50 Women Who Called Out Sexist Things That Are Still Blatantly Accepted (New Pics)
InterviewWe have come a long way since the dark times of first-wave feminism when for a whole 70 years, women fought for their right to vote. During second-wave feminism, a fight began for a wider range of issues, from the workplace to de facto inequalities, family and many more.
With the French philosopher Simone De Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex” released back in 1949, it paved the way to the more equal society we live in. Today, we will shortly be heading into 2023, but sadly, there’s still a lot to do. From the gender pay gap to the pink tax, to the lack of women in positions of power, our society is still pretty much governed by misogynistic and sexist attitudes toward women.
Luckily, there’s this corner of Reddit known as “TrollXChromosomes” which joins people with zero tolerance for sexism of all kinds. Below we wrapped up the newest batch of the posts shared here, so scroll down and be sure to check out our previous article right here.
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Regulate Guns Like Abortions!
Longer Skirts
Sign From The Women’s March In Texas
Sexism is linked to beliefs around the fundamental nature of women and men and the roles they should play in society. Sexist assumptions about women and men, which manifest themselves as gender stereotypes, can rank one gender as superior to another.
Despite legal frameworks set up across Europe and the US to prevent discrimination and promote equality, women are still underrepresented in decision-making roles, left out of certain sectors of the economy, primarily responsible for unpaid care work, paid less than men and disproportionately subject to gender-based violence. Sexist attitudes, practices and behavior contribute to these inequalities day to day.
Props To That Guy
That post really made me smile. There are some awful dangerous men/women out there. Really nice to hear a positive example of human decency x
Found This At My School
First off, we have to make one thing very clear–sexism is harmful. Not only does it produce feelings of worthlessness, self-censorship, and changes in behavior, it causes a deterioration in health and wellbeing. While sexism lies at the root of gender inequality, it affects women and girls disproportionately.
According to data from Human Rights Channel, women spend almost twice as much time as men on unpaid housework (OECD countries). Moreover, a whopping 80% of women stated that they have been confronted with the phenomenon of “mansplaining” and “manterrupting” at work.
Troll Victory!
I'm so glad she got her moment, getting to name him publicly as he deserves. He now has to endure a tiny fraction of what he put her through. (Writing that second sentence made me sad.)
I Actually Chuckled At This One
Goated Tactic But Tbh I Would Never Have The Ovaries To Do This
one part of me wants to congratulate OP for being impowered, the other (way bigger) part thinks it's sad that she had to publish very private photos just to prevent a man from harming her..
Mansplaining comes from the assumption that women and other non-men don't have the intelligence to understand the topic at hand, which is a sexist and misogynistic assumption. The mansplainer will explain something that the woman probably already knows already, usually in a condescending and infantilizing way.
To find out more about this type of aggression towards women that many of them face on a daily basis, especially at work, Bored Panda reached out to Nicole Froio, a feminist writer, researcher and sociology PhD student.
Despite the fact that mansplaining has received quite a lot of attention and acquired a really bad reputation, many men do it nevertheless. Froio argues that an unconscious ego is to blame, “where they believe they're the most knowledgeable person in the room.”
Also Push For Child Support At 6 Weeks
We Don't Think Men Are Helpless, Clueless Creatures. We Know They Can Learn And We Believe In Them
Elderly Woman At The Women’s March In Texas
On other occasions, the feminist writer believes that men simply can't help themselves. In fact, Froio argues that men who mansplain are mostly oblivious to the fact that it’s demeaning to women. “Which is why I always recommend that people ask whether the person they're speaking to knows what they're talking about. It's just polite to check so you don't spend minutes telling them things they already know,” she added.
Great Advice
Please ladies ask for help and please please other people help them. I've been in a position where I was being harassed in public and not a single person tried to do a thing to help me.
Seems Fair To Me
Sadly, I'm sure there are plenty of old white dudes in elected positions reading these and wondering what any of it had to do with reproductive rights...
I'm Pregnant, And My Husband's Parents Want To See My Vajayjay In Action
For any woman experiencing mansplaining in the work environment, Froio suggests to politely respond in ways that make men know women are also knowledgeable. “So for example, saying things like ‘I know’ or ‘Yes, that's exactly what I was saying!’ or simply showing the person you're speaking to that you know what they're talking about by interjecting with a piece of knowledge on the subject you are talking about.,” she said.
Spot On
For Them People Who Says "Muh Degeneracy! This Modern World!, Muh This Didn't Existed Back In Muh Days!" Transwomen From The 50's
And I Am All For It
Most importantly, we have to start treating men's opinions as they treat everyone's opinions, Froio argues: “as opinions and not inherently knowledge.”
“Do not be afraid to interject and disagree. It's important to openly challenge this kind of behavior. I don't know if that means it'll be stamped out for sure, but it's a daily battle to make ourselves heard,” the feminist writer concluded.
