For thousands of years, humans have marked their bodies with permanent designs known as tattoos. They have varied from plain, sometimes elaborate, other times symbolic, but always personal, and these inkings have served as amulets, status symbols, declarations of love, signs of religious beliefs, adornments and even forms of punishment.

No wonder people’s fascination with tattoos remains stronger than ever. While there’s still some stigma about them in our society, a more progressive approach to our bodies, identity, and self-expression is emerging.

At the same time, some people are slightly more skeptical towards body art. They even claim that particular designs, symbols, and body areas where a tattoo is placed can be read as a warning sign. “What sort of tattoo on someone is a major red flag for you?” someone asked on Ask Reddit, and we looked at what people had to say. Let us know if you agree or disagree with them in the comments!

We also reached out to Alex Alvarado, a tattoo artist at Santo Cuervo studio, and Adam, the studio manager at Vagabond Tattoo based in East London, who shared a couple of insights into tattoo art from the experts’ perspective.


Confederate flag tattoo with revolvers on a person's thigh, highlighting potential red flags in tattoos. The Confederate Flag is literally a red flag

EdwardPackard , Angie Report

According to tattoo artist Alvarado, you can tell a lot about a person from their tattoos. “I’d venture to say you could even guess nationality based on what style of tattoos they have, but the most obvious answer to me would be how much they have (or haven’t) invested in their tattoos,” he said.

Alvarado argues that this isn’t only monetary investment but also in terms of research, time, and dedication. “Getting a good tattoo is sometimes a very multi-faceted process that could even include travelling to see a specific artist. Things like this can tell you how knowledgeable, patient and committed a tattooed person can be.”


    Tattoo of five vertical lines with black ink on a person's upper arm, considered a major red flag by some people. Any kind of hate symbol/speech is going to be a no from me.

    AggravatingTear2879 Report

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    Sioux White
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a racist and then turns part of its skin black to show you its a racist. Mf morons

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    Controversial tattoos seen on calves, wearing Adidas shoes. Frankly, I only judge people for racist tattoos. I don't care otherwise nor do I care where people put their tattoos.

    I do tend to judge people with bad tattoos but solely because it generally means a) you didn't care to do your research or b) you're a cheap f**k. But I try not to just for the few people out there that got scammed by someone saying they were something they weren't.

    HovercraftFullofBees , hildebrand_rarity Report


    And when it comes to the tattoo trends, Alvarado said that there are a multitude of them going on right now and it would depend on where you live, mostly.

    “Custom lettering seems really popular at the moment. I’ve seen a lot of very delicate, very intricate Korean-style tattoos lately, and on the opposite end of that, there’s a lot of heavy blackouts going on as well, but it seems all styles seem to be flourishing and being taken to the next level all over the world.” He added that he is mainly a realism artist “and the art I see on social media nowadays usually leaves me in total awe!”


    Tattoo of a cartoon bear wearing a harness and wrapped in a pink blanket; seen as a potential red flag by some people. Childhood characters doing something unsavory. Like Winnie the Pooh in a dominatrix outfit. Decapitated Pikachu. Something like that.

    Manateebae Report


    Forearm tattoo with "Only God Can Judge Me" text, often discussed as a red flag by people. "Only God can judge me".

    prophylaxitive , tausend und eins, fotografie Report


    Back tattoo of a man's face on an older person's left shoulder, representing controversial tattoo choices. Anything political or weed-related. It tells me that has become their identity, basically.

    User_492006 , MiamLitchell Report


    And when it comes to tattoos that seem to be out of fashion, Alvarado said that from what he can see, the '90s tribal style is definitely on its way out. “The majority of cover-ups we’ve done at my studio usually involve some sort of tribal that the client got ages ago when they were ‘cool’ but no longer reflects their taste and personality. But with trends being so cyclical, who knows, maybe tribal will come back in a big way soon!”


