Woman Makes Gourmet Meals For A Mouse That Lives In Her Wall, Goes Viral On TikTok With More Than 18M Views
A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. If you keep on believing, a dream that you wish will come true. Cinderella isn’t the only one singing to her little birdies and mouse friends it seems, and who could blame them—everyone wants to live in a fairytale for a little while!
Especially when everything is cute and sentient. The birds help you shower and dress in the morning, the mice sew your wardrobe from scratch, and some even go on to become star chefs at restaurants. Just one song and the world is yours! RIP to those that can’t sing.
One woman went in a little bit of a different direction. Once she discovered a little mouse living inside her walls, she thought of the most adorable way of welcoming the guest, and that is by making it its very own cheese board! She shared the process and the result on TikTok, and it’s not surprising that it went viral.
Although we’ll look at adorable tiny foods and even smaller mice, we’ll also look at reasons why doing this is not the best idea if you don’t want your house becoming a rodent hotel. Alright, let’s get into it!
More info: TikTok
A woman on TikTok, named Bella, has gone viral for making a stunning little cheese board for a mouse that found its way into her home
Image credits: jorgeregula222
Mice. Some fear them, others don’t care, and a third bunch find them absolutely precious. So when one wound up in Bella’s home, scratching and scurrying around the inner walls and chomping down on the leftovers she had left behind, she was left with a dilemma—how best to welcome her new guest?
The little rodents are said to love cheese. The lore and stories of mice dreaming of and then gobbling the substance up, like a person diving for the turkey leg on Thanksgiving, is accepted as pure fact. However, Wonderopolis very much disagrees with it, stating that mice would much rather go for something sweet or grainy.
So where did this myth come from? Well, many think it goes back to how people used to store their food. Years ago, people stored grains in glass jars and hung their meats high up. Cheese, on the other hand, was laid on a shelf. That made it an easy target for unwelcome pantry visitors. Thus, mice ate cheese because it was convenient, not because they liked it.
In the video, which has reached 18.6M views, she explained that “he kept eating our food, so we decided to do him one better”
Image credits: jorgeregula222
But back to the story. Bella, known on TikTok as @jorgeregula222, decided that the best way to make her mouse friend feel at home was by providing gourmet dishes and fancy dinner service. To make sure that everything went to plan and compliments were given straight to the chef, she installed night vision surveillance cameras to observe her guest.
Once the prep work was done, she got to cooking. Or, should I rather say, chopping, as she started with a mixed cheese board. She included Champagne BellaVitano, smoked gouda, provolone, and raspberry BellaVitano. Bella then added crackers, honey, pomegranate chocolate, walnuts, pear paste, and raspberries. She also filled a tiny cup with water for the mouse to drink.
But that’s not all. She also made sure that it was presented with the utmost care and placed a miniature vase filled with wildflowers and a tiny bottle of truffle oil next to the cheese plate. Now, all she had to do was wait. She turned on the camera and went to bed.
Bella treated the mouse to an array of snacks served on a Ball jar lid, including various cheeses, crackers, walnuts, honey, and a cup of water to wash it all down
Image credits: jorgeregula222
By morning she checked the footage, and there it was, the little guest! She knew she had to share it with the world, so she posted it on TikTok. “He kept eating our food, so we decided to do him one better,” she explained in the caption of the clip. The little dinner went viral, being viewed a total of 18.6 million times since it was posted on August 27.
Thousands of viewers commented on the footage, and while some were baffled as to why she would feed the mouse, others found it heartwarming. “That was probably the best day of his little life,” one person wrote, while another added, “You’re a great host.” Many noted the similarities to the 2007 animated Disney film Ratatouille, saying that the mouse will be on its way to becoming a great chef!
In follow-up videos, she made him a PB&J sandwich and spaghetti with tomatoes. Not only that, she built Honey its own little dining room
Image credits: jorgeregula222
In a follow-up video, Bella decided to provide the mouse with a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich—crusts off, of course! She added raspberries and pecans on the side and, instead of water, left a tiny glass of oat milk. Another little vase of flowers was put up to set the mood, and Bella was off to sleep.
The little mouse seemed to be a big fan of such delights, especially admiring the cutlery. So much so that it ran off with the little cup. Bella revealed in the caption that she named the mouse Honey because that seemed to be its favorite part of the cheese board she made the other day.
