I Photographed Women From 37 Countries To Show That Beauty Is Everywhere

Community member
I’m a photographer from Romania that quit her job and started a new life. Two years ago I took my backpack, my camera and begun to travel around the world, photographing hundreds of beautiful women surrounded by their culture.
My project is called “The Atlas Of Beauty,” which is about our planet’s diversity shown through portraits of women. Traveling on a meager budget around 37 countries made me integrated into all kinds of environments. Now I can say that beauty is everywhere, and the beauty definition is not a matter of cosmetics or sizes but more about being yourself.
Global beauty standards make us look and behave the same, but we are all beautiful because we are different. In the end, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the beholder is always somebody else. My goal is to continue and take photos of the most beautiful women from each country of the globe, making “The Atlas Of Beauty” a mirror of our diverse societies and an inspiration for people that try to remain authentic.
Now you can choose my next destinations and support me to continue through my Indiegogo Crowd Funding Campaign.
More info: indiegogo.com | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr
Tibetan Plateau, China
Maramures, Romania
Baltic Sea, Finland
Shiraz, Iran
ADVERTISEMENTOmo Valley, Ethiopia
Yangon, Myanmar
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Amazon Rainforest
El Paico, Chile
Nasir al-Mulk, Iran
Little India, Singapore
New York, USA
Havana, Cuba
Chang Mai, Thailand
Oxford, UK
Tibetan Plateau, China
Mawlamyine, Myanmar
Bogota, Colombia
Havana, Cuba
Medellin, Colombia
San Francisco, USA
Sydney, Australia
Taskent, Uzbekistan
Tbilisi, Georgia
Otavalo, Ecuador
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Maori Marae, New Zealand
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Author, Community member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
They are still very much within the Western stereotype of beauty. I'd like to see more African looking women and different sizes and shapes
Did you miss the part where she says she wants to continue going to other countries? Why treat it like it is a slight?
Load More Replies...Can't believe how frustrated you peopele are!! artist owns the message to her creation. may be the message is modern women are everywhere..
also can't believe you are all super specialists on how to organize an artistic project like this.. a recipe for racial or for weight etc.
Yeah i agree. They have western face ideal. Like high cheekbones and plump lips.
And what world are high cheek bones and plump lips associated with the West??? They have always been a people of color (aka nonwest) trait.
I'm from Tunisia that is in north Africa.I'm fat and I'm way far from being ugly.you're wrong twice: the fat-america and the fat-ugly things
SaharnazShaheen you are a dumbass, thats how girls look in the rest of the world, only United States have so much fat asses ugly girls.
Ah, actually high cheekbones and full lips are associated more with indigenous ethnicities.
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There's not such a thing like western face ideal, it's just that European faces are more beautiful than the others. Sorry, accept it.
You've always got this people, searching around the internet with shaking hands, desperate to find something to be offended by.
Average face, normal body size = healthy = stereotypical beauty. You don't see fat people? Well you also don't see disfigured people.
actually before i moved to england i had never seen that many fat people.. just saying not all countries have obesity common
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Seriously? You're comparing being overweight with being disfigured?
I was planning to photograph sport cars, but I'm afraid someone will ask me why I didn't included his Ford Pinto!
That was my exact same thought. They all look like American supermodels.
Yes all shapes and sizes are beautiful, but NOT all are healthy. Being overweight or obese is unhealthy, just like being underweight is
Did you see how different the two looked? The 2 sides of Ethiopia.
https://www.facebook.com/MihaelaNorocPhoto/photos/pb.549556541752411.-2207520000.1424139259./762810463760350/?type=3&theater Here.Happy now?
More? There isn't a *single* shot from a country in Africa... she skipped an entire *continent*.
Check her Instagram, it's Bored Panda that skipped the women of colour ;)
There are two shots of women from different ethiopian ethnic groups here..,and give the photographer a break. Thus is a dangerous continent!
