Woman Finds Out She’s Been In A Relationship Without Realizing After Getting Publicly Proposed To
Interview With ExpertIt’s only natural that the bond between best friends grows stronger the more time they spend together. With that sometimes come deeper feelings that can blur the line between friendship and affection. Catching oneself having romantic thoughts about a buddy can feel confusing, and figuring out what to do with the newfound fondness can be even more baffling.
Overwhelmed with feelings for his best friend, this guy saw no other option but to propose. The girl was completely caught off guard when he pulled out the ring and burst out laughing, thinking it was a prank, only to realize that he was totally serious about the marriage offer.
Scroll down to find the full story and a conversation with Krystal Mazzola Wood, M.Ed., LMFT, who kindly agreed to tell us more about how friendship can turn into love.
The more time friends spend together, the stronger the bond between them becomes
Image credits: Rawpixel (not the actual photo)
Unfortunately, this guy mistook long-year friendship for romance, decided to propose and got embarrassingly rejected
Image credits: shotprime (not the actual photo)
Image credits: voronaman111 (not the actual photo)
Image credits: ThrowRAproposingalmost
70% of romantic relationships begin with friendship
Researchers have estimated that almost 70% of romantic relationships begin with friendship, which Krystal Mazzola Wood, M.Ed., LMFT, says is a powerful foundation to build romance on.
“In fact, over 40 years of research by the Gottman Institute proves the happiest couples have a deep friendship between them. First meeting someone as a friend can then lend itself to a strong, happy, and lasting relationship,” she says.
Mazzola Wood explains that friendship can turn into deeper affection when individuals share mutual values, plans for the future and, of course, attraction. “If both people want the same things in their romantic future, i.e., to raise children or to break generational cycles while also being physically and emotionally attracted to one another, this transforms friendship into love.”
A sign indicating that one may be developing feelings for a friend is a new sense of ‘butterflies,’ says Mazzola Wood. “Maybe they suddenly feel nervous or excited in a new way to spend time with their friend. This is a good sign romantic feelings are being developed. Also, having new visions for your future that involve you and your friend partnering is a good sign you want more with them.
Image credits: Ave Calvar (not the actual photo)
“If they are single, let them know directly that your feelings for them have evolved to romantic ones”
Getting such feelings out in the open can not only result in disappointment but a change in relationship, notes Mazzola Wood. Therefore, she advises taking some time before expressing them and assessing if their romantic feelings are truly authentic.
“For instance, if a person suddenly feels romantic towards their friend but is going through a breakup, this may be a product of loneliness instead of authentic desire. Take a few months to sit with your feelings, journal, and perhaps meditate on these feelings and your vision for the future,” she suggests.
Once a person is sure their affection is genuine, it’s important to discuss it with the friend, even though it might require a lot of courage, says Mazzola Wood. However, this only applies if they’re single, she adds. “If they are in a relationship, perhaps it may be useful to seek the support of a therapist, as desiring someone unavailable may be a sign of non-secure attachment issues. Otherwise, if they are single, let them know directly that your feelings for them have evolved to romantic ones,” she advises.
Sadly, there’s also the chance that the other person isn’t feeling the same way. “Communicate your desire for a romantic relationship while also sharing that you respect if their feelings aren’t mutual. They may need time to process your feelings – let them have this. If their feelings aren’t mutual, this will be painful, but it’s better to know than to live potentially years with a sense of unrequited love, which prevents true friendship,” says Mazzola Wood.
“You may need time to process this disappointment before resuming your friendship – that’s ok. Take some time and space if you need because it is possible to have a strong friendship if you process your grief while realizing there is actually a better match for you then.”
However, she believes that the thought of rejection shouldn’t stop a person from confessing their love. “While you risk disappointment, there’s also the potential your friend will feel the same way, which can lead to a profoundly loving, peaceful and strong relationship. It is worth the risk to experience this potential!”
Image credits: Molly the Cat (not the actual photo)
The author provided more information in the comments
As readers reacted, the original poster replied to some of them
Readers further suggested that the guy’s behavior may be delusional
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Update Hey, I’m not dead! I’m back at my parent’s house at the moment and I’ll be staying here until school picks back up in a bit instead of travelling around. It’s nice to be home anyways. Jordan and I spoke. He didn’t explain where he got the idea we were in a relationship from, and he doubled down on the proposal idea saying I should’ve loved it. Apparently he’s dropping out of university.
