Someone taught a raccoon how to finger paint and it's the best thing I've seen a while. Guess that raccoon now has a favorite hobby. And so I thought, what are other people's favorite hobbies? Let's share 'em, Pandas!
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Using Books, Music, TV Series, Movies And Video Games To Successfully Disassociate And Forget Just How Pointless (And Painful) Life Is
I have the same pastimes but not to be dissociative. On the contrary I view them as reflections, ideals and possibilities of our life and use that as a source of inspiration. For example, sympathizing with characters to develop understandings of what others may experience, or revering characters to help see a clearer picture of the paths we should take in our own lives.
Obsessed With Peyote Stitch Beadweaving, These "Dream Baskets" Came To Me In A Dream. That Is A 6" Dollhouse Figure. The Turquoise Baskets Behind Him Are All The Same Number Of Beads, From 15/0 (225 Stitches Per Square Inch) To 10/0 (100 Stitches Per Square Inch
I Love Reading, Allways Enjoyed Going To Another World That Îs Somehow Better Or Different
yes, i'm a huge bookworm. unfortunately i didn't read a lot in the beginning of quarantine because i had read all of my books and the library/book stores were closed. i did buy quite a few books once stores reopened, and i have a long list of books i plan to read! mostly classics XD
My Hobby - Using Old Unneeded Things To Create New Charming Boxes
The use of cogs makes it very Steampunk. Love them. I'm not obssessed with money, but it strikes me that there certainly is a market for this kinda thing; tobacco tins etc?
Knitting Shetland Lace, I'm Aiming To Be Able To Work With Finer And Finer Yarn (Aka Frog Hair)
Adult Colouring Books. I Love To Colour!!
My Favorite Hobby Is Writing Stories. Here’s A Sample Of One I’m Working On
As you can probably tell by the scribbles, I like to revise as I write, so please feel free to critique it. This is just the first two pages, so if you want me to post more, please tell me that as well. (Please ignore the mess, I took this in my bedroom.)
Working With Wire, You Can Make Anything You Can Imagine!
This May Not Look Like Much, But My Favorite Hobby Is Creating Music
Here's a link to this particular audio, where I tried to synthesize quarter notes, triplets and tuplets on a drum rack.
Caution headphone users, the audio levels aren't adjusted.
I Play Cello! I’ve Been Playing It Since Middle School And I Don’t Plan To Stop!
Btw, since I'm an orch dork, I named my cello Edward. Ik he looks a little beat up, but he still works like a charm! My best friend also plays cello and we used to play together all the time before the pandemic hit. Also, if you have any song recommendations for me to learn please let me know!!
Hiking - I Love Exploring New Places
I Have Developed A Love For Cooking And Baking (And Haven't Put On Weight!)
Uh.. that looks incredibly appetizing. Beautiful pieces of art. Tasty works of art
Genealogy - It Combines My Passion For Research And Organisation. Currently Have My Family Tracked Back To 17th Century, With Their Original Birth Certificates And All
Back To My Childhood For A Touch Of Model Making From Kits
This is so cool! It’s very detailed. I love it! My great grandfather was a ship designer and he made some famous ships.
I Flip Furniture! This Table Was Found At A Thrift Store For $1.00, This Is The "After"
Origami Of All Different Shapes And Sizes And Use
I Have Started A New Hobby Of Making My Cats Hats
oh and the black mark under her eye is dirt, she wouldn't let me clean it😅
Sewing! Especially Kids Clothes. Less Fabric. Brighter Colours And Bolder Designs
Adopting Dogs
I Love Crafting And It Is A Great Way To Take A Break From The World And Feel Like A Child
I Make Resin Jewellery In My Spare Time
Anything To Do With Horses Even If It’s Picking Up Poo While They Watch On (This Is Secret, Btw)
When we got her mum we had no idea she was pregnant
I Love Taking Really Weird Pictures. I Also Play The Double Bass Though
Trail Riding. What Could Be Better Than Experiencing Nature On Horseback?
Helping Birds In Need, Meet Kira. The 30 Year Old Congo African Grey
I have 10 birds atm. Kira is the latest addition to my bird family. I love helping birds like her. She is 30 yearsbold and comes from a home where she lived with another Congo African grey. Sadly enough, the latter started attacking Kira. Forcing her to stay at the bottomnof her cage. I was asked to take her in, and ofcourse that wasnt a problem. I have senegal parrots, a meyer parrot (also bald), ring necked parakeets, turqouise parakeets, kakariki's, and ofcourse Kira. I would love to help more birds just like her. Giving them a home, and all the love and attention that they deserve
Competitive Sailing, Outside Of Interscholastic Sailing I Race Historic Wooden Boats, This Is Our 81 Year Old Boat Many Many Years Ago, And It Is Currently In Almost Perfect Condition And Is Mostly Original! We Just Re-Varnished The Floorboards A Month Ago And She Sails Fast
Refinishing Curbside Furniture
I Love Playing Piano. Played Since I Was Four
Sleeping, It's One Of My Favorite Things To Do (Other Than Eating).i Love My Bed!
