
Woman Hangs 10,000 Rainbow Christmas Lights To Protest Against An Anti-LGBT Neighbor
This election has divided Americans like few in history and it was followed by a wave of hate crime attacks against minorities across the US. However, we still feel that hate can be fought with love. Or at least with passive aggression.
When the new neighbor of Lexi Magnusson expressed anti-LGBT opinions, Lexi decided to do something about it. “Our new neighbors are bigots. Since regular aggression leads to assault charges, I went with passive aggression. 10,000 lights later.” – she captioned her photo.
The new neighbor thought that Lexi still held the same belief about LGBT issues as the Church does, and even moved to Washington in order “to protect her children.”
“Thinking that we were allies, she went on to tell us how horrified she was when her son got turned down for prom because the girl was already planning on going with her girlfriend. And THEN the junior high had an assembly about transgender people where they spotlighted one of the students who is a transgender boy. I thought she had meant that the school outed him, which, in my book is horrifyingly wrong. Nope, he had organized the assembly and spoke of the realities of being transgender,” – Lexi wrote on reddit.

“That, coupled with the school’s justifications for letting lesbians attend the prom together and doing an assembly that taught kids the facts about being transgender were just too much for her.” That’s why she wanted to get her children “away from that sort of influence and people making their “lifestyle” okay”.
Luckily, Lexi managed to stay calm and reacted in the best possible way. With Christmas lights.
“Here’s the thing: I was a fully believing Mormon once. I know where she is coming from. If I had yelled at her it would only feed into her persecution complex and false belief that LGBT people and their allies, along with people who have left the Mormon church, are angry bullies who are not tolerant of other people’s views. I hate that whole line of reasoning – but I knew that if she was willing to move her kids to get away from the gays (She moved to Washington. It’s basically North Oregon.) there would be little I could say to her to change her mind. She would have been right though, I am not tolerant of that “point of view,” – she told Mashable.
“I wanted to say more to her. I wanted to write her a letter telling her how sad I was that she would feel this way about other humans, especially children. But it wouldn’t have mattered. Then the election happened and the weight of all of those voters who feel exactly the same as she does really set in. It wasn’t just a passive aggressive middle finger at my neighbor, I wanted it something more to show my solidarity and belief than just the Human Rights Campaign stickers on our cars,” she said. “I’ve worked in the background to support LGBT causes and have been very vocal on Facebook – but in real life it’s still really hard for me. It’s probably the wimpy way to go, but it’s not nothing.”
Share on FacebookIt's amazing but I think that every single person should have the right to their own opinion eg. if this woman is lgbt supporter the neighbour should have rights to be anti lgbt if he or she doesn't post threat to society with his or hers opinion and there should be no one trying to "convert" him or her. It's democracy as far as I know.
Democracy ends where hate speech begins. A person has every right to believe that homosexuality is wrong. However, no one is forcing them to be homosexual. On the other hand, being born homosexual is NOT an opinion-it is a matter of fact. So when bigoted people vote into law measures that take away the rights and freedoms of minorities like the gays-that is the opposite of democracy. These narrow-minded views don't stay private-they are out in the open by ways of aggression, bullying, assault, and much worse. I fully support the right of others to maintain their to have a different opinion than mine,
Load More Replies...A protest against ONE person just doesn't have enough weight to be called a "protest"... or "relevant". It looks more like a provocation to me and the poster herself admits to "passive aggression".
i think its less of a protest and more of a statement. her neighbor let her opinion be known and she is doing the same with the lights.
Load More Replies...To all of you saying it's just as bigoted to passively show your support for LGBT rights as it is to hold and act on a belief that LGBT people are subhuman/don't deserve acceptance for something they can't change, consider this: not all opinions are created equal. Technically, racism is "just an opinion" but we as a society have decided that it's a bad one so no one would get their panties in a knot if someone decided to passively protest a racist neighbor. And before you say that because it's an opinion based in religion so that's somehow different, keep in mind that people used the bible to justify outlawing interracial marriage as well, saying that god didn't intend the races to mix. There's no such thing as "just opinions" because opinions of intolerance inevitably lead to action, whether subconscious or conscious.
The neibors probably think the lights look good and aren't effected by them. The opinion article i don't agree with at all. The country has been divided way before the election. The election should bring people together because the president elect speaks to everyone something the past president didn't do. And the crimes being committed are by rioters in the streets. Stop making people out to be victims. People read this and believe it. It doesn't make someone a bigot because they don't go along with the left agenda or because someone don't think a weenie belongs in a butt.
