Home Inspectors Share The Funniest And Most Questionable Things They’ve Seen On The Job (50 Pics)
Interview With ExpertThere was a time when every person with a dream and a hammer could shape their home into what they wanted. Unfortunately, the average person has little to no understanding of things like structural integrity and basic maintenance, so in the modern world, professionals are needed.
Sometimes home inspectors come across issues so glaring and decisions so confusing that they just had to take a picture and share it online. We also got in touch with James Brock from Boston Home Inspectors to learn more about the things that often go wrong. So get comfortable as you scroll through, take some notes on what not to do, and upvote your favorite examples.
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There's So Many Bees In The Wall That The Outlet Is Leaking Honey (X-Post From Pics)
Always Get A Home Inspection Before Purchase Folks
A Friend Of Mine Cut A Hole In His House Because They Found A Drain Pipe On The Other Side And Wanted To Know Where It Went, And There Was Dead Space. This Is What They Found. With A Kleenex Box And Wall Art Still There
Bored Panda got in touch with James Brock from Boston Home Inspectors to learn a bit more about the field and the various things that go on in it and he was kind enough to answer some of our questions. Firstly, we were curious to learn more about the most common issues home inspectors come across.
“B—-y realtors…The most common issues are porch and deck items. Uneven steps causing tripping hazards, loose railings, twisted or deteriorated posts, undersized footings, rotted deck boards, missing ledger board flashing, and a deck pulling away from the house. Homeowners really should have their porches and decks inspected every other year for safety and condition by a professional,” he shared with Bored Panda.
A Guy Comes Back From Work To Find This In His Living Room
Pretty Sure I Wouldn't Want This For My Neighbour
That is an example of lack of care for our fellow humans. That tower of filth is a beacon for mental health services if I ever saw one.
A Small Herd Of Cows Found Their Way Into A Newly Built Home In Montana And Lived Inside For About A Month Before Being Noticed
“As home inspectors, our job is to tell the parents that their baby is ugly or has problems. A home inspection is also an invasion of their home by a complete stranger. We often say, "Would you let a friend you just met walk into your home and start looking in and moving clothes to the closets, look under your beds, look in your medicine cabinet, open your bathroom vanity and kitchen cabinet doors, and drawers?”
What Happens When The Water Is Not Turned Off In A Non Winterized House. 5ft Frozen Solid
My Brother Is A Home Inspector, This One Is Definitely Going In His Report
Want To Build A House And You Only Have A Small Piece Of Land? No Problem!
“This is the main reason realtors don’t allow the homeowner to attend the inspection. It would feel like a violation of your privacy. With that said most homeowners are pretty good with the fair assessment we give of their homes. The biggest problem we have is with builders who build and/or renovate a place and want to be there during the inspection,” he shared.
Something Is Slowly Leaking Down From The Attic
Abandoned Mask Taken Over By Wasps As Part Of Their Nest
My Mother Won The KFC Photoshop Contest And Her Prize Scares Me
“The builder always knows more than the home inspector and his ‘guys’ never make mistakes. On several occasions, I have had to request the manufacturer's representative to meet at the property to prove to the builder that for example the siding was not installed properly. I have one in a very expensive town, a new building that I flagged as the asphalt roof was not installed properly.”
This Structural Pole My Boss Refuses To Fix
My Landlord Sucks
That's crazy! If this is in the US, they should go straight to city inspectors! There's no way that this will pass occupancy and the landlord will be liable for some hefty fines for that mess. Those tenants need to leave immediately and the landlord should be responsible for putting up lodging for them while their home is being repaired. They should check with advocacy groups for legal help if the landlord won't do this and if he tries to charge rent for the time that they've been forced out of their apartment. They should document everything to protect their rights.
Found Out Through Home Inspection That The Toilet Is Plumbed With Hot Water, Interesting Infrared Image
Oh, my gosh. We had a toilet plumbed with hot water in a house that we bought one time. If you think that would be nice on your backside, you're wrong. Sitting for too long made for an all-over moist rump.
“Many emails, text messages, and an attorney got involved threatening Boston Home Inspectors with a suit. We stood our ground, the rep came out…the $75,000 roof needed to be completely replaced. Improper underlayment before the shingles were installed. Buyer was happy.”
I Think They Can Add At Least 2 More
In this day and age with the costs of everything I really don't blame them for this.
Home Inspector Find Of The Week: Bath Exhaust Vent Shingled Over. 2020 Build In Jarrell
This Basement Hot Tub Is Giving Off Some Real "Silence Of The Lambs" Vibes
While these examples are gathered from all over the internet, Boston Home Inspectors has also documented a decent amount of “questionable” building choices, which they have documented on their rather popular Instagram page. We have actually covered it in previous articles, which you should check out if you enjoy homes that really need some work.