Load More Replies...Here's an update she wrote... https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1bx86td/update_my_25f_best_friend_24m_proposed_to_me_im/
Upvoting you to make people read the update. I am glad he's getting the help he so evidently needs, a psychotic breakdown is no joke.
Load More Replies...I absolutely believe this can happen. I worked with a man, he was late 40’s, I was early 30’s. We were workplace cordial, but that’s it. We did not flirt, we did not see each other outside of work, we weren’t even friends, just coworkers. One day, I get into work and he’s not there, he quit. No big deal, coworkers come and go. A couple weeks later I receive a letter. The letter is from my former coworker, and he says that he’s in love with me. He also says that he quit the job because he “felt himself losing control around me”. Again, we were not even friends!
Could he have meant he was to the point of maybe just confessing to you and asking for a date?
Load More Replies...That guy could be very dangerous. When I was 20ish, I met a deaf guy at a teen coffee shop. He was older and we would have long conversations at the shop, and a few tines he invited me to his place across the street. I was uncomfortable going in his apartment, but we would spend time in the lobby. One day he insisted he would marry me, and when I was confused and walked away he accused me of being a devil and leading him on. Later he said God had told him to marry a girl from my family (my sisters were all much younger in their teens) and he eventually got arrested and deported to another state for sending threatening letters to his ex girlfriend who had a restaining ordern and spent three years in jail. So, yeah... assuming marriage with no prior romance is scary.
Don't know why they didn't include the update, but he keeps spiraling and eventually gets detained by the police, and is most likely suffering from psychosis, which seems to run in his dad's family
Load More Replies...My freshman year of college, Chemistry class was kicking my butt. So I asked a guy in my class to help me a couple of times - but not like a date - we sat *in the classroom* & he briefly helped me. I found out later that he had threatened self harm, locking himself in the bathroom & shouting, "If you want to know why I'm k1lling myself, just ask [my name]. She'll tell you!" I felt awful, & I had no idea why he said that. I was just glad he hadn't done it.
An old friend did this with another old friend. No matter now many times he was told she wasn’t interested. She ended up in a relationship with someone else and they broke up after a couple of years. Guy friend thought he had a chance and they would hang out all the time but AS FRIENDS. He apparently did it see it this way and when she got serious with someone else, he ended up heartbroken and into an incredible depression. We are in our mid 40s!
I can see how this might happen without the boy being delusional, just mistaken. Once in uni, I asked a boy I hardly knew to be my lab partner - I could see he didn't have one, and the friend I had gone with clearly wanted to change lectures when he saw what was involved. As a lab partner, he was superb and as we spent a lot of time together - just the 2 of us, but entirely academic work. Soon our friendship groups merged. One evening, I flirted a little with a friend of his and his group got really weird. Next day the boy came to tell me we needed to brake up. At no point had I flirted with him or had any physical contact. When I said we had never been dating, he was actually relieved - said that made more sense of my behaviour, he had been feeling very upset about our relationship. Turns out his friends had all told him we were dating and lack of experience that comes with youth he had believed them. I wonder if the man in this story has been swept along with his friends thoughts
Do the user do that themself, or is that from mod who shuts it down for some reason? An comment from OP on the fact that she doesn't even know if he had a first girlfriend or if that also was a similar situation, as someone stated from the Reddit comments as a suggestion/question. Hope she's OK.
Load More Replies...Proposing to anyone is crazy if you haven't discussed it. This is just extreme, and it makes me worry that he's had some psychotic episode or other serious break from reality. Fro. The description asking on a date would have been out of the blue, but marriage? It honestly sounds like a psych issue. Does he have any history of hallucination or delusion?
