While most of us see revenge as a sort of cold and cruel settling of a grudge, people can be pretty comically creative with how they settle a score. After all, in this day and age, going scorched earth isn’t required to let someone know they messed with the wrong person

Someone asked “What's the most deliciously wicked act of pettiness you've committed in the wake of a relationship's spectacular implosion?” and people shared their best stories. From putting cheaters on blast to clever bits of revenge, be sure to upvote your favorites as you scroll through and share your own stories in the comments below. 


“I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Ex was a "vinyl DJ". After he basically treated me like s**t one night and we had a huge argument I got up during the night and took out vinyls and put them in the wrong sleeves. He had fair few hundred. Took me ages. I then packed my little overnight bag I kept at his and left. He was supposed to play a gig the next day.
I heard he was RAGING 😂

LimitFree4775 , Miguel Teixeira/flickr Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I took his phone to the bathroom with me. he assumed I was reading through his messages with the other woman, but I just deleted every single photo of me/us together, my contact info, and removed myself from all of his social media, then handed it back to him, took my stuff, and left.

    tortillanips , Ketut Subiyanto/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge This experience is forever burned into my brain. I can't say I've always had this much self-respect, but there are days that I am proud and sometimes inspired by my younger self.

    9 months into my first relationship, I found out that my then-boyfriend had been cheating on me and professing his love to at least two other gals. When I confronted him about it over the phone, he said he thought he was polyamourous and that he couldn't help it (yeah, not how that works guy). Now, even though he was a cheater, I wasn't the type of person to dump someone on a phone call or over text. I needed to look the guy in the eyes while he told me the truth about his transgressions. This was early high school, so the next day my dad called my school and told them I wouldn't be coming in. My dad then drove me to the next town over and took me to this guy's house. Dad asked if I was okay to go in by myself. I nodded, and my sweet dad waited in the car for me as I walked up to my ex's suburban home. I knocked on the door, and conveniently, his mother answered the door. My ex's mother had no idea what was going on, but politely invited me in and called for ex to come downstairs because he had a visitor. Apparently, he had also called in sick to school that day. His mother gave us some privacy and I sat on the couch across from him and made him tell me every detail as he sobbed his eyes out.

    At one point, his mother heard him crying and entered the room. She asked us to come into the kitchen and offered us a couple of drinks, which I politely declined. Sensing tension, she asked what the problem was and if she could help with anything. The sweet woman had no clue. Never breaking eye contact with ex, I politely replied that she probably could not help. However, ex did have something important to tell her. I stared him down and said, "You will, or I will. Every detail just as you told me."

    He sobbed and confessed that I had been his girlfriend for the past 9 months (he never even told his mother???), and that during our relationship he had actively been cheating on me (or at least tried to cheat with several, only succeeded with two). His mother just stared at him in shock. He knew that neither woman at the table was responding with the empathy he sought, so as a hail Mary he stumbled, "I...I THINK I'M POLYAMOUROUS."

    His family was fairly progressive, but the look he received from his mother screamed, "Oh, b******t!".
    Her face turned with utter disgust. There was a pause before her eyes met mine, and she apologized on behalf of her son. She said she knew I had loaned him a few games and that I had given him some nice gifts for his birthday. However, when it came to my birthday, she noted that the gift he had given me was small and more suitable for a friend. She asked me about how much everything had cost, and I responded with a reasonable estimate. She nodded her head and turned back to her son.

    "I know you just got paid. Go get your wallet."

    My ex slinked up the stairs, and his mother and I sat in heavy silence until he returned. He handed me a wad of cash, and his mother chimed in, "Don’t forget the money for gas, too." He handed me another wad of cash and returned the Gameboy games he had borrowed as well. With that, I thanked his mother, collected my items and walked out the door.

    My adrenaline was pumping, but as soon as I got back in the car with my dad I began sobbing too. Before going home, my dad bought us some ice cream and took me to a public dock so that I could look at the quiet lake and think. It was bittersweet, but I'm grateful I had a man in my life who had showed me what it meant to be truly loved and cared for.

    StianCarl , Karolina Grabowska/pexels Report


    Sometimes, the pettiest revenge can be the most insidious. For example, just moving some items around. Interestingly, the Ministry for State Security (the Stasi) in communist-era East Germany would use a similar tactic. They would, for example, break into the homes of dissidents and move the furniture around just a little bit. 

    The idea would be to create a sense of unease, without a clear perpetrator. After all, the person would notice at some point but be in a state of constant doubt, questioning if they simply forgot their own actions. It would also cause strain in relationships, as partners would blame each other for misplaced items.


