25YO Embarrasses Drunk Coworker At Office Party By Revealing That The Punch Had No Alcohol
Interview With ExpertEveryone has embarrassed themselves at least once in their lives. When it happens, it feels like the earth should swallow us whole, and we can’t stop overthinking about the moment as many times as possible. Even if it’s just a minor incident, it often feels like a very big deal.
This is what a woman felt after she presumed there was alcohol in the punch at her office party and swayed and fell over in front of everyone. She felt extremely embarrassed after her coworker revealed the truth to all of their colleagues.
More info: Reddit
Everyone wants to make a good impression in front of their boss at the office party, but if things go wrong, it can feel terrible
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The poster shared that her boss hosted a potluck-style party and that she brought non-alcoholic punch to it so that people who didn’t drink could also enjoy it
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
During the party, a coworker named Sandy started getting loud, stumbled about, and even fell off her chair, so the poster presumed she had drunk alcohol
Image credits: DC Studio / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Sandy asked the poster what alcohol she had put in the punch, but the woman replied that it was non-alcoholic and confirmed that nobody had spiked it
Image credits: gpointstudio / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The poster’s revelation in front of all their coworkers made Sandy feel embarrassed
Image credits: deenskees
Sandy later behaved in a hostile way toward the woman and tried to insinuate that it was her fault that she now looked like an “idiot” in front of their boss
The poster mentioned that people had enjoyed the punch she had brought to work events before, so she volunteered to do it again. Since she wanted to be considerate of everyone’s feelings at the potluck party, she decided to bring a non-alcoholic punch. The OP knew that there were some colleagues who didn’t drink, so they could enjoy it as well.
Unfortunately, Sandy did not know that the punch was non-alcoholic. She probably got carried away with her assumption and ended up falling all over herself in front of her coworkers. She loudly asked the poster what she had added to the punch, and that’s exactly how she dug a hole for herself when the other woman said it was non-alcoholic.
To understand how to deal with embarrassing situations like this, Bored Panda reached out to Bruce Lambert, Ph.D. He is an expert who has more than 30 years of experience in communication and has taught thousands of people how to communicate effectively. His goal is to help people improve their personal relationships, advance in their careers, and get more done.
He said that in moments like this, it’s best to “own it, laugh at it, and move on. We all act foolishly at times. It’s just part of being human. Embarrassment only lingers if you fight it. Self-deprecating humor and a quick recovery signal confidence, and people forget faster than you think.”
“From a sociological perspective, embarrassment is a social repair mechanism, not a life sentence. By embracing the moment instead of resisting it, you show social competence, turning a blunder into a bonding opportunity rather than a permanent stain on your reputation,” he explained.
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
When the OP was confronted by her colleague about the alcohol content of the punch, she was honest about it and stated that it was non-alcoholic. Unfortunately, she said this out loud in front of everyone who was present. This obviously created a very embarrassing situation for the older woman, who decided to leave the party.
Getting humiliated in public can severely affect a person’s mental health and self-esteem. Bruce said that “intent matters, but so does empathy. If someone’s spiraling into social pain, don’t make it worse. A quick pivot, downplaying it, shifting the focus, can rescue the moment. No need to make an abject apology; just restore their dignity.”
“Sociologist Erving Goffman’s concept of face reminds us that public embarrassment threatens a person’s projected identity, and a graceful recovery from both sides, through humor, tact, or redirection, reinforces social connection rather than deepening the disconnect,” he added.
The older woman couldn’t get over what happened at the party and took out her anger on the woman. She even sent her a mean text saying that the OP’s actions made her look like an “idiot” in front of everyone. The poster’s coworkers were split on the issue, with some thinking that there was no harm in what she did and others agreeing that it was an embarrassing situation.
Bruce mentioned that “exposing the placebo effect of the fake alcoholic punch mid-scene turned the coworker from party legend to a punchline. Timing is everything; sometimes, let the illusion live a little longer. Embarrassment stems from the collapse of a presentation of self—in this case, an older coworker unknowingly acting out a drunk persona.”
“The abrupt reveal forced them to confront a contradiction between their actions and reality, leading to loss of face and embarrassment. In cases like this, subtlety is kinder than brutal honesty,” he added.
Nobody wants to be in a humiliating situation like this, especially in front of one’s boss. Fortunately most people understand that the placebo effect is a powerful thing and that rather than it being a horrible situation, it was more amusing for everyone involved.
Do you think the OP handled this correctly or should she have said something to the older colleague in private? Let us know what you think.
Most people agreed that the poster wasn’t in the wrong and that Sandy got a little carried away
Poll Question
How do you feel about the woman revealing that the punch was non-alcoholic in front of everyone?
She did the right thing by being honest
She should have spoken to Sandy privately
It would have been better to let Sandy continue believing
It wasn't her responsibility to manage Sandy's feelings in any case
So she feels she would have looked less of an idiot getting completely s h i t f a c e d?
yes, cause it would have been OP fault that she kept drinking something that had alcohol, and totally out of her control aparently
BP, kindly change the title: the OP did NOT embarrass their co-worker. They did that to themselves.
So she feels she would have looked less of an idiot getting completely s h i t f a c e d?
yes, cause it would have been OP fault that she kept drinking something that had alcohol, and totally out of her control aparently
BP, kindly change the title: the OP did NOT embarrass their co-worker. They did that to themselves.