If you have kids, you know the decision to embark on the parenting journey is like getting on one wild rollercoaster ride. But despite the sleep deprivation, financial burdens, and the search for that non-existent work-life balance you're so desperate to find, no one will ever question your choice. There are many reasons for people to want to bring little bundles of joy into this world, after all. But as shared by people in various 'Ask Reddit' threads, there are also plenty of valid reasons not to.

A Pew Research Center study found that more adults (around 44% of people ages 18 to 49) report they’re unlikely or "not too likely" to have children — ever. But even though they consciously choose to forego parenthood altogether, the pressure to have kids is still huge. Childfree people often face a fair share of stigma and hear the accusatory murmurs that they're missing out. But are they, really?

In a bid to find out why so many opt for a childfree life, several Redditors delved deeper into the subject. They sparked discussions online that quickly turned into very interesting reads. We’ve gone through their threads and gathered some of the most illuminating answers to share with you all, so check them out right below. Keep reading to also find our interview with Erin Spurling, founder of Curiously Childfree. Then, upvote the ones you agree with and be sure to share your own thoughts with us in the comments.


50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids In order of justification;

1. I don’t want to.

2. I can’t afford to.

3. There’s already quite a lot of us already.

4. Global climate change, political instability, and a very uncertain future.

Hiding_behind_you , LT Chan Report


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Because I genuinely would not be happy with kids. I strongly believe that all kids deserve to be wanted, but not all people deserve to be parents.

    Express_Topic_4081 , Shane Report

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    Pirates of Zen Pants
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. Some people don't deserve to be parents because of the damage they would do to a kid, and some don't deserve to be parents because of the damage having a kid would do to them.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I'm selfish when it comes to my quiet time. I love being alone.

    anon , Jeswin Thomas Report

    Even though increasingly more people pass on the whole kid thing, there’s still a fair share of stigma in society surrounding this decision. Especially from people who see little ones as a crucial part of having a fulfilled family. They often find it hard to accept that not everyone is meant to have children, often making insensitive comments and insisting that childfree people will certainly someday change their minds. But just as some people have zero doubts about becoming moms and dads one day, others know parenthood just isn’t for them.


    To learn more about the pressures people without kids face, we reached out to Erin Spurling, a writer, editor, and founder of Curiously Childfree. She set up this safe space to build a supportive community where she can leave a mark, advocate for change, help people feel heard and connect with each other.

    "Everybody has their own reasons for choosing to be childfree," she told Bored Panda. "But based on myself and other childfree people (men and women) I have met, the recurring reasons seem to be simply no desire or pull towards parenthood and enjoying their life as it is; environmental concerns, health issues, and having experienced an unpleasant upbringing themselves."


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I think having children isn't something you do because you don't have a reason not to. I would have children if I had a really good reason to, and I don't. It's an important, life changing decision that involves an innocent person being brought into the world. I don't think I should do that just because might as well.

    DM_Rexy , cottonbro Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was the question we kept revisiting every few years: how would our lives and marriage improve if we had a kid? We could never, ever find any real ways that having a kid or kids would make our lives together any better, and would likely only make things worse and more stressful.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids They’re expensive, loud, time consuming, and don’t smell good.

    Plus I don’t feel like putting my body through a year of physical hell just to follow it up with 18 years of putting my goals and career to the side to make sure it doesn’t stick a fork in a socket or swallow a bee.

    thatbikerchick51 , Joe Green Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The physical aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum sounds like an absolute horror show to me. I was only pregnant for 6 weeks, but I was so sick I could hardly function. And that's before you push a watermelon out of your vagina and then can't pee normally for the rest of your life. So not for me.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Firstly, the world's a s***show.

    Second, there are enough kids in the world that need homes. If I wanted kids, I’d foster or adopt.

    Third, I grew up being bullied a LOT. Oddly, I used to get along with the parents of my bullies. It made me realise that, while how someone’s brought up can affect who they are, yes, a lot of people are shitty despite their parents. Also it made me realise how often kids lie about who they are to their parents, taking on personas to appease them to their face while being horrible to others behind their backs. I don’t want to bring another horrible person into the world.

    Not a universal experience, but it’s mine.

    But also, again, the world’s a s***show.