    Tattoo of a smiling baby next to its reference photo, highlighting potential red flags in tattoo choices. Baby’s faces, find it really unnerving, especially on the calf or top of arm. Why does it keep looking at me?

    Fun-Platypus-9153 , Petkevic29 Report

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    Loki’s Lil Butter Knife
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Adorable photograph of a sweet sleeping baby on the left. The love child of Gollum and Sloth on the right.

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    Wrist tattoo with black and purple ink, considered by some as a red flag. Anything in a language they don’t speak/have a connection to

    hurricanetrash , CGehlen Report

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    Fabian Bernard
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, big regret for me there. Being 19 and stupid, I would seriously like to get rid of it, totally screams whitetrash while at the beach now 😐

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    The number 88. It's used in the Aryan Brotherhood as an abbreviation for Hail Hitler (explanation: H is the 8th letter of the alphabet)

    HypnotEyes_lonely Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was unaware of this and had an idea to incorporate 88 (Year I was born) into one I wanted. The artist was like yaaaaa I'm not doing that and that's when I was explained the meaning. Man I'm glad he said something!

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    Meanwhile, Adam, the studio manager at Vagabond Tattoo parlor, argues the opposite. He believes that tattoos don't really say anything. “There are so many different styles out there at the moment and it's so varied that you have people with different styles tattooed on them.” Having said that, Adam added that “one thing I would say is that if someone has a body suit or a large-scale piece, then they are a committed, dedicated person!”


    Tattoo of a black and white American flag on a person's inner arm, considered a potential red flag by some people. A huge American flag. I'm sorry.

    scottstots98 , Aargentino1 Report


    Tattoo with colorful, abstract designs on skin, showcasing a controversial style often considered a red flag by some people. Celebrity. Any kind

    A_Guy_That_Exists89 , InducedChip89 Report


    "Live Laugh Love tattoo on side of a person's body, often considered a red flag by some people." 'Live, Laugh, Love'

    Even-Juggernaut6678 , Lex McKee Report

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    Dre Mosley
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's already overused as a wall decoration, and she put it on her body 🤦🏿‍♂️

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    When asked what kind of tattoos have been trending lately, Adam said it’s tribal tattoos that are having a comeback at the moment, but in a new form. “I've seen lots of biomechanical-esque tribal recently, so that may be a new trend.” Moreover, Adam said that “the 'fine line' style is probably the most popular but I don't think anything is the least fashionable right now,” when asked about tattoos which have gone out of style.


    Tattoo of the word "Loyalty" on a forearm, highlighting potential red flags associated with certain tattoos. “Loyalty” The people I see with this tattoo, they usually don’t appear to be the loyal type

    ReusableBear487 , u/Dense-Significance-9 Report


    Bible/gospel quotes are an immediate no from me

    Snailpics Report


    Tattoo of the name "Ernesto" in script font on skin, considered a major red flag by some people. Sort: Exes names

    Placement: Face

    hamiltonka , Ernest James Report

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    Scout Finch
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never ever put a name on your body unless it's a blood relative.

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    As the Covid-19 pandemic is over and people are getting back to their normal lives, you may wonder if the initial pandemic-induced surge in people’s interest in getting some ink is over. However, Adam said they have been pretty consistent throughout the pandemic and post-pandemic. “I'd say once we came out of each lockdown was the busiest time period with people wanting to get a tattoo,” he added.


    Leg tattoos with text "Skate and Destroy," often considered a red flag in tattoo choices. Anything misspelled.

    Rothines , LaserNightingale Report

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    Roman Hans
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Years ago I passed a tattoo studio with sample art outside. Didn't ponder too long whether I should get a GARFEILD (the cat) tattoo.

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    eyeball. As in having your eyeball colored permanently. No, just no. Use cool contacts. Dont take the chance of blinding yourself.

    kejovo Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People will have ink injected into the whites of their eyes to change the color. It sounds like a terrible idea to me.

