50 Times People Realized They’re Living With A ‘Monster’ And Just Had To Share The Evidence
If you never lived in a flat-share, were you even a student for realz? The question doesn’t really have an answer, but it shows one thing. Living with another person under one roof is a one-of-a-kind experience.
And it’s not only about leaving dirty socks in plain sight, bringing in a bunch of friends at 2 am, or borrowing chocolate biscuits with 0.001% intention to return them. Whichever side you were, or currently are, standing on, you probably feel right and the other person is most likely wrong.
But in the land of flat- and house-sharing, there are no right or wrong people, there’s only a nasty-meter that goes up every single time you put an empty pack of ice cream back to rest in the freezer. Call it an exaggeration, but god is in the details when it comes to flat-sharing.
Pssst! More 'I live with a monster' pics can be found in a previous compilation by Bored Panda right here.
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Thesis Due In A Few Days And I Don’t Need This Extra Stress Of People Stealing My Stuff From The Communal Fridge
The Way My Dad Puts Things Away In The Fridge. This Is A Piece Of Steak
Living with someone is never easy. Whether you’re partners, friends, or random students who met by pure chance and equal need to share a flat, the truth is, a big part of the deal comes down to not-so-sweet moments. Like, noticing your biscuit bag rapidly shrinking in size, or drinking the chamomile tea and shoving in the ear plugs since your roommate is a night owl with a passion for techno.
Sometimes, though, it gets more awful than that. And when you realize your relationship has become somewhat passive-aggressive and your sticky note battle is getting out of hand, it may be too late to save your (and your roommate's, for that matter) sanity.
My Husband Bought Memory Foam For “His Side Of The Bed”
My Dad Who Takes Bites Out Of Butter. Disgusting
Fortunately, there are some things everyone can do to make sure sharing a flat is not a one-way ride to hell. First, make sure you’re compatible from the very beginning. I know, nobody is going to marry their roommate, but being sure you have similar lifestyles, hobbies, and at least, are not immediately averse to one another is a good start.
However, many people who have experienced a flat share can assure you that living with your best friend is not a good idea either. Even though it sounds like a dream come true, living with your BFF may reveal less savory aspects of people’s personalities (And personal hygiene.) After all, it’s not worth putting your friendship on trial just so you two can spend even more time under one roof.
The truth is, when you start living with someone you know, little things that you were not particularly keen on about their personalities often snowball into giant arguments.
My Wife Putting This Peanut Butter In The Trash Because It’s Empty
My Husband Is Technologically Challenged
When Your Housemate Uses The Living Room As His Bedroom
I Married A Monster
"Its Always So Cold In Our House. Our Furnace Sucks." -Wife Jan2020 -32C
Even though there are no existing rules governing how roommates should live with one another, psychologist Fredric Neuman suggests a couple of things to have in mind. First, it’s mutual respect. “By respect, I mean certain specific things: Do not eat the other person’s food unless you ask first. Do not borrow clothes, or pick up money lying around, or take up any other possession of the other person without asking first.”
The Way My GF "Puts Away The Groceries" Still In The Bag
Wife Doesn’t Pay Attention To What We Already Have When Buying Groceries
My Brother Has A Habit
I Married The Person Who Does This
My Mom Always Eats The Chocolate And Puts It Back In The Freezer Like That
My Roommate Has Difficulties In Finding The Right Hole
Second, it’s following through financial commitments so that none of the roommates feel pressured. Also, chores should be done without reminding one another, so make sure to set up a schedule in the communal zone.
How My Wife Loads The Dishwasher
My boyfriend AFTER I SHOWED HIM EXACTLY HOW TO DO IT A MILLION TIMES. I go to check the next time and he still hasn't figured it out
The Way My Family Leaves The Toothpaste
My Wife Ate Every Single Marshmallow In A Family Sized Box Of Count Chocula. Every Single One
This Is How My Mom Puts The Knives Away In The Drying Rack
According to Fredric Neuman, it’s best not to keep close track of everything you do for your roommate. “Weighing every action on a scale leads invariably to someone feeling disadvantaged,” he argues, so it’s best not to set your expectations too high.