    UlyssesSStarlord , jamessutton_photography Report


    Erin pointed out that many more elements go into making this choice, "and often it is a combination of multiple reasons." The above-mentioned survey by Pew Research Center confirms this. It found there is no sole driving force behind Americans giving up on childbearing in droves. Less than half (43%) of respondents alluded to medical and financial factors behind their decision, as well as having no partner, their or their partner’s age, and the general state of the world right now.

    Interestingly, 56% of people said they do not want to have children because… they simply do not want to have children. The majority provided no particular reason behind their choice, something that would not have been socially acceptable a few decades ago. After all, in previous generations parenthood, especially for women, was a default path everyone had to take. But thankfully, more people now see it as an option that allows them to lead their lives the way they prefer.


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I never understood why so many want children. Life is a huge adventure without children . With children it’s a job for twenty years .

    Hotspur2018 , Oliver Sjöström Report

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    Pirates of Zen Pants
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like that BP's idea of a "huge adventure" is the gentleman in the swimming shorts. Mrrrowr, BP.

    Vinita Talaulikar
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is not a job of twenty years but lifetime. Some parents worry lifetime if that child is having addictions, some major illness, child not settled in a job or career, abandoned education and sponging on the parents for basic necessities. And to pass on DNA with health issues...

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly what I was going to say! Every good parent will spend a lifetime (hopefully their own) worrying about how their child is faring. Everyone has ups and downs throughout life whether it's physical, mental, emotional, financial, whatever. It's like anyone in your life you care about, but with the added dynamic of being their parent and all that entails.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why so.manyndown votes????? People who don't want kids should be applauded for having the intestinal fortitude to be honest. If only the breeders cod be as honest........

    B. Dahl
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because people who have kids are envious now of those who chose not to because they have free time and extra money and can make plans to do fun things with other adults.

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is one of our main reasons for not having kids. We have too much fun together, exploring! I'd rather have the experiences we've had -- seeing the greatest works of art and architecture, living in historic places, going to concerts, eating at some of the best restaurants in the world, exploring countries and learning about the world -- than kids, any day!

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't even feel like most people "want" kids, it's more that they consider it a thing they have to do/expect to do, not a choice that they can make for themselves.

    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly. Even just considering "Wait. I don't HAVE to have kids!" for the first time was a mindblowing realization. We gotta question those assumptions hard.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But one of the best ones for some of us. It's everyone for their own choices.

    L hill
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lifes a huge adventure, especially when its with a guy in the photo.

    David Gripon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do understand that point, but it was my most favorite job ever.

    Mike Loux
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude, if you're gonna throw away a perfectly good backpack like that, give it to me instead.

    Jan Medina
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a lifetime job. You have to be willing to watch your heart walk around outside your body for the rest of your life. You may want to consider a vasectomy.

    Shauna Voigt
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a lifetime job. I don't quit being a parent because my kids become adults.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or more in this financial climate. My friend's kid is going to be living with her until he's 47, I swear.

    Hubert Martin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, raising someone who doesn't understand why they were born and thus views the world as their personal playground. I never understood why childless couples didn't view their actions as longterm suicide? This world is too big for one lifetime. Go ahead, visit 200 countries. You'll never be anywhere.

    kit kat
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's funny reading these comments. People think it's an either or situation. Like, life doesn't stop just because you start a family. You still go on adventures, vacations, fancy restaurants etc having kids doesn't stop that lol

    Sarah McBride
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, we just got finished taking our 3 and 6 year old on a flight to go adventure in some cool places. We all had a blast and it's so satisfying to see their wide eyes and amazement and to see how much they learn.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Parenting isn’t a job if you do it correctly. Yes mistakes will be made, yes there will be tough times but watching the growth, maturity and life experience that evolves before your very eyes is mind-blowing. And if you do it right, your kid might experience some of that too.

    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd rather have the mind-blowing growth and experience that came from my education, travel, and taking care of my mental health. I don't need to bring kids into the world in order to grow.

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    Pascale Radi
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    2 years ago

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    It’s a huge adventure with children too. People that don’t have children don’t know what it’s like, 🤐 your mouths.

    Felisae Moon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, I would rather decide that having children is a bad idea before having children.

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    2 years ago

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    Your parents should've think the same way

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I have zero desire or instinct to be a mom.
    Life is enough work without kids. With kids looks straight up awful. I don't know any parents that make having kids look attractive.

    alieninhumanskin10 , cottonbro Report

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    Linda Santiago
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least these people recognize and make the conscious and mature decision not to have kids. So many people have kids that shouldn't. This is definetly the responsible course to tale.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Why not?
    This is just like asking why someone doesn't want a dog. They dont want to.

    anon , mslavick Report

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    Kyrsten Torrey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I completely agree. There doesnt need to be a reason, and we certainly don't have to disclose the reason to anyone!