Blame it on the intern... I would have just let it go instead of calling out one of your own. :)
There is a girl from Ethiopia however I agree with you. She could of found many beautiful women if she had gone to different countires.
We shouldn't "hate" the geographically challenged individuals whom may have never stepped foot out of their own back yards!
Dude I can't believe how many people wondered if Ethiopia was in Africa. Do y'all have highschool diplomas? What'd you even learn in school?
Even when there actually are 2 shots, it´s like she got 35 more, so... idk, just sayin...
You are not fair There's a lady from Ethiopia which is in Africa if I remember well!
Ethiopia`s in Africa and there are two photos from there. Africa`s a hard and expensive country to get to and around!
they dont all look like models they are all just normal different sizes, different cultures and ages all captured very beautifully
"The beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - and this proverb is mentioned in the introduction)- So it's not "western stereotype" or mandatory in "different sizes" - just what the artist see and what he liked and considered worthy. Maybe it's just you that are out of "western stereotype of beauty" and that are obsessed with it.
I agree I was hoping a less literate form of beauty. These could be contestants from Miss World or Miss Universe.
What are you on about? Beauty is visual therefore neither literate nor illiterate which are verbal.
The instagram does have a well balanced representation from the artist bored Panda doesn't booooo Bored Panda! I'm out!
STFU. You are one of those people who can never be pleased. Want to see Africans, pick up National geographic or get it online! In the meantime, you should thank the photographer for sharing the fruits of his travels.
There's not such a thing like Western stereotype of beauty, it's just that European faces are more beautiful than the others. Accept it.
There is obviously such a thing as a western stereotype of beauty.
@Aleigha Ginyard factually it is not more dangerous that Latin America, but yes western stereotypes, Africa is a "dangerous country"
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Great, western stereotype rock. Why African women? Why not Asian? they represent the most numerous ethnic gr. Why not Australian Aboriginal?
There are asians. Also its kinda hard to get every single human ethnicity. Travel does cost money.
don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but the photos are great and also the women that have been photographed.
I completely agree, all these women are stick thin, not to say that isn't beautifu, but different body types should be shown as well
Define "stick-thin". All the girls look quite healthy and fit to me. "Stick-thin" implies they look sick, which they don't.
As in .. they're not hideously overweight? These women are not stick thin, they're a healthy weight & beautiful. Great photos
How are they stick thin? Stop body shaming thin women. Just because they are beautiful and a healthy weight. Nobody wants to see fat.
I know I am very late but quit body shaming fat women. Nobody wants to be friends with someone whose being a mean person. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all.
Yes. FAT = UGLY. This is the plain truth. The rest is crappy positive thinking and Marketing for fat people.
Actually, fat is just fat. Ugly is subjective. For instance, I find the picture on your profile repulsive; someone else may not.
Whoa. I've never seen such blatant hatred. Vincenzo, you need some love and light. Good luck.
How about you guys shut up?Everybody are beautiful. In their own ways
Fat women are not set as an example because indicates not healthy lifestyle, it's not natural to be fat. It happens for various reasons.
in some African cultures, overweight women is a sign of wealth, good health and fertility.
No, it's all about the beauty standards and trends. During the Renaissance, round shaped women were considered beautiful.
I didn't say they're ugly. Just that they are not healthy and it is not a natural thing to be fat. I happens because of illness or lazyness.
You CANNOT tell someone's "lifestyle" by looking. If that were the case we'd be able to printout pedophiles
Who says it's not natural to be fat? For a significant percentage of the population, and in many parts of the world, it IS natural.
Also all the men either do not want to see only the thin or young women.
Being "fat" absolutely does NOT indicate the lack of a healthy lifestyle! Some people are naturally built larger than others.
Listen, VirtualAthlete, I'm fat but I am absolutely NOT DISGUSTING! I'm a very pretty woman with a kind heart!
You have fat, you are not fat. You have fingernails, you are not fingernails. Let that sink in will ya.
