Once upon a time, people had to actually leave home to meet a potential suitor. And their parents had to approve. They’d then often enter into a lengthy period of courting. Getting to know and impress each other exclusively, with the end goal of marriage. Nowadays, we can sit comfortably on our couch and casually swipe through a catalog of cuties who catch our eye. We can chat to them without ever meeting face to face. And we can choose whether we’re looking for a casual fling, a coffee companion, or commitment.

But the world of dating apps can be downright dodgy. As redditor u/TheRussianGuy9 discovered when they asked “What was your worst experience from dating apps?”. The thread clocked over 2,000 comments. And people came forward with some truly wild stories. Keep scrolling for a few dating app disasters that might make you want to time travel back in time to the traditional days of courtship rituals.



50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I am widowed and dating again. It's difficult to use a dating app as I came from a time before when I did very well and there were no apps. I met a woman and we decided to meet in Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles bookstore, which is attached to a mall. The conversation is going well. We walk into the mall, and she bumps into her ex. They start arguing and then hitting each other until they are fist fighting. There is a crowd now and security comes. I duck into the crowd and make a beeline to my car. She texts me to later to apologize but comments why I didnt step in for her defense. I just said not interested and I block her response.

nomaxxallowed , Yan Krukau Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good for you, that was a gentlemanly response. If she'll beat on him...she'll beat on you.

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether We went to the biggest coffee place in Munich Marienplatz, crowded as f**k as a first date

Wasnt catfished, she looked hot and all, but, but, we talked for like 3 hours, all great, up until she went on her knees, proposing to me.....creepy? Everyone looked at us and were at first disappointing, angry looking at me for saying obviously no, she rushed out in tears

....had to tell the 100+ people around me that IT WAS OUR FIRST DATE.

Cengiz96 , cottonbro studio Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don’t understand why the other people would be angry at you, it’s your choice.

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I got catfished. She was heavily editing her photos using facetune or whatever.

At the date, we were talking and she just pulled up her phone and started mindlessly scrolling on social media, at that point I just stopped talking and she was like "yeah yeah you keep talking I can hear you".

The worst part is that I went to another city to meet up with her.

momsdirtysecret , George Milton Report

Every now and then, a dating app disaster goes viral. You might have heard of Alexis Dougé. She made many people dread dating apps when she shared her story, or nightmare, on Tiktok last year. The 25-year-old social media coordinator racked up over a million views for revealing how her Tinder date stole a pair of $1,000 designer heels from her home. The incident made the news and attracted so much attention that the guy eventually returned the shoes. Dougé told CNN that while her shoes were forthcoming, an apology was not.


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether One of my more unique experiences was when she brought her 10yo sister to the date. The sister was more fun to talk to.

citky , Eye for Ebony Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I found it more telling that he enjoyed the kid's company more. The kid was probably feeling very special from going on the date and getting positive attention, and being especially cute and bubbly. Kids that age can really be fun if they're happy and well behaved. The date? Who knows? But bringing along a guest/chaperone/obligation without informing the other party is a lovestick move.

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I was catfished. I thought she was legit, and we talked for months. I went to go visit "her," and it was a guy, claiming to be her best friend, and she had to run to pick up a friend who was drunk. The woman in the profile never returned, and he was trying his best to get in my pants.

BoysenberrySuperb442 , Irene Strong Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's insane. I can think of lots of (not good) reasons a person might catfish someone. But the thought of me like catfishing a gay man...then showing up in all of my womanly glory as if it would somehow sway him? I couldn't even fathom.

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A friend of mine who is a journalist matched with a guy and started chatting. She didn't get his surname so she couldn't Google him. He showed up to the date and looked very different from his pictures, alarm bells. She found out his last name and excused herself, went to the bathroom and googled him. The first article that came up was from him being sentenced to prison for armed robbery. She was the journalist who wrote the story!

stupidperson810 Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Reminds me of the bloke I started dating (years ago) after meeting him when he was doing some temp work at our office. Read the local paper “Round the courts” section… his name then, the married 26yr old was convicted of stealing £15,000 (ish) from his employer and had personal debts of £126,000. Yeah, he forgot to mention any of that. Very happy to be an ugly single old woman now, much less stressful.

