Even though 2023 presented us with some quite high-grossing movies—the so-called “Barbenheimer” and The Super Mario Bros. Movie, for instance—not everything people watched over the past year was equally attention-worthy. Ask anyone who has sat down in front of a screen at least a few times and they will line them up for you, from the one they liked the most to the one they did the least, or maybe even found quite disappointing.
Members of the ‘Movies’ subreddit recently discussed disappointing works of cinema after the user ‘Starless Princess’ started a discussion about it. The OP shared that they tried giving The Portable Door a go (ended up regretting the decision) and decided to ask what was the worst thing fellow redditors watched in 2023. Scroll down to find their answers on the list below and see if they coincide with your list of “I’m never watching that ever again”.
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Probably Wish. It’s like someone fed a bunch of Disney movies into an AI program.
Jonah Hill’s *You People*. Couldn’t even finish it.
Black Adam. Had to turn it off. The acting and writing was awful.
As most superhero movies. Honestly, they're all CGI battles and nothing else, the scripts are 95% of the time garbage and the actors have horrible dialogue and their talent is wasted, no matter if they are newcomers or known faces.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, just disaster
Here's the thing though. I'm a sucker for bad flicks. Especially horror flicks. And I always finish what I started no matter how much of a pain it can be to get through.
I didn't make it 25 minutes. Absolutely trash.
*Expendables 4* a film that exists to make *Expendables 3* feel better about itself.
I watched Expendables 1. It was okay, but not good enough to bother seeing 2 or any other sequels. Reading this, I feel like I got it right.
Napoleon. Badly directed, badly edited, badly written, bad sex scenes, bad battles and bad history. It did have nice costumes, I will give it that.
Napoleon, not just the worst movie I've seen this year, quite possibly the worst movie I've seen in my whole life. Certainly the most disappointing.
Disregarding the litany of historical inaccuracies, the movie is just bad. It's boring and there is no context for anything that happens.
Joaquin Phoenix is too old to play Napoleon, and his acting was bad.
We got a trailer for a grand Napoleon action movie in the style of Gladiator. What we got was a boring, weird and a-historical 3 hour mess of autism Napoleon.
I haven't seen the movie but for heaven's sake, why does a film about Napoleon, a conqueror, have śex scenes?
Quantumania. Just stripped the heart and soul out of the Ant-Man franchise while ruining one of the best relationships in the MCU.
But we get a script cobbled from the scraps of the Rick and Morty writers room.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3.
Heart of Stone on Netflix is quite literally one of the most boring movies ever. From the get go it just feels generic and by the end it feels like I’ve been waterboarded with boring juice
Yes! Felt hyped, started watched it, but could not finish it. Tried two-three times but could not!
Meg 2 - I like Statham, and don't mind simpleton movies - but this one was just too dumb
65 - I don't remember much - but I gave it a 5 on IMDB. So it can't be great
Wonka, it felt all over the place and I thought the singing was awful.
Nobody's ever gonna do better than Gene Wilder. Hollywood should just give up on this one.
The worst movie I saw that was released in 2023 was Spy Kids: Armageddon. I also don't know why I watched that movie either I guess I like to torture myself.
The new exorcist. Lazy writing, jump scares were half-assed and didn't work, editing was choppy and jarring, callbacks were forced and unnecessary. Worst of all, it was so freaking boring. Hated everything about it.
That Ana de Armas/Chris Evans spy movie. Don't even remember the name. My wife was excited to watch it and even she was blown away at how bad it was Edit: Ghosted. Thank you reddit for reminding me haha
As soon as they said that the goal was to recover a list of passcodes, the IT guy in me couldn’t watch anymore. Apparently, my checking account is more secure than our most vital national secrets.
How did they retrieve those codes? Via Hacking à la Hollywood? Meaning, typing blindly on a keyboard for 5 seconds?
God damnit I love you Charlie Day, but Fool's Paradise was the worst movie I've seen this year. Man it hurts to say.
The Creator.