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    There’s still a lot of resistance, however. "I think the stigma stems from many people still being raised in cultures where life is expected to follow a particular pattern e.g. education > job > house purchase > marriage > children > retirement > grandchildren," Erin said.

    "Likewise, there is still an attitude of a life, particularly a woman’s life, having little meaning or worth without children in it. Fulfillment can take on many forms though, and purpose can come from so many aspects of life, not just children," she added.


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I refuse to f**k up a child as badly as my parents f****d me up, and I don't think I could cope with being responsible for an infant or a toddler. Also, my genes aren't worth passing on.

    darthfruitbasket , Maria Eduarda Loura Magalhães Report


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Because I would rather enjoy life.

    DravenPrime , Peter Conlan Report


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Having kids isn’t for everyone. We need to get rid of this idea that ‘having kids is the norm’ or ‘what adults do like get a job, buy a house and have a family.’

    I don’t feel that we’re on earth to tick boxes. It’s about living what is true for our own evolution as a human being, a spirit in incarnation. So whatever that may look like, wether it’s having a family of 6 children (me being one of such off-spring) or if it’s buying a clapped out old farm and turning it into a dog rescue place then do that.

    Jinobin , apsprudente Report

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    Phoebe Bean
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Childless here. Having a child or not is a very personal decision and it should be respected because it´s nobody´s business but our own. Sometimes motherhood or fatherhood is not in you. People are so easy to judge others just because they do not conform to their own "reproductive" views. You don´t know if others are sterile or have a medical condition that prevents them to get pregnant. Financial and psychological/emotional reasons are serious ones and should be taken into consideration as well. Being childless does not make one selfish, cruel or a second-class citizen. (I had a very happy childhood with awesome parents, in case you are wondering.) So, please respect our life´s choices.

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    The good news is that a turn regarding these attitudes in society is becoming more evident, and Erin herself has noticed a slow but steady change during her lifetime. "When I first voiced that I didn’t want to have children, there was a lot of very harsh judgment, right up to five or six years ago. But in the last few years, that certainly hasn’t seemed quite so harsh. There is still a long way to go but hopefully, in time, it will become more accepted as more people start to view children as a choice rather than an obligation or expectancy."


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I have no desire to raise a child, or care for one, or be responsible for one. I am lazy, I can take care of myself just fine, but the extra work to raise a child for something I don't want isn't worth it. I want financial freedom, freedom to make spontaneous decisions, children wouldn't allow for that

    haircatmoon , Boxed Water Is Better Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed. Not everyone should have kids. I see people everyday who have kids who shouldn’t have. If you know deep down that you’ll be a miserable parent, don’t dip the stick. Better you have the freedom to daydream that you can jet off to Paris for weekend than the reality of changing some screaming Eraserhead Baby on a Walmart bathroom change table at 1am.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Pregnancy seems difficult, birth seems even harder and if that weren’t enough kids are expensive as s**t. Last reason is that I don’t want children to be in this f****d up world

    ChilxTheGreat Report

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    Who Panda 420
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My BFF likes to say that having a kid is like buying a Lamborghini that you can't drive. In other words you spend enough in a child's life to at least buy a Lamborghini.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I am physically disabled with a genetic circulation condition. I don't want to pass my condition onto others, and the physical aspects of raising children would be too much strain on me.

    odysseyshot , Honza Soukup Report

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    Who Panda 420
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is me too I have fibromyalgia, bad anxiety, depression and circular vomiting syndrome. I'm being pressured to have a kid because I'm running out of time on my biological clock. But I know I have enough trouble taking care of myself when I'm sick let alone a kid. I don't want to pass on these issues to the child and I don't want that child to have to suffer because I'm not feeling well.

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    Foregoing parenthood is a measured and thought-out decision, regardless of what society tells you. "I always say that for me, the initial choice was more of a gut instinct, I’ve just never had any desire to be a parent," Erin revealed. "But as I’ve got older and experienced more of life, many other factors have come into play to solidify that decision. I’m more self-aware and know my personal limitations; I would want to be able to provide certain things without strain financially; the current environmental crisis; and not having a local support network — all our family