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Millions of people use dating apps around the world. So it’s no surprise there’d be some unsavory stories, as shared on this Reddit thread. Tinder alone has more than 75 million active users every month. 60% are under 35 years old. Three quarters are male. But a 2023 study by Stanford Medicine found that most of them aren’t actually swiping to find love.


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether So I started dating a girl a few years younger than me. Everything was fine, we seemed to have a lot in common. One day she called me crying telling me that her dad died. It was really unfortunate and I tried to help her process this as best as I could

Some time later I got a call from my grandma telling me her younger brother died, asking if I want to attend the funeral. It was a bit surprising as they had a really bad fight about inheritance like 30 years ago and as far as I know never interacted ever since.  

I actually didn't make anything out of it at first, only that it's an unfortunate row of tragedies. Well you can already guess who I saw at the funeral. It was extremely awkward but now I know that apparently I have an aunt who's younger than me lol.

SectorSpark , Andre Furtado Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Gay Japanese dating app. Met a guy who was oddly excited I had a car. Asked if I could stop by somewhere for him, thought it was minor. 3 places later realized he was just using me for the car to move and pickup stuff.

wufiavelli , Josh Wilburne Report


The overwhelming amount of people with asian fetish in northwest ohio. The amount of times I’ve been sexualized and infantilized is insane. Doesn’t help that I look way younger than my age and is 5’2”.

dutifulspacebard Report

Researchers polled more than a thousand Tinder users. Half weren't even interested in meeting anyone offline, and nearly two-thirds were already married or "in a relationship”. According to the paper, many Tinder users were either on it to cheat, or just chat. And some were swiping to beat boredom, find excitement, or cope with psychological problems. “Participants who engage with dating apps as a coping mechanism seem destined to be dissatisfied,” noted the researchers. In short, don’t turn to Tinder, or any dating app for that matter, to try and fix your life.


Met her in a park near my house. Very early on she mentioned she was hungry and, if I was down, we should go back to my place and order a pizza at some point. Sure, I was down, but wanted to let the date play out a little and see if we vibed before inviting her back. She was relentless. It was clear the pizza was the only thing on her mind, and being a dumb horny dude, I had the very slight inkling that maybe going back to my place could lead to something fun. So we go there, we order a pizza. I pay. She doesn't offer to pay or thank me for paying. The second, and I mean the SECOND the pizza is ordered she immediately shifts topics and starts going on and on about how we would make such great friends.

That we vibed so well, that she enjoyed talking to me so much, that she would never ever ever f**k me in a million years, but I was like her platonic soulmate! She even went on to describe other non-sexual male friendships she'd had in the past and how it was sooo funny to her to be able to tell these guys wanted sex while she only saw them as buddies. Now, I like to go into dates with little to no expectations, and if the vibe between me and somebody else is legitimately closer to friendship than romance I have no problem with keeping things platonic. But she was hammering the point home to the point of being insulting.

Bare in mind, we've known each other less than an hour at this point, and she's done nothing but talk about herself. Suddenly I'm getting diatribes about how me and her are gonna be besties for years to come. And, again, just in case I missed it the first few times, constantly working into the conversation that nothing romantic or sexual is ever going to happen between us.

Now, none of this would have been much of a problem if it had been brief. I've had many a date where it was obvious early on they were not interested, and I was mildly annoyed at having to pay for something before we quickly went our separate other ways, that's all fairly standard. But after this girl turned me down and ate her free pizza, she just...wouldn't...leave. Let's throw on a movie, let's smoke some weed (my weed btw), she just made herself comfortable on the couch and hung out for like six hours, I swear to god. We met up at 1pm and she stayed till it was dark out. I had an actual friend who was supposed to come over later, and I tried to use that as an excuse to kick her out, but she refused to take the hint and just hung out with both of us once he got there, like we were all old friends and nothing was unusual about any of this.