I Live With Monsters
Less Than 2 Days After Moving In, One Of My Roommates Scratched My New, Non-Stick Pan With Metal Utensils
Live With A Girl They Said, Things Will Be Clean They Said
This Is How My Boyfriend Leaves The Sink After He Shaves
My Husband Doesn't Want The Case To Get Scratched And Cause An "Eyesore"
I don't think it's scratched. I think those are wrinkles in the protective film.
Load More Replies...How do people scratch their computers? It's like the same people who keep the plastic on their TV and monitor screens? who is scratching that? are you touching your screen so much?
Yeah ikr, those people dont get that most glass screens and pc cases are scratch proof these days.
Load More Replies...leaving that cover makes an eyesore worse than if it was scratched and cracked to the point of being almost opaque, this is ruining the aesthetics of a computer that you probably spent tens to possibly hundreds extra on because it has good aesthetics
Eugh. I can just FEEL all homes and venues in a roughly 20 tile radius have 2 happiness points removed.
Reminds me of people who leave the fitted plastic cover on their sofa.
It's going to melt enough that it won't come off cleanly and will look much worse.
When your grandma who kept her sofa and lamp shades wrapped in plastic, gets reincarnated into your husband.
My husband wanted to keep a large piece of cardboard on top of the sideboard of the dining room set we inherited from his grandparents. I had a piece of glass cut to fit the top. Jeez.
That is a cardinal electronics sin. I HATE it when people leave the plastic on things.
This sounds like my dad. He gets so triggered when someone peels of the plastic on something new, it’s really weird.
Plastic covers the fan that cools his hard drive. Eventually will cause major damage to his computer. Remove ASAP!
I Went To The Fridge To Get Milk For My Cereal But Someone Put The Milk Back With This Much
This should be common sense, but you’d be surprised how many roommates actually don't comply with not going into your roommate’s bedroom unless they are present. Setting boundaries before starting to live together is a great way to make sure everyone is one the same page.
For some people, common sense may vary, and letting everyone know you’re not comfortable with anyone visiting your room without you present is a simple way to avoid miscommunication.
Day 6 Of Living With A Roommate For The First Time. I’m Looking For A New Place
My Roommate Can’t Read
I can imagine how annoying it must be living with bad roommates. My aunt had one in college and the roommate was so lazy. My aunt then got tired and she said she would not cook for anyone anymore.(And yes, she also did that for the roomate). So, my aunt was a hardworking person and she would make dinner early and go off to work. Then, the roommate would eat her dinner and she would e hungry. Also, she wasn't very rich back then and the roommate was a monster, in my opinion.
How My Girlfriend Takes The First Piece Of Freshly Baked Brownies
We Are A Family Of Four
We Love Awful Roommates
My Damn Family
The Way My Roommate Gives Me Rent
This Is How I Cut My Pizza To Avoid Cutting Pepperoni. My Girlfriend Said To Post It To The Internet
My Sister Opens Them Up To Check The Flavor And Puts It Back If She Doesn't Want It. The Flavor Is Also Printed At The Bottom Of The Wrapper
How My Family Uses A Tapeline
I Love My Wife Dearly, But This Is How She Leaves The Ice Cream After Getting Some For Herself
How My Girlfriend’s Mum Stores The Washing Liquid
The Husband Used My Favorite Knife As A Garden Tool
My Stuff Is Circled. The Other Stuff Is My Sister's
This is how I am. I need to change before I go off to college or it will be embarrassing for me
My Roommate Left A Surprise In The Kitchen, While I Was Outside
The Cord For My Wife’s Vacuum
How My Son Left My Socket Set
My Girlfriend Doesn't Zip The Resealable Bag Closed And Puts The Bag In Upside Down
That's my bf but will swear he doesn't know who did it. I know my kid's didn't do it, I can bet my life that my kid's wouldn't do it
My Kids Are Trying To Give Me A Stroke
At least they are brushing their teeth. Get scared when it’s not maliciously warped and they promise to have clean teeth
How My Step Dad Decided To Close A Box Of Cereal After Eating Edibles Last Night
My Roommate Has Hit New Peaks Of Laziness
How My Wife Throws Away Boxes
Things You Find The Morning After Your Australian Housemate Got Hammered
My Girlfriend Opens Cereal Like A Neanderthal
Dafuk is wrong with people? How are there so many disgusting people out there doing this stuff?