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge My ex cheated on me. I turned his best friend against him simply by telling him everything he did. It wasnt nuclear in intention but he lost his entire friend group over it. And props to his best friend and all his other friends who actually refused to tolerate how he treated his girlfriends.

    ItsTimeToGoSleep , Ralph Rabago/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Had been seeing a guy for 3ish months. I thought we were getting pretty serious. He'd spent nights & wknds at my place, we were (i thought) making plans to meet families/parents, spoke on the phone every day at great lengths, then one day I was completely ghosted. Blocked, blocked, blocked on everything. I was devastated. It took a few months for me to somewhat heal from this....
    Cue the "are we dating the same guy" page on FB for my city...I posted him anonymously & there were other women admitting to dating him until he ghosted them, etc. THEN, a woman commented that he was married to her coworker. She received all the tea and told the wife. Every month or so, I would repost him anonymously on various other AWDTSG pages in my & surrounding cities and multiple women were commenting that they were currently dating him & they would compare notes, etc. I found out he & his wife split, and he was now living in a city a few hours away & still doing the same to other women.

    I continue to post his photo every month or so just to blow his s**t up.

    Edited to add: I've since found his profile on here & fetlife. Anyone else wants to blow his s**t up, just let me know...

    SkyesMomma , Andrea Piacquadio/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I emailed his mom to tell her her grown a*s son (30s) wouldn’t leave me alone after I ended things. Not a few minutes later he’s texting me upset I got his mom involved lmao

    ValuableBodybuilder , Andrea Piacquadio/pexels Report

    However, setting aside the horrific crimes of a secret police force, “petty” actions are often the most effective precisely because they are too limited to invoke any sort of hostile response. Calling someone out might not be as effective as just maliciously complying with what they seem to want, since it forces them to acknowledge their own actions. 


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Not wicked, but absolutely petty. I never wanted children and was clearly upfront about that from a fairly young age. In my 20s, I had a boyfriend who said he was OK with that and felt the same way. Except he lied. He wasted four years of my life waiting for me "to come to my senses" and understand that of course I wanted to have kids. I was deeply hurt but also angry that he just wasn't taking me seriously and he honestly believed that I just needed to have a baby to understand how great parenthood was actually going to be. He really believed it would all just be fun, fun, fun. Of course, it would mean me leaving the workforce to become a stay-at-home mother and homemaker while his career went on as usual. He had never so much as babysat an hour in his life and really had no practical concept of what having children involved. The fact that he was so casual about assuming I wasn't serious about my own aspirations or that they didn't matter just pissed me off. It also turned out he didn't think I was going to do anything significant in my career. It was so condescending. He told me I would never find a partner as good as him.

    It was not a smooth or easy breakup. My parting shot was to buy my ex-fiance subscriptions to every parenting/new baby magazine on the market and in the process of signing him up for those, I checked every box to have him contacted by phone and mail for any and all promotions related to having a family, and for sales calls from life insurance to diaper subscriptions to education savings funds to toy sales. He absolutely detested junk mail and telemarketers, so I felt a certain glee signing him up to be inundated with all of that, but I also thought he should have stacks of those magazines on his living room coffee table for any potential future girlfriends to see.

    Anyway, I went on to girl-boss my way through my career and I accomplished a lot to be proud of. I didn't stay in touch with the ex, but he tried to message me online about 12 years ago after he heard me do an interview on NPR's Morning Edition. I did not respond.

    Glindanorth , Richard Masoner / Cyclelicio/flickr Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I took a picture of his family's secret chilli recipe and his mother's soup recipe. Both are considered family secrets. I make the soup every winter. I have also shared them with people.

    deadplant5 , Jo/flickr Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I cut the tips of the pockets out of all his jeans. Just annoying enough to count, strange enough to subvert suspicion

    redhearts , grumo/flickr Report


    It’s also a pretty subtle, yet effective way to make sure someone understands that if their behavior continues, it’s only going to get worse. For the stories here, centered around breakups, this “final act of pettiness” might also serve as a good form of closure. Sometimes dumping a horrible partner isn’t enough, it’s best to finish with that feeling that you gave them what they deserved


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge My then BF had a favorite Tshirt that he had bought overseas years ago. That shirt was wearing out, and although he had looked high and low for years, he was never able to find the shirt again. He loved that shirt. I mean LOVED. His birthday was coming up. I used to be a graphic designer, so I easily reproduced that beloved shirt and had a few made up in multiple colors for him, and one for me. Then I found out that he was cheating, and we broke up. I started dating someone soon after.

