30 Women Share “Something A Man Did That Made You Realize You’ve Been Accepting Too Little From Men”
One woman's story has inspired others to search for partners who exceed their standards and expectations by simply describing all the things her fiancé does on a daily basis to make her happy.
Her name is Rose and the 22-year-old is known on TikTok by the username @rosesmaddox. Last month, she discovered a video by @ayandastood, asking: “What is something a man has done for you that made you realise you’ve been accepting and expecting way too little from men?” and decided to reply.
Rose explained that her fiancé Drake, 23, whom she has been with since she was 15, always makes sure she feels loved, which includes supporting her career and bringing her flowers and gifts if she's having a difficult time.
Recently one TikToker asked other users to describe how a man has made them raise their standards
Image credits: ayandastood
And this woman's reply really stood out
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Speaking to BuzzFeed, Rose said that she was inspired to make the video after "about 100 examples of the kindness Drake shows me entered my mind" when she watched the initial prompt - and to "brag" about her love.
"I wanted to share (and honestly brag) about my other half being a light to this world, and that everyone should be with someone who makes them feel so proud to be their significant other," she explained.
Image credits: rosesmaddox
Image credits: rosesmaddox
"Drake's kindness is not limited to our relationship — he shares it with every person in his world"
Image credits: rose_maddox
Image credits: rose_maddox
"It is exemplified in his mannerisms, words, and actions. He leaves every place he enters happier, kinder, and more joyous"
Image credits: rose_maddox
Image credits: rose_maddox
Rose thinks her video went so viral because it showed what men are actually capable of and how selfless they can be. She also said that she returns the same kindness and love to him in their relationship.
And the bond they share is precisely what Drake thinks makes their relationship blossom the way it does. "I don't feel like I treat Rose better than other men treat their partners," he said. "I just think we have a really good friendship."
"The TikTok was pretty one-sided and gave plenty of examples on things I do that she appreciates, but most of the examples she gave was my attempt to reciprocate the amazing things she does for me. Despite the fact that Rose and I have been dating since high school and are soon to be married, I'm still pretty underqualified to give any meaningful relationship advice to other men. However, regarding the video, I've greatly appreciated the many compliments and inflated ego that have come with Rose going viral."
Rose hopes her video helps people realize how they deserve to be treated in a relationship.
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"Be with someone so great that people who have never met you hope so dearly that you give the same love that your significant other gives to the world"
Here's what other women responded with
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My father always told me: If a man wants to, he finds a way. If he makes excuses he’s not worth your time.
This depends on the context. We cannot know what her father told this about. What if someone really cannot do something? What if he should help his partner some way, but he can't do it because of a health problem? For example, having to lift something heavy while helping her to move to another house. A lot of people with various problems cannot do things. What about someone with social phobia, who should phone the woman with whom they love each other, to tell something important, and he wants to call her, but finally he doesn't call her, because of his fears?
He suggested we play a game to get to know each other and he actually asked me real questions. Nothing sexual. It’s been awesome.
When he took accountability for doing something I did not like, apologized and changed his actions.
he said "you don't have to apologize for not being in the mood" when I kept saying sorry and explaining why.
He asked me if he could kiss me. It was so simple but thoughtful. Until then guys had just started grabbing and kissing me aggressively.
When I isolate due to my depression and he tells me, I want to hear how you feel. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.
This is sad but a guy was working late + he communicated he wouldn’t be able to take me out for dinner and sent dinner to my home instead.
So this one time, me and my boyfriend were having an argument we'd been together for awhile. But we were having this argument and it was just over stupid stuff, blown way out of proportion. We both had to just like walk away for a minute, just cool off.
And the next day we're kind of trying to like talk things out or whatever, and I was just desperately trying to say, like, "I'm so sorry." "I'm sorry. I acted that way." "I'm sorry. It was crazy." "I, this is why I think I am this way." "This is my explanation for who I am as a person" and he kind of stopped me. And he was like "Babe, you realize like you're allowed to feel however you feel right?
You know that right?" Hm. You know? No, I did not.
He has a bad memory, so he writes all my likes and dislikes in his notes, so he can always remember...