When I FINALLY was able to walk her to the subway, she again monologued about how this was the start of a great friendship, how we were gonna be in each other's lives for a long long time and how glad she was to have met me. Five minutes after I said goodbye and put her on a train, I checked my phone and she had blocked/deleted me on everything. I still have no f*****g clue what was going thru her head that whole time. There's much easier ways to get free pizza.

thedick009 Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Call me old fashioned...I was dating when online dating first was invented. But anytime I met with anyone (from online or not) that involved food or entertainment expenses, I always included a clear agreement on whom would be paying for what, along with my acceptance of the date. My style has always been dutch treat (I'm female). As in, communicating that I expect to pay for my meal/tickets whatever. At a minimum I always offered to pay my own, before accepting if he offered to pay for me.

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I matched with a goth girl who seemed really down to earth. Profile seemed normal and everything so I swiped and we matched.

Everything went well and we decided to meet at the park and walk our dogs. Her dog went to s**t so I handed her one of my baggies to pick it up.

She bare handed her dogs s**t and carried it about 20 feet to the trash can and wiped her hands on the back of her jeans.

I made sure not to let her touch me for the rest of the time.

Edit: I didn't expect this to get so big so I'll explain a few things people mentioned in comments.

1- Why didn't I end the date there? Well, we were kinda deep into the trail and I wasn't going to just ditch her. I'm not that kinda person and that would be rude.

2- At least she picked it up/ worried about plastic bags. Yes, that's very true. I wasn't upset with her for picking up after her dog, I was just grossed out. My bags are the biodegradable ones that dissolve when soaked, so even if she was worried about plastics she could've said something, lol.

3- Crazy goth girls. I have only met like... 2-3 goth girls and they've all been cool. She was also very kind and genuine and we shared a lot of interests, but between the poop thing and a few other things I don't think we would've worked out long term. Just a bit of differences that would've clashed and so it wasn't worth wasting either of our time.

anon , Svetozar Milashevich Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I had a great first date with a girl from Tinder. She was super happy to set up a second date for later that week, and was sending me memes and chatting until the night before. The day of, she decides to stand me up in below-freezing weather without warning. I was texting her asking where she was, and I could see her come online just to ignore me.

Besides that, probably the multiple matches who would agree to a date, cancel the day before, pretend to be interested in rescheduling the date, and then drag out the process for weeks until I gave up and unmatched. Interested people will make time for you. 99.9% of the time, no one is "busy" for weeks on end.

Rambo7112 , cottonbro studio Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Robert: you’re missing the point. Traveling IT professionals don’t set up second dates when they know they’re not available & they don’t ghost people they profess an interest in. This has nothing to do with her traveling. So to be pedantic: no one is busy for weeks on end whilst also scheduling a date they know they can’t/won’t attend and no one is busy for weeks without communicating that to someone they’re interested in and had made plans with. Anyone who’d do either is a prick.

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Around 349 million people use dating apps globally. According to Business Of Apps, Tinder is the top dating app in terms of number of users. It’s been downloaded 400 million times. And active users log on around four times a day. The next most popular apps are Bumble and Hinge. With Bumble designed to give women the upper hand. See some cringe Hinge stories here.


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether This happened to a friend of mine. Matched with a girl and not too long after they agreed to meet up and have coffee.

Meets her at this Cafe, and she pulls out a tablet pretty much right after they sit down and order. She starts a presentation about some dodgy pyramid scheme.

My poor mate was too polite to say anything. He sat through the whole thing, politely declined and even paid for the bill. Never heard from her again.

siewmai , cottonbro studio Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had this happen to me, but it wasn't a scheme, it was a cult. Scientology to be specific. Which might also qualify as a scheme now that I think about it

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I matched with my oldest cousin's daughter that I hadn't seen for about 20 years. Didn't recognize her until we started talking, then we both had the same "God this is awkward " moment when we realized the fact.

profJesusfish: I've always been paranoid about this. My mom comes from a family of 11 kids, and they're not super close, so I have like 30 cousins I don't know well and may not have seen in 10 years that live in the area. I really don't want to be the guy who tried to hook up with his cousin on a dating site.