    Being petty af about what happened, I gifted one of those Tshirts I made to my new guy, telling him the story. We took a photo together of both of us wearing the shirts and posted it up on social media. The ex saw the post of us in the shirts and freaked. He contacted me asking me where I found the shirts?

    I told them that I had made them for his birthday, so alas...too bad, so sad.....but other than gifting one to my new BF, I had since given all of the rest of them to Goodwill. He was absolutely furious. I thought he might cry. So petty. So worth it.

    Minkiemink , Vanessa Garcia/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Found out my ex was talking to another girl who I knew was a cashier at target. I don’t know if they had met in person but I purposely went to the register she was at. His face turned purple and his voice was cracking the whole time. I wasn’t rude to the girl, I just played it off and was flirty with him. I know she was caught off guard too, so I do feel bad about that. But he was s******g himself. It was so funny. But I say it’s really out of character for me so that’s when I realized, this isn’t healthy and removed myself.

    technondtacos , Jack Sparrow/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Left my video game addicted ex, internet bill was in my name so I cancelled it the day I left

    Trulymad87 , Tima Miroshnichenko/pexels Report

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    michael Chock
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have kept paying, but suspended service, saying that I was leaving for 6 months. That way he couldn't create his own account.

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    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Not actually my relationship, but I was too hungover to help very meaningfully when we moved my sister out of her ex husband's house, so I sat on the floor and put all his games, dvds and blu rays in the wrong cases.
    Months later my sister discovered that she was now in possession of his favourite game in the DVD box for Titanic, so that was a fun bonus.

    kiralakali , Alejandro Molina B/flickr Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same as the vinyl records post currently at number 1, just as awesome!

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    He cheated and knocked the woman up. A couple weeks later, I was drunk shopping with a friend and we ran I to his mother and sister. I congratulated them 😂 They asked what for? and I said, "the baby!" His sister was shocked. His mom said thought something was up because he had made some strange comments. When he found out they had heard his news from me, he was livid! Omg, it was great!

    Nice_Speech6381 Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge He cheated on me while I was out of town and didn't bother to pick me up from the airport when I returned. I had to get a taxi home where I sat alone in our apartment for hours until he "got done helping this girl with her resume."

    When I confronted him, he admitted immediately that he slept with her and he "didn't know which of us he wanted to be with" and asked for a few days to think.

    I graciously offered to let him stay in the apartment for that time while I went to a friend's house. I called my parents that night. While he was at work the next day, my mom and I cleared the apartment completely. All of the furniture was mine, pretty much everything was mine actually. We left that apartment empty save for a pile of his s****y gym clothes and his a*****e cat. He walked in from work just after I dumped every picture of us in the kitchen sink.

    My mom even took back the pair of nice dress shoes she'd given him for the previous Christmas.

    eeriedear , Blue Bird/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Found out about a month after we bought a house that my boyfriend of three years posted on a subreddit talking negatively about my body (specifically that I was never his type, asking for tips on how to ask me to get boob implants cuz my boobs were too little apparently, etc). He later doubled down when confronted that he wasn’t really attracted to me due to my skinny-ness. He’d done a bunch of things up to this point but for some reason the Reddit post hurt me the most. I’d never been insecure about my body until then.

    So naturally I found someone who actually likes me for me and f****d them in every single room in our house whenever my ex wasn’t there (I’d been looking for my own place in the meantime). When I did finally move out, I reported his illegal marijuana use to his employer (drug use is prohibited when possessing a security clearance). He still has no idea he’s under investigation & will be losing his job soon (which would also mean his house & probably his car cuz he’d been barely making it by since the house got purchased).

    I really wanted to take the high road but the audacity of this “man” to waste so many of my good years (met when I was 24, he was 32) made me realize I couldn’t just walk away without some sort of revenge.

    Oh and the new guy? Turned out to be literally everything I’ve wanted in a partner and we’re still going strong! NEVER SETTLE, LADIES!!!

    THROWAWAYAFTER2DAY1 , RDNE Stock project/pexels Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just really don't get why he would be in a relationship with her, buy a house with her, when she isn't his type & he wants to change her..

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    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge He cheated. I called campus cops and let them know he was growing on grounds (he really was). There went the law degree! The same law degree he had me doing all of the homework for him for. 🤷‍♀️

    mamsaurus , Kindel Media/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I found out my husband had been carrying on with his coworker for years. I had her street address because of Christmas cards. I sent her an anonymous glitter bomb for Christmas that year. He and I are divorcing. I’m sure she knew who it was from, but I never actually heard about it.

    arcadiafalls , cottonbro studio/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Found out my ex cheated on me with the girl he kept telling me not to worry about. I was so mad I intentionally went out of my way to be nice to them, always saying hi and asking how they are. 😂 the girl would walk away so fast and then pick a fight with him afterwards. I was so happy I ruined his day. They broke up shortly after.