So much special effects wasted on such bad writing. And it COULD have been great. The premise was good, quite interesting. Theexecution of the story was laughable.
Ha, my favorite movie of the year. There are dozens of us fans! Dozens!
Leave the world behind- stopped watching it 20 minutes into the film.
Knock at the cabin- I watched about 30 minutes into it I thought yea Oo has potential may get better nope accidentally left it running on in the background
I loved Leave the World Behind. The movie was filled with mysteries that kept me very interested. The Julia Roberts character was very annoying, because she was so bleak in her outlook. Still, I liked the movie a lot.
Lion-Girl (2023), that whole movie was like if Power Rangers had a even lower budget. I'm pretty sure that creating that movie was just an excuse to get Tori Griffith naked as much as they could (which barely helped the movie). The action scenes were bad, the special effects were bad and the story was very predictable and felt like someone took the worst manga they could find and made a script out of it.
I thought Expend4bles was utterly shite from start to finish, but there was a small saving grace with the choreographed fight / gun battle on the ship deck. I mean none of them are particularly noteworthy but at least the first couple were *fun*. You can sit back and watch your old action heroes hip firing a mini-gun. This was *dead*.
However, a couple of weeks later I saw Sumotherhood, which is a sequel to Anuvahood. I doubt these mean anything to any non-Brits on here but they're p**s-takes of British crime dramas. What an absolute disgrace of a film, an appalling pile of wank. It followed the guise of "If I am being loud, I must be hilarious". A painful watch.
Beau is Afraid. It's billed as an absurdist black comedy, and it is none of those things.
‘**Good Burger 2**, hands down the worst movie I’ve watched in the last *FIVE* years.
The Equaliser 3.
Denzel Washington spends 80% of the movie sitting in a chair drinking coffee, 15% walking around an Italian village like he’s on vacation and only 5% of action scenes that made his heart rate exceed 60 BPM.
The killer
Either I didn't get it, either it was just an action movie without any action.
I admit I had some expectation, David Fincher / Michael Fassbender / Tilda Swinton... Great cast and realisator. But I was bored during the movie.
It is so flat, bland and pointless. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but this is genuinely how I saw it.
I thought this movie was brilliant. After years of watching action movies, to get inside the assassin's mental and physical routine like this was practically an education. For those who haven't seen this, it's slow. More philosophical than action.
Expected to love it. Bored and underwhelmed. And I could have done without all the bloody tracks from The Smiths.
I watched it because I like Tilda ... waited an waited and the bout 10 minutes of Tilda and then none again
OMG, yes! SO BORING! And I was REALLY looking forward to this one! I don't think I made it through the first 30 minutes before I turned it off.
I'd never heard of this movie and these are some of my favorite actors and my fav director so I may have to watch. It'll be sad if it's not good. I've yet to not like a David Fincher project so here's hoping.
Recently I happened to watch The Portable Door attracted by the interesting cast and the promise of a light, adventurous fantasy story, but I didn't enjoy it at all and regretted giving it a try. It felt like a total waste of time.
The Ritual Killer…Hulu movies like The Boston Killer and To Catch a Killer were fun Hulu surprises… the Ritual Killer was another story….
Worst movie i watched this year would have to be the marvels...i say this even though i enjoyed it, just compared to eveything else i watched it was pretty bad. On the other hand though, the BEST one i saw was godzilla minus one.
I didn't see many bad movies this year, and actually, I would say I only saw one. I know Its definitly not the worst movie of the year, but as far as the worst movie I saw this year go, I'd give it to Insidious: The Red Door. I was excited to see what they'd bring to the table to end that storyline, and it was so boring, unoriginal, dull, lame, poorly written and poorly paced. No hate to Patrick Wilson, I hope his next movie he directs will be great and I love him as an actor, but this was just outright bad and honestly really dissapointing. Other than Insidious, no movie I saw a movie that was "bad", and the movies I'd rank just above it get an "it's watchable" from me
Thing of note: I didn't see Blood and Honey, Thanksgiving, The Nun 2, Expendables 4, Beau Is Afraid and other movies most people are commonly mentioning.