Technical-Garlic2672 , Suzana Sousa Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

...or the guy who tries hooking up with his cousins child....😧

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Kesenia Boom is a sociologist, writer, and poet. They recently downloaded a bunch of recommended dating apps to test which was most likely to result in true love. The goal was to swipe on every app and go on at least one date. “You won't be surprised to find eHarmony earning a top spot in many of our roundups, and rightfully so. The company claims to be responsible for 4% of marriages in the U.S.,” wrote Boom in this MindBodyGreen article.


Oh man. I have a few. I drove two hours to a date to get stood up by a salmon fisherman. A firefighter with a big Darth Vader tattoo, who was the spitting image of Jeffrey Dahmer, told me he couldn't get off in the bedroom unless I let him drag me around the house by my hair. A heavily-bearded Jewish surfer met me for coffee and called me fat. (I am not). A redhaired Russian man who continually referenced "the Ukrainian uprising" in disgust and carried a vintage six shooter as his EDC nearly set his bedroom on fire with a candle while we watched Airplane and shotgunned vodka.  An alcoholic with a big hole right in the middle of his kitchen floor told me my Spanish was terrible. Granted, my Spanish sucks. I was stood up by a shredded engineer, and had a short romp with a pile driver who insisted his cows were too smart to eat the poisonous plants that grew all over their field. There was a bodybuilder who told me that guns couldn't stop him from doing anything he wanted, that he was simply too strong to be affected by bullets. Then? Icing on the cake: I got ghosted by a train conductor with a nose ring whom I had dated for two entire months. That joke writes itself somehow. That was a new low for me. .

iron_annie Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know, good books, wine, pets and the occasional foray with a sex toy can make for a pretty good, uncomplicated life? Your dog will never ghost you, your wine is always chill and your book full of endless possibilities. Also, no manky man undies and socks to wash. 🤷‍♀️

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Got ghosted after I thought we had a great night.

She hit me up after a few weeks saying she had been “so busy.”

I guess her other option didn’t work out either lmao.

Edit** Just for context, when someone hits you up again weeks later after ghosting you saying that she’s “so sorry” and that she ”wants to meet up again” only to ghost you again literally after that text, it sends mixed signals. Sort yourself out, lady.

Bloodshade_Dre Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No mixed signals there - red flags all the way. The 'wants to meet up again'' just means they've finished with the other person they were messing around with in the mean time.

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Meeting a girl and after I felt uncomfortable around her I went home. I dunno, it was an extremely uncomfortable experience with things she said to me and how she behaved. I was upfront with how I felt.

She then found me on a bunch of other social media platforms and kept messaging on all those.

Freaked me out.

eddieswiss , Andrea Piacquadio Report


“In a world where swiping right has become a reflex, eHarmony stands out like a well-tailored suit at a casual party,” agreed Worldmetrics on its website. The data collecting company states that more than 600,000 couples have tied the knot after meeting on eHarmony. And that the app has “helped create 2 million relationships in the United States since its launch in 2000.”


I dated someone a long time ago. That guy didn't want to use a condom the first time we had sex, because he 'wants to fill me with his babies'. Yikes. So it stopped right there and I never saw him again.

And one who seemed different than the pictures and only talked about himself.

Other dates were thankfully fine or great.

Tuimel Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I met this girl on bumble who seemed really sweet and we clicked super well at first. She told me that she was stuck in a lease with her ex (who she broke up with a couple months before) but she was trying to move back in with her mother. I wasn’t thrilled but I was thinking, whatever it’s not her fault.

A week later I had lost my virginity to her and a couple days after that I got a text from her telling me that she had a wonderful time with me but that she realized she was still in love with her ex. Apparently I made her feel like her old self, and that included being in love with a man who started dating her when she was 17 and he was 26.