Some are weird others are straight up lazy. It'a mostly laziness.
Load More Replies...For the past few weeks, I've been ashamed of the mess in my home. After these photos I am proud of my neat home.
My tip is to focus on one area at a time and tidy it up. It's a lot more manageable to do like this and it'll make you feel better. :)
Load More Replies...I'm baffled by all these posts where people buy a, how do I call it, a set of products (cereal with marshmallows or yoghurt with chocolate chips, or that snack box with ham pieces) and then only eat one part of it. Why won't you just buy a bag of marshmallows?
They didn't buy it with their own money, on the whole. Mostly it was bought by parents, otherwise their housemate or SO bought it for the house.
Load More Replies...I got to #20 and it triggered me so badly that I got an anxiety attack. F**k these people who do these things, man.
I got further, but it .... yeah. No. I couldn't bear it. I start flinching physically.
Load More Replies...After seeing this (some are not that bad) i am truly just so happy that my bf is not so messy after all! It's good to see it can be way, way worse!
My thoughts exactly:) really grateful for the tiny annoying things my hubby does:)
Load More Replies...I'm not the cleanest person in the whole wide world but I don't understand how these people are still in a relationship and/or still have roommates
I briefly had a roommate who 1. scorched the nonstick off my best skillet, 2. broke my wooden paper towel holder, 3. left a pen in his pocket, which exploded in my dryer, and 4. let a candle drip wax all over the floor. I *gently* encouraged him to move in with his girlfriend.
And this is why I love living alone. My house it in TOP shape. I am not sure I could compromise again after experiencing how nice it is not to have stress over this.
All the crap I give my husband for the way he loads the dishwasher, I now realize he's a keeper after looking at this behavior. He knew he wasn't going anywhere anyway, I've put up with it for 30 years already.
I've lived with a lot of people and heard stories from friends. My conclusion is most people are arseholes and this page confirms it for me.
I hope these people realize the BF or GF is going to be doing that for the rest of their lives. If you don’t like it now, imagine how you’ll feel after 10 years.
These people are just uneducated morons. BTW, those who put up with their crap are even bigger morons, though. My sister did that "leaving a spoonfool of whatever and put it back in the fridge" crap. I told her it was the first and last time I'd tolerate it. Never did it again.
You have to wonder if some of these people do it on purpose ... Out of spite, or to make sure they aren't asked or expected to do a chore in the future. Seriously some of these are so bad that if they were really that stupid and unaware they wouldn't be able to get pants on by themselves in the morning.
i'd say that 60% of these people are not monsters, they just dont notice. which is even more gross, imagine that folk living alone
Most of these pics severely triggered or worsened emotional conditions I didn't know I had.
These are all just plain selfish and don't deserve the good people in their life
These people are the people that leave a mess in the restroom and break room at work.
I honestly don't do any of these things. And I will not marry someone who does any of these things (I'll let it slide for the under the influence people)
When moving into a place you need to make an agreement on sharing household duties before hand. If a person can't uphold their side then don't move in with them. Also, if you are living with a slob you need to communicate with them clearly if they are doing something wrong. If they can't fix that behavior, move out or throw them out, since they clearly don't appreciate the fact they are "sharing" a space and can't just rely on you or anyone else to clean their messes up.
Toxic narcissism. No one exists but them. Some of this is beyond slovenly and veers into filthy and unsanitary. It's a sure sign of stupidity as well.