Ugh... Was friends with a guy for a whole 2 weeks before he asked me out on text and i responded that i wasn't interested in dating at that time but prefer it if we remain friends. Needless to say he was very unhappy and said he had enough friends and wants me as his girl. Whenever this memory rears its ugly head I'm still doing mental gymnastics as to the logic behind this and i couldnt be arsed to reach out and figure out his reasoning. Thank you for reading about my experience in navigating (ab?)normal human interaction
I believe schizophrenia tends to manifest in people's 20s--particularly in men. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this poor guy was subsequently diagnosed. Definitely glad he's getting the help he needs and also very glad the OP is safe and escaped what could have been a very dangerous situation regardless of mental illness.
You're right and something similar happened before my brother's diagnosis.
Load More Replies...honestly this happened to me. not the proposal part tho. wen i was in college me and my best friend would go to these college bars near the campus. our friend group grew to a nice size and wed all go together. one of the guys in our group was like a brother figure to me and i trusted him completely. i never showed signs of being interested or went on dates with him. hell i never hung out just me and him. our schedules were super different. one day we r at the bar and we all made a couple new friends and he introduced me as his girlfriend. me and everyone else in our group was so confused. i looked at him and asked y he said that and he responded with "cuz u r". he never asked me to b his girlfriend or showed signs of being interested. the closest sign would b him telling me i looked beautiful but hed say that to all the girls in our friends group. i ended up taking him outside to talk to him and had to tell him how i see him as a brother and dont have romantic feelings for him. the worst part of it all was that a select few girls in my friends group knew i was in a relationship with someone at my job. so i had to tell him about that too. he how long and wen i said a year and a half i could see the gears in his head turning. he was realizing i was in this relationship before we even met. he asked y i didnt tell him wen we met or after he became like a brother to me. i told him quite honestly cuz he wouldnt like the guy i was dating. he got super jealous of sucessful already have a career guys and naturally hated them. my boyfriend was a chef and ran his own restaurant and i was a waitress. it was originally his fathers but it was a very successful steak house and he was older and already out of culinary school. but ya as soon as i told him that he was a chef and said he owned the place he flipped out. it was the exact reaction i was expecting. he just ran back inside and ended up sitting at the bar all night drinking the night away. i learned that night that my other guy friends were interested in me but never went for it cuz they assumed i was already taken and no way i could b single. they were kinda relieved they never tried. they tried talking to him the next day but he just ranted on and on about how a successful guy got to me first so they didnt get answers out of him until a few weeks later. he just assumed i was his girlfriend bc i told one of the newer ppl previous to the new friends that night that they can trust him hes a gentle giant. he was 6'5. he just assumed me calling him gentle giant was my pet name for him. i wasnt the only person who called him that. my best friend called him that way before i did. some ppl unfortunately see things the way they want it not how it actually is. my friendship with him ended that night. he also ditched the friend group all together cuz everyone reminded him of me. i ran into him years later and he apologized for how he acted and asked if id b willing to give him an actual chance. unfortunately it was like a rerun of back then. it was 2018 and i had gotten proposed to by my boyfriend that very same day. i ran into him at a bar/venue where my now husbands band was playing. he didnt react the same considering it was 10 years later. we did become friends again and he did attend my wedding. the guy i married wasnt the chef we broke up a year after that whole thing but stayed friends after the break up. i normally dont do that but it was a mutual break up due to him moving across the country for a mega job oppertunity. these days idk wat my friend is up to cuz he kinda dropped off the map. ive asked the ppl who stayed friends with him all this time and they dont even kno. but like i said ppl just assume things or see only wat they want and then it becomes a very akward and friendship ruining situation. i mean ive also had an ex who wouldnt understand that i broke up with him. he thought i was lying or joking around. his clingy nature is y it ended. got to restraining order point too. so ya this happens both assuming in a relationship and not accepting break ups. unfortunately it can b dangerous in some cases. if someone is extremely in their own little world being told otherwise can make them act out. the ppl who suggested the OP talk to him in a public place were absolutely right. u dont kno exactly how they will react even if u trust them completely. i got lucky and figured the talk wouldnt go well cuz he was kinda a hot head but never did anything to back up his anger except rant about it. if the situation is completely unknown like it was for the OP then it could possibly b dangerous. especially at a the person is proposing lvl. that means the OP's friend assumed theyve been in a relationship for most of their friendship. that is a very risky private conversation. to him it would b like he wasted his emotions and time add the depression and humilation he felt on top of that it could get dicey.
