40 Times People Saw Infuriating ‘Choosing Beggars’ In Action And Just Had To Share (New Pics)
We all know the saying 'beggars can't be choosers?' but time and time again people like to challenge this idea by doing the exact opposite. Here at Bored Panda, we love to share some absurd stories and nothing is quite as ridiculous as choosing beggars who take no issue with asking for handouts - but only on their own inconsiderate terms.
The following list is a collection of posts from the internet of the best of the worst of these cheapskate types. From haggling over price points to roasting their loved ones for thoughtful gifts scroll down to check out these ridiculously rude people and don't forget to upvote your favs!
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A Brilliant Way To Deal With "Influencers"
That's how you find the true influencers vs the scammers and s**t heads
It's a good trait to be generous - but it's also good to know when you're being taken advantage of. Not everyone has the skills to say "no" to moochers, users, and choosy beggars, so Bored Panda has collected some various tips. First, it is important to communicate the boundaries or conditions around what you are giving to them.
63 Sandwiches In 1 1/2 Hours!?! How Dare They!
This Groomer Is Definitely Prepared For All The Choosing Beggars
If you want to help, haggle or handout - go for it- but also know that it is ok to say "no"! Some people take generosity to mean that you can be pushed to give more and more. If someone has assumed that your niceness means that you won't say no, respectfully remind them of your limits. In some cases, people won't want to continue to have transactions after you turn them down, and that's ok.
I Won't Invite You To My Baby Shower, But You Better Get Me A Gift
My Mechanic Telling It How It Is. Support Artists And Labor Folk!
Don't let yourself be consumed by guilt - set your boundaries and stick to them. Just because you can be accommodating doesn't mean you should. Most of us are taught it is a social norm to share what we have with those less fortunate, but giving back doesn't mean sacrificing your worth. Sure you can afford to cut a little off a price, but you are not responsible for other people's financial burdens. Remember if you give an inch to someone who is trying to take advantage they will want more.
Choosing Beggar
Two years ago I saw that guy with the gas can begging for money. Tried to give him four dollars, but he said he doesn’t take anything less than five. After that I saw him there everyday for months. Turns out he’s a fraud with a new Jeep and a nice house. Been following him with this sign since.
This Guy Gets It
I've had the pleasure of such an experience. A colleague of mine, who was in the marketing department (she was just playing Candy Crush all day long most of the times) came to me with a purely illogical and physically impossible request, for a packaging. I politely tried to explain her using her very limited technological knowledge and abilities, that it cannot be done, why it cannot be done, and that I'm not gonna waste my time doing that. I also offered her alternative solutions. Her reaction: "OK!!! Then I'LL DO IT!! It can't be that hard." I gave her my seat, took a step back and enjoyed the rest of the show. She sits on my chair, adjusts it for a minute, stares at the Illustrator window for 10 seconds and says "OK, now TELL me what to do next!!!" I burst into laugh and invited her out of my office before she deletes something important.
Lastly, don't feel bad when you shame a freeloader. We should always treat others with respect but in some cases, you need to be extra firm. "A freeloader really cares nothing for your needs and thoughts, even if they convince you that they do. They also rarely care for normal social etiquette."
Broke Boy
Lady Wants Barely-Used Computer For $25
The expression 'Beggars can't be choosers'? first recorded into print in 1546, when it appeared in a book of proverbs compiled by John Heywood. The first form was written as 'Folk say alway, beggars should be no choosers.' Another similar proverb from a different angle is, 'If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride,' which is more rarely used.
Seems Like Indonesia Is Not Choosing Any Of Them Begpackers
Mom Thinks Her Son Needs My Service Dog, Not Just Any Service Dog
Thought On Exposure
I Have To Pay For My Food?
Youtube Musician Donates Guitar
Can You Draw Me For Free?
So You Want Me To Unsell My Car And Are Offering Me Less Than It Sold For...
Everyone Named Sheldon Gets A Free Laptop
It's Free Pool
If You Think It's Simple
"But It's My Shift"
Sign At My Local Tattoo Shop
This Store Knows
Ungrateful Man Shames His Wife On A Public Forum Because The Dinner She Cooked Him Wasn't To His Liking
Why do people ever think that it's ok, ever, to shame anyone in public, on social medias? Not even stranger, let alone spouse, child or friend. If someone would do that to me, we wouldn't be friends or in touch anymore. If you don't like something about me, talk to me, don't try to shame me online in front of everyone. So rude and disrespectful!
Woman Gets Trolled After She Gets Too Choosy
Woman Angry Book Pirating Site Is Being Sued, Complains To Author Whose Books She’d Been Stealing On Their Fan Page
I have a tip for those with little to no income who want to read books: GET A LIBRARY CARD. If your library doesn't have books from a particular author you like, you can message them to suggest they acquire books from that author, they often take suggestions into account when purchasing new books. Don't read pirated books if you can't afford to buy new ones.
But I Only Have 800 Dollars
"Fortunately I'm Not In A Position Where I Need To Pay To Work"
It's Free
No Uggos. Next!
Choosing Beggar Has Questions
He Is Always Asking For People To Help Pay For Rent And Bills. He Complains About Not Being Able To Afford Food... But He Thinks He Can Care For A Kitten...
Just To Persuade Him
A Friend Of Mine Just Sent Me This. Why Is It That "Cash Ready" Means You Should Get An Incredible Deal?
Sister, Can You Spare A Dime?
Sorry I Dont Have Ca-
Hungry, But Not That Hungry
Still In Shock
Damn, That Sounds Like A Killer Investment
You Better Be Reliable And On Time For This Incredibly Below Minimum Wage Job
I think she means 65-75 a day for 7 hours. It's still low, but it's still 3dollars per chid per hour.
Not Good Enough For Her...
People need to learn the phrase "go f**k yourself, no one else will" as a response to scammers and free-seekers
I hope some of these are fake. What is happening to the human race really?! Disgraceful.
This is a small snippet of humanity magnified by the internet. If you don't think these things happened pre-internet and then I got news for you.
Load More Replies...Seems like this has been on the upswing since I turned 60, as a young adult I never heard of such as this. I will be 62 a week from Friday and this makes several articles I've read on Bored Panda like this, wish people would grow up and make the right choices.
The internet magnifies these encounters. You never heard of them before because there was no way to post them for everyone to see. Also ease of communication gives people like this more opportunities to be this way.
Load More Replies...People need to learn the phrase "go f**k yourself, no one else will" as a response to scammers and free-seekers
I hope some of these are fake. What is happening to the human race really?! Disgraceful.
This is a small snippet of humanity magnified by the internet. If you don't think these things happened pre-internet and then I got news for you.
Load More Replies...Seems like this has been on the upswing since I turned 60, as a young adult I never heard of such as this. I will be 62 a week from Friday and this makes several articles I've read on Bored Panda like this, wish people would grow up and make the right choices.
The internet magnifies these encounters. You never heard of them before because there was no way to post them for everyone to see. Also ease of communication gives people like this more opportunities to be this way.
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