Insomnia marred my judgment and I gave it a shot. Made it about 20 minutes into that worthless pile of slow motion garbage.
Load More Replies...Wonder woman was a terrible movie. Gal Gadot can't act and neither can Chris Pine. They had awful chemistry and the movie made zero sense.
I didn't like it either, loved the message and the first half, when she gets to the real world and gets cat called I thought it was a great moment but then I feel like it got lost in the weird Ken stuff and I didn't enjoy second half
Load More Replies...Agree. It was overrated. It went of for far too long and the sex scenes were unnecessary and bizarre.
Load More Replies...Barbie. I turned it off after 20 minutes. They could have turned the plot into something better, instead of going back and forth between Barbie land and the real world. Too cheesy for me.
Ugh thank you. I feel like I'm the only person who thought it wasn't good. I don't get the hype at all. And for the love of god can we please stop with musical numbers in movies that aren't musicals? I had some high hopes for this thinking it would be a really fun movie with some positive feminism vibes but it's not. It's just another 'I can be more than just a pretty girl' movie where once again we're fed the lie of being able to 'do anything we set our minds to'... which is fine for someone who looks like Margot Robbie and has her new real world friends to cover the rent and bills. I'm surprised they didn't have her put on glasses to really *sell* that she's smart and independent. Don't get me wrong...there were a few good moments, but not enough to match the hype that this was some bastion of feminism.
Load More Replies...I've seen two of the movies on this list. I hadn't even heard of any of the others... which means no one I know was even talking about them.
I’d be curious to see a list of the best movies of the year. Something tells me it would exclusively be Barbie and Oppenheimer. Neither I have really any desire to see because being better than the above trash heap isn’t difficult and I am finding it hard to work up any enthusiasm for movies right now.
Fast and Furious series. I know action films are not supposed to be 100% realistic but unless they are a fantasy genre, you still have to have some reality in it.
Lol I 99% of the time would agree with you but, honestly. I freaking love the insanity. It's the one time I'm totally okay with however unrealistic and crazy they want to be, feel free. Get thrown a hundred feet through the air and land on your back with no injuries? Sure. Cars in space? No problem. It's just such a fun franchise.
Load More Replies...I haven't seen a single one of these. And not even heard of 2/3 of them. No idea why people follow pop culture.
The thing is, so many of the movies are just bad. The formula is all the same - sex. cussing, violence. The scripts and acting are uninteresting and predictable. It's gotten so when I tune into a series, I'll watch the first couple of episodes and then skip to the end or read spoilers
Asteroid City. Even Tom Hanks couldn't save that rubbish! I watched it all thinking it would get better and would all make sense by the end. It didn't!
I know this is a much older movie and I’m going to get a lot of hate for this, but I actually walked out of 300. I love mythology and used to be an avid practitioner of martial arts so I thought I would enjoy it. I just found it so over the top cheesy and cringe worthy, but not in a “it’s so bad it’s good way.”
“I just found it so over the top cheesy…” Did you mean, “I just found it directed by Zack Snyder?” The man wouldn’t know subtly if it honked a clown horn in his ear.
Load More Replies...Rebel Moon on Netflix. Terrible. Nice filming, but, the script and plot are bad. Made it to the 1st fight scene, where the 110 pound woman was beating up the 200 pound men. In slow motion. Made no sense. Plus, all the Speeches being made, instead of dialogue.
Eight Crazy Nights (2002). Paid for it like many in a nearly packed theater. Left 20-30min in and was one of the last to leave. It was bad. Too dumb for adults, to gross for kids.
Watched the trailer now, and I can understand that. 😐
Load More Replies...I know my opinion will probably be very unpopular, but I have to say Oppenheimer. I also admit, I haven't read the plot summary carefully, and I thought it will be more about the Manhattan project and the creation of the atomic bomb itself, instead it was his life drama. I struggled for 3 days to get to the end of it.