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    Man with tattoos on forehead and below eyes, considered by some as red flags in tattoo culture. Tear drop under the eye

    A teardrop under the eye, if just an outline, Usually means the wearer has suffered pain, or more likely caused pain, or served significant time, for their associates (gang). Perhaps 15 years. A filled- in solid teardrop Usually means the wearer has caused death for their associates (gang).

    scareintheair , [deleted] Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought it meant they made bad choices. I have seen it some quite young people

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    And now that the summer heat is sizzling and everyone’s getting into the beach mood, more people than ever are willing to get themselves a piece of body art. “Summer is always peak tattoo season! As soon as you start showing more skin, then all you see is the empty space,” Adam told us. However, he added that it's probably the worst time to get a tattoo in terms of healing, but it's definitely their busiest time of the year.


    Brand logos of any kind. If you like any corporation enough to get their logo tattooed on you, I’m guessing we have some major ideological differences.

    P0ster_Nutbag Report

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    Race Blakhart
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So "Major ideological differences" is reason enough to put a list together, judging (mostly) innocent people for absolutely no reason? Yeah, mock the idiot racist tattoos all day long, but a lot of this list is just bullying people.

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    Theatrical masks tattoo with horns and crown, noted as a red flag design. Comedy and tragedy masks. First three people I hooked up with had them in places you couldn’t see with clothes on.

    Apparently I have a type.

    If I unwrap another human and find one, I may faint.

    No_Lick_Asbetos , JubJubBonks Report


    Tattoo of a pin-up girl in ice cream on a person's side, considered a red flag design by some. if a man has tattoo's of naked women

    Minimum-Lobster-8252 , A.T Tattoo Report


    Neck tattoo script on woman's side neck in a hair salon, potential red flag tattoo. my coworker married another coworker.. Prior to that wedding.. he asked her to prove to her how much she loved him. So she got a tattoo on her neck with his last name on it.--BIG artistic letters.

    Now.. mind you.. this man is a douchebag and a half. and they have "issues" in their marriage.. that tattoo just proves how much self love she had for HERSELF.. which is absolutely 0.

    Now before any of you comment let me tell you what she is like. She's very introverted and never speaks up. this guy controls what she eats, what she wears, and he has no shame in telling us to shut the eff up, if we stick up for her... and HR doesn't do anything about it.

    This girl still sticks with him. When we ask her why.. she gets quiet and says.. she doesn't have a car and begs us not to get involved.

    SO seeing their partner's name on a very clearly visible area while the partner does not have any tatz is a major red flag.

    Dimple_from_YA , KK Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When a tattoo is done under these circumstances it's basically a brand of ownership. I won't judge anyone with name tattoos because you never know what that person is dealing with.

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    Tattoo of a Southern Comfort bottle with a butterfly perched on a whiskey glass, seen as a major red flag by some. Alcohol or weed tattoos.

    ballq43 , Ella Report


    A “Punisher” tattoo. Especially if they’re in any sort of authority position.

    Emperor_NOPEolean Report

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    Alice Sparks
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Biggest red flag is if it's a cop. The original punisher comic had him going after corrupt police and politicians. Police have since tried to claim the symbol means "no mercy". It's a massive red flag that whoever has it has temper issues and a lack of self control that they see as a badge of honor. F**k those people.

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    Erogenous zone.

    I’m nobody’s idea of a love god, but I’m reasonably capable of finding your happy spots without garish billboards to guide the way. You’re a partner, not a cheesy amusement park.

    A few encouraging words and movements is more than enough.

    knockatize Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This person sounds really sweet, encouraging communication is a green flag

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    Lips on the neck

    subiesaurus Report

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    Autistic Wolf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That... sounds like some ... uh... I would guess... trailer-park-girl stuff... What I think of when I read that...

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    Two arms with simple line tattoos of cartoon figures, possibly signaling major red flags. I was once friends with a girl who had ten tattoos, all of which were matching tattoos with other girl friends. She’s no longer friends with any of them. Two big red flags there- intense codependent friendships, many enemies/falling outs with past friends. She even tried to get me to do a matching tattoo with her once. No thanks.

    pbd1996 , j46290 Report

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    Tiger Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do understand that, but some probably find it a funny/nice reminder of a time they lived through.