Thanks for mentioning this! Seriously the second people hear anything about fat people you cant help but going into cultural/ethical rage!
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But thin women are healthy? Heard somthing about anorexia? These women hate themselves. If you consider that healthy...
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Fat women are disgusting
Yes. They are. Instead of being jealous, why don't you just go waddle over to the gym and stop complaining? :3
I think everyone are beautiful in their own way, EmblaDuh, Im fat but I don't waddle. I walk normal. People say I am just big boned.
Some of these women are far from being thin. Just how fat do they need to be to cover your own insecurities?
Far from being stick-figure thin, you mean. They're all pretty thin (and that's fine, I just can't agree with calling these girls fat).
And in order to be beautiful, women have to wear make-up! I mean, they are beautiful, but I would have preferred to see their natural beauty
Hardly any of the women are wearing make-up! Those that are are within their cultural norms.
I'm a woman and I dont wear makeup. A lot of people say I am beautiful without makeup
https://www.facebook.com/MihaelaNorocPhoto/photos/pb.549556541752411.-2207520000.1424139259./762810463760350/?type=3&theater Here.Happy now?
Yes, and all the desperate ladies here who are frustrated about it and who say that "fat is beautiful too", should just loose some weight in order to get rid of their complex. :)
Yes, that's accurate. You've guessed correctly. Go do a jumping jack you f**k.
Not thin, but healthy weight. No man alive wants to have fat woman, who is just too lazy to eat healthy or go to gym.
What a horribly sexist comment. Is not a women's job to be 'had' by a man. There are many overweight men that are lazy.
There are men out there have fat wives and fat girlfriends, Iukinohk.
I wouldnt say that, as he also did other pictures.. but I know that butthurt and bitter ones are mostly not because it can be seen in their faces.
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What's with the nagging about thin and fat women? Every woman wants to be thin , no matter what she says.
All these hams in the comments are mad that there isn't a disgusting butter beast used as example of a beautiful woman
I am fat, but also big boned. I dont sit around in my room being lazy. I walk my dogs outside three times everyday
You comment is so damn ignorant. Women in the past years actually wanted to get heavier, it was the standard of beauty.
Great shots. I would have like to seen women of varying ages, sizes, and "beauty". Photography is easier with young "pretty" girls.
The project is called "The Atlas of Beauty".As seen by the author. You may like it or not. It is not "The Atlas of politic corectness".
Load More Replies...What is wrong with you? It is normal to criticize art, that is what art is, subjective, like it or dislike it. Stop pampering those you like
Why? Beauty is quite objective. It's not meant to pander to peoples desire to feel good about themselves.
she did state in another site that 'She decided to choose only one age group and gender — her own — because she thought this would allow both her and her audience to more easily compare the diverse faces.'
Dont say anything nice if you cant say it nicy, Judy, but these are some beautiful pictures of women.
They are still very much within the Western stereotype of beauty. I'd like to see more African looking women and different sizes and shapes
Did you miss the part where she says she wants to continue going to other countries? Why treat it like it is a slight?
Load More Replies...Can't believe how frustrated you peopele are!! artist owns the message to her creation. may be the message is modern women are everywhere..
also can't believe you are all super specialists on how to organize an artistic project like this.. a recipe for racial or for weight etc.
Yeah i agree. They have western face ideal. Like high cheekbones and plump lips.
And what world are high cheek bones and plump lips associated with the West??? They have always been a people of color (aka nonwest) trait.
I'm from Tunisia that is in north Africa.I'm fat and I'm way far from being ugly.you're wrong twice: the fat-america and the fat-ugly things
SaharnazShaheen you are a dumbass, thats how girls look in the rest of the world, only United States have so much fat asses ugly girls.
Ah, actually high cheekbones and full lips are associated more with indigenous ethnicities.
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There's not such a thing like western face ideal, it's just that European faces are more beautiful than the others. Sorry, accept it.
You've always got this people, searching around the internet with shaking hands, desperate to find something to be offended by.
