Ah, the movie theaters - a place to go on a date, to catch that new movie with your favorite actor or just simply have a good time with your friends. But since movie theaters are a popular form of entertainment, it is granted that you'll meet all sorts of people there. For instance, a guy who eats beans out of a can. Or a vaping guy, who likes to think he looks incredibly cool doing it. And since we all love hilarious and embarrassing stories, we've decided to compile a list of people's worst movie theater experiences. Do you have experiences which you would like to share (or forget)? Add them to the list!


Went to watch Monsters University with my wife and friend. Part way through the movie this lady answers her cell phone, walks to the nearest emergency exit, and holds the door open in the middle of the day. The entire theater lit up. I wasn't about to let this slide. I ran down and pulled the door shut, locking her out. I received an applause from the crowd. She had to do the walk of shame as she came back into the theater to sit back down.

StarFox- Report

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Jodi Ellis
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6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All about themselves. Never think about others, this type of behavior drives me crazy.

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    Was watching a movie and the reel kept malfunctioning so an employee started doing shadow puppets on the projector with their hands to entertain us

    Wait, nevermind that was the BEST experience I had at a movie theater

    Larksburgmusic Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's cool. I greatly appreciate people who try to make their customers happy despite unfavorable circumstances. Also, I like shadow shows :D

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    A woman brought her toddlers to see the conjuring 2. There was a scare that made half of the audience yell out "F**K" and the woman starts lecturing us on how her kids are here and how they needed to lay off the language. F**king what.

    SheZowRaisedByWolves Report

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    Jodi Ellis
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have lectured her back about the importance of movie ratings and the fact that children do not belong at those types of movies, especially if they cannot hear cuss words.

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    Kid next to me got bored during Infinity Wars so his dad gave him his phone to watch YouTube videos with the sound on

    CaptJackHaddock Report

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    Siddharth Rath
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    I was watching mama Mia 2 and when Cher came on stage this guy jumped in front of everyone and yelled out “ do you believe in life after love” and sung it until security came :(

    Ellizzbeth Report


    At the Alamo Drafthouse. I bought tickets right next to the wheelchair seats at the last moment so we wouldn't have anyone on either side of us. 10 min into the movie (against the rules) a sweaty unbathed neckbeard comes in and sits in the handicap-companion seat next to my date.

    Ignores the server. Waits until the servers aren't nearby and pulls out multiple baggies of snacks and starts loudly breathing and eating/smacking malted milk balls with mouth open.

    Baggie one empties, he crumples it and drops on the floor. Opens baggie 2. Rinse repeat.

    The reason I love the Alamo is because you can raise an order card, the server will grab it, the manager comes back, and when neckbeard doesn't have a ticket they kick him out and take his snacks.

    Sorry, this is actually about a love story. I love you Alamo Drafthouse. Now everyone knows.



    My brother-in-law’s story: Went to see The Lion King. After the stampede scene, the crowd was silently choking back their tears while watching Simba call out, “Dad? Dad?”

    That’s when the tiniest, most innocent voice called out from the rear of the theater, “There’s Daddy!”

    My brother in law said you could HEAR the entire theater getting punched right in the feels. Ouch.



    I took a girl I was into to the cinema. We saw The Scorpion King. I paid. She said she wanted salted popcorn, so I got her some, and I got sweet, because I hate salted popcorn. Halfway through the film, she wanted sweet popcorn, so, being the gentleman I am, I swapped. After the film, I say I'll call a taxi. She says, "Nah, it's ok, my boyfriend is picking me up." I stand there, stunned, as thanks me for the film, and gets into her boyfriends car, and they drive off.

    RiffRaffShep Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are you sure she knew it was a date, maybe she thought you were hanging out as friends? I've paid for my friends' tickets and snacks often, and vice versa

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    One day I decided to go and watch a movie by myself. Bought the ticket on the Internet and was pretty happy to see that I was the first person to buy a ticket for the movie. Once the movie time arrived, I checked online whether more people bought tickets. Guess what. There was. One more person. And he bought his seat... just next to me. The whole place was empty except me, and this stranger, sitting next to each other.


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    diane a
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have thought one of you wold have moved - a few spare seats - Lol

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    Watching The Minions movie with my little sister.

    But wait, it gets worse!

    About 3/4 through the movie we hear a low grumbling from the seats behind us, followed by a most fowl smell and several young voices saying "ugh grandmaaaaa." Then grandma, with the voice of Devito but not as cute, responds "I can't haaalp it, popcorn goes right through me"

    N3MO_ Report


    Fist fight in the aisle during Hot Tub Time Machine. Which was arguably the most entertaining part of Hot Tub Time Machine.

    BabsVan Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do these movie theaters have no staff to keep an eye on things or????