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    Tattoo of an Apple logo with an incomplete fill on a wrist, considered a major red flag by some people. I used to work at an all purpose gas station in Pittsburgh, and was constantly told about a customer who had our store logo tattooed on his arm.

    Didn't make me proud, made me feel like I was joining a very corporate cult.

    Ok_Sheepherder_8313 , Terry Johnston Report


    A tattoo of their own face... Unless they're Steve-O.

    TheScarletSho Report


    Tattoo on forearm reading "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere," possibly considered a red flag by some. An inspirational quote tatted on someone screams they're trying desperately to prove something to themselves.

    Ok-Limit5517 , tacotruck4me Report


    Wrist tattoo of the word 'flawless' with a backward '3' as 'E', considered by some as a red flag. Stupid baseless words like “Pay2play” or “Boss movezzzz”

    OkLemon1033 , Report


    It's rather inexplicable, but Tweety Bird tats attract the worst

    COL_Schnitzel Report

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    Autistic Wolf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ever notice how almost any woman who exist with this type of tattoo (and lets face it, men simply don't get Tweety Bird tatts for whatever reason) tends to be SUPER unhealthy in their general lifestyle and life choices?

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    Tattoo artist inking arm, showcasing tattoos often seen as red flags. I know this guy with a tattoo across his collar bones that says “Uneducated genius"

    ProcessImpressive211 , Allef Vinicius Report

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    Cat Monaghan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uneducated or otherwise, I would NEVER refer to him as any type of genius!

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    Tattoo reading "Carpe Diem" on a forearm, considered a major red flag by some people. Carpe diem.

    RAB2204 , cayooo Report

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    Ivo H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, just put YOLO there, everyone already knows it's the same thing.

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    I think this might just be an Australian thing but having the southern cross tattoo anywhere is a red flag.
    Don't know why it's specifically the southern cross but holy s**t every person I've ever met with that specific tattoo has been a walking red flag

    imuncomfy5 Report


    I swear guys with roses on their hands are generally a**holes.

    a_china_doll Report

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    Autistic Wolf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A rose on the hand typically tends to mean "if things get heated, I'm genuinely not above hitting the woman I'm with."

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    Being a tattooist for 11/12 years. Really in my eyes it’s usually people with not well done house tattoos who throw up the most red flags.

    Thinking they are owed something and plain rude especially when someone is about to stab you lol

    In no way am I trying to say house tattoos are bad what I’m saying is the sense of self entitlement and the need to have it done then and there breeds a different type of client that is usually rude or is an a*****e in my experience.

    Lumpy_Objective1458 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are house tattoos the tattoos on the walls or in books at the tattoo shop?

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    Simple tattoo on a hand that some people consider a red flag design. Zodiac signs

    samiam871 , u/fatmonk8 Report

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    Meg Curry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Scorpio here! My initial is "M" and the Scorpio symbol looks like an M with an arrow on it. I wish people would stop cramping on folks with zodiac tattoos, especially when it has a special meaning.

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    Any symbols of Soviet Union or other socialist countries. Portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao etc. The red flag with hammer and sickle of course too.

    sladkayaKonfetka Report


    The old feather and infinity symbol is mostly a giveaway for being a bit uninspired.

    MrSquanchy010 Report

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    Summer Mason
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    An angel forever in my heart. It's my son who died with his footprints and a infinity symbol with a feather. So fk right on off with that MR.

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    Usually initials, normally of three letters, most associated with gang names

    -Wildhart- Report


    Name tattoos are generally distasteful. You really couldn’t think of a different way to honour your loved one? Knew a guy who had “family” written in a huge terribly overstated script across his forearm… what, like you’re gonna forget?

