay for your drinks unless there’s alcohol in them.”

    Taney34 , Toni Cuenca Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe - asked me the worst crime I’d commit if I would get away with it. I said steal a few million from a bank. They said they’d “dahmer” someone

    Index_Wool , Celyn Kang Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "I don't mind that you're... you know." *waves hand vaguely at my body*

    StrangersWithAndi , Alex Green Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe We had a fun night having a personal date and then we pull up to his house for his birthday party, where I’m about to meet his family for the first time. He turns to me and says, “Oh btw my parents don’t like Mexicans.”

    I am Mexican.

    LosNava , Askar Abayev Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe It wasn't what was said, but what was not said, because her face was buried in her phone screen the whole evening. She was shocked when I told her that we would not be going out again.

    Necessary_Board_3116 , Angelo Moleele Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should’ve told her via text what an idiot she was while she was sitting right there in front of you!😂

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe Not exactly a date, but at a dance when I was a teenager I sat down for a breather after I'd been dancing for a long time. Right then a slow song started and a couple girls came up, one of them introduced me to her friend and asked me to dance with her because nobody had asked her to dance yet. I felt really bad for her and said heck yeah, everybody deserves to dance. She spent the whole time talking about how I'm such a piece of garbage for sitting down when there are girls like her who haven't been asked to dance. I kept trying to change the subject, she just ignored me and kept trash talking me, so I walked away mid-dance.

    ParkityParkPark , Ardian Lumi Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they didn't come to dance but trash-talk instead, they don't belong on the floor...

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    He asked me how frequently I would want sex if I were in my ideal relationship. I said 2-3x a week. He told me that means I'm a sex addict and that sex more often than once a month isn't really required for intimacy or connection between partners.

    (Hey, if that's his level of drive, cool.... but no need to shame someone for having a higher drive than yours.)

    geminiloveca Report

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    Yeah, okay.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a person who is clearly asexual - which is fine. There are lots of people for whom sex is a physical invasive turn off but only want love ave companionship. Just identify that in your dating profile and find like- minded people.

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe Her phone rang. She answered it. I expected it was a friend calling to see if she wanted to be saved.

    She got concerned and hung up and said “that was my ex. He got arrested. Can you bring me to the police station?”

    So I did. I even helped them fill out some paperwork so he could get released. I took them to his car and she looked at me. I laughed and said “The date was over hours ago. Go” and she got out and they drove away.

    BackItUpWithLinks , Kindel Media Report


    Your job is to sit there and look pretty.

    (After I shared an opinion about something)

    Dogmum77 Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "I can tell you are an only child because you have major personality flaws".

    OliveVizsla , Tirachard Kumtanom Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe On a date with my wife, 12 years in. "I don't think I love you anymore".

    Out of the blue.

    uniquestar2000 , Christian Erfurt Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People can fall out of love, sadly. It happens more often than we think.

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    “You know, you’d be really pretty if you didn’t have that whole jew nose thing going on. Have you thought about getting it fixed?” This was after the movie and make-out. I’m ashamed to say that 17 yr old me didn’t tell him to f**k off like I should’ve. It just gave me an insecurity about my nose.

    missag_2490 Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "A lot of people think my brother is gay. But he's not. I know. I've seen his penis a few times. And he's not gay. His penis doesn't look gay. I mean, he got hard."

    1. I paraphrased.
    2. The girl saying it was 18 and her brother was 25ish.
    3. Mega-religious family.

    cgulash , Alan Quirvan Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He may not be gay, but there’s a whole other issue here if he gets hard around you! And exactly what does a gay penis look like ?

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe He got angry when I said I did not want to go further than kissing and denied him putting his hand under my shirt. His argument: "I have a relationship with your whole body! Not just your head!"