When I calmly asked him not to do something that upset me and he heard me out instead of getting upset and telling me I was being unreasonable.
When I fall asleep on him he always takes my glasses off and puts them on his bedside table
My medical and physical disabilities weren’t a big deal to him.
When he drove all the way to give me cuddles at 3 AM bc I was stressed. Thats when I knew.
Not as epic, but I realized, where the relationship is going, when she cancelled the date due to being ill, and I thought I simply must do something to make her feel better. So I bought her preferred home remedies plus flowers and chocolate and drove to her place. 15 years married next February.
The words "I will ALWAYS take your side in front of others", fam what.
I cant agree to this. If they are wrong let they know...if you back them up on something wrong in public itll bite you in the ass too. Had this happen before. Friend of mine was in the wrong and making a fool of themselves online n i called them out on it. They were furious i dodnt blindly have their back. But i explained they were wrong n they were just making more trouble for themselves n those they knew.
I met my husband & commented that my contacts were dry. Next time I saw him he brought eye drops. He’s raised the bar so high over the last 12 yrs.
He didnt question when i said no lol.
he actually walked up to my door, knocked, & waited for me to be ready instead of just texting me that he’s here & sitting in his car
Physical affection. Also once, I told him “not tonight” and he said “okay,” held me and went to sleep.
Wait until you hit 60 and have been together for 30 years ...... once a year is OK maybe, that's just from my perspective (I'm the guy btw ..)
No man did anything, I just watched this tiktok and realized wow I’ve been excepting soo much less than minimum for years now.
He respected my boundaries.
I'm happy for you. However...respecting other people's boundaries should be something anyone above the age for 4 should do automatically.
What is something a man did for you that made you realize that you've been accepted? Okay. So I have this weird quirk ever since I was a little girl, very little. I would wake up in the middle of the night, like two or three, sometimes four in the morning to go downstairs to the kitchen and get a green apple.
And I would eat that apple half asleep and then go back to bed. I have been doing. Ever since I can remember like six or seven years old up until now in my thirties. I just, anyway, when Steven and I, my husband, my now husband and I were first together, literally 10 years ago, we were probably on our fourth date.
And, um, I had told him about this quirk of mine and he thought it was funny and cute or whatever. Anyway, he invited me back to his apartment to watch a movie with him and we still hadn't slept together or anything at the time. And I was like, okay, sure. But don't try anything funny. He's like, of course not.
So we go back and we watch some like European. Fucking indie film. I can't remember what it was called, but, um, we watched the movie and it's getting late and I'm getting tired and I'm like, you know, I'm really tired. He's like, yeah, you should probably sleep over. And I was like, okay. I, well remember, it's like the fourth date.
And I was like, okay, but don't try anything. Cause I, you know, I really wanted to take things nice and slow with him. And um, and he was like, of course, of course that, of course not. So, um, so I got to sleep in his bed and I wake up around like, Maybe three in the morning and our turn and he's not there. And I thought that was really weird.
Like where is he? And then, um, I go back to sleep and then I wake up again around like four and, um, and there's a green apple next to my bedside. And, um, I grabbed it and I eat it. And I was sleeping next to me and I wake up in the morning and he tells me that he woke up at like two or three in the morning and he realized that he didn't have any apples.
And so you wanted to make sure when I woke up in the middle of the night that I had my apple, and so he went out at like two in the morning, he went to the first, uh, like seven 11, and they didn't have any apples. So he had to go to like two or three different stores to find something that was open that had green apples.
And he finally around the second or third gas station found an apple. And brought it back. And, um, so I would wake up to an apple and, uh, yeah, that's 10 years later. We're still together.
He didn’t laugh at me when I get scared in horror movies, he helps me cover my eyes so I can cover my ears, he tells me when it’s safe to look again.
When he detaches from cuddling he says “ok I’m turning over now” instead of silently pushing away.
My ex used to give me a little extra goodbye squeeze just before he rolled over.
I’m a flight attendant and he’s a private pilot. We live in different states. This man used his own plane to fly up and see me for our first date.