I Have Been Making Hats Using A Loom
Sorry about the weird background. Our carpet is really old and the lighting is weird in my bedroom
Collecting Strange Flowers And Seed Pods
Yes I do grow them .. I should have entitled it Collecting Plants with Strange Flowers And Seed Pods.
Books. I Am A Huuuuuuge, Massive Bookworm! I Have Three Favorite Series: Harry Potter, Wings Of Fire, And Keeper Of The Lost Cities. The Last Two Still Have More Books Coming Out, So I Just Dig Through The Internet To Find New Covers, Info That Might've Been Leaked, Etc.
Glow In The Dark Watercolor Painting Is My Favorite
My Favourite Hobby Is Definitely Spending Time And Train With The “Goodest” Boy Around
I Like To Create And Craft Gifts, E.g. Monetary Gifts For Weddings Or Baptisms
We Just Love To Explore New Places On Our Electric Motorcycles
I Build Model Cars And Admin A Forum For Like Minded Folk
Cars are one of my passions. I watch a show called the grand tour, which is more a comedy than an in depth analysis, but I love the show
Growing Mushrooms! I Got Into Mushroom Farming During Quarantine And Just Love It
I Just Started Needle Felting. Stabbing Wool Is Very Cathartic And Therapeutic, Turns Out
Pokémon Card Collecting
I Up Cycle Items From The Hardware Store To Create Unusual Jewelry! I Love Odd Creations! Ellen
Halloween Is My Favorite!
I Really Like Making Gacha Life/Club Original Characters
Tabletop Rpgs (Pathfinder Mostly) And Wargaming (Malifaux, Warhammer, Age Of Sigmar, Warmachine, Hordes, Etc) And The Crafting And Model Painting That Goes With It
I Love Working On My Create This Book. It’s So Much Fun And It’s So Cool As Well
I Love Tennis So Much!! I Am A Month Or Two Into It But I Assure You It Is Pretty Hard At First. Well, Harder Than You Think.
I Like Spending Time With My Crazy Cat Seymour And I Like To Play Cello
Cosmic Watercolor Is The Most Recent One. I Also Play Bass Guitar
Paddle Boarding... Nothing Else Is So Peaceful
I Made A Miniature Beach House ❤️
Trying To Get Into My Parents' Phones And Other Devices And Creating Ocs
My Favorite Hobby Is Crafting- Sea Shell Waterfall Made From Hot Glue
I Love Everything To Do With Trains Such As Riding Them, Taking Photos Or Filming, Or Even Planning Journeys Using Public Transport
Make Sure, I Can To Draw Or Not
Mine Is Taking Photos; It One Of The Best Ways To Capture The Beauty Of Everyday Thats Rn
Drawing And Playing Video Games! Does Anyone Know Who This Is (Plz Say Yes)?
Sewing Stuffed Animals
I like to read books because it is the greatest way to travel from all of the world's problems and the best way to get a happy ending
YES!!! ESPECIALLY FANTASY!!! LIFE IS NEVER BORING THERE!!! Because, I mean, if you read intensely like I do it's basically like you're the one with telepathy or the ability to fly or a destiny! It's like you're interacting with the characters yourself! IT IS SO AWESOME
Load More Replies...I know it sounds weird, but genuinely my favourite hobby is thinking; I love thinking about stuff.
Addendum: 2nd Gardening. I love gardening. I'm a complete dilettante, but it's beautiful seeing things grow and trying to take care of them. Having a lush garden to sit and reflect in is wonderful. Sorry, I apologise to anyone that doesn't have a garden, but here's a thought, maybe if you do not have a garden maybe there is a free space somewhere where you could plant something? It’s not such an odd idea. Go find a piece of land somewhere, a local park etc, where you don’t think someone will tread and plant something. Sorry, my minds wandering again.
I like to read books because it is the greatest way to travel from all of the world's problems and the best way to get a happy ending
YES!!! ESPECIALLY FANTASY!!! LIFE IS NEVER BORING THERE!!! Because, I mean, if you read intensely like I do it's basically like you're the one with telepathy or the ability to fly or a destiny! It's like you're interacting with the characters yourself! IT IS SO AWESOME
Load More Replies...I know it sounds weird, but genuinely my favourite hobby is thinking; I love thinking about stuff.
Addendum: 2nd Gardening. I love gardening. I'm a complete dilettante, but it's beautiful seeing things grow and trying to take care of them. Having a lush garden to sit and reflect in is wonderful. Sorry, I apologise to anyone that doesn't have a garden, but here's a thought, maybe if you do not have a garden maybe there is a free space somewhere where you could plant something? It’s not such an odd idea. Go find a piece of land somewhere, a local park etc, where you don’t think someone will tread and plant something. Sorry, my minds wandering again.