    Pollypocket289 , David Mosquera/pexels Report


    He sent his very religious and conservative mom to come pick up his stuff. So I put it all in a bag and neatly placed the two brightly colored sex toys he'd bought me on the top for her to see.

    Competitive_Mark_287 Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge My boyfriend left me when he found out that he got me pregnant, I shared this with my friends. They secretly filmed a video of how he said when they met that he was not ready to be a father and how his love disappeared after I got pregnant, my friend posted this video on various social networks, the most received almost 2 million views on TikTok. Over time, almost every person in our city saw this video, his mother called me to delete it because her sweet son was depressed

    NudismLifestyle , Tima Miroshnichenko/pexels Report

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    Lyone Fein
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She should have raised her son better. If you're not ready to be a father, use condoms.

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    He had a girlfriend the whole time we were spending weeks together in his apartment. Except it was THEIR apartment and she traveled for work.

    I signed him up as being interested in the Mormon church repeatedly. Requesting visits and saying that even if I am resistant in person keep trying because it’s what’s right for me. I also signed him up and requested information about Scientology. As well as Jehovah witnesses, again requesting them to come to my house and try and preach to me.

    Every time I saw anybody advertising some weird MLM on Facebook or job sites I would again give his information. I would go on car dealership websites and say how interested I was in about 15 different cars and once again leave his phone number. Those guys are relentless when they think they’re gonna be able to make a sale.

    Lastly I visited any and every website that had information and or products on male pattern baldness and requested any and all mailers they would have of products to try, etc. he was always insecure his hair was thinning.

    No regrets baby

    UnsupportedDevice Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge Found out my boyfriend was cheating with multiple women because he saved their Snapchat convos and something told me to check his phone 😂 in one convo he was debating whether he was ready “to f**k her raw yet” and in another he had saved the girls phone number. So while he was at work I packed all my stuff and left the state. Not before I bought him a box of condoms and left a sticky note saying “for you and X until you’re ready to f**k her raw” and texted the other letting her know he was up for grabs but that she’d be competing with about 3 other girls 😂

    miss_sass1992 , Steven Isaacson/flickr Report


    Maybe not petty - since it involved some planning. Found out boyfriend of 2 years cheated on me again, after he swore the first time was isolated and “it would never happen again.” (I was so stupid for taking him back!)

    I didn’t let on that I knew about the other woman. I planned a fake, “all expense paid” trip to Hawaii a few weeks in advance. He hadn’t had a vacation in many years, so he was super excited. Got his input on hotels, excursions, etc. He arranged the time off work and was all set. Two days before we were supposed to leave I sent him an explosive text that I knew about Sheri and the joke’s on him. He was seething and I loved the thought of him being so sucked in by the excitement of the fake trip! … and then devastation. That was 20 years ago, I’m in my 50’s now and I still don’t regret doing that!

    LocalAndi Report


    I moved out after my ex said something along the lines of him not being concerned about me ever leaving him because I couldn’t get by without him (implied to be financially, but also generally). He obviously did not see it coming lol

    The cherry on top is that I also got a new job and can now afford to pay to get tasks handled that I had to repeatedly ask him to do when we were together!

    veefox08 Report


    I shared an apartment at the time with my ex. He wasn't working at the time so I was paying all the bills, one night when I came home from work I noticed how disgusting the bathroom was and asked him to please help me clean it. He jumped on a video game instead with his friends and started laughing while I was cleaning. I calmly finished cleaning myself then locked the door from the inside out (I know how to pick a lock with a Bobby pin, he dosent) then stuck a sign on it that said the bathroom is only for people who clean it :) he woke me up at 2 am yelling he needs to use the bathroom. I pointed at the sign and said s**t outside. Left it like that for a week

    MissMasamune Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I stole his last bottle of this special imported hot sauce that he had his parents ship him internationally. He put it on everything and he presumably had to wait a minimum of two months to get a replacement.