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    Someone kicked their flip flop into my popcorn

    tohbeeny Report


    Went to see one of the Paranormal Activity films. Some teenage girls decided to flirt with boys about the same age. Girls were sat at the front of the theater and the boys at the back, so they conducted the flirting by shouting back and forth

    LaughingLothal Report


    Went to see Benjamin Button years ago, these 3 ancient (probably senile) old ladies a row upfront would see each moment in the film, then turn to each other and LOUDLY state exactly what just happened two seconds ago in the movie. “DID YOU SEE THAT, AGATHA?! HE GOT IN THE BOAT!!”

    nemesi5_ Report


    About 30 min into The Increadbles 2 the lady next to me asks if the previews usually go this long??

    mattbalok14 Report


    A baby sh*t on the floor. I think that’s all I need to say

    Chandler_0070 Report


    I was working in a movie theatre, when two girls rushed out of the screen I was stood next to.
    Girls: What screen is Nancy Drew in?
    Me: Screen 3, the one you came out of.
    Girls: No, the film playing in there is Saw IV
    They’d put on the wrong reel

    LCCoole Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Funny how it's always a Saw movie that gets accidentally shown in these stories

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    Experiencing "the crawler"

    someone crawling under the seats to steal from people's purses.


    myhotneuron Report


    Due to technical difficulties the movie started 45 min late. During the wait two children were running wild around the theatre, had a man tell me “never get married”, the woman behind me accidentally opened up porn on her phone(IT WAS LOUD). However, I got a free movie pass

    Savannahokaye Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was probably the porn meme, my friend keeps sending me videos with the same very loud woman having a fake orgasm, so the last one he sent is of an Arab guy picking up a shell on the beach when he puts it to his ear you her the woman voice screaming out, I've heard a few people on public transport open them too.

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    Teenage girl was literally giving her bf a handie right next to my aunt and I during happy death day

    lilcrystalgirl Report


    Drunk guy in front of me sh*t himself.

    He waited at least 40 minutes before moving.

    NamaNamaNamaBatman Report


    My friend and i went to see Race to Witch Mountain when we were like 9 and we were giggling at something in the beginning of the movie and the old lady in front of us did not like that so she turned around and started pelting us with popcorn

    EmilyPoelstra Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What kind of an adult woman can't just say "Hey kids can you be quiet so everyone can enjoy the movie?"

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    In line for the midnight premiere for Force Awakens..dude drives past the line and yells “HAN SOLO DIES” as we were getting ushered in the theater. 40 y/o neckbeard in a Jedi outfit says in denial “I didn’t hear sh*t!” as he fought back tears

    lakerboy83 Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't understand what pleasure someone gets out of deliberately spoiling a movie for someone

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    The most outrageous experience was when the guy sitting next to me (in the dark) put his hand down into my hot-buttered popcorn and started helping himself.

    Back2Bach Report


    At the age of 14 I watched the Wolf of Wall Street in theatres with my mom and 12 year old sister. We lived in a part of the world where a kid would just be able to walk into a theatre regardless of its rating. I wasn't that into movies back then and my mom told us that this was a movie about "80s Wall Street" so we were like "k". From start to finish none of us moved an inch. If you've seen the film you can imagine it's an extremely uncomfortable movie to watch with your two teenage kids. When the lights came on my mom immediately said "don't tell your dad" and the entire theatre heard her say that. Really really cringy movie experience

    Fourth_Mind Report


    As a kid I was watching Alvin and the Chipmunks (wasn’t a bright kid in 2007) and during the previews and into the movie these teenagers were so loud and kept talking and talking, even used a laser pointer on the screen. Usher came in and kicked their asses out.

    Rylade475 Report


    My mom, brother, and I were visiting my grandpa about a month after my grandma had passed away. We decided to go see a movie, and "Up" was playing and looked like a fun time, so that's the movie we picked. None of us were prepared to witness Grandpa crying that hard...


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Back when Tangled came out I went see it and they accidentally played a new SAW movie. So a bunch of kids got to see a man cauterize a leg stump before they realize why everyone was yelling and walking out.

    gay420_69 Report


    Went to see Oceans 8. A woman was drunk or high, passed out during the movie,audibly snored, woke up during the last few minutes of the movie, and wondered aloud, “Is that Rihanna?!”

    SoCally_S Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Watching Godzilla(2016) and every time and I mean everytime the Japanese said 'gojira' a teenager would yell; "ITS GODZILLA!" or "HIS NAME IS GODZILLA!"
    So that was fun since I was a few seats away.

    Another teenager behind them tried to explain but was clearly not heard.


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    Reilly Beryll
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For someone who gets so angry over this matter, they don’t know much about Godzilla or his origins. Of course, they could have been joking, but...

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    Went to watch some horror movie, and a girl in front of me kept looking through her photos in her phone. I politely ask her to turn off her phone cause it's distracting, and she proceeded to mock me -like the teenage bully girl she probably was- so I threw a couple of popcorns at her. It wasn't nice of me, I admit.