Stupidly, I gave her a chance to make up her mind and she said she would pick me even though her brain told her not to. However, the final straw was that she insisted on staying friends with him and that I was ‘controlling’ for not wanting to date her if she would do that.

Bill__Wilson , Kyle Glenn Report


In a list

1. They lied about not being on medication (manic). They needed bail money because of resisting charges. NOPE!
2. Lied about children. Had two and one on the way (4 months). Bio dad got deported and she didn't want to go back to her country. I understood her situation but too much baggage for the first date.
3. proudly displayed SH scars and described why they were done. Some due to exes. NOPED OUT.
4. Said an emotional relationship to marriage needed to happen within 6 months. A little fast but seemed like the norm in the family. I can't put a time frame on it but she was fixated on it. Left before getting attached.
5. Lied about gender Identity. I get it, honestly, I do. But no one likes being led on only to be put in an on/off scenario and then I am deemed "the bad guy" for not wanting to support the decision. Very confusing time to be honest. Went full cold turkey.
6. Wanted everything income-based, requested criminal record, must have 800 credit score, wanted only to be a SATM, wanted a drafted will within the first year. HELL NOPED SO FAST.
7. Never said a word during the first date not even a reaction. Hard to read the room and keep a conversation going if they aren't interested. Afterward, I let her know that I enjoyed her company but I don't think it'll work out. There was plenty of time for her to answer and continue topics but nope didn't happen. She got depressed and blamed me for it according to her mom who messaged me. I was stunned, to be honest. Weird feeling.
8. She ate half my dinner (Plus hers) and I paid for it. I only ate the salad side which got cold. Wanted another meal to take home. Turns out she was living in her car and used dating apps as meal tickets. Substance abuse is just sad and baggage was really heavy. Easy call-off. She wasn't even bothered and said "Perfect this makes it easy then".



Boom’s dating app experiment found eHarmony best for those seeking marriage, Bumble best for men seeking women, Hinge Best for women seeking men, and HER best for queer women seeking serious relationships over situationships. For those willing to fork out money, Boom suggests


I have had pretty good luck with dating apps. I did meet a woman that had just been released from jail after 20 years for killing her abusive husband. She seemed cool though. Very healthy and spicy.

johnnysoup123 Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Girl in picture looked normal. We met in person and she had no teeth. Seems weird that teeth in a picture is a prerequisite now.

ScottyP1176 , George Dolgikh Report

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La Lucy
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Teeth are a huge thing for me so need at least one photo showing them. Ans at least one non hat and/ or non sunglasses photo.

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Oof. met up with a guy, got drugged and woke up in a town like 40 minutes from where we were with my phone stolen, got home to log onto tinder to message him wtf happened and he had my account reported and taken down.

met with a nurse, had a nice time. then later learned he doesn’t know what no means.

went out a few times with another guy, the last time we decided to go hang at his place which turned out to be the shed in his parents back yard.

but i also met my husband and father of my child lol

edit: typo.

toxiicmermaid Report

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Arkham Wohlfert
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow! That's intense. I'm grateful I have never felt compelled to use dating apps. When I was ready to start dating again after a long abusive relationship, it meant that my confidence was where it needed to be to not settle for red flags, but also to be charming and self assured. & you don't have to go to bars or dog parks to meet people, either. I met my wife as my mentee at work (I was a mentor for training, not her boss, so no weird power dynamics). If I hadn't been in a healthy place I wouldn't have been able to really see her, flirt with her and ask her out! Idk but for me that was a big component in avoiding online dating. Otherwise, I doubt I would have been capable of meeting new people without an app. If a person is not ready for that, maybe working on getting totally okay with being alone and really knowing oneself before dating is a good plan. Bad cycles appear when not feeling good about yourself. I don't have any experience with these apps, so I could be way off, lol.

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The Pew Research Center conducted a recent survey to find out what’s what in the world of dating apps. They found that Americans were divided. “53% say their personal experiences have been very or somewhat positive, while only a slightly smaller share (46%) say they have been very or somewhat negative,” noted the survey. Women were more likely than men to have a bad dating app experience.