    GerundQueen , Joshua Brown/pexels Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge after my boyfriend cheated on me and we broke up, I sent a $1000 venmo request for “therapy” (he paid it)

    yousetthetonecarter , cottonbro studio/pexels Report


    I had a bf who wasn’t sure he wanted to commit to me. Would love bomb me after leaving me, regretting his decision, then would be done with me a few weeks later. Rinse and repeat. We would both date other people in between, at varying degrees of seriousness. During one of our “off” times, he was trying to get back into my good graces but wanted to see what I’d been writing about in my journal. These are totally private to me, I never shared them with anyone. But he had hurt me so much, and he had no idea what may be within them (and I’m not sure why he wanted to read it so badly). So I let him. And just as I’d hoped he would, he happened to discover a comment I’d made about another guys p**is being …. Very lovely, so to speak. You want in my private thoughts? There you go. He regretted that decision too.

    NeverNotSuspicious Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unlike another commenter this sounds completely true. My ex husband read all my diaries then went ballistic over what I'd written about exs or people he thought were. Thirty years later I haven't forgotten 😡 Divorced since 1998 thank f**k.

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    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I dated a guy who it turned out that he was cheating on me, after I found out about the betrayal, I started dating the guy he really hated. For me it was amazing, not for him

    QueenOfLusst , cottonbro studio/pexels Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm hoping you actually genuinely liked the guy you dated to get back at him, because it would be cruel and pathetic if you didn't.

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    Found out my “boyfriend” was cheating on me. I was the other woman lol. He had a girlfriend of 2-3 years. He told me she found out and is mad but she isn’t breaking up with him so it’s okay if we keep seeing each other cuz he can’t stay away from me. He asked me to go on a date with him. We went to the zoo. He paid. I told him I wanted all the upgrades. Feeding the animals, the little zoo movie theaters, the novelty cups, everything. It ended up being like $200. Then we got dinner. Ordered the most expensive thing. Said I didn’t like so I ordered something else. He paid. $200. Then we went shopping. I wanted “matching shoes because it’s so cute” he paid. $250. The whole night cost about $700-800. He dropped me off and I blocked him. He’s tried to reach out to me on various social medias. As far as I know they recently got married.

    Ok-Revenue8536 Report


    This is a fun one, my ex broke up with me in a text while I was at work. He said I could still sleep on the couch till I found a new place. I told my boss I was leaving to go move out. I packed up all of my stuff in the middle of the day without telling him I was leaving. The petty part comes in when I decided to take some extra things. You see we had gone grocery shopping the day before at two different stores he paid at one and I paid at the other. I took all of the food I bought which ment taking the hot dog bun but not the hot dogs ( he bought thoes) all of his favorite pickles, the ice cream sandwichs the toilet paper. I took the batteries out of the remotes as I had just replaced them. I got a screaming phone call at 6 pm that night when he got home and figured out I was gone.

    penguin_pants1 Report


    He cheated on my birthday and left me at home while he was out trying to meet up with someone. This was after I moved to his country to be with him. I then cut holes in the armpits of all his work shirts and to give him false hope of ones left untouched, I sneakily sprayed bleach in hidden spots. I then took all groceries and toiletries I had purchased since he refused to go 50/50 on household items even though I paid half the rent and car while making way less. Getting a text a few days later saying “ You took all the toilet paper?!!” still has me cackling like Yzma.

    willowtrace Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now I can’t get the image out of my head, of Yzma carrying armfuls of groceries/toiletries & laughing insanely! 🤦‍♀️😂


    As I was packing up my stuff, I found an opened box of condoms. We didn't use condoms, were together for a while. I made small holes in the packages, careful not to get the actual condom, and soaked them in jalapeños juice. Wiped them off & placed back in his hiding spot.

    SusieSmiless Report


    My ex cheated on me, after he left, he left me to pack up his stuff. My cat peed in the suitcase that was sitting out before I had a chance to pack. Not my fault I "didnt notice" 🤷🏻‍♀️

    StripeyLion Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I loved this one. It wasn't spectacular, but it was oh so good. I'm a widow, hubs died earlier last year after a year long fight with cancer. Got a bad case of widows fire last summer, had sex with a longtime friend for a few months. It was great, but he wanted a relationship and I'm nowhere near ready for any of that nonsense. Anyway, dumbass took me to lunch, then told me he didn't want to play with me anymore. I was fine with that, but my face must have said something else because he popped off with "You'll be ok, you'll get over this" I looked him in the eye, laughed and said "Of course I will, I've been through much worse and recently." You should have seen his face. He was insulted, I loved it.

    ShirleyMF , Keira Burton/pexels Report

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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A guy teased me for months. One day I said, ok. And he couldn't get it up. He told me it was because I was too forward. Bwaahahahaahaa. Sure, buddy... sure!


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I broke up with a guy while he was getting a tattoo on his chest. He couldn't follow me out. It was an ugly tattoo anyways.

    roadfries , Brett Sayles/pexels Report

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    This one was actually unintentional, but i know it did the most damage.I should preface by saying I'm autistic, so sometimes my delivery of words can come out crass without meaning to.