    They called the usher on me, but the guy juts gave us all a warning. She finally stopped looking at her phone, but by then I had missed the beginning part of the movie.

    When the movie ended, they left the theater first and as I was getting out, I see her -and her friends- waiting for me outside, wanting to pick a fight. They were like 15 years old, I was at least 10 years older. I walked passed them and they said something to me which I didn't pay attention to. I walked through the parking lot with them following me, I got in my car and drove away without even looking at them.
    I did watch most of the movie, but they honeslty ruinned the experience for me.


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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mean girls, all right. I would have been afraid in that situation. Are they all talk, or could they get violent? You never know.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    During the last ten minutes of Split, a dude two seats away from me pulls out his phone and literally has a full blown, full volume conversation.

    lcmetcalf Report

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    Jodi Ellis
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what is wrong with people who act like this in theaters? And then they wonder why they are kicked out.

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    Went to see Goosebumps but we were shown the first 10 minutes of The Visit. The trailers scared the f**k out of the small children there.

    LorulianVEVO Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My first time seeing Infinity War, the guy sitting next to me was vaping every 2 minutes

    youtube_hah Report


    Was at the cinema watching Alien: Covenant, and the place was pretty sparse, but a young 19-early 20's year old couple decided they would sit directly behind me and my family.

    Now, as you can imagine, it wasn't exactly a good clean and family friendly movie, as it naturally featured quite a fair amount of gore, as you'd expect from an Alien movie. However, I don't think the female half of this couple got the memo, as she would loudly shout "Ewww! Gross! What the F**k!" when the movie showed even the slightest bit of blood and gore. All whilst her boyfriend laughed loudly at her response and telling her "it isn't real" and "it's okay babe", cue the truly gross open mouth kissing sounds, and at one point "I'm gonna do you so hard when we go home." Yeah, thanks for sharing.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I do not go to a movie and spend $10 a ticket, then $20 for popcorn and drinks to listen to some a**wipe talk or be disruptive. Everyone in the movie deserves to get their money's worth. It is not a captive audience for your personal pleasure. So, if you are talking I will ask politely for you to lower your voice. If you are on your phone, I will ask you to put it away if you are reachable and throw popcorn at you if you are not. If you don't stop, I get the manager. Simple.

    My friend took me to see my first Tyler Perry movie. I don't remember the name of it, but what I got to see/hear of it was good. Though the entire movie, the audience was talking to the screen saying things like "you tell em, girl", "don't you take that from him", "nah uh", "oh, he's gonna get it now", etc. They were just saying it out loud, even yelling it. I had never experienced this. The theater was full. After about 1/2 the movie, I'd had all I could take. I yelled "you guys do know they can't hear you, don't you?" It got deadly quiet for a few minutes, then the whispering started like a breeze going through the audience. My friend leaned over and said "Let's get out of here before you get us both killed." I never saw the rest of the movie, but I still laugh at that audience talking to the screen, and she still loves telling about the time I almost cost her her life at the movies!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Before the they changed to reserved seating, my wife and I were watching a movie in a packed theater and the only open seat was a handicap companion seat next to me. A few minutes into the movie I realized nobody was going to sit there so I put our coats in the seat. 45 minutes later, a young man and his wheelchair-bound mom showed-up and, without saying a word to me, he grabbed our coats and was about to throw them onto the ground! I quickly stopped him and asked what the heck he was doing. Only then did he ask if the seat was taken. When I saw his mom was in a wheelchair, I said "No, it's not taken but you should have asked me first before grabbing someone else's property!" I removed our coats so he could sit down and then they proceeded to talk VERY LOUDLY about the movie, wondering what was going on. He then turned and actually asked ME if I could fill him in on the movie plot since they had arrived so late! I told him, um..NO because it is very rude to talk during a movie and also unfair to the other people who are trying to enjoy the movie and who also arrived on time! He kept talking to his mom but after a few minutes they both left! On his way out he stated he really didn't care about this movie anyway because the movie they were ACTUALLY there to see was about to start!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Saw Carol in a small, 20 person theatre. One girl there alone openly and loudly wept the entire time. She made noises and reacted preemptively, it was clearly her second or third time seeing it. Was so distracted by her I missed almost the entire second half of the movie.

    olivia___dallas Report

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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe she was a queer girl reacting emotionally to representation on screen? I get that it's annoying when people react preemptively, but if you can't stand other people's reactions (whether that's laughter/gasping/crying) then it's probably better to watch stuff at home alone

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    Wore my slightly loose jeans to the movies. Felt good about potential weight loss. Didn't tie a belt because we were rushing.