    ETA if you want to honour someone, get a symbol for them or smth that you actually put some thought into. It’s just the effortless name tattoos that get to me

    oillampe Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most of these just boil down to tattoos people don't like, not that make you wary of someone.

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    If I see the Eureka stockade flag on someone I get a bit nervous.

    Needmoresnakes Report


    People Claim These Tattoos Signal Major Red Flags On People, Here Are 40 Of The Worst Ones Anything that’s trending. Trends DIE. It tells me that the person isn’t willing to put anything unique on their body & they just want to follow with what’s cool right now. For example people who get clocks, eyes, lions, etc.. are probably the same ones who would’ve gotten tribal tattoos back in the 90’s-00’s just because it was cool at the moment. I dont have any hate towards these tattoos by the way. They look nice.. its just people get them because its trending.. so to me that’s a red flag to permanently put something on yourself just because its trending at the moment. Also anything with your ex’s name.

    1keric , Najib Kalil Report


    Om symbol- not hating because I imagine a lot of people have one, but I feel like the person is very clearly telling me not to hang out with them lol.

    Automatic_Moment_320 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m not sure I understand the second half of this. Could someone explain how an ॐ says “don’t hang out with me?”

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    Any kind of emo/goth cartoon character. Like Spongebob or Patrick.

    coolkidswithasthma Report


    my ex is 17 so he doesn’t actually have this tattoo but he genuinely wants to get a harry potter death eater tattoo

    edit: need to clarify it’s not HP that makes me cringe it’s the death eater specifically

    iwpsutiad Report

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    Meg Curry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hi! I have a Death Eater tattoo. Got it when I was 21 (now I'm in my late 30s). I was a huge Harry Potter fan and have a love for villains of many genres. My dumbass didn't see it as racist, my dumbass saw it as a way to show folks my love for villains. It wasn't until maybe the last 2 years that folks started saying how it's racist and the equivalent of Nazi-ism. I still like my tattoo! But I hope it may explain at least my reasoning for getting it.

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    Clock tattoos. Especially if it comes paired with roses or a lion. It a very specific tattoo but the people who get them are always so rude.

    bugzdumpster Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Umm... Im not sure I've ever met multiple people with the same tattoo. Definitely not enough to pass judgement on everyone with that specifically. I think I'm missing something. Or, OP needs to broaden their friend groups...

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    People Claim These Tattoos Signal Major Red Flags On People, Here Are 40 Of The Worst Ones I knew a girl whose initials were VW and she had a Volkswagen logo tattoo. She was obsessed with their cars too; she didn't just get the tat because of her initials.

    C_IsForCookie , Report


    Tattoos of anime characters. I watch anime from time to time, I’ve seen so many. I read a ton of manga as well. I get if it’s a small tattoo referencing an anime, but big tattoos of anime characters are red flags.

    dereyanyan Report

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    Elly Sketchit
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Red flags for what exactly? Their love of a show? Man, this list is judgy.

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    Getting the generic lion with crown and hourglass or pocket watch, just like the wolf and the owl…

    Much_Committee_9355 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it a red flag, or do you just not like them or find them boring?

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    this seems to be an unpopular one and may just be from personal experience but full or half sleeves of one particular fandom/media. Never met someone who commits that hard to harry potter and isn’t a bit off somewhere else

    bigboytuesdays Report


    Anything tribal on a neon white man

    Yeetster3000 Report

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    Tiger Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you get to decide whether the “white man” has tribal ancestry or not? There are quite a few white passing people from all ancestries. Every ethnicity comes from some kind of tribal background. Are you aware of each tribal tattoo’s inspiration?

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    Nightmare before Christmas tattoo because you know their going to be very annoying.

    bolliehollie Report


    Those semi-colon tattoos.

    Met, maybe half a dozen men and women with one.

    All bats**t, and unapologetic entitled about it...

    Choice-One-249 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know several people with a semi colon tattoo, for them it's a reminder of how far they've come and that they were able to beat their demons.

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