I had a male friend, where I made it very clear that I had no romantic interest in him, and he told me he had not interest in me. For financial reasons, we chose to share a 2 bedroom apartment. He neglected to tell me that he obsessed with me. When all was said and done, I had to get a restraining order, and then go into hiding. I am in the US, and a year later, moved halfway across the country
sooo, where is the update? Normally it will be included, or BP writers will reach out to op for additional info, or add "the account is now suspended and we wont hear any more updates.
The updates were posted by a couple people up top in the comment section
Load More Replies...I can't believe she even CONSIDERED responding to his long text (other than to say, "Let's talk in person.") That is not a conversation that should be had over text.
I would feel really unsafe talking in person, to be honest, if a person is that far detached from reality.
Load More Replies...You need to change the headline because she did not “find out she was in a relationship” Someone else posted the update, the guy is going through a psychotic break
This is not completely unknown. I once sat with an Islamic gentleman for an hour at his invitation and he showed up at my family door with his parents!
The young man clearly didn't communicate his feelings for this woman and assumed she reciprocated. And he made the even worse mistake of taking this assumption further by proposing marriage. Ugh.
I feel for them both as it sounds like they both missed signals from each other. This is not as uncommon as we'd all like to think. OP laughing was unfortunate because it sounds like he's not had much experience with relationships and he may not developed the think skins relationships sometimes need. I hope they can talk it out and maintain their friendship. I really don't people should be saying either side is TA, it definitely soubds more of pa miscommunication
This is NOT a miscommunication. He invented a romantic relationship in his mind where none actually existed, and then proposed to her? Are you kidding me??
Load More Replies...Except for the police psych hold at the end....
Load More Replies...Absolutely. And definitely why all women should adopt burka attire, refrain from going out in public without a chaperone and definitely abscond from all make up and jewelry. ......see how that sounds?
Load More Replies...I assume you’re a troll here and I’m just feeding you, but lol. No wonder nobody wants to marry you.
Load More Replies...Update Hey, I’m not dead! I’m back at my parent’s house at the moment and I’ll be staying here until school picks back up in a bit instead of travelling around. It’s nice to be home anyways. Jordan and I spoke. He didn’t explain where he got the idea we were in a relationship from, and he doubled down on the proposal idea saying I should’ve loved it. Apparently he’s dropping out of university.
Load More Replies...Here's an update she wrote... https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1bx86td/update_my_25f_best_friend_24m_proposed_to_me_im/
Upvoting you to make people read the update. I am glad he's getting the help he so evidently needs, a psychotic breakdown is no joke.
Load More Replies...I absolutely believe this can happen. I worked with a man, he was late 40’s, I was early 30’s. We were workplace cordial, but that’s it. We did not flirt, we did not see each other outside of work, we weren’t even friends, just coworkers. One day, I get into work and he’s not there, he quit. No big deal, coworkers come and go. A couple weeks later I receive a letter. The letter is from my former coworker, and he says that he’s in love with me. He also says that he quit the job because he “felt himself losing control around me”. Again, we were not even friends!
Could he have meant he was to the point of maybe just confessing to you and asking for a date?
Load More Replies...That guy could be very dangerous. When I was 20ish, I met a deaf guy at a teen coffee shop. He was older and we would have long conversations at the shop, and a few tines he invited me to his place across the street. I was uncomfortable going in his apartment, but we would spend time in the lobby. One day he insisted he would marry me, and when I was confused and walked away he accused me of being a devil and leading him on. Later he said God had told him to marry a girl from my family (my sisters were all much younger in their teens) and he eventually got arrested and deported to another state for sending threatening letters to his ex girlfriend who had a restaining ordern and spent three years in jail. So, yeah... assuming marriage with no prior romance is scary.
Don't know why they didn't include the update, but he keeps spiraling and eventually gets detained by the police, and is most likely suffering from psychosis, which seems to run in his dad's family
Load More Replies...My freshman year of college, Chemistry class was kicking my butt. So I asked a guy in my class to help me a couple of times - but not like a date - we sat *in the classroom* & he briefly helped me. I found out later that he had threatened self harm, locking himself in the bathroom & shouting, "If you want to know why I'm k1lling myself, just ask [my name]. She'll tell you!" I felt awful, & I had no idea why he said that. I was just glad he hadn't done it.