First date I went on with this guy we went to a breakfast place. Had the personality of a wet newspaper, no hobbies, and he smelled like moldy laundry. He ordered a short stack of pancakes with NOTHING and water. NOTHING ON HIS PANCAKES! No butter, no syrup, no powdered sugar, no jelly, no fruit, no whipped cream, NOTHING.

heartsholly Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I got cat fished, but it was more so she was using older pics. I stayed for the coffee date and had a lovely conversation. But when it was time to go, she like lunged at me and went for a kiss. She missed mostly and we just kind of said nothing and parted ways lol.

anon , cottonbro studio Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Literal zero response from anyone ever.

Alacovv Report

Some of the negatives included harassment or being scammed. Data gathered by Cloudwards revealed that “One-quarter of men and 42% of women were contacted on a dating site or app in a way that made them uncomfortable, with 20% of men and 32% of women receiving unwanted inappropriate pictures.”

Do you use dating apps? Have you had any experiences? Or did you meet the love of your life? Let us know in the comments.


As always, it started with good banter via the app. I made a small penis joke which made her weirdly excited? Over dinner she tells me it’s because she has a medically too tight vagina that could only accommodate a small d**k which sadly I lack. Date was over, I offered to drop her off at her place. turns out she lived with her mom—not an indictment but was not prepared to meet mom on the first date. But I do and I’m feeling super uncomfortable so I say my goodbyes but just as I leave she starts feeling horribly nauseous. Turns out she’s super lactose intolerant and was reacting to the cheese-based appetizer that SHE ORDERED. She also had an extreme fear of vomit so she started having a panic attack. I offer to drive her to the pharmacy and I’m telling u she had zero clue what to look for—didn’t know what the word “antacid” meant or what Tums were so I had to buy everything. I drop her off the second time and wait for the tums to kick in before I got up to leave. I’m at the door and she looks at me with genuine confusion and says “but wait….u don’t wanna stay over? I was gonna suck ur d**k….” I said, “it’s 3:30am—goodnight!” Next morning I wake up to a million texts asking me if I liked her and why I was ignoring her. The whole experience made me realize how desperate I had been and how the apps played into that.

mobkun444 Report

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Matched with someone and agreed to go out after I got out of work. She was an hour late, texting me updates like "running late...doing my there soon, etc." S**t happens, I can wait. Then she sent me a picture from outside the bar with my back turned, saying she was outside. I went to where the picture was taken, and she wasn't there. Decided I was tired of being f****d with, and told her I'm leaving, and she seemed disappointed. Told her I'd be down to try again, but nothing happened.

ercdude , RDNE Stock project Report


I had a guy steal my laptop and phone. We finished, he went to the bathroom and got dressed. He ran out and grabbed my stuff which was right by the door and ran. I learned my lesson.

JJBektline Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Honestly meeting people who i vibed well with and could really see myself dating, only to eventually find that it just wasn't there. it turns out that's a lot harder than the standard dating app b******t. really makes you question whether you will find "it".

kw0711: Same for me - great first couple dates, sometimes even hook up, and then she makes no real effort to take things to the next level or sometimes just ghosts. Just makes you feel like you’ll never be good enough.

secondhand_bra: Ya man, it really hurts when the date goes extremely well, and they start ghosting you like it literally physically hurts. Has happened twice only but I felt like s**t. Felt like they used me just to entertain themselves.

Majestic-Republic929 , Sinitta Leunen Report

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Got into a ferris wheel with a chick who started discussing her mlm scheme. Longest 20minutes of my life and to top it off, I tried to change the conversation to mangoes and how amazing they are. She said she hated them and continued her spiel. ugh.

HowtoCrackanegg Report


50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether Just how they kinda grind away at your soul or self esteem.

lnx84: Yeah, this is it. I went into it a year ago, knowing full well it's a terrible place and mentally prepared, and it's fine for a while, but the extreme shallowness, constant rejection, and never feeling good enough wears you down with time, no matter what. I deleted it a few months later and have resorted to just being happily single now.

