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“How Stupid Do You Have To Be”: Woman Assumes Friends Are Racist, Gets A Lesson On Flags

“How Stupid Do You Have To Be”: Woman Assumes Friends Are Racist, Gets A Lesson On Flags


As humans, we sometimes judge others for their strong views and thoughts on topics like religion, culture, and politics. Especially when their perspective doesn’t align with our own beliefs and values. However, while it’s okay to disagree with someone, we shouldn’t form an opinion without knowing all the facts.

For instance, a woman mistook a British flag for a confederate one in her friend’s house. She immediately started recording it to collect evidence against her friend. One of the friend’s roommates then took to the AITA subreddit to ask people if she was wrong in kicking this woman out of their home. Keep reading to find out the details of how things unfolded.

People might judge individuals who have outdated or ignorant views

Image credits: Kelly / pexels (not the actual photo)

An internet user shared how their roommate’s friend misjudged them due to flag confusion


Image credits: Pressmaster / evanto (not the actual photo)


Image source: throwFlag5561

History of the Confederate flag

Image credits: edward stojakovic / flickr  (not the actual photo)

Over the years, the Confederate flag has garnered controversies. It all started during the American Civil War when a number of southern states broke from the nation to form the Confederate States of America (CSA). The war, which was fought from 1861 to 1865, had a complex set of causes: economic, social, cultural, and political differences. But slavery was the most prominent issue.


National Geographic mentions that the CSA was fighting to protect slavery, along with its expansion into new areas. They were trying to preserve their lavish way of life, which was heavily reliant on the work of Africans held in slavery.

In the war, the CSA military forces often flew the Confederate flag. They ultimately lost the fight. Over time, the design of the flag has kept changing. However, the most common version includes a blue diagonal cross adorned with 13 white stars on a red background. It is also known as the “Southern Cross”.

The CSA never made the flag their official symbol, but some people still see it as a representation of Southern heritage. However, many others also think it’s a painful reminder of slavery and racism. In recent decades, there have been several discussions on whether the flag should be displayed in public or not.

YouGov, which asked more than 34,000 Americans what the Confederate flag represents for them, concluded that nearly 40% of Americans associate it with racism. But for about 33% of Americans – particularly people over 65, individuals living in rural communities, or non-college-educated white Americans — it symbolizes heritage.

Racism in recent years


Image credits: Kelly / pexels (not the actual photo)

According to findings from an October 2021 survey of Black Americans by Pew Research Center, 44% of people thought that equality for Black people in the United States is not likely to be achieved. Even though there’s a long way ahead, society has taken strides forward when it comes to racial equality.

Over the years, efforts have been made to address structural barriers and dismantle systemic racism. In order to raise awareness, individuals around the globe have been part of social justice initiatives that call for reform. This has significantly inspired collective action towards meaningful change.

While big steps are important to bring about significant change, every small action matters. In order to make a difference, we need to consciously put in efforts on a daily basis. For instance, if someone at your workplace is discriminating against a person based on their skin tone, you could report them to HR, your supervisor, or your manager.

Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. But we should educate ourselves before forming any strong thoughts. For instance, when it comes to geography and flags, many people might not have a full understanding of the world and their national identity. The education system plays a significant role in a student’s knowledge about our planet, including basic geographic facts such as the location of countries, continents, and major landmarks. However, in some educational institutions, geography doesn’t get sufficient emphasis in the curriculum.


This can lead to gaps in students’ knowledge about the world. While children often study physical geography, such as landforms and climate, they should also learn about cultural geography, including the study of languages, religions, and customs.

When students are not exposed to the different flags from around the world, it hinders their ability to recognize and appreciate cultural diversity. In order to promote global awareness among students, there needs to be a more comprehensive approach to geography education. On an individual level, we should focus on improving self-awareness.

When it comes to global affairs, there’s no harm in questioning one’s convictions. By doing so, we not only are able to update ourselves with the latest information, but we also avoid making any false claims or accusations. Once you have all the facts, you can decide how you want to proceed. Who was at fault in this situation? Have you ever been accused of something you never did? How did you feel about it? Share your experience with us in the comments below.

Folks online were appalled that the woman couldn’t differentiate between the two flags


However, some people thought they shouldn’t have kicked the woman out


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Nikita's knack for storytelling and creativity has led her into the world of writing. With a robust foundation in business studies, she crafts compelling narratives by seamlessly blending analytical insight with imaginative expression. At Bored Panda, she embarks on an exhilarating quest to explore diverse topics, fueled by curiosity and passion. During her leisure time, she savors life's simple pleasures, such as gardening, cooking homemade meals and hosting gatherings for loved ones.

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Kotryna Br

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Kotryna is a Photo Editor at Bored Panda with a BA in Graphic Design. Before Bored Panda, she worked as a freelance graphic designer and illiustrator. When not editing, she enjoys working with clay, drawing, playing board games and drinking good tea.

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marcorichter_1 avatar
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What were the YTA comments smoking? She didn't act out of spite but was confused and you should have let her call you out? WTF. Glad those comments got downvoted.

blacke4dawn avatar
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, it may not have been spite specifically but it certainly was malicious. Gathering (video) evidence to most likely put them on blast is way beyond something that can just be explained away with a misunderstanding or as a "joke". If they had profusely apologized I would say it would have been on overreaction to kick them out but they just tried to excuse it away. While I do agree that we should call out racism (some YTA'r said so) we have to be reasonably sure that it actually is racism before calling it out.

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michellegoubeaux avatar
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"YTA what harm could it do" ... Do you have any BLANKING idea how much harm can be done with false accusations?! get your head out of your A!

tonidmtm avatar
Kare Deter
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many lives have been ruined by false accusations. Just look at the murder of Emmett Till for both true racism and how false accusations can cause harm.

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pennylost avatar
Lost Penny
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Those two flags are actually very similar," said the person who thinks apples and oranges are easy to mix up. Okay then.

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marcorichter_1 avatar
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What were the YTA comments smoking? She didn't act out of spite but was confused and you should have let her call you out? WTF. Glad those comments got downvoted.

blacke4dawn avatar
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, it may not have been spite specifically but it certainly was malicious. Gathering (video) evidence to most likely put them on blast is way beyond something that can just be explained away with a misunderstanding or as a "joke". If they had profusely apologized I would say it would have been on overreaction to kick them out but they just tried to excuse it away. While I do agree that we should call out racism (some YTA'r said so) we have to be reasonably sure that it actually is racism before calling it out.

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michellegoubeaux avatar
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"YTA what harm could it do" ... Do you have any BLANKING idea how much harm can be done with false accusations?! get your head out of your A!

tonidmtm avatar
Kare Deter
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many lives have been ruined by false accusations. Just look at the murder of Emmett Till for both true racism and how false accusations can cause harm.

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pennylost avatar
Lost Penny
Community Member
3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Those two flags are actually very similar," said the person who thinks apples and oranges are easy to mix up. Okay then.

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