    DiscoPino , Katie Salerno Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe First date from a dating app. I could tell he was maybe a touch too desperate based on the texts we exchanged. However, he was also whip smart and almost finished with grad school, so I still agreed to go out. We didn’t have a spark, which I noticed immediately. On the other hand, he was oblivious to it. No big deal. Then, he suggests a walk after dinner. I agree like an idiot. On that walk he proceeds to tell me that his ex girlfriend cheated on him, that he thinks he’ll always love her, even though she cheated on him with his best friend, and she gave him an STD. And the worst thing I ever heard on a date was, “But don’t worry- it’s one of the ones that clears up on its own." NOPE

    thedivinemissemm , Good Faces Agency Report

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    Kiss Army
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The only STD I know of that "clears up on it's own" is pregnancy and only women get that! (Just joking... please don't downvote me!)

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe I told him I would like to just pay for myself and he pay for himself so I don't feel uncomfortable ordering what I want. Fine. He dislikes every option we had to eat out except the one place I don't like. Whatever, I'll deal with it. We go, he orders seafood and several cups of wine. The check comes eventually and he stares at it and says "so you're paying? I didn't bring my wallet." I was instantly pissed off. On the way back to his house (I parked my car there and then we carpooled together to the restaurant) he stops at a Arby's and asks if I want anything and I said no then proceeds to bust out his fkn wallet and pay for his meal. Heated. Then he blew up my phone when I didn't want to go on another date and didn't respond back with "well, it's your loss"

    EDIT:I'd like to change my answer. It was 10 years ago, I was extremely drunk and me and this date I had a were playing a drinking game in a group of my friends and roommate. He said "never have I ever molested my sister" then took a drink. My roommate physically threw him out of our apartment and I passed out on my couch.

    Chemical_Reality4606 , Towfiqu barbhuiya Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe After what I thought was a good date, we went for a couple of drinks, at the end of the night she told me "wow you really are a great guy, I just wish u were good looking"

    joshd1106 , Crew Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Look, I kind of get the idea. I have dated guys briefly that seemed nice and sweet and everything but I just wasn't physically attracted. And yes, that is important too and nothing I can switch on at random. "Good-looking" always means good-looking to the person's tastes. And that I think is okay. But to say something like that out loud is beyond cruel and mean.

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "Wow, my boyfriend would love this place!"

    Edit: This was about 25 years ago. I'm very happily married (obviously to a different woman) and things are awesome. But to all you folks getting stuck with bad dates, I see you and I wish you the best.

    parkinglotguy , cottonbro studio Report

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    Yvonne Blau
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like a rather immature way of telling you that she wasn't into you.

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "you're ugly and your art sucks"

    Got me both from the outside and inside..

    Any_Presentation2958 , Greta Hoffman Report

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    “are you calling the cops on me bc i drugged you?”

    Status_Secretary5349 Report

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    Lady Miss Pie
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was roofied before—thankfully my friend was able to get to me before he did. But it was frightening; I barely remember anything except suddenly not being able to stay awake or stand up or even move my arms. People at the bar thought I was “drunk” but my friend happened to arrive shortly before the drug kicked in and said “You were literally coherent and not drunk fifteen minutes before you passed out.” She got me home and I was sick for days. We don’t know who it was, since it was at a party. Scary stuff.

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    What’s the point of women if they don’t give me a BJ whenever I ask for one? In case your wondering, he asked 40 minutes into the date, I said no and left.

    DavinaCole Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe Do you hate black people? (she was black) "no I wouldn't be here if I did". Well I hate white people, and I'm here "why are you here?" Well white dudes turn me on, I still hate them though. "Where do you see this going?" I don't know?
    We did not talk much after this exchange, we split the bill.

    HooterEnthusiast , Good Faces Agency Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Disgusting how someone can be so openly racist but because it was aimed at a white person it doesn't matter

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    My husband is in Iraq.

    Noped right out on thar one

    Pemminpro Report


    On a first date, a guy told me all about his past struggles with alcoholism and how he got sober. As he was on his 2nd beer. That’s gonna be a no from me

    FoghornLegday Report


    She said to me..” people say I have bad breath..” I was way ahead of that statement as those people dead right. I was already asking for the bill so I could go home and burn a tire to get the smell out of my nose.