Average face, normal body size = healthy = stereotypical beauty. You don't see fat people? Well you also don't see disfigured people.
actually before i moved to england i had never seen that many fat people.. just saying not all countries have obesity common
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Seriously? You're comparing being overweight with being disfigured?
I was planning to photograph sport cars, but I'm afraid someone will ask me why I didn't included his Ford Pinto!
That was my exact same thought. They all look like American supermodels.
Yes all shapes and sizes are beautiful, but NOT all are healthy. Being overweight or obese is unhealthy, just like being underweight is
Did you see how different the two looked? The 2 sides of Ethiopia.
https://www.facebook.com/MihaelaNorocPhoto/photos/pb.549556541752411.-2207520000.1424139259./762810463760350/?type=3&theater Here.Happy now?
More? There isn't a *single* shot from a country in Africa... she skipped an entire *continent*.
Check her Instagram, it's Bored Panda that skipped the women of colour ;)
There are two shots of women from different ethiopian ethnic groups here..,and give the photographer a break. Thus is a dangerous continent!
Blame it on the intern... I would have just let it go instead of calling out one of your own. :)
There is a girl from Ethiopia however I agree with you. She could of found many beautiful women if she had gone to different countires.
We shouldn't "hate" the geographically challenged individuals whom may have never stepped foot out of their own back yards!
Dude I can't believe how many people wondered if Ethiopia was in Africa. Do y'all have highschool diplomas? What'd you even learn in school?
Even when there actually are 2 shots, it´s like she got 35 more, so... idk, just sayin...
You are not fair There's a lady from Ethiopia which is in Africa if I remember well!
Ethiopia`s in Africa and there are two photos from there. Africa`s a hard and expensive country to get to and around!
they dont all look like models they are all just normal different sizes, different cultures and ages all captured very beautifully
"The beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - and this proverb is mentioned in the introduction)- So it's not "western stereotype" or mandatory in "different sizes" - just what the artist see and what he liked and considered worthy. Maybe it's just you that are out of "western stereotype of beauty" and that are obsessed with it.
I agree I was hoping a less literate form of beauty. These could be contestants from Miss World or Miss Universe.
What are you on about? Beauty is visual therefore neither literate nor illiterate which are verbal.
The instagram does have a well balanced representation from the artist bored Panda doesn't booooo Bored Panda! I'm out!
STFU. You are one of those people who can never be pleased. Want to see Africans, pick up National geographic or get it online! In the meantime, you should thank the photographer for sharing the fruits of his travels.
There's not such a thing like Western stereotype of beauty, it's just that European faces are more beautiful than the others. Accept it.
There is obviously such a thing as a western stereotype of beauty.
@Aleigha Ginyard factually it is not more dangerous that Latin America, but yes western stereotypes, Africa is a "dangerous country"
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Great, western stereotype rock. Why African women? Why not Asian? they represent the most numerous ethnic gr. Why not Australian Aboriginal?
There are asians. Also its kinda hard to get every single human ethnicity. Travel does cost money.
don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but the photos are great and also the women that have been photographed.
I completely agree, all these women are stick thin, not to say that isn't beautifu, but different body types should be shown as well
Define "stick-thin". All the girls look quite healthy and fit to me. "Stick-thin" implies they look sick, which they don't.
As in .. they're not hideously overweight? These women are not stick thin, they're a healthy weight & beautiful. Great photos
How are they stick thin? Stop body shaming thin women. Just because they are beautiful and a healthy weight. Nobody wants to see fat.
I know I am very late but quit body shaming fat women. Nobody wants to be friends with someone whose being a mean person. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all.
Yes. FAT = UGLY. This is the plain truth. The rest is crappy positive thinking and Marketing for fat people.
Actually, fat is just fat. Ugly is subjective. For instance, I find the picture on your profile repulsive; someone else may not.
Whoa. I've never seen such blatant hatred. Vincenzo, you need some love and light. Good luck.
