Hubby Can’t Stand Wife’s New Tattoo Size And Location, Provokes Heated Debate Among Netizens
It’s no big secret that in balanced relationships, both partners should have a say in things – however, today’s story is a tad complicated.
The thing is, u/No-Development4151’s wife wants to get a pretty big chest tattoo of a hummingbird and some flowers, but he finds the placement “unattractive.” He begged the woman to reconsider but instead got blasted for being controlling!
More info: Reddit
This woman wants to get a prominent chest tattoo of a hummingbird and some flowers
Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
Her husband disapproves of the placement and begs her to reconsider
Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo)
Image source: u/No-Development4151
“AITA for hating where my wife is going to get a tattoo?” – this web user took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental communities, asking its members if he’s indeed a jerk for disapproving of his wife’s ‘fairly large’ chest tattoo idea. The post managed to garner 5.3K upvotes as well as 2.4K comments discussing the situation.
Did you know that according to a 2023 report from Pew Research Center – a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world – “32% of adults have a tattoo, with 22% having more than one”?
Now, although getting inked up is a common occurrence nowadays – it wasn’t always like this.
Cultural or religious beliefs, fear of regret, stereotypes, stigmas, professional reasons, generational gaps, permanence, association with subcultures, respect for tradition – whatever it is, attitudes towards body art can vary widely.
Still, to each their own, and everyone’s entitled to do what they please with their body! But what to do if someone close to you – a family member or a significant other, perhaps – is highly against it?
Despite its clichéd nature, the first thing you want to resort to is communication to, you know, understand their perspectives and concerns; ask for their reason, educate them, respect their feelings, and if that doesn’t help resolve the issue – consider finding a compromise.
However, remember that compromise is about finding solutions that work for both individuals!
Ultimately, getting a tattoo is a personal decision, and you should make the decision that’s right for you and you only.
Things get heated and the man gets dubbed “controlling”
Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
Today’s couple, though, didn’t end up finding a compromise.
The OP and his wife both have several tattoos – and recently, the woman revealed that she would like to get a sizable chest piece that consists of a floral design and a hummingbird.
The problem is that the guy finds chest tattoos unattractive and is concerned about how the design would be visible in nearly every shirt she’d wear.
Naturally, his opposition caused quite a stir and even earned him the moniker of a controlling jerk.
The r/AmItheA**hole online community members have agreed with his wife and collectively branded the man a jerk; however, many have also noted that when you’re married, any permanent changes your partner makes to their body affect you as well.
What do you reckon, Pandas?
Fellow online community members shared their thoughts and opinions on the situation
Image source: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
Share on FacebookI have a hard time with this one, I'm all about my body my choice. But chest tattoos draw a lot of attention, and to be honest if my partner, who does have tattoos, told me they were going to get something so visible and prominent I would probably have an issue as well.
Yeah, I kinda get OP's point too. If my significant other decided to get a tattoo on his face, for example, I'd have an issue with it. On one hand, it's up to him and on the other hand I'd no longer be able to take him seriously and would be really turned off. I think when you're making a major alteration to your body you have to take into account that the person your with might not see you in the same way. By all means, you can control your own body but you can't control how your SO feels.
Load More Replies...All these “you’re not entitled, blah, blah, blah” are so stupid and annoying. STFU already. The dude may be a total jerk, but he’s perfectly “entitled” to say whatever nonsense he likes about his opinion. The same way she is perfectly entitled to tell him to “get stuffed.” They’re married, and if it matters to THEM then they SHOULD talk it out until it’s talked out. I mean if he announced he was getting a Prince Albert piercing and she wasn’t down with that, then I would expect the same. She literally could say “you go through with this and we’re not having anymore sex” and nobody would be surprised.
If my OH gets a PA piercing it kind of is my business because I have to do more than just look at it. I have to interact with it, without going into graphic detail... not really the same as a tatt I don't like.
Load More Replies...Would definitely be a deal breaker for me personally. But that goes with most tattoos for me. The woman has every right to take the tattoo. The man has every right to find it awful and walk away if he wants to
I have a hard time with this one, I'm all about my body my choice. But chest tattoos draw a lot of attention, and to be honest if my partner, who does have tattoos, told me they were going to get something so visible and prominent I would probably have an issue as well.
Yeah, I kinda get OP's point too. If my significant other decided to get a tattoo on his face, for example, I'd have an issue with it. On one hand, it's up to him and on the other hand I'd no longer be able to take him seriously and would be really turned off. I think when you're making a major alteration to your body you have to take into account that the person your with might not see you in the same way. By all means, you can control your own body but you can't control how your SO feels.
Load More Replies...All these “you’re not entitled, blah, blah, blah” are so stupid and annoying. STFU already. The dude may be a total jerk, but he’s perfectly “entitled” to say whatever nonsense he likes about his opinion. The same way she is perfectly entitled to tell him to “get stuffed.” They’re married, and if it matters to THEM then they SHOULD talk it out until it’s talked out. I mean if he announced he was getting a Prince Albert piercing and she wasn’t down with that, then I would expect the same. She literally could say “you go through with this and we’re not having anymore sex” and nobody would be surprised.
If my OH gets a PA piercing it kind of is my business because I have to do more than just look at it. I have to interact with it, without going into graphic detail... not really the same as a tatt I don't like.
Load More Replies...Would definitely be a deal breaker for me personally. But that goes with most tattoos for me. The woman has every right to take the tattoo. The man has every right to find it awful and walk away if he wants to