    Hairy_Seaweed9309 Report


    After a mediocre date in every way - “On the next date, I would like you to not wear heels so I’m taller than you”. There was no second date

    melmelmalmal20 Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In fact high heels will be the only thing I'll have on. Sorry you won't be there

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    I was in recovery from my eating disorder. The dude came over to watch a movie and eat pizza (this was our second or third date). We were talking about fitness and he grabbed my bare thigh and jiggled it while asking how I could say I worked out.

    Other highlights include him drinking too much to drive home after assuming this was a hook up and then calling me a puritan for making him sleep on my floor. He also wanted me to pay for the $300 parking ticket he received. We didn’t have another date.

    literarywitch32 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should have dumped his a** in an Uber! Wouldn’t be sleeping on my floor 😟

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    I hope you know my kid will be more important than yours if this goes anywhere

    If we start to get serious you're going to have to get rid of your dog

    MyDogIsNamedKyle Report


    "I'm not even picky anymore, I'm just looking for somebody to knock me up."

    First and LAST date.

    AllBadAnswers Report

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe That his mother was here, she was looking forward to chatting with me and would be drinking mango juice.

    The jerk forgot his wallet but remembered to bring along his mother. Apparently the latter is still his blind date MO.

    londonmyst , Anna Shvets Report


    "Sometime I feel like I think like a serial killer"
    This was after we just watched a horror movie and it was our first date.

    EvoStarSC Report

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    Michael Largey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Nah, the math is all wrong. What's the odds of finding TWO serial killers on the same date?"

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    This girl askked me out, I wasn't even too interested in her, but since it's so rare for a girl to ask a guy out, I figured I'll give her a chance and go on a date with her.

    We made plans to eat at a specific restaurant at 7pm. I get there on time and I text her to let her know I'm there. Around 20 minutes later, she texts me back apologizing and saying that she fell asleep but that she is on her way and she'll be there in 20 minutes.

    I waited around 20 minutes, go to a random petco nearby to look at the animals and kill time. She hasn't texted me so I wait around 20 more minutes. At that point I decide to text her to see how she's doing but the message doesn't go through and I found out she blocked me.

    wassdfffvgggh Report

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    Captain Awesome
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got a majority of my exes by them asking me out (I'm a guy). I was super shy and never had the confidence to ask. Heck my wife asked me out on our first date, so sometimes they do work out.

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    Went on a date with a guy who bragged about hiding in the closet to watch his roommates have sex whenever they brought a girl home.

    faith00019 Report


    “I can’t commit to you because you’re not a Christian, but we can have sex.”

    RaRa_Badger Report


    Me: (having a nice time over artisinal margaritas) Excuse me. Going to run to the ladies' room.
    Him: And I'll slip something in your drink heh heh.

    ConclusionAlarmed882 Report


    “You’re pretty cute for a black guy.”

    mrnoodlesman Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe After hanging out for about 16 hours at her place, talking and later making out, she tells me: "Hey did you know I have a boyfriend?"

    Took me 10 seconds to realize what she said and ask WTF.

    Free_will_enthusiast , sarandy westfall Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm real sorry for her boyfriend. Hoped he dumped her faster than a case of diarrhea

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    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe *"I don't think I can get it up but would you mind coming home with me anyway?"*

    Decades ago, a guy showed up for our date with a black eye and some bruises. He was usually pretty hot but for obvious reasons he was very much not hot that night.

    Turned out he'd taken a bad tackle in rugby that afternoon. I offered to rain check our date but he said no. Anyway, by mid-meal he was slurring and seemed like he was going to fall asleep. The entire restaurant was looking at him. I asked repeatedly if he'd like to leave and he kept shaking it off and trying to rally for a little bit longer.

    He kept starting random new conversational threads with me, like he couldn't follow the conversation we already had on the go. His laughs were delayed, even if he made the joke.