Some people disgust me...no courtesy or brains. Just extremely lazy and selfish
This post made my eye twitch, my skin crawl and gave me a migraine. Can't put it in my head how people can do stuff like that. I would disown them, cut them out of my life and avoid at all costs. Monsters.
All of these people are evil - the Spawn of Satan. Or teenagers. Not sure which.
The majority of these can be solved easily. Why keeping going through this over and over. Change how it is. People were raised in several different ways, different habits. In your house, with roommates, or the family you are raising, state why this or that is a better way (if they disagree, hear them out), then implement...soon they will fall in line. (unrelated room mates may be harder to deal with...but if you are clever, you can guide them as well) Really it is not that hard. For instance, that toothpaste thing (if it gets to that point you are just as much to blame, unless everyone has a separate tube) I have a slide mechanism thingy (cost maybe 2 dollars) on my tube. You just slide it up to push the toothpaste near the opening, no squeezing or excess squeezing needed. If excess, unused, toothpaste oozes out, and you see someone has let it...hold it under the hot water tap to remove build up each time...same with ketchup squeeze bottles. I say, think of solutions to make YOU happy, instead of complaining how others do NOT make you happy.
So I have to raise adults who should know better?
Load More Replies...Any time I get a notification which says someone replied to my comment, and this comment has already disappeared so I will never know what they said, it is mildly infuriating.
This post gave me anxiety! I thought my OH was bad but he is now so forgiven......
Omg! We have the laziest roommate. And it got worse when his aspiring chef of a girlfriend moved in
As a born neat freak, and frugal to boot, so this whole thing... I had to stop. I was starting to get the eye-twitchy urge to find a power hose and some strong soap and just blast all of it.... EW!
I think I was most triggered by wasted food/product in some of these, and by putting recyclables into trash.
I don't understand how some of these "women" and wives/girlfriends (lol) can live like this. Those are some nasty lazy bitches! I'm not saying us woman have to clean up after everyone, but come on, clean up at least after yourself and have some class.
Why only women have to have class? Are all men helpless toddlers?
Load More Replies...Other than being young, broke, and having to share with random people due to budgetary restrictions.... if you chose to marry idiots who piss you off this much... you can also choose to divorce them (or just accept them as they are without bitching about them)
Dafuk is wrong with people? How are there so many disgusting people out there doing this stuff?
Some are weird others are straight up lazy. It'a mostly laziness.
Load More Replies...For the past few weeks, I've been ashamed of the mess in my home. After these photos I am proud of my neat home.
My tip is to focus on one area at a time and tidy it up. It's a lot more manageable to do like this and it'll make you feel better. :)
Load More Replies...I'm baffled by all these posts where people buy a, how do I call it, a set of products (cereal with marshmallows or yoghurt with chocolate chips, or that snack box with ham pieces) and then only eat one part of it. Why won't you just buy a bag of marshmallows?
They didn't buy it with their own money, on the whole. Mostly it was bought by parents, otherwise their housemate or SO bought it for the house.
Load More Replies...I got to #20 and it triggered me so badly that I got an anxiety attack. F**k these people who do these things, man.
I got further, but it .... yeah. No. I couldn't bear it. I start flinching physically.
Load More Replies...After seeing this (some are not that bad) i am truly just so happy that my bf is not so messy after all! It's good to see it can be way, way worse!
My thoughts exactly:) really grateful for the tiny annoying things my hubby does:)
Load More Replies...I'm not the cleanest person in the whole wide world but I don't understand how these people are still in a relationship and/or still have roommates
I briefly had a roommate who 1. scorched the nonstick off my best skillet, 2. broke my wooden paper towel holder, 3. left a pen in his pocket, which exploded in my dryer, and 4. let a candle drip wax all over the floor. I *gently* encouraged him to move in with his girlfriend.
And this is why I love living alone. My house it in TOP shape. I am not sure I could compromise again after experiencing how nice it is not to have stress over this.