Need Some Electrical Work Done? I Know A Guy
I really hope that's just a bunch of temporary hookups purely for short term testing.
Wtf Kind Of Porn Hotel Did We Book? (Not A Mirror!)
This must be for couples who just need that extra nudge into the divorce court.
House Burst From Garbage (Oc)
I never imagined that this could actually happen. I thought it was just a comedy trope.
Naturally, we wanted to know why they decided to create this account. “When my kids were in grammar school, once a month I would pick them and a few of their friends up from school and take them for pizza. We had a few booths at the pizza parlor. I was sitting with my high school daughter and she was on her phone playing with this new app, Instagram.”
“Roisin suggested I take pictures during home inspections and post them and set the account up for me. I took it from there. My thought for the account was rather than posting pictures of me, everyone loves a good laugh or the ability to say..thank God that's not me, so that was my focus.” Since then, this Instagram account has amassed nearly 20,000 followers.
So This Lizard Moved Into My Microwave Clock. I Guess It's His Now?
Here is a YouTube video of said lizard being freed https://youtu.be/3dHO4rbg8Pc?si=yv-P9N5rKvesY08v
Sooooo...this Pole Came Crashing Through The Ceiling Of A House We're Staying At
My Inlaws Are In A Bit Of A Froggy Situation Right Now
“I try to create a funny statement for each photo we post but enjoy reading others. People are so creative and funny. After reading theirs I say many times, I wish I had written that,” James shared, which is probably a good way to stay sane when you look at the things people have done to their homes.
I Think It's Dry Now
Things Seen This Week During Structural Assessments!
Straight From A Horror Movie
Lastly, we wanted to know if they had any last times for home buyers, from what to look out for to what they should do first. “Boston Home Inspectors highly recommend the buyer attend the home inspection and follow the inspector around. Besides looking for issues or problems, our job is to teach or educate you about the property or new investment that you will be making.”
I Came Home To This In My Driveway, I Don't Want To Touch It
I Had To Use The Restroom While Visiting My Friend’s House, And This Is What I Found In His Bathroom
The Power Line To Their House Got Cut Short. So They Fixed It With Jumper Cables
“We place tags on very important items in your home, for example, the main water shut-off. We also show you how to change filters etc,” James shared with Bored Panda. You can find more of their work on Instagram and their official website. And if you want to see more horrible homes, check out Bored Panda’s other article on the topic.
Will The Balcony Resist The Weight?
There's A Mushroom Growing Out Of The Carpet In My Room
Sometime in the 2000's, there was an apartment complex that got completely tore down and rebuilt because of mushrooms under the carpeting near me. It's just insane what the people in charge can get away with.
Things Seen This Week During Structural Assessments -- It’s Been A While Since We Audibly Gasped During An Assessment
Been Hearing Strange Sounds In The Wall For Months- Look At This Wasp Nest
My Friend Just Bought A New House And Showed Me Where The Ex Owner Was Found
At Friends House For Summer Party. His Downstairs Staircase Does Not Actually Let You Get Into The Basement
It's to test how drunk you are. If your drunk there's no way you're getting over that bannister without knocking yourself out
You've Heard Of Jorts, Are You Ready For Jairs?
A Friend Of Mine Was Doing A Home Inspection And Discovered This In The Bathroom
Studio Apartment... No Thanks
No Power For 30 Hours. Came Home To Busted Water Pipe In Unit Above After My 10 Hour Night Shift. I'm Done. Happened In Arlington Tx
A Home Inspector Friend Shared This. His Comment: "The Lion King 'Circle Of Life' Song Came To Mind, But Opposite."
This Is The Tap Water In Ottawa. How Am I Suppose To Drink This?
I thought it was just a glass of fruit juice before I read the title. 🤢🤮
Shower Much?
Came Across This Today. Well, That's One Way To Die
Horse Lamp Spotted
Just Moved Into A New Apartment And Happened Upon What I Thought Was A Piece Of Painted Over Tape Stuck To A Bookshelf. Peeled It Up To Find It Was Concealing A Mystery
So My Friend Suddenly Had Some Water Leaking Through His Wooden Floor In His Appartment
Just Saw This In My Neighborhood While Walking... Wtf Is That Siding
The Side Of The Stove I Just Replaced In My New Home
Wondered Why I Was Hearing A Leak
This posting illustrates why you should ALWAYS have a thorough and complete home inspection done BEFORE buy. And NOT the one the real estate people suggest.
Kiwis have a problem DIY attitude. The horrors I've seen in the electrical industry...😲
This posting illustrates why you should ALWAYS have a thorough and complete home inspection done BEFORE buy. And NOT the one the real estate people suggest.
Kiwis have a problem DIY attitude. The horrors I've seen in the electrical industry...😲