Wild Animal Photography: 50 Intimate Portraits By This Photographer (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistPeruvian photographer Pedro Jarque Krebs captures the breathtaking diversity of the animal kingdom with unparalleled intimacy (check out part one by clicking here), spotlighting the stark reality that nearly 60% of animal populations have diminished in the past half-century.
Through his poignant portraits, Krebs bridges the emotional and psychological divide between humans and animals, offering them a representation from a different angle. His work serves as an important reminder that humans are but a minor component in the vast ecosystem that is Mother Earth, underscoring the imperative to cherish and protect our shared environment.
More info: Instagram | pedrojarque.com
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Bored Panda reached out to Pedro Jarque Krebs with some more new questions following the last interview.
When asked about his close work with animals that are part of conservation programs and if he has considered partnering with conservation organizations or NGOs to further the message and mission of protecting these species, Pedro responded, "Since I started with this project of portraits of animals that reflect feelings and clearly a conscience, I have collaborated with several conservation and animal rescue associations. This includes the Rainfer center in Spain, dedicated to rescuing chimpanzees and other primates, AAP Primadomus, which rescues animals, especially big cats, and the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, which aims to save giraffes in the wild. I believe that nowadays it is more necessary than ever to be aware of the importance of biodiversity conservation, not just for the animals, but for our own survival."
On the topic of keeping updated with the ever-evolving landscape of photography equipment and techniques, Krebs mentioned, "My work is quite classical, in the sense that I try to make do with my camera and my patience. But I am also very interested in advances in technology to achieve better images, such as improvements in autofocus systems. Birds in flight are very difficult to capture because of their speed and unpredictable trajectories, and recognition and tracking technology is becoming more and more effective. Also, the evolution of sensors allows greater sensitivity to work in low light without generating too much noise. Or camera traps, which make it possible to capture scenes that were previously unthinkable.
All these advances are very useful, but what really counts for me is the possibility of being as close as possible to the animal and having a good source of light, preferably natural."
When questioned about his future projects or ideas beyond photographing species, Pedro shared, "I would like to travel to Antarctica and photograph both the wildlife and the landscapes of this remote region of the planet, one of the last truly virgin places we have left. But I would also like to explore the Amazon rainforests that teem with life. It is estimated that we know only 20% of the world's living species. That means we still have a lot more to discover."
Lastly, the wildlife photographer provided insights from his years of experience, saying, "Working with so many different species of animals shows you that all life is interconnected and that even the most seemingly insignificant animals have an essential function in that chain of life. Each species has its own role and niche in an ecosystem, and the diversity of these species is what maintains the stability and health of that ecosystem. When one species is affected by changes in its habitat or population, this can have cascading effects throughout the ecosystem. Maintaining the balance is essential to our own survival as a species and is now in our hands."
Looking at mama elephants makes me feel more confident as an aging woman.They are comfortable in their beautiful bodies. They are the size and shape they are designed to be. They have the wrinkles and shading and hair or lack of hair that nature intended. Their skin is thick in some places and sensitive in others, and they use tools like mud or dust to protect or sooth it when they feel like they need it and it’s available. They don’t appear to expend any valuable elephant energy thinking about their appearance or anybody else’s. I want to be like these wonderful creatures in these and many other ways.
I dare you to move. I dare you to not move. Either way, s/he wins. Gorgeous creature
Kind of looks like how I would try to draw a leopard or something and then got the proportions all wrong
“Can you feel the love tonight…” OUPS! Wait! That's tigers!......and they don't seem to feel the love tonight