    In my earlier 20s, I had no self-respect, so I was still seeing my very s****y ex. The one day he comes bursting through the door to share with me all the problems he read about big d***s on reddit. He listed various comments from women with negative reviews. Some from men explaining that they can't keep it hard. I'm hungover as f**k, wiping sleep from my eyes. He finishes his monolgue and asks what I think.

    "I don't know, I guess I don't really care because I've never had one." (At the time that was the truth, largest I'd encountered was an actual 6 inch.(not his, either)) He got really quiet, and I went to the bathroom. Moment went completely over my head. Thought it was odd that he came over just to talk about this with no context.

    I found out why later, though. I had introduced my ex to some of my guy friends because he desperately needed friends back then (I know better now, don't worry). The day before he came over with this nonsense, he went to the gym with my health focused friend (I deadass made exs lunch to go that day- no self respect, I know).

    Finally ended up blocking the ex, f****d my friend. It ALL clicked after. I was marveling at his size, then I remembered the bizarre conversation and what I had said, and I almost died laughing. Laughed at my exs obvious jealousy and laughed harder at my unmasked response.

    That was years ago. That friend is my husband now.

    iforgottobuyeggs Report


    He cheated and his parents encouraged him because he complained to them about how terrible I was (while he was the sadistic abuser). After the breakup I block him on everything and move on with my life. Two years later, I met the love of my life and posted pics online—the next day he leaves me a voicemail DEMANDING I call him back in a threatening tone.
    I text his mom and told her to tell him I never want to speak to him for the rest of my life. Then I text his best friend and said the same thing. I was later told he was *shocked* I moved on at all and went into a deep depression over it, went to therapy due to his depression. It was validating to say the least.

    IndividualCry0 Report

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    He dumped me and moved out. He came back a week later for his things, he was moving in with the girl he had been zooming while we were together. I happily pushed all his s**t into his trunk and then told him I had given his dog away.

    Please note. He had acquired this Golden retriever 3 months before. Never walked her, taken her to a vet or cleaned up a single one of her messes. I was moving out of state and found her a good home, that would actually care for her. He was pissed but couldn't really say anything.

    Ember357 Report


    He was a very macho southern Baptist who had a thing for back door play. His. Couldn’t come without it.

    He made some despicable decisions and I ended it with him. I thought I’d be nice and give him his toys back, since it would be embarrassing to go out and buy them himself. Loaded it all up in a big garbage bag and went to his house. He happened to be out at just the time we agreed I’d be there, an hours drive from my house. His brother was there so I left it with him.

    witchbrew7 Report

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    I moved everything in the bedroom a half inch to the left

    Gearwrenchgal Report


    I don't know if I'd call it deliciously wicked, but after I found out my ex boyfriend cheated on me, and I was paying for his Spotify and a bunch of other things, I canceled his stuff, changed his Spotify password and email, kicked him off the account, and deleted or made private all his carefully curated playlists he was so proud of before he could make a new account and copy them. I also had electronics being sent to his house. My friend drove by and grabbed them when nobody was home, and I gave them to my brother instead. I told his mom he owed me $300, and she paid me back supposedly from his money but he didn't have any so idk.

    I also sent screenshots of his conversation with the other girl and her conversation to me that she didn't know we were together and what lies he told her. I sent them to his gaming friends as he was feeding them BS lies and imploded his group. He whined that he had no friends now and was depressed. I did not care. Well I cared a little because I loved him but it slowly got replaced with anger after 6-12 months and I realized I was way nicer than I should have been!

    Even years later he told his new friend group lies, I got harassed in public, and my brother found out who it was. Called them. Told them he was lying and sent him the screenshots and forced him to call me to apologize.

    Queenasheeba99 Report

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    When I left, I stole all the chords. TV chord, chord to the Xbox, chord to the fridge, chord to the lamps... ALL the chords.

    flatassbitch_ Report


    Not my story, my grandmas. When she found out my grandpa was having an affair she smashed all of his car windows and dented his car with a pool cue.

    lyrockandroll Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge So this was back in high school just to preface. I found out he was cheating because he literally sent us the same merry Christmas message. I confronted him and slapped him in front of the entire senior class. He worked at a family dollar by my school. My friend needed a pregnancy test and I said I would help her out and get one and bring it the next day. So of course I went to the store he worked at with one of my other friends to pick up a few. And I went right to the register he was at and the look he gave me was priceless. He looked so hurt especially because we never had sex. The thought of me needing one that definitely wouldn’t have been his doing killed him. He was like um is that for you and I was just silent and my friend jumped in at the end to say it was hers.