    Got to the theatre. 2 Hands filled with popcorn and snacks. I get to the seats to find my seat in the middle of a long row. I begin walking through a long row of people's toes to get to my seats. I can feel my pants slipping down. Every step I take, my pants are slipping further. I am now 2 seats away from my seat and I am now in front of my friends who were there. I couldn't take another step without my pants falling down. I faked tripping on one of their feet, dropped the pop corn and sat on my friend's lap and as I got up, managed to pull my pants up.

    Everyone had a good laugh over goofy me, especially me thanking the stars that I didn't become 'that guy' that day.

    Unknown Report


    Went to see The Nun and had to endure the movie sitting next to someone who doesn’t believe in bathing. Also, he made a lot of choking/hacking noises.

    kaaatiekate Report


    Watched Crimes of Grindelwald, these kids were laughing the whole way through. Literally forcing themselves into a hysteria for no reason. Screaming artificially until they collapsed from involuntary real laughter.



    Went to the theater to see the Conjuring 2 and it had the potential to be a great horror movie (for me if any part gives me shock factor it is a great horror movie) but the whole thing was ruined for me because there was this group of 4-55 people behind us loudly commenting and laughing at everything! Another time a group of 3-4 teenage girls were constantly on their phones, which of course was very bright and their giggling during the horror movie was annoying so I told my husband I was going to the bathroom... walked out and got a manager... the girls were kicked out when they got snarky with the manager about putting their phones away.


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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, it seems like teens are glued stuck to their screens. I know this makes me sounds like a bitter grandma (I'm 26), but believe me when I say how incredibly annoying it is; I teach teens and there is just no fighting it sometimes.

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    Spilling my baked beans while watching cars 2

    Niblet_ Report


    incredibles 2
    was watching with my mom and sisters and had the misfortune of sitting in frojt this guy and his gf and the guy kept saying “what the crap haha” or “what the F**K” whenever something remotely strange or funny happened

    turtlefr0g Report


    When I was a teenager and The Fault in our Stars was first coming out in theatres, I went with a couple other girls my age I was semi-friends with at the time. At the time it was a teachers' only day at our school so most other teenagers and children were still in their schools, the only other people in the theatre for the movie was a bunch of elderly people.

    Being around the target audience, of course, there were moments we understood a joke and of course laughed. At the end of the movie, an old lady came up to us, kicked the back of one of our seats and growled at us for "giggling throughout the movie and ruining it".

    Sorry for enjoying a movie I guess.


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    Kaisu Rei
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't understand people who get mad when others laugh at appropriate times during the movie, especially when it's a movie aimed at kids/teens, people should just let them have fun

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    Watching Spider-man: Homecoming. Couple to the right making out the whole time, getting handsy and at one point the girl's hands are in the guy's pants. Person to the left thought it was okay to take off their shoes and socks. Stunk like heck. Then they put their feet in the air and swung them in the middle of the film. Right into my popcorn.



    Went to see Spiderman 2 with my ,then, bf. The scene comes up when Spidey hits his girl, she looks up to him and says:"who are you?" The whole room is quiet and in shock. Then my bf yells "Chuck Norris".... Could've killed him.



    A couple o years ago went to watch a re-run of The Omen (something about it's anniversary, idk) with one of my best friends. I didn't know how many times she saw it before that day... untill she started to talk along ALL THE DIALOGS. She remembrered almost all of them!!! Told her to shut the f&%$ up, but she was too enthusiast that even she shut up, 3 seconds later she was doing it again in a lower voice. Didn't ruin our friendship (never), but the whole movie experience.



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    Laugh Fan
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Only go to the cinema together when it's a movie she's never seen.

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    At the end of Avengers Infinity War when Nick Fury called Captain Marvel some dude in the back yelled "WHAT DOES IT MEAN!"

    RealDim_Reflex Report


    Went to watch Coco when it was first released in the US with my sister. There was a boy sitting behind me who kept kicking my chair (my sister could also feel the vibration from the kicking). After a few kicks, I got irritated and turned around to tell him to stop which caught his dad's attention who also proceeded to tell his son to stop. The kicking stopped for 30 seconds before it continued again. Wasn't about to yell at some kid over this although I was tempted.


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    Matt Richardson
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again.. most of these problems could be solved by getting an employee involved,..

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    American Psycho - quite a few years ago. When a bit younger I had suffered a perforated eardrum and have sensitive hearing in my right ear.The volume was so uncomfortably and painfully loud I had to stuff my ears with tissues, otherwise I would have had to walk out. Since then I have always taken foam earplugs to the cinema.


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    Siddharth Rath
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine watching Godzilla or Jurassic world... Sorry no offense intended

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    went to see THUG (the hate u give) with my school.... nobody would shut up through the entire thing


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    Deniz Vitvitskiji
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went to see wonder with my school... it was boring because almost everyone watched it last year

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