Image credits: jorgeregula222
She named the little mouse Honey, because it seemed to be its favorite part of the cheese board. From Cinderella vibes to Ratatouille, Honey is adorable
Image credits: jorgeregula222
Now that their friendship was blossoming, she decided to take it one step further and make Honey a tiny house to dine in. Bella hung up miniature maps and an ornate mirror, added a bookshelf filled with tiny food boxes and pots and pans, and decorated it with a few crystals for good vibes. And one can’t forget a little table and chair for the mouse to dine at!
To celebrate the successful build, she decided to cook up some spaghetti with mashed tomatoes for her little buddy. She added crushed almonds, dried flowers, and berries for good measure, as well as a cup of water. “He’s uneasy about the new location, but he still visited,” she wrote in the caption. “What else should I put in his house?” One person suggested “a little desk so he has a place to do his mouse work.”
Although cute, mice can cause a lot of damage, both to a home and its owners. They can spread listeria, hantavirus, and salmonellosis, and an infestation is likely
Image credits: jorgeregula222
Just like everything else, fairy tales have their ending, and although everyone lives happily ever after, in real life you’ve ended up with a mouse infestation. Bella has been honest in saying that everything seems fine for the moment and she hasn’t noticed anyone else other than Honey lurking around for snacks, but one cannot ignore the dangers present.
Mice in homes can become a real problem—building nests, contaminating food, causing damage, and spreading disease. They can spread listeria, hantavirus, and salmonellosis. Although it takes only one mouse to spread illness, a mouse infestation is a major health hazard. Think of the Black Plague pandemic of the 1300s.
Many of us have a love for all life, but there is a way to coexist with animals without putting yourself or your home at risk
Image credits: jorgeregula222
According to The Spruce, in a single year, one female mouse can breed up to eight litters of five to six young. These 40+ offspring can begin to reproduce in as little as six weeks. So within months, you could have a huge population of mice.
They’re also incredibly skilled at chewing through things with their little teeth. From electric wiring, which can in itself start a house fire, to gas lines, as well as aluminum, soft concrete, insulation, wood furniture and structures, plastic pipes, rubber, and drywalling.
So what should you do if you encounter a mouse in your home but can’t bring yourself to cause it harm? According to the Humane Society, live traps are the only humane trapping option and can be easily purchased in hardware stores or online. Glue boards, snap traps, poisons and electrocution traps, on the other hand, are incredibly cruel and cause undue suffering to animals.
We wish Bella and Honey all the best and very much hope that any of the dangers evade them both so that they can have their fairytale happily ever after!
Image credits: jorgeregula222
Although many of us have a love for all life and can’t imagine being hostile to any living creature, there is a way to coexist with animals without putting yourself or your home at risk. I’ll leave some further resources here and here for all those interested in how to better secure your home from rodent entry.
We wish Bella and Honey all the best and hope that their story has a very happy ending!
You can watch the full video here
@jorgeregula222 he kept eating our food so we decided to do him one better #cheeseboard#mouse#hiddencamera#ifyougiveamouseacookie♬ Le Festin (From “Ratatouille”) – Movie Sounds Unlimited
Let us know your thoughts on this story and whether you’d treat your mice to a Michelin star meal. Upvote if you enjoy random cute, happy, and educational content, and I shall leave you until the next one!
While some people were baffled as to why she would feed the mouse, others found it heartwarming. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
**** on Squeak Advisor. Absolutely love the ambience and the food is devine, to the point I return every evening. My reason for only 4* is that I'm hoping to very soon extend my family and hope that the restaurant can accommodate my soon to be growing brood.
I think Bella won´t find it funny anymore if a gazillion other mice will follow, if Honey´s female those might be her babies and grandbabies, if Honey´s male he might call/attract other mice to join him at Bella´s home. No good idea to feed a wild mouse at your home, sorry, as cute as I find mice, but not wild ones, only domestic mice. My 15 year old senior tomcat Thori´d be happy about a wild mouse in our apartment, as snack.
Mice are cute but when you've woken up in the middle of the night to them scampering across your bedroom floor you would never feed one again.
**** on Squeak Advisor. Absolutely love the ambience and the food is devine, to the point I return every evening. My reason for only 4* is that I'm hoping to very soon extend my family and hope that the restaurant can accommodate my soon to be growing brood.
I think Bella won´t find it funny anymore if a gazillion other mice will follow, if Honey´s female those might be her babies and grandbabies, if Honey´s male he might call/attract other mice to join him at Bella´s home. No good idea to feed a wild mouse at your home, sorry, as cute as I find mice, but not wild ones, only domestic mice. My 15 year old senior tomcat Thori´d be happy about a wild mouse in our apartment, as snack.
Mice are cute but when you've woken up in the middle of the night to them scampering across your bedroom floor you would never feed one again.