Just like work is necessary and never-ending, so are the memes and the sources of them online. You can say that it’s a certain kind of symbiotic ecosystem where one both empowers and leeches from the other and vice versa.
This time around, the memes are coming from @work_problems_, an Instagram page that is very appropriately dedicated to work memes with a following of nearly 11,000 people.
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Or to show you how to get the hard work done by yourself so your boss can claim all the credit
Oh, the delusion that people didn’t work as much in the “olden days”. They did. Let’s look at farm work. My great grandparents had a dairy farm. The animals needed tending all year around and they grew their own food, which had to be preserved and canned. In the fall, the men would travel out west to work the wheat harvest for cash. In the winter, the animals still needed to be tended, snow shovelled, butchering done, buildings built and any repairs done. My great grandmother had ten children so she was pregnant or nursing for the better part of 25 years. For them, they consider leisure if they were sitting down sewing or mending harness. Believe me, with your 40 hours work week (or 50 hour), you are working less than they ever did.
The page popped up back in 2018 and has since then posted nearly 900 memes in image and video form.
Like its peers, the main overlying theme is humor and anti-work, but you will see glimpses of pain, wholesomeness and flat-out savage stuff on there too.
I don't think having to share food with your cat is dependent on income. I think it's dependent on having a cat.
While it’s hard to pinpoint particular reasons as to why folks these days really, really, really hate work, reasoned deductions and speculations have been thrown out there on a number of occasions. Some of them are plain obvious, while other reasons do leave food for thought.
Me: I emailed you the report. Half the people I email: You forgot to attach the report.
Every decade or so, I pick a new theme for my passwords so that I have a relatively limited pool of potential passwords to remember, while still making them more secure than average; previous theme was Star Wars, so I'd have passwords like GENGrievous3#5% or Obi1Kenobi88*! or the like. I have a different theme these days ;)
You know, dress codes in offices make no sense. I mean, if you're not interacting with anyone on the customer end, why should it matter?
Back in 2017, Gallup concluded that of one billion full-time workers worldwide, only 15% of them were engaged at work. The metric is a bit better in the US with engagement reaching 30%, but in either case, 70% to 85% of them are not really all that committed to the work they do.
Many folks just want a good job, but a lot of employers fail to deliver one. And millennials are getting one of the shortest straws out there.
Most of them come to work hyped up and ready to work only to have their souls crushed by old management practices and toxic work cultures.
That is the correct answer in my opinion. I'm highly motivated by money, you want someone highly motivated, well then highly pay me and everyone will win.
My response in this kind of situation: Go ahead and fire me, I was looking for a job when I found this one.
Gallup suggested that it’s time for organizations to start moving away from command and control management to coaches who’d focus on fostering performance.
This would mean getting rid of wasteful practices and, in turn, would satisfy an expectation most millennials have for jobs—opportunities for development.
I was a self employed business owner. My social security income is more than my business income during COVID. Retirement was a no brainer.
This is not to say that it’s necessarily personal development, but just progress in general. Progress for everyone and everything.
But the idea that employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses isn’t the only underlying problem. And no, it’s not just the jobs themselves—it can also be the employees that are the problem.
They’ll kick you to curb to save a buck while you’re still very much alive.
Case in point - Hasbro. Right before Christmas, they laid off 1500 employees, at the same time rewarding their three top officers with 22M in bonuses.
Others suggest that, at least among millennials, some of the most common reasons why they hate their jobs include unrealistically high expectations for what their daily work lives might look like, impatience and frustration that career development doesn’t happen faster, and social media creating a distorted reality leading people into comparison rabbit holes.
Nope, hold it until halfway through the meeting, go pee, then just check your email real quick because you can always find something that needs to be dealt with immediately, and show up right before the meeting ends. Do this for every meeting and you'll look like a really dedicated employee and you can get out of going to useless meetings.
Can you explain to me how you came to this conclusion? = WHAT THE LITERAL F**K WE'RE YOU THINKING?!!!
That’s not to say that employers aren’t at fault either—they do fail to provide new opportunities and compelling reasons for folks to stick around, but employees and employers ultimately have to work together for progress to happen at all.
And if you’re an employee, you can start with yourself.
Company glues a sign to the window, "Closed today because nobody wants to work".
Here I am wondering if she remembered to include 9 months for human gestation in her math. (Also covering up some negative comments).
The cliff notes of that would be losing the I hate my job mentality, lowering your expectations while increasing your standards, weighing your options, being patient, and, above all else, being kind to yourself. Only then can you start looking for opportunities that actually fit you and don't make you compromise too much.
literal tornado outside, people still thinking they could order food at the restaurant I worked in at the time.
So, what are your thoughts on any of this? And if not thoughts, any work memes you’d suggest peeping? Share them in the comment section below!
And if you can’t be bothered, you can continue scrolling the same content on our website, or on Instagram.
There’s always that one with 1 million questions at the end. That’s when I got in trouble for just hitting exit.
Too many years in a career where I never took more than two days off in a row for this very reason.
Me: "Well, all I know is I watch shows on screens and you're on a screen right now. So, you tell me which of us is wrong Mr. Big Shot."
“Everyone” as in you won’t go grocery shopping, eat out or travel during that time? Or “everyone” as in only white collar workers?
Worked here for too many years and learned the meaning of this motto on day 2.
The one thing worse than waking up on Monday to go to work, is waking up on Monday and not having work to go to.
In some ways this makes sense if you really need to play the extreme highs and lows at the same time. It would be hard to reach both ends of a piano at once.