All the crap I give my husband for the way he loads the dishwasher, I now realize he's a keeper after looking at this behavior. He knew he wasn't going anywhere anyway, I've put up with it for 30 years already.
I've lived with a lot of people and heard stories from friends. My conclusion is most people are arseholes and this page confirms it for me.
I hope these people realize the BF or GF is going to be doing that for the rest of their lives. If you don’t like it now, imagine how you’ll feel after 10 years.
These people are just uneducated morons. BTW, those who put up with their crap are even bigger morons, though. My sister did that "leaving a spoonfool of whatever and put it back in the fridge" crap. I told her it was the first and last time I'd tolerate it. Never did it again.
You have to wonder if some of these people do it on purpose ... Out of spite, or to make sure they aren't asked or expected to do a chore in the future. Seriously some of these are so bad that if they were really that stupid and unaware they wouldn't be able to get pants on by themselves in the morning.
i'd say that 60% of these people are not monsters, they just dont notice. which is even more gross, imagine that folk living alone
Most of these pics severely triggered or worsened emotional conditions I didn't know I had.
These are all just plain selfish and don't deserve the good people in their life
These people are the people that leave a mess in the restroom and break room at work.
I honestly don't do any of these things. And I will not marry someone who does any of these things (I'll let it slide for the under the influence people)
When moving into a place you need to make an agreement on sharing household duties before hand. If a person can't uphold their side then don't move in with them. Also, if you are living with a slob you need to communicate with them clearly if they are doing something wrong. If they can't fix that behavior, move out or throw them out, since they clearly don't appreciate the fact they are "sharing" a space and can't just rely on you or anyone else to clean their messes up.
Toxic narcissism. No one exists but them. Some of this is beyond slovenly and veers into filthy and unsanitary. It's a sure sign of stupidity as well.
Some people disgust me...no courtesy or brains. Just extremely lazy and selfish
This post made my eye twitch, my skin crawl and gave me a migraine. Can't put it in my head how people can do stuff like that. I would disown them, cut them out of my life and avoid at all costs. Monsters.
All of these people are evil - the Spawn of Satan. Or teenagers. Not sure which.
The majority of these can be solved easily. Why keeping going through this over and over. Change how it is. People were raised in several different ways, different habits. In your house, with roommates, or the family you are raising, state why this or that is a better way (if they disagree, hear them out), then implement...soon they will fall in line. (unrelated room mates may be harder to deal with...but if you are clever, you can guide them as well) Really it is not that hard. For instance, that toothpaste thing (if it gets to that point you are just as much to blame, unless everyone has a separate tube) I have a slide mechanism thingy (cost maybe 2 dollars) on my tube. You just slide it up to push the toothpaste near the opening, no squeezing or excess squeezing needed. If excess, unused, toothpaste oozes out, and you see someone has let it...hold it under the hot water tap to remove build up each time...same with ketchup squeeze bottles. I say, think of solutions to make YOU happy, instead of complaining how others do NOT make you happy.
So I have to raise adults who should know better?
Load More Replies...Any time I get a notification which says someone replied to my comment, and this comment has already disappeared so I will never know what they said, it is mildly infuriating.
This post gave me anxiety! I thought my OH was bad but he is now so forgiven......
Omg! We have the laziest roommate. And it got worse when his aspiring chef of a girlfriend moved in
As a born neat freak, and frugal to boot, so this whole thing... I had to stop. I was starting to get the eye-twitchy urge to find a power hose and some strong soap and just blast all of it.... EW!
I think I was most triggered by wasted food/product in some of these, and by putting recyclables into trash.
I don't understand how some of these "women" and wives/girlfriends (lol) can live like this. Those are some nasty lazy bitches! I'm not saying us woman have to clean up after everyone, but come on, clean up at least after yourself and have some class.
Why only women have to have class? Are all men helpless toddlers?
Load More Replies...Other than being young, broke, and having to share with random people due to budgetary restrictions.... if you chose to marry idiots who piss you off this much... you can also choose to divorce them (or just accept them as they are without bitching about them)