    Kimmy468484 , Lauras Eye/flickr Report

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    Chelsea McKee
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sure the fella was in pain for not being on the financial hook for the next 18 years.

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    Recently (five months ago) left my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband. In addition to being abusive, he also had a laundry list of issues: anger, hoarding, excessive drinking, chronic unemployment, financial irresponsibility, and more. I spent years bringing home all the bacon, AND still handling the vast majority of household chores and responsibilities, AND shouldered the burden of the mental load, AND endured his abuse and issues with a smile on my face, while also simultaneously dealing with chemotherapy, monthly immunotherapy infusions, and countless surgeries for my autoimmune condition.

    For the first 7-10 days after the sale of our (now former) house, for whatever reason, he refused to deposit his check from the sale of the house, which meant he was walking around with a ~25K check in his pocket. Um. Not exactly the safest or most responsible thing to do. What if you get robbed? What if your decrepit old wallet falls out of your back pocket?

    One of his excuses was that the credit union we banked at was closed by the time he got off work. Okay, fair enough. He gets off at 4, the credit union closes around 5, and is about ~20-30ish minutes from his workplace. But, we also both bank at an additional/other bank, which has a TON of other locations all across the United States. I pull up my GPS, and there are 7 branches within a 1-3 mile radius of his workplace. I screenshot these 7 branches, and send them to him. The closest one is 1.7 miles from his workplace. He gets off at 4. They close at 5. This is in a fairly rural/suburban area, so there is absolutely 0% chance of there being such severe traffic.

    Him: *Oh, that branch has been permanently closed for a while.*

    Um. First of all. I work for the same bank, albeit on the corporate side. So, I can search internally whether they're open. Secondly, I had *just* visited that same branch myself like 4-6 weeks earlier, so I knew for a fact they were open for business. Third, that branch just opened like six months ago, so they're most definitely open for business.

    Fast forward about two months, when it came time to have him sign and notarize our mediation agreement. I'd already had my portion signed and notarized at my lawyer's office several weeks earlier. Knowing that banks provide notary services, I had him meet me at the bank branch that he claimed was permanently closed. He didn't even notice or recall that this was the same branch he claimed was permanently closed.

    So, I got to sit there next to him, and with my own eyeballs, watch him sign a bunch of legal paperwork inside of a building/business that he claimed was permanently closed. I quietly sipped my Starbucks latte and tried not to giggle.

    disjointed_chameleon Report


    “I Emailed His Mom”: 30 Women’s Best Post-Breakup Petty Revenge I️ got cheated on and the guy went ahead and got engaged to the girl he cheated on me with three weeks after I️ found so I️ fake a pregnancy just to ruin their happy special time and she freaked out horribly and everyone called my phone calling me names (his best friend, his own mother) but I’m like oh…it’s okay if he cheats on me and goes on and has a happy little life while he leaves me to pick up the pieces of my broken heart? Oh no…oh no no no, not on my watch! I️ changed my number after that.

    axbvby , MART PRODUCTION/pexels Report

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    Emma S
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, but I don't agree with faking a pregnancy regardless of the reason. I get why you'd be angry and hurt but pretending to be carrying someone's baby when you're not is too far.

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    Partner and I had a spectacular fight thanks to his parents that almost ended us but 100% ended the relationship with his family.

    Waited long enough to let his mom think she finally got him all to herself before letting her know that her precious baby boy is about to have yet another favourite girl that isn’t her lmfaooo.

    ETA: ended the relationship I had with his family.

    Maze_C Report

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    Me Oh My
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For those who are having difficulty understanding this (like I did): She had a huge fight with her partner about his family that almost ended the relationship, then waited just long enough that his mother (Jocasta complex nightmare MIL) would think they (OP and husband) were done with. Then OP dropped the bomb that she was expecting, and it was a girl, before going completely NC with the family.

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    My most petty moment was the first and last time I lived with a man I was in a relationship with. When we started dating he had the WORST bed and sheets I'd ever seen. When we moved in together for some reason it was like pulling teeth letting me put on newer sheets I owned.... he preferred his. Eventually we bought a bed set "together", which was a three week back and forth as he kept deciding he'd only put in $50 max but he had these crazy requirements. 🤪 I just wanted it to be done, I was emotionally exhausted so I bought a bed set that met his crazy standards and color requirements and spent almost $400 on them and when we broke up, I saw he was using the bedset still... I was not letting that go... so I stripped the sheets he was using at the time. Took em home, washed em then I donated them to charity. F**k him if he thinks his sheets should stay luxury while he acts like trash. Hehe no regrets.

    dorkus23373 Report

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    I helped a friend leave lemon wedges all over her ex's place. They don't smell bad as they rot and attract flies.

    lolfuckno Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love this. Never knew. I like glitter better. I’ve done it myself 😉


    The day I left my now ex husband -

    I went thru all his socks and threw away one sock from each pair, then rerolled them so they looked like a full pair.