An old friend did this with another old friend. No matter now many times he was told she wasn’t interested. She ended up in a relationship with someone else and they broke up after a couple of years. Guy friend thought he had a chance and they would hang out all the time but AS FRIENDS. He apparently did it see it this way and when she got serious with someone else, he ended up heartbroken and into an incredible depression. We are in our mid 40s!
I can see how this might happen without the boy being delusional, just mistaken. Once in uni, I asked a boy I hardly knew to be my lab partner - I could see he didn't have one, and the friend I had gone with clearly wanted to change lectures when he saw what was involved. As a lab partner, he was superb and as we spent a lot of time together - just the 2 of us, but entirely academic work. Soon our friendship groups merged. One evening, I flirted a little with a friend of his and his group got really weird. Next day the boy came to tell me we needed to brake up. At no point had I flirted with him or had any physical contact. When I said we had never been dating, he was actually relieved - said that made more sense of my behaviour, he had been feeling very upset about our relationship. Turns out his friends had all told him we were dating and lack of experience that comes with youth he had believed them. I wonder if the man in this story has been swept along with his friends thoughts
Do the user do that themself, or is that from mod who shuts it down for some reason? An comment from OP on the fact that she doesn't even know if he had a first girlfriend or if that also was a similar situation, as someone stated from the Reddit comments as a suggestion/question. Hope she's OK.
Load More Replies...Proposing to anyone is crazy if you haven't discussed it. This is just extreme, and it makes me worry that he's had some psychotic episode or other serious break from reality. Fro. The description asking on a date would have been out of the blue, but marriage? It honestly sounds like a psych issue. Does he have any history of hallucination or delusion?
Ugh... Was friends with a guy for a whole 2 weeks before he asked me out on text and i responded that i wasn't interested in dating at that time but prefer it if we remain friends. Needless to say he was very unhappy and said he had enough friends and wants me as his girl. Whenever this memory rears its ugly head I'm still doing mental gymnastics as to the logic behind this and i couldnt be arsed to reach out and figure out his reasoning. Thank you for reading about my experience in navigating (ab?)normal human interaction
I believe schizophrenia tends to manifest in people's 20s--particularly in men. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this poor guy was subsequently diagnosed. Definitely glad he's getting the help he needs and also very glad the OP is safe and escaped what could have been a very dangerous situation regardless of mental illness.
You're right and something similar happened before my brother's diagnosis.
Load More Replies...honestly this happened to me. not the proposal part tho. wen i was in college me and my best friend would go to these college bars near the campus. our friend group grew to a nice size and wed all go together. one of the guys in our group was like a brother figure to me and i trusted him completely. i never showed signs of being interested or went on dates with him. hell i never hung out just me and him. our schedules were super different. one day we r at the bar and we all made a couple new friends and he introduced me as his girlfriend. me and everyone else in our group was so confused. i looked at him and asked y he said that and he responded with "cuz u r". he never asked me to b his girlfriend or showed signs of being interested. the closest sign would b him telling me i looked beautiful but hed say that to all the girls in our friends group. i ended up taking him outside to talk to him and had to tell him how i see him as a brother and dont have romantic feelings for him. the worst part of it all was that a select few girls in my friends group knew i was in a relationship with someone at my job. so i had to tell him about that too. he how long and wen i said a year and a half i could see the gears in his head turning. he was realizing i was in this relationship before we even met. he asked y i didnt tell him wen we met or after he became like a brother to me. i told him quite honestly cuz he wouldnt like the guy i was dating. he got super jealous of sucessful already have a career guys and naturally hated them. my boyfriend was a chef and ran his own restaurant and i was a waitress. it was originally his fathers but it was a very successful steak house and he was older and already out of culinary school. but ya as soon as i told him that he was a chef and said he owned the place he flipped out. it was the exact reaction i was expecting. he just ran back inside and ended up sitting at the bar all night drinking the night away. i learned that night that my other guy friends were interested in me but never went for it cuz they assumed i was already taken and no way i could b single. they were kinda relieved they never tried. they tried talking to