Non-sexual physical touch. He kisses my hand when we part from each other, holds my hands. Ngl I cried inside
When he made my problems his. He cried with me when I cried. Laughed with me when I laughed
He doesn’t get uncomfortable when I cry, but actually pulls me closer and wipes my tears. A few weeks in to dating, I had a panic attack talking about
he cooks dinner for me all the time, surprises me with little gifts or dates, always wants to talk about how to make the relationship better.
He’s paid my bills multiple times and never ever brings it up. he’s forgotten he has. it’s not something he holds over me
He was upset.I didn't ask for his help. When me and my husband were dating, I had trouble keeping up with a car payment. I told him nothing. I eventually had to return this vehicle and when he found out... When I tell you this man was upset and it just... he didn't understand why I didn't ask him for help.
He was livid you all, like, it just did not make sense to him how I would not think to say anything. And that's when I realized I had been accepting too much less, like, I didn't want to ask, because I was used to booboo's who would make me feel like I was a gold digger or something, and not just a girl that just needed help.
And, um, that's also when I realized my husband was the greatest man I ever met.
In the post, woman says her car has no heat,A/C or radio, so she drives his car...what the hell woman, why don't you fix your car?
I'm also concerned that she didn't decline his offer. It's as if it's ok to have the man suffer on your behalf. That doesn't sound like true love from her side.
Load More Replies...His reactions whenever I have health problems, I can see he cares. He told me I could have one of his kidneys if it comes to this (and he was serious). When I was surprised by a literally debilitating migraine, he immediately helped me regain my senses, dressed me up, carried me to the car (we live on the 4th floor of an apartment building with no lift, and I'm 178cm of height) and drove me to the hospital. Years ago, when we were students, when we first moved home together, his priority was to make sure the place was heated well to keep me warm. I could go on and on.
Maybe I am getting the wrong message from this thread, but it sure looks like many women expect the males in their lives to be totally selfish and egoistic jerks, and when they are not, they consider it a rare accomplishment. I wouldn’t know, because I don't speak for all men and sure as hell I am not qualified to speak for all women, but a lot of what I read boiled down to common courtesy. The Patriarchy has always been a bane for women, and hopefully we are on the way of correcting that, but on the women's part, it would probably be a good idea to be upfront when dealing with men that behave as if women were placed on Earth to please and amuse their ego, clean the house and wash the dishes. Drop them like a bad habit and maybe they'll eventually get the message. Treating women as human beings is not worthy of a prize. Of course, the reverse is also true. It looks to me as if we all have a ways to go (no offence or judgment on some of the truly sweet stories here).
In the post, woman says her car has no heat,A/C or radio, so she drives his car...what the hell woman, why don't you fix your car?
I'm also concerned that she didn't decline his offer. It's as if it's ok to have the man suffer on your behalf. That doesn't sound like true love from her side.
Load More Replies...His reactions whenever I have health problems, I can see he cares. He told me I could have one of his kidneys if it comes to this (and he was serious). When I was surprised by a literally debilitating migraine, he immediately helped me regain my senses, dressed me up, carried me to the car (we live on the 4th floor of an apartment building with no lift, and I'm 178cm of height) and drove me to the hospital. Years ago, when we were students, when we first moved home together, his priority was to make sure the place was heated well to keep me warm. I could go on and on.
Maybe I am getting the wrong message from this thread, but it sure looks like many women expect the males in their lives to be totally selfish and egoistic jerks, and when they are not, they consider it a rare accomplishment. I wouldn’t know, because I don't speak for all men and sure as hell I am not qualified to speak for all women, but a lot of what I read boiled down to common courtesy. The Patriarchy has always been a bane for women, and hopefully we are on the way of correcting that, but on the women's part, it would probably be a good idea to be upfront when dealing with men that behave as if women were placed on Earth to please and amuse their ego, clean the house and wash the dishes. Drop them like a bad habit and maybe they'll eventually get the message. Treating women as human beings is not worthy of a prize. Of course, the reverse is also true. It looks to me as if we all have a ways to go (no offence or judgment on some of the truly sweet stories here).