I forget if this came out this year or not but I don't really care, Cats and Dogs 3; Paws Unite is the worst movie I've ever seen.
Saltburn was 100% the worst movie i've watched this year. Its like they were so desperate to make a movie that was completely different from anything else they just decided to put the most absurd scenes in it to do so. The first part was good but I don't know what happened after that.
Where the heck is The Marvels on this list? Nothing to do with the fact that it's led by women -- I happened to love the Ms. Marvel series (and the actress was trying her best with the awful material and directing in this movie, but bless her, it didn't really help). The movie was just terrible on all counts.
I don't think I saw any movies in 2023. Huh. I need to make space for relaxation in my calendar.
I didn't see the Marvels on here so I'll add it. First MCU movie I couldn't finish. Quantumania was already cited. I barely made it through that one. Rubbish.
The Mario Movie. It looked like someone created a list of all the Mario video games, and how to play them. Then, someone came along and wrote a single narrative to allow there to be scenes that would be similar to each games' gameplay. Everything was competently done, but the whole was so very, very much LESS than the sum of its parts.
So were not gonna talk about whatever that one movie where a volcano blows up for 2 hours?
Wasn't this list posted last month also? I think this one gets recycled too often.
I just recently finally saw Little Women by Greta Gerwig. The 1995 version of Little Women with Winona Rider is one of my all time favorite movies. Gerwig's version was horrible, one of the only movies in my life that I've not finished. Horrible acting, especially the Amy character (whiny 2000's brat in a historical piece does not work).
I got roped into seeing a "cerebral horror" movie called The Belko Experiment. The first 10 minutes of the movie were interesting. After that... let's just say that I've never seen an entire audience walk out of a movie before.
Just watched Dream Scenario 👎🏻 - it looks like the 2024 movies will be even worse
All 2023 Marvel movies — bring back Robert, Scarlett, and the Chrises. Pay them whatever they want.
There was a Hindi movie called Dunki which is a mess of a movie, the movie doesn’t have much original comedy and takes itself too seriously. The message at the end seems okayish but is partially dumb. Was a waste of money
Insomnia marred my judgment and I gave it a shot. Made it about 20 minutes into that worthless pile of slow motion garbage.
Load More Replies...Wonder woman was a terrible movie. Gal Gadot can't act and neither can Chris Pine. They had awful chemistry and the movie made zero sense.
I didn't like it either, loved the message and the first half, when she gets to the real world and gets cat called I thought it was a great moment but then I feel like it got lost in the weird Ken stuff and I didn't enjoy second half
Load More Replies...Agree. It was overrated. It went of for far too long and the sex scenes were unnecessary and bizarre.
Load More Replies...Barbie. I turned it off after 20 minutes. They could have turned the plot into something better, instead of going back and forth between Barbie land and the real world. Too cheesy for me.
Ugh thank you. I feel like I'm the only person who thought it wasn't good. I don't get the hype at all. And for the love of god can we please stop with musical numbers in movies that aren't musicals? I had some high hopes for this thinking it would be a really fun movie with some positive feminism vibes but it's not. It's just another 'I can be more than just a pretty girl' movie where once again we're fed the lie of being able to 'do anything we set our minds to'... which is fine for someone who looks like Margot Robbie and has her new real world friends to cover the rent and bills. I'm surprised they didn't have her put on glasses to really *sell* that she's smart and independent. Don't get me wrong...there were a few good moments, but not enough to match the hype that this was some bastion of feminism.
Load More Replies...I've seen two of the movies on this list. I hadn't even heard of any of the others... which means no one I know was even talking about them.
I’d be curious to see a list of the best movies of the year. Something tells me it would exclusively be Barbie and Oppenheimer. Neither I have really any desire to see because being better than the above trash heap isn’t difficult and I am finding it hard to work up any enthusiasm for movies right now.
Fast and Furious series. I know action films are not supposed to be 100% realistic but unless they are a fantasy genre, you still have to have some reality in it.