Lexi's is not a wimpy way to go. Every stand matters, no matter how big or small the gesture. I think the true essence of democracy lies in the policy of live and let live. Mankind has long divided itself on the basis of caste, creed, religion and colour. And now on the basis of sexual orientation? Acceptance and not expression is the key to a successful democracy.
We were divided during the obama years. This election didnt do s**t
I used to be Mormon, but left for personal reasons. Some of those reasons were related to being bisexual; some of those reasons were related to being treated unfairly because I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair. I believe everyone has the right to their own opinions, but people can be entitled to their own opinion, whilst still being respectful (the anti-LGBTQIA neighbor.) Having said that, I will defend (and debate) with those who feel differently, about my stance on this issue. My goal in debating with those who have contrasting viewpoints regarding LGBTQIA issues and rights (as well as other debatable topics), is not to persuade others to share my beliefs, but to understand and accept my thoughts and feelings on the matter. Everyone deserves to be made to feel validated, and at the utmost, respected. As I said, it's perfectly acceptable to have differing beliefs and opinions concerning these types of ideas, but it's important to be respectful. We're all human beings.
This is a very subtle protest, yet very clever as well! The LGBT+ community isn't bad, it's just different preference!
The comments here are full of so much hate, honestly, any time the topic of LGBT rights comes up.
So she's publicly shaming this woman and talking to the media? This is a huge invasion of privacy for her neighbor and should be a crime. How is this not considered bullying? What if it ruins her neighbors life? The most dangerous part is that it violates free speech. The neighbor has not hurt any one and just has a differing opinion. This is not subtle if it's national news.
Apparently you don't know what free speech is. Yes, the neighbor is free to express her opinion and so is the lady with the lights, one does not invalidate the other.
Load More Replies...I absolutely love this!!!! I'm M to F and I can relate to this woman,,,I have a homophobic neighbor that shoves his agenda on me always,,,so I can relate to this lady well done,,,go pride!!!!!
Woohoo! You go girl! Support the LGBT community! I may not be one of them, but I will always stand up for them!
She has the opportunity to talk to her neighbor about her feelings and open a dialogue, but instead she reacted with Christmas lights in an immature passive aggressive show?? You just alienated your neighbor. You could have said your children will need to learn to work with all kinds of people. You could have said Jesus ate with the lepers; so her child should be able to go to school with a lesbian, even if it makes her uncomfortable. Instead you treated her with no respect and have not given her any reason to reevaluate her choices. You lost the moral high ground.
“It wasn’t just a passive aggressive middle finger at my neighbor” - Yes, yes it was.
Lexi herself is a bigot herself by her standards due to her pro-LGBT stand.
So now you can't even "...expressed anti-LGBT opinions..." . The famous tollerance of the lefties one again - you can tall what you want until your not against LGBT etc. You have to support LGBT etc. otherwise you're bigot, racist, nazi etc.
Actually, both are free to express their opinions, which they did. Although the second half of your statement is true. Homophobia is a form bigotry. Sorry that the safety to discriminate openly against gay people is no longer as acceptable. That is what you are so upset about. They are not doing anything to harm you so leave them be.
Load More Replies..."Then the election happened and the weight of all of those voters who feel exactly the same as she does really set in" This is where you lost me. One, Trump is actually quite socially liberal. He has gay friends etc. Two, Trump got in partly because of bigots, and partly because of people who didn't trust Hillary, and partly because of people who are sick of the status quo etc. There are a plethora of types who voted both for and against both candidates. To stereotype like that in an article bashing negative stereotyping is ridiculous. Seriously.
Neighbor sounds like she is "Anti Gay Mafia" instead of "Anti-LGBT" and this is even with the probable exaggerations from the LGBT SJW. The promoting and glamorization of transgenderism onto confused kids (that probably need psych assistance for their gender disphoria medical abnormality) is essentially child abuse. The world of transgenderism is a world of suicide rates 20X normal. The Left is psycotic.
The f**k are you on about?
Load More Replies...and what is that thing, exactly? The neighbor hates people because they ARE gay and is going around publicly discussing this. It's none of her business. So, Lexi decided to protect the gays from hate speech, and put up lights in solidarity. This is not unlike civil rights protesters did in the 60s. If bigoted people kept out of other people's business, nobody would have to put any lights up, you see? Recap (TLDR:) Neigbor---> public hate speech against vulnerable teens Lexi---------> pretty lights to show solidarity for a marginalized minority
Load More Replies...She didn't say who the woman was so there is no endangerment here. It appears that she decided to share this story given the larger context of Trump's election. And you are wrong this is not bullying, she merely put up lights to reflect her beliefs rather than directly confront the woman. Not sure what story you read...