him the next day but he just ranted on and on about how a successful guy got to me first so they didnt get answers out of him until a few weeks later. he just assumed i was his girlfriend bc i told one of the newer ppl previous to the new friends that night that they can trust him hes a gentle giant. he was 6'5. he just assumed me calling him gentle giant was my pet name for him. i wasnt the only person who called him that. my best friend called him that way before i did. some ppl unfortunately see things the way they want it not how it actually is. my friendship with him ended that night. he also ditched the friend group all together cuz everyone reminded him of me. i ran into him years later and he apologized for how he acted and asked if id b willing to give him an actual chance. unfortunately it was like a rerun of back then. it was 2018 and i had gotten proposed to by my boyfriend that very same day. i ran into him at a bar/venue where my now husbands band was playing. he didnt react the same considering it was 10 years later. we did become friends again and he did attend my wedding. the guy i married wasnt the chef we broke up a year after that whole thing but stayed friends after the break up. i normally dont do that but it was a mutual break up due to him moving across the country for a mega job oppertunity. these days idk wat my friend is up to cuz he kinda dropped off the map. ive asked the ppl who stayed friends with him all this time and they dont even kno. but like i said ppl just assume things or see only wat they want and then it becomes a very akward and friendship ruining situation. i mean ive also had an ex who wouldnt understand that i broke up with him. he thought i was lying or joking around. his clingy nature is y it ended. got to restraining order point too. so ya this happens both assuming in a relationship and not accepting break ups. unfortunately it can b dangerous in some cases. if someone is extremely in their own little world being told otherwise can make them act out. the ppl who suggested the OP talk to him in a public place were absolutely right. u dont kno exactly how they will react even if u trust them completely. i got lucky and figured the talk wouldnt go well cuz he was kinda a hot head but never did anything to back up his anger except rant about it. if the situation is completely unknown like it was for the OP then it could possibly b dangerous. especially at a the person is proposing lvl. that means the OP's friend assumed theyve been in a relationship for most of their friendship. that is a very risky private conversation. to him it would b like he wasted his emotions and time add the depression and humilation he felt on top of that it could get dicey.
I had a male friend, where I made it very clear that I had no romantic interest in him, and he told me he had not interest in me. For financial reasons, we chose to share a 2 bedroom apartment. He neglected to tell me that he obsessed with me. When all was said and done, I had to get a restraining order, and then go into hiding. I am in the US, and a year later, moved halfway across the country
sooo, where is the update? Normally it will be included, or BP writers will reach out to op for additional info, or add "the account is now suspended and we wont hear any more updates.
The updates were posted by a couple people up top in the comment section
Load More Replies...I can't believe she even CONSIDERED responding to his long text (other than to say, "Let's talk in person.") That is not a conversation that should be had over text.
I would feel really unsafe talking in person, to be honest, if a person is that far detached from reality.
Load More Replies...You need to change the headline because she did not “find out she was in a relationship” Someone else posted the update, the guy is going through a psychotic break
This is not completely unknown. I once sat with an Islamic gentleman for an hour at his invitation and he showed up at my family door with his parents!
The young man clearly didn't communicate his feelings for this woman and assumed she reciprocated. And he made the even worse mistake of taking this assumption further by proposing marriage. Ugh.
I feel for them both as it sounds like they both missed signals from each other. This is not as uncommon as we'd all like to think. OP laughing was unfortunate because it sounds like he's not had much experience with relationships and he may not developed the think skins relationships sometimes need. I hope they can talk it out and maintain their friendship. I really don't people should be saying either side is TA, it definitely soubds more of pa miscommunication
This is NOT a miscommunication. He invented a romantic relationship in his mind where none actually existed, and then proposed to her? Are you kidding me??
Load More Replies...Except for the police psych hold at the end....
Load More Replies...Absolutely. And definitely why all women should adopt burka attire, refrain from going out in public without a chaperone and definitely abscond from all make up and jewelry. ......see how that sounds?
Load More Replies...I assume you’re a troll here and I’m just feeding you, but lol. No wonder nobody wants to marry you.
Load More Replies...