Lol I 99% of the time would agree with you but, honestly. I freaking love the insanity. It's the one time I'm totally okay with however unrealistic and crazy they want to be, feel free. Get thrown a hundred feet through the air and land on your back with no injuries? Sure. Cars in space? No problem. It's just such a fun franchise.
Load More Replies...I haven't seen a single one of these. And not even heard of 2/3 of them. No idea why people follow pop culture.
The thing is, so many of the movies are just bad. The formula is all the same - sex. cussing, violence. The scripts and acting are uninteresting and predictable. It's gotten so when I tune into a series, I'll watch the first couple of episodes and then skip to the end or read spoilers
Asteroid City. Even Tom Hanks couldn't save that rubbish! I watched it all thinking it would get better and would all make sense by the end. It didn't!
I know this is a much older movie and I’m going to get a lot of hate for this, but I actually walked out of 300. I love mythology and used to be an avid practitioner of martial arts so I thought I would enjoy it. I just found it so over the top cheesy and cringe worthy, but not in a “it’s so bad it’s good way.”
“I just found it so over the top cheesy…” Did you mean, “I just found it directed by Zack Snyder?” The man wouldn’t know subtly if it honked a clown horn in his ear.
Load More Replies...Rebel Moon on Netflix. Terrible. Nice filming, but, the script and plot are bad. Made it to the 1st fight scene, where the 110 pound woman was beating up the 200 pound men. In slow motion. Made no sense. Plus, all the Speeches being made, instead of dialogue.
Eight Crazy Nights (2002). Paid for it like many in a nearly packed theater. Left 20-30min in and was one of the last to leave. It was bad. Too dumb for adults, to gross for kids.
Watched the trailer now, and I can understand that. 😐
Load More Replies...I know my opinion will probably be very unpopular, but I have to say Oppenheimer. I also admit, I haven't read the plot summary carefully, and I thought it will be more about the Manhattan project and the creation of the atomic bomb itself, instead it was his life drama. I struggled for 3 days to get to the end of it.
I forget if this came out this year or not but I don't really care, Cats and Dogs 3; Paws Unite is the worst movie I've ever seen.
Saltburn was 100% the worst movie i've watched this year. Its like they were so desperate to make a movie that was completely different from anything else they just decided to put the most absurd scenes in it to do so. The first part was good but I don't know what happened after that.
Where the heck is The Marvels on this list? Nothing to do with the fact that it's led by women -- I happened to love the Ms. Marvel series (and the actress was trying her best with the awful material and directing in this movie, but bless her, it didn't really help). The movie was just terrible on all counts.
I don't think I saw any movies in 2023. Huh. I need to make space for relaxation in my calendar.
I didn't see the Marvels on here so I'll add it. First MCU movie I couldn't finish. Quantumania was already cited. I barely made it through that one. Rubbish.
The Mario Movie. It looked like someone created a list of all the Mario video games, and how to play them. Then, someone came along and wrote a single narrative to allow there to be scenes that would be similar to each games' gameplay. Everything was competently done, but the whole was so very, very much LESS than the sum of its parts.
So were not gonna talk about whatever that one movie where a volcano blows up for 2 hours?
Wasn't this list posted last month also? I think this one gets recycled too often.
I just recently finally saw Little Women by Greta Gerwig. The 1995 version of Little Women with Winona Rider is one of my all time favorite movies. Gerwig's version was horrible, one of the only movies in my life that I've not finished. Horrible acting, especially the Amy character (whiny 2000's brat in a historical piece does not work).
I got roped into seeing a "cerebral horror" movie called The Belko Experiment. The first 10 minutes of the movie were interesting. After that... let's just say that I've never seen an entire audience walk out of a movie before.
Just watched Dream Scenario 👎🏻 - it looks like the 2024 movies will be even worse
All 2023 Marvel movies — bring back Robert, Scarlett, and the Chrises. Pay them whatever they want.
There was a Hindi movie called Dunki which is a mess of a movie, the movie doesn’t have much original comedy and takes itself too seriously. The message at the end seems okayish but is partially dumb. Was a waste of money