Load More Replies...Christianity is leading form of religion in this country, and the various denominations here have generally opposed LGBT people. That is why it seems as though people pushing for their rights have gone up against Christianity. As it is Islam is under siege from so-called Christians here. And where there is discrimination in Islam, such as against females, it is also opposed. As for rights being taken away, there is no right to discriminate.
Load More Replies...Aww, is someone in a bad mood? Here, eat a snickers bar, it may help. Or would you like some skittles? Oh wait, it's a rainbow so you'll probably be against it. Sorry! (P.S. If you are against LGBT people then why did you click on a post that has the word 'LGBT' in the title?)
Load More Replies...It seems you have made a typo in your post. You typed 'homosexuality is an incurable mental illness' instead of 'homophobic people have an incurable mental illness'
Load More Replies...Respectfully, how is this any different from normal Christmas lights?
Load More Replies...You don't have to think it's cool - just accept it that it's reality for some people. I personally dislike fish but I recognise it as my choice, I don't try and force that view on others. My kids are free to eat fish if they want to - they just shouldn't expect me to make it for them.
Load More Replies...It's amazing but I think that every single person should have the right to their own opinion eg. if this woman is lgbt supporter the neighbour should have rights to be anti lgbt if he or she doesn't post threat to society with his or hers opinion and there should be no one trying to "convert" him or her. It's democracy as far as I know.
Democracy ends where hate speech begins. A person has every right to believe that homosexuality is wrong. However, no one is forcing them to be homosexual. On the other hand, being born homosexual is NOT an opinion-it is a matter of fact. So when bigoted people vote into law measures that take away the rights and freedoms of minorities like the gays-that is the opposite of democracy. These narrow-minded views don't stay private-they are out in the open by ways of aggression, bullying, assault, and much worse. I fully support the right of others to maintain their to have a different opinion than mine,
Load More Replies...A protest against ONE person just doesn't have enough weight to be called a "protest"... or "relevant". It looks more like a provocation to me and the poster herself admits to "passive aggression".
i think its less of a protest and more of a statement. her neighbor let her opinion be known and she is doing the same with the lights.
Load More Replies...To all of you saying it's just as bigoted to passively show your support for LGBT rights as it is to hold and act on a belief that LGBT people are subhuman/don't deserve acceptance for something they can't change, consider this: not all opinions are created equal. Technically, racism is "just an opinion" but we as a society have decided that it's a bad one so no one would get their panties in a knot if someone decided to passively protest a racist neighbor. And before you say that because it's an opinion based in religion so that's somehow different, keep in mind that people used the bible to justify outlawing interracial marriage as well, saying that god didn't intend the races to mix. There's no such thing as "just opinions" because opinions of intolerance inevitably lead to action, whether subconscious or conscious.
The neibors probably think the lights look good and aren't effected by them. The opinion article i don't agree with at all. The country has been divided way before the election. The election should bring people together because the president elect speaks to everyone something the past president didn't do. And the crimes being committed are by rioters in the streets. Stop making people out to be victims. People read this and believe it. It doesn't make someone a bigot because they don't go along with the left agenda or because someone don't think a weenie belongs in a butt.
Lexi's is not a wimpy way to go. Every stand matters, no matter how big or small the gesture. I think the true essence of democracy lies in the policy of live and let live. Mankind has long divided itself on the basis of caste, creed, religion and colour. And now on the basis of sexual orientation? Acceptance and not expression is the key to a successful democracy.
We were divided during the obama years. This election didnt do s**t
I used to be Mormon, but left for personal reasons. Some of those reasons were related to being bisexual; some of those reasons were related to being treated unfairly because I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair. I believe everyone has the right to their own opinions, but people can be entitled to their own opinion, whilst still being respectful (the anti-LGBTQIA neighbor.) Having said that, I will defend (and debate) with those who feel differently, about my stance on this issue. My goal in debating with those who have contrasting viewpoints regarding LGBTQIA issues and rights (as well as other debatable topics), is not to persuade others to share my beliefs, but to understand and accept my thoughts and feelings on the matter. Everyone deserves to be made to feel validated, and at the utmost, respected. As I said, it's perfectly acceptable to have differing beliefs and opinions concerning these types of ideas, but it's important to be respectful. We're all human beings.
This is a very subtle protest, yet very clever as well! The LGBT+ community isn't bad, it's just different preference!