Children's Splash Day
It Never Was About The Babies, It's About Controling Women's Bodies
Carved My Name Into His Leather Seeeaaattttsssss
🎶Good bye, Earl Those black-eyed peas They tasted alright to me, Earl You feelin' weak? Why don't you lay down and sleep, Earl Ain't it dark wrapped up in that tarp, Earl 🎶
*gasp* Women Have... Veins?! Impossible!!
"Don't Accept Assault As 'Part Of Life' As A Woman"
More Proof That Sexuality Isn't A Choice
I find it crazy that women are the number one prey for the male human species and nothing is done about it bc we were born with vaginas we are never safe
Ain't That The Truth
Please Let Women Just Not Have Kids I'm Begging You. Also Normalize Women Not Having Uteruses. Makes Trans Women Feel More Accepted
I Have A Complaint
Degrees > Boyfriends
Gone are the days when young women went to university to gain a MRS. degree.
Bring It On Please
This Is Horrifying
Why Do Men Need To Find The Most Creative Ways To Hate The Women And Girls In Their Lives?
I read an absolute game changer the other day, can't remember who or where so if anyone does... Basically, the time when women are most "irrational and might do something stupid because PMS hurr hurr hurr" is when their hormone profile most resembles that of a man. Increased testosterone, decreased oestrogen mean an irrational, bad-tempered and occasionally violent woman is merely acting like a man 1 week out of 4. I think it's probably men who shouldn't be allowed near anything more dangerous than a paperclip.
Get Comfy
well it's still patriarchy in a way if you have your dad's last name, you just gave their kids their grandpa's name ;) My parents always gave ppl who told them that "their name will die out as they only have a daughter" s**t, becaue it's just a last name, so what?
Not Wanting Kids Is A Valid Choice
Oh Well Nvm I Guess
I guess electricity got so expensive people started using gaslighting 🙄
Age Gaps
The problem, I'd say, is not that they're attracted to them, but rather that they act on their attraction in creepy ways and they can't take a hint that their advances are unwanted. I know some people might not agree with me, but I don't think there's anything wrong with attraction, just with actually acting on it
This Is Horrifying
or their daughter's moms. It's amazing how a man can talk to me like I am nothing but a piece of meat, but whenever I ask him what he'd do if someone talked to his daughter like that he goes batsh*t crazy
But Really...
Yes and giving her sneakers instead of high heels caused internet shitstorm
And What Happens When They Can’t Pay?
80% Chance This Happens In The Comments
It’s hilarious when people try to fight a point, and then prove it in the process
This Happens Every So Often
I didn't realize that I had been a victim of sexual abuse until I talked about it in therapy last year. A guy I went to school with would feel on my legs, put his hand between my legs, and try to put my hands between his legs. I had to go sit with two other guys to get him to leave me alone. Now whenever I see him I feel so dirty.
Literal Virtue Signaling
I'm Looking For Some Cool Pro-Choice Charity Suggestions To Donate To!
Because forced birth isn't about life, it's about power over women. The fact that once born, mother and child can drop dead, should be a hint. It's not pro life, it's misogyny, anti-abortion.
I Hate How True This Is
just read an article about a sanctuary for Wildlife in Switzerland.. the author is a woman but how she depicts the employees.. the female vet is "tall, skinny and blonde".. the female assistant is "grey haired".. the male assistant is "a former lawyer".. because of coure, women are defined by how they look and men by their job.. and this was a quite a well known scientific magazine
A Woman, and or the child, can still die during child birth. So my question is, if the law forces a woman who was raped to go through child birth and she, and or the child, dies, does the rapist get charged for murder?
The rapist wouldn't even be charged for murder if he attacked the women during the last trimester of pregnancy and hit her until the baby died as long as she survived. They only call it murder when it's an abortion during the first trimester and done at the woman's request. If the man kills the pregnant woman or causes her to loose the child, even if he attacked her and stabbed her belly actively killing her baby in the womb, it would only be one murder if she dies and assault if she doesn't because a foetus has no legal rights as long as it's not an abortion that killed it
Load More Replies...Why? Because ppl are standing up to this b******t?
Load More Replies...just read an article about a sanctuary for Wildlife in Switzerland.. the author is a woman but how she depicts the employees.. the female vet is "tall, skinny and blonde".. the female assistant is "grey haired".. the male assistant is "a former lawyer".. because of coure, women are defined by how they look and men by their job.. and this was a quite a well known scientific magazine
A Woman, and or the child, can still die during child birth. So my question is, if the law forces a woman who was raped to go through child birth and she, and or the child, dies, does the rapist get charged for murder?
The rapist wouldn't even be charged for murder if he attacked the women during the last trimester of pregnancy and hit her until the baby died as long as she survived. They only call it murder when it's an abortion during the first trimester and done at the woman's request. If the man kills the pregnant woman or causes her to loose the child, even if he attacked her and stabbed her belly actively killing her baby in the womb, it would only be one murder if she dies and assault if she doesn't because a foetus has no legal rights as long as it's not an abortion that killed it
Load More Replies...Why? Because ppl are standing up to this b******t?
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