    Anyway, he asked me to take his wallet and pay the bill, which I did, and when I gave his wallet back he hit me with that stellar line.

    I took him home with me because I thought he'd been pregaming and was too drunk to drive himself. Fortunately my roommate was home, she said he probably had a concussion and I had to wake him every 20 minutes for water and to check his speech.

    hellokiri , Adrian Swancar Report


    Worst date - showed up for a blind date. Meeting at a bar. Walk in and 12 people are sitting at the table with him. Wtf?

    milolovesthd Report

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    "My doctor said my new antibiotics affect my birth control. Or that the birth control affects my antibiotics. Not really sure, either way. It doesn't matter."

    Costco_FreeSample Report


    Tried to get me to join a MLM scheme. Turns out, he was targeting single moms through match dot com. When I ghosted, he acted surprised! On my voicemail, of course, because I ghosted him.

    TheSuperflux Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have put out a broadcast message to all the other ladies informing the world!

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    Out of no where she asked me “Is it weird that I want to have a threesome with you and (my sister’s name)?” Um, yeah kinda.

    HughGeorgie Report


    People Are Sharing Their Bad Date Stories, Here Are 30 That Might Make You Cringe "can we wrap this up i have another date at 8" i f*****g hate tinder

    california-whiskey , cottonbro studio Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you aren't in a committed relationship you're allowed to date as many people as you want even on the same day. Though it does seem rude and counterproductive to tell this to the people you are dating.

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    Spent 90 min with one woman. She talked the entire time. Anytime I would try to say something she would interrupt me then had the nerve to say you don’t talk much. When I tried to respond to that, she interrupted me again. Said on her profile she smoked on occasion, had 6 maybe more cigarettes in the 90 min and basically told me her entire life story including why she can’t have sex or have children. Finally someone messaged her and she had to leave, dropping her off and she says “ You’re not calling me again are you?” I didn’t want to lie but I said “ no no I will “ deleted her number and blocked her

    Wpgjetsfan19 Report


    "BTW, we should probably hurry, I'm lactose intolerant" after eating grilled salmon for dinner, followed by a massive slice of cheesecake for desert washed down with a glass of chocolate milk.

    The drive back to her place from the restaurant was NOT pleasant.

    There was no second date.

    waywardcowboy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once overheard it said " it's more of an inconvience than intolerance."

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    While laying in bed after the date and after we had hooked up she informed me of an std.

    angryragnar1775 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, hey, it's trashy, but it takes two to decide on consensual unprotected sex.

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    “I want you try to get me pregnant tonight.”

    And no this isn’t some cute way to come on to me or tell me she was down to clown later. This was followed by about 10 minutes of her telling me I’d have no parental obligations, how she felt she was running out of time, persuading me why she was in a good position to take care of a kid on her own, why she wanted to randomly do it via one night stand instead of other means…”You paying for dinner is way cheaper than IVF!”

    We had been having a great date up to that point too. I thought she was kidding, but she insisted she was serious. It bummed me out. She was smart, had a good job, very attractive. I could not understand why she was going about having a kid this way when she would make someone so happy.

    Oh! Btw, if I WANTED to be around she was okay with that too, I just didn’t have to be if I didn’t want to.

    Silver_Lion Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dont whether im messed up or normal but that's actually a good plan to me IVF is expensive and more complications

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    That my body looked good, but my face was plain

    Pinkbuttercream85 Report

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    Liz Downing
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a shame that people put so much influence on how a person looks. The beauty inside a person is the only beauty that will last. #raisedbyablindmom

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    We were smoking a doob, and she said, "the doctor thinks I have Hep C."

    TigerTownTerror Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Talked about how much money her family had. I guess she thought it mattered or was trying to impress but it didn’t.

    CavalloScuro Report


    Listed all the reasons he was getting divorced, and how toxic the relationship was

    switchkity Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds a lot like Coming Attractions if you are foolish enough to stay