How about you guys shut up?Everybody are beautiful. In their own ways
Fat women are not set as an example because indicates not healthy lifestyle, it's not natural to be fat. It happens for various reasons.
in some African cultures, overweight women is a sign of wealth, good health and fertility.
No, it's all about the beauty standards and trends. During the Renaissance, round shaped women were considered beautiful.
I didn't say they're ugly. Just that they are not healthy and it is not a natural thing to be fat. I happens because of illness or lazyness.
You CANNOT tell someone's "lifestyle" by looking. If that were the case we'd be able to printout pedophiles
Who says it's not natural to be fat? For a significant percentage of the population, and in many parts of the world, it IS natural.
Also all the men either do not want to see only the thin or young women.
Being "fat" absolutely does NOT indicate the lack of a healthy lifestyle! Some people are naturally built larger than others.
Listen, VirtualAthlete, I'm fat but I am absolutely NOT DISGUSTING! I'm a very pretty woman with a kind heart!
You have fat, you are not fat. You have fingernails, you are not fingernails. Let that sink in will ya.
Thanks for mentioning this! Seriously the second people hear anything about fat people you cant help but going into cultural/ethical rage!
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But thin women are healthy? Heard somthing about anorexia? These women hate themselves. If you consider that healthy...
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Fat women are disgusting
Yes. They are. Instead of being jealous, why don't you just go waddle over to the gym and stop complaining? :3
I think everyone are beautiful in their own way, EmblaDuh, Im fat but I don't waddle. I walk normal. People say I am just big boned.
Some of these women are far from being thin. Just how fat do they need to be to cover your own insecurities?
Far from being stick-figure thin, you mean. They're all pretty thin (and that's fine, I just can't agree with calling these girls fat).
And in order to be beautiful, women have to wear make-up! I mean, they are beautiful, but I would have preferred to see their natural beauty
Hardly any of the women are wearing make-up! Those that are are within their cultural norms.
I'm a woman and I dont wear makeup. A lot of people say I am beautiful without makeup
https://www.facebook.com/MihaelaNorocPhoto/photos/pb.549556541752411.-2207520000.1424139259./762810463760350/?type=3&theater Here.Happy now?
Yes, and all the desperate ladies here who are frustrated about it and who say that "fat is beautiful too", should just loose some weight in order to get rid of their complex. :)
Yes, that's accurate. You've guessed correctly. Go do a jumping jack you f**k.
Not thin, but healthy weight. No man alive wants to have fat woman, who is just too lazy to eat healthy or go to gym.
What a horribly sexist comment. Is not a women's job to be 'had' by a man. There are many overweight men that are lazy.
There are men out there have fat wives and fat girlfriends, Iukinohk.
I wouldnt say that, as he also did other pictures.. but I know that butthurt and bitter ones are mostly not because it can be seen in their faces.
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What's with the nagging about thin and fat women? Every woman wants to be thin , no matter what she says.
All these hams in the comments are mad that there isn't a disgusting butter beast used as example of a beautiful woman
I am fat, but also big boned. I dont sit around in my room being lazy. I walk my dogs outside three times everyday
You comment is so damn ignorant. Women in the past years actually wanted to get heavier, it was the standard of beauty.
Great shots. I would have like to seen women of varying ages, sizes, and "beauty". Photography is easier with young "pretty" girls.
The project is called "The Atlas of Beauty".As seen by the author. You may like it or not. It is not "The Atlas of politic corectness".
Load More Replies...What is wrong with you? It is normal to criticize art, that is what art is, subjective, like it or dislike it. Stop pampering those you like
Why? Beauty is quite objective. It's not meant to pander to peoples desire to feel good about themselves.
she did state in another site that 'She decided to choose only one age group and gender — her own — because she thought this would allow both her and her audience to more easily compare the diverse faces.'
Dont say anything nice if you cant say it nicy, Judy, but these are some beautiful pictures of women.