    Threw some glitter on our bed. Not quite enough to notice but enough to make it a headache once he did notice.

    I'd already thrown away work uniforms on and off for him refusing to put them in a hamper, but he had some new sets from work brought in so I went thru and tossed them into the trash with the sock mates and left him only one shirt and one pair of trousers.

    That bag was loaded into the vehicle I would be leaving in so I could dump them near the airport which was 40 miles away.

    Crawled under the house and shut off the water main.

    Left windows open (in January) and the heater was cranked to full blast.

    Murdocs_Mistress Report


    My ex and I were both petty after our breakup. He mailed back every photo he had of me, I recycled all his love letters because he didn't believe in recycling.

    allfurcoatnoknickers Report


    Long distance bf decided he was going to cheat while I came to live with him for the summer. Nothing made sense since he broke up with me out of the blue and I was trying hard to figure out wtf happened after 6 whole years. It was my first real break up so I was a mess.
    Turns out he cheated with some girl who was in the same internship class as him. He confessed a few months later when he tried to salvage our “friendship”, after the fact. But karma got him, as he ended up getting herpes from the girl. Sweet revenge all on its own.

    mchio23 Report

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    Long story leading up to it but he accused me of sleeping with our roommate so I said f**k it and did (we had already broken up but I didn't wanna throw him out onto the streets) while he was in the room next to us with paper thin walls.

    RobotDeathQueen Report

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    I still had keys to the house we shared. So when he went out of town for work I'd go check the mail and make sure the sump pump was working (at his request) and I would also turn down the hot water tank just a little.

    He never said anything to me so I don't even know if he really noticed what was going on. But I took great joy thinking about him losing his s**t that his showers were getting colder and colder.

    Steffany_w0525 Report

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    i stole the lighbulbs from the house when i moved out

    iola_aster Report


    I was nice to him as he was preparing to move out. I gave him things (furniture, towels, dishes, etc.) and even picked up a few things for him (dish drainer, salt & pepper shakers, foil, etc.). He got to the point where'd he ask questions so meekly ("Would it be ok if I took....?") to which I always said yes. Then he moved on to having panic attacks when he was in the house if I was home. Took him 4 months to move all of his c**p out because he could only come over if I wasn't there.

    Puzzled-Mushroom8050 Report


    I lived with my ex boyfriend for about six months when I was 22. He and I dated in high school and continued an on/off relationship for a few years, we weren't dating when we lived together. We each had our own room... I eventually caught him lying constantly about really stupid stuff, like telling me he was on the lease and he wasn't. Telling me he'll get me on the lease but he actually couldn't. Lying about when bills were paid. He admitted to going through my phone.

    Then I find out he'd stolen very personal digital media from my laptop. Pictures of me and pictures of people I'd hooked up with. He broke into my locked bedroom and hacked into my laptop to get this material. I secretly found a new place to live, and moved out without him knowing. Right before I left, I destroyed his computer and stole a few things of his. I took a lot of his furniture and kitchen supplies. He was spending a lot of time at his older sister's house by that point. I took his cat to his sister's house, left the cat in my ex's car in the driveway, sent him a text telling him I moved out and his cat was in his car. Wished him good luck in his life and ignored every text and call from him and everyone in his family once they found out what I'd done. They tried bugging me for 4 months after this, no one knew where I'd moved to. It was a glorious break up.

    yeahthatsnotaproblem Report

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    When we separated, we made a promise to each other that we wouldn’t date until we were no longer living together. Then, I found out when I went out of town for a weekend he not only went on a date (breaking our agreement), he had also cleaned up the house we shared planning ahead in case he brought her home.
    I made a tinder account, found him, matched, he hit on “his match” and “she” shot him down.

    skeletontwin90 Report

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    I refused to let his brother in the house to help him move, there wasn't any reason for him to be there. I threw thirty dollars in unrolled pennies at him, it would have been more but I didn't have time to go to the bank. I exposed him as a liar and a cheater to all the important people in his life. I proceeded to ignore him so hard that he doubted his own existence.

    Accomplished_Rip6605 Report

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