ZonedForCoffee , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The last time I tried (a female)....the first guy I waved at immediately began sending me messages that I will now marry him or he will kill me....

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I was catfished. He took photos from strategic angles and lighting that implied he was taller and more muscular AND lied about his height (several inches!!!). He ended up being a totally thin dude that weighed maybe 90 pounds and shorter than me (I think he was 5’3” that DIDN’T EVEN LIVE IN THE COUNTRY. Yup, he was just visiting and he never mentioned it until the date even though we talked for about two weeks.

Also HORRIBLE driver, didn’t speak much English (he was using google to text and translate). I made do with Spanish since he mainly spoke Portuguese but even THEN he was horrible at making conversation. It was absolute silence unless I asked something.

Also, we get to the restaurant (he invited me for dinner and drinks) and said he wasn’t hungry and didn’t want to drink…so I say f**k that I’m eating cus I’m starving and I am inhaling my food so we can leave but as I am just about done he says he’s now hungry and would like a drink!! Took about 4 trips of the server coming back and answering questions for him to just get the same drink and entrée I ordered.

At the end of the meal he said he forgot his wallet then asked me if I wanted to get dessert afterwards and have a 2nd date. Like excuse me?

Affectionate_Bat_632 Report

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eeyore163_1 avatar
Heather Menard
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Him saying he wasn't hungry would have told me he didn't have any money to pay

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It’s June, 2013, I’m 22m.

Met for BBT with a girl I’d been talking to for a couple of days. We hit it off pretty well. Like 3 hours non stop talking. The I asked her if she was in school or working? She goes “oh yeah I’ll be back in school in September @ (local high school). I go “oh like as a TA?” And she’s drops the bombshell of “oh no lol, I’m going INTO GRADE 11”.

instantly picked up my remaining BBT, wallet, keys, got up, got in my car and left.

Chris Hansen will NOT be seeing me anytime soon.

Time2Ejaculate Report

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Robert Beveridge
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Biblical Business Training? Basal Body Temperature? Banana Boat Trimming? Bobcat Beer Tumbler? Someone gotta help me out here.

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Getting catfished, one girl used images from 15 years ago and lied about her age and 200 lbs.

On the other hand I did meet my wife on tinder and we have two kids, been married 6 years.

RogueMessiah1259 Report

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Hooked up with a guy who didn’t disclose he had herpes until a couple hook ups in.

blackbeanpintobean Report


The whole damn thing honestly, ghosting, cheating, pretty sure the only thing I have gotten out of this whole experience is depression, trust issues, and budding alcoholism. I have no clue why I bother continuing to try.

EricWolf Report

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La Lucy
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is why I gave up. I know a lot of people have success, but I am apparently not one of them.

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I matched with a girl once, she waited five days to respond only to tell me "i look like warmed over s**t" and then blocked me.

chadpinkerton21 Report

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weatherwitch101 avatar
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well since manure is good for roses let's hope you find your wonderful Rose soon ❤️


Got catfished by the same dude twice lol , very dark period in my life.

HairyPoppins_97 Report

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I was on Tinder for a few years and never had a single positive interaction on it. I felt like I was being long-form pranked. 

More recently, it's the like limits that are driving me nuts. The microtransactions in these dating apps would make EA blush.

ashes1032 Report


I matched a really nice girl, we decided to go on a date. Restaurant, walk in the local park, then headed to her place. She seemed cute but a little esoterical (stopping to touch multiple trees that were emitting energy or something, insisted on taking a detour to the cemetery). But overall no serial killer vibes ...

Throughout the date she kept getting calls but never picked up her phone, making up some obvious fake story about it. We got along really well though, so i didn't think too much of it.

When we got to her place she eventually picked up her phone. The mood changed immediately. She turned a little clandestine towards me and went on to give the person on the phone a physical description of me.

