Recently, content creator and podcast author Phoebe Parsons divided the internet by asking her TikTok followers one seemingly simple question: “Do you agree that this is a fair gift for a first birthday?”

The gift she referred to was a bottle of champagne, which was meant not for the baby (of course!) but for the parents. In a video that has been viewed 14.3k times, Parsons explained her reasoning behind this untraditional gift.

She also added that she would really love to know other peoples’ thoughts on this, so be sure to share what you think of it in the comments below!


    Image credits: phoebeacp


    Image credits: phoebeacp

    Here is the full video Parsons shared on her TikTok channel, making everyone wonder whether champagne is indeed a fair gift

    Bored Panda reached out to Phoebe Parsons, who had no idea that it would blow up the way that it did. “To be honest, I still don’t really understand. I’m just at the age now where I’m constantly going to baby showers and first birthdays and noticed how many presents kids actually get, which often times is just a cheap noisy plastic toy that will be thrown out in no time and offers no sentimental value,” she explained.

    When it comes to the heated discussion Parsons’ video ignited, she believes it comes down to the fact that people love to have an opinion, particularly on social media. “I think people assume that because I chose to give a gift to the parents, it means that I don’t care about the child, which is not the case at all.”


    Parsons explained that she’d just rather a gift be appreciated. “That’s the purpose of a gift, after all – it should never be an unthoughtful token and I know they love champagne and it meant a lot to them.” For any critics out there, Parsons says: “if you give any parents a gift – at any time – I guarantee they’ll be grateful for it.”

    Parenting coach says it’s wonderful that the baby’s parents were thought of, calls it “a thoughtful act”

    “How wonderful that the parents were thought of and a gift given, whether it be champagne or not, it is such a thoughtful act,” Anisa Lewis, a positive parenting and life coach, commented for Bored Panda in regards to the story.

    According to the parenting coach, the art of gift-giving is to think of the receiver and what they need. “It was a first birthday party, so the attention is on the child, but think what the parent has been through to get them to their first birthday.” Moreover, “Parenting in that first year is tough, there are highs, lows, and a whole lot in between. The gift is to acknowledge the journey of the parent and to say, you know what, I understand this has been an incredible year for you,” Lewis added.


    When asked whether it’s okay to give presents to the baby’s parents and not the baby, Lewis said that everyone has an opinion and whether you take offense or have an issue with the parents getting a gift and not the child depends on each of their own. “It is down to your own values system and perhaps your own experience,” she explained.

    “A first birthday is a milestone, and one that the child will not remember but the parents will. Personally, I would have given a small gift to the child and something for the parents but this is because one of my love languages is gifts and I am a giver!” Lewis concluded.

    Many people saluted the author for her bubbly gift


    Others thought that since it is the baby’s birthday, it should receive something too