This Woman Had The Best Comeback Ever To A Man Who Said To Stay Away From Women With Dyed Hair
Alexander J.A Cortes calls himself a “trainer,” “writer,” and “speaker,” and a life coach of all sorts but his recent tweets made a lot of women attribute quite a few nasty labels to him as well.
“Unnatural hair colors in [a] woman are a warning signal to stay away,” Cortes opened. “It’s an example [of] Aposematism – the phenomenon of poisonous animals in nature advertising their toxicity and lethality.”
He then went on to explain why men should stay away from women who use hair dyes. “You gentlemen want an obvious example of a red flag?” Cortes asked. “It doesn’t get more obvious than that.”
Immediately, people started replying to Cortes. And while some actually agreed with him, after Julie Grundy dropped the best comeback, many started expressing a different opinion.
One day later, Cortes gave men contradictory dating advice. “Don’t date women who are picky eaters,” he said. According to him, “How you do one thing is how you do everything,” and all the female picky eaters that he has encountered were “hesitant,” “not curious,” and had “fixed mindsets.” On the other hand, women he knew who loved new foods were “fun,” “adventurous,” and “always curious.”
Do think that this statement had to retract the previous one? Or their author is simply confused? Let us know in the comments.
More info: Twitter
Image credits: elalexander
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Some people have actually agreed with him
Image credits: Ennaaseret7
Image credits: javafour
But after this genius reply that pointed out the major flaw in Cortes theory
Image credits: stringy
People started seriously opposing him
Image credits: TheMavShow
Image credits: MollsisBored
Image credits: MissAlphya
Image credits: BijouDemi
Image credits: NedaMarie
Image credits: AngelMelly
Image credits: Crommunist
Image credits: feministdogmom
Image credits: _ElizabethMay/
Image credits: _ElizabethMay
Image credits: stuntmangene
Image credits: ModernEsther_
Image credits: yeetermyskeeter
Image credits: Meaux_MUA
Image credits: hthurman14_
Image credits: TsubakiAnzai1
Image credits: Kupferhexe
Share on FacebookWhy do these types always pull the "this isn't attractive to men" card? Tell you a secret, they're not doing it for men. And men are not a hivemind, people happen to have different preferences.
I don't get what is going through the minds of guys who make arguments like "that is not attractive to men, ladies" as if everything a woman does is somehow with a purpose of attracting a male and often times that male in particular. Surprise, the world doesn't revolve around you. Same goes for women who make the same argument about men.
Load More Replies...So... He picks a fictional comic character... to prove his point? Okay, then, let me counter that with... say, Sailor Mercury! Blue hair, kind heart, her sense of responsibility is just right and she's so smart and clever. Game on, people! Let's prove that guy wrong with our favourite comics characters! ♥
My Little Pony - rainbow hair and totally innocuous, exept maybe to him - playthings of the young "She Devils"
Load More Replies...I think he got rejected recently by a woman with "unnatural hair color" and tries to get his revenge. Taking the whole female population as his target. Another "nice guy" :)
He had a crazy girlfriend with an unnatural hair color & now he's triggered by unnatural hair colors.
Why do these types always pull the "this isn't attractive to men" card? Tell you a secret, they're not doing it for men. And men are not a hivemind, people happen to have different preferences.
I don't get what is going through the minds of guys who make arguments like "that is not attractive to men, ladies" as if everything a woman does is somehow with a purpose of attracting a male and often times that male in particular. Surprise, the world doesn't revolve around you. Same goes for women who make the same argument about men.
Load More Replies...So... He picks a fictional comic character... to prove his point? Okay, then, let me counter that with... say, Sailor Mercury! Blue hair, kind heart, her sense of responsibility is just right and she's so smart and clever. Game on, people! Let's prove that guy wrong with our favourite comics characters! ♥
My Little Pony - rainbow hair and totally innocuous, exept maybe to him - playthings of the young "She Devils"
Load More Replies...I think he got rejected recently by a woman with "unnatural hair color" and tries to get his revenge. Taking the whole female population as his target. Another "nice guy" :)
He had a crazy girlfriend with an unnatural hair color & now he's triggered by unnatural hair colors.