After some really weird moments, she finally revealed to me that she is "still kinda in a relationship" while "looking for people for a MMF threesome". Then it dawned upon me that the whole thing felt kinda scripted and I probably wasn't the first guy she did this too.

Needless to say, I went through with it but it was the weirdest sexy time ever.

Butchslap Report

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Being scammed for sure. But one in particular. One person was trying to convince me she was a girl. So I said ok, take a quick vid and just say my name. It took almost an hour, and guess what I got??

A 2 sec video of Diana Taurasi!! The WNBA player. She was being interviewed at half court.

I let that one go one for a while.

Massive_Chance2174 Report

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50 Horror Stories That Might Make You Want To Delete Dating Apps Altogether I struck out on a date so fast I got the same Uber driver for my ride home.
Unfortunately, there is not much of a story. The date was at a bar right by the beach with a beautiful European woman here for post-doc work. I guess she wasn’t feeling the spark with me and/or wasn’t attracted to me because it ended in less than an hour. I can’t really point out anything that I did wrong. When the Uber arrived, we were both shocked to see each other. It was an awkward ride home. No second date, of course. The experience kind of mentally wrecked for a few days.

litex2x , cottonbro studio Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If that's your worst experience I think you should consider yourself lucky. That should be a commonly-expected outcome for a first date - you meet up, realise that you don't click, then are honest enough to admit it and move on, no harm done.


Matched with a beautiful girl when normally I matched with girls who never showed their bodies in pics so I was immediately thinking catfish.

After talking for a few hours she mentions recognizing me and later realized we graduated together and grew up less than a mile down the road. She totally knew it was me when we matched.

Anyways I looked her up in the yearbook and remembered who she was. I kept thinking, “was I ever mean to her, is this a trap?” Because she was absolutely gorgeous now.

Well after a couple dates we really hit it off. Hung out every day for a month literally fell in love and went so far as to getting a marriage license in just over a month. 10 days later she broke it off. Talk about an absolute mind f**k. I’ve spent more days hurting because of it than we were together.

Anghel412 Report


Guy tried to recruit me to be a “hostess” after approx. an hour or so of message exchanges.

PatSHIELD Report


Downloaded dating apps in college, and met a nice person on there & we start seeing each other more officially. Fast forward 3 years later and I’m filing for a protection order after being hit by said person with a whole a*s table.

TheFriendlyAmazon Report


So so many.. i had a dating app phase after my last long term relationship.

I remember meeting a girl i met on an app that looked nothing like her profile pic. I mean it was her but she looked so much better online, totally my type.
In reality she was a little, fat girl with green brown teeth. No body shaming but what do people expect when they use pics that dont aligne with reality?

Another time i met this gorgeous girl. She wasnt exactly local so she told me she would drive here and stay at my house. I was a little suprised but i offered her to crasch on the couch and didnt think much of it. We had a nice evening. She went to the bathroom, came back and told me with tears in her eyes she will drive home now. Never heard anything from her again.

Another time i met a beautiful latina on tinder while i was on a road trip with my sister in california (we are from germany) and we met at our rbnb. We sat in her car for hours and talked and in the early morning she said she wished i had done something. So i kissed her and we hooked up. Then she left. That was 4 years ago and we still talk sometimes.

Then there was this chick that totaly vibed with me.. but her friends we met later didnt and talked her down so she wanted me to leave bc they wanted to go to a party and i wouldnt fit in xD.

Hazer616 Report

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Sven Horlemann
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I seriously try to find "the" right match, why would I listen to what my friends want?


She was a virgin. I didn't know. She turned the lights off. It looked like a murder scene after. .

hookersrus1 Report

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theresapierson903 avatar
Tree P
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Damn what did you do to her? I didn't bleed my first time, and I know some women do but to look like a murder scene?

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Years ago, matched with a girl on tinder, hit it off, she rolls me to coke over because she has the house to herself. Excited, I get dressed, (singlet and trackies because like... why dress up to dress down?) And once I found her house and walk in there's a place at the dinner table set for me with her family sitting around it.