The comments here are full of so much hate, honestly, any time the topic of LGBT rights comes up.
So she's publicly shaming this woman and talking to the media? This is a huge invasion of privacy for her neighbor and should be a crime. How is this not considered bullying? What if it ruins her neighbors life? The most dangerous part is that it violates free speech. The neighbor has not hurt any one and just has a differing opinion. This is not subtle if it's national news.
Apparently you don't know what free speech is. Yes, the neighbor is free to express her opinion and so is the lady with the lights, one does not invalidate the other.
Load More Replies...I absolutely love this!!!! I'm M to F and I can relate to this woman,,,I have a homophobic neighbor that shoves his agenda on me always,,,so I can relate to this lady well done,,,go pride!!!!!
Woohoo! You go girl! Support the LGBT community! I may not be one of them, but I will always stand up for them!
She has the opportunity to talk to her neighbor about her feelings and open a dialogue, but instead she reacted with Christmas lights in an immature passive aggressive show?? You just alienated your neighbor. You could have said your children will need to learn to work with all kinds of people. You could have said Jesus ate with the lepers; so her child should be able to go to school with a lesbian, even if it makes her uncomfortable. Instead you treated her with no respect and have not given her any reason to reevaluate her choices. You lost the moral high ground.
“It wasn’t just a passive aggressive middle finger at my neighbor” - Yes, yes it was.
Lexi herself is a bigot herself by her standards due to her pro-LGBT stand.
So now you can't even "...expressed anti-LGBT opinions..." . The famous tollerance of the lefties one again - you can tall what you want until your not against LGBT etc. You have to support LGBT etc. otherwise you're bigot, racist, nazi etc.
Actually, both are free to express their opinions, which they did. Although the second half of your statement is true. Homophobia is a form bigotry. Sorry that the safety to discriminate openly against gay people is no longer as acceptable. That is what you are so upset about. They are not doing anything to harm you so leave them be.
Load More Replies..."Then the election happened and the weight of all of those voters who feel exactly the same as she does really set in" This is where you lost me. One, Trump is actually quite socially liberal. He has gay friends etc. Two, Trump got in partly because of bigots, and partly because of people who didn't trust Hillary, and partly because of people who are sick of the status quo etc. There are a plethora of types who voted both for and against both candidates. To stereotype like that in an article bashing negative stereotyping is ridiculous. Seriously.
Neighbor sounds like she is "Anti Gay Mafia" instead of "Anti-LGBT" and this is even with the probable exaggerations from the LGBT SJW. The promoting and glamorization of transgenderism onto confused kids (that probably need psych assistance for their gender disphoria medical abnormality) is essentially child abuse. The world of transgenderism is a world of suicide rates 20X normal. The Left is psycotic.
The f**k are you on about?
Load More Replies...and what is that thing, exactly? The neighbor hates people because they ARE gay and is going around publicly discussing this. It's none of her business. So, Lexi decided to protect the gays from hate speech, and put up lights in solidarity. This is not unlike civil rights protesters did in the 60s. If bigoted people kept out of other people's business, nobody would have to put any lights up, you see? Recap (TLDR:) Neigbor---> public hate speech against vulnerable teens Lexi---------> pretty lights to show solidarity for a marginalized minority
Load More Replies...She didn't say who the woman was so there is no endangerment here. It appears that she decided to share this story given the larger context of Trump's election. And you are wrong this is not bullying, she merely put up lights to reflect her beliefs rather than directly confront the woman. Not sure what story you read...
Load More Replies...Christianity is leading form of religion in this country, and the various denominations here have generally opposed LGBT people. That is why it seems as though people pushing for their rights have gone up against Christianity. As it is Islam is under siege from so-called Christians here. And where there is discrimination in Islam, such as against females, it is also opposed. As for rights being taken away, there is no right to discriminate.
Load More Replies...Aww, is someone in a bad mood? Here, eat a snickers bar, it may help. Or would you like some skittles? Oh wait, it's a rainbow so you'll probably be against it. Sorry! (P.S. If you are against LGBT people then why did you click on a post that has the word 'LGBT' in the title?)
Load More Replies...It seems you have made a typo in your post. You typed 'homosexuality is an incurable mental illness' instead of 'homophobic people have an incurable mental illness'
Load More Replies...Respectfully, how is this any different from normal Christmas lights?
Load More Replies...You don't have to think it's cool - just accept it that it's reality for some people. I personally dislike fish but I recognise it as my choice, I don't try and force that view on others. My kids are free to eat fish if they want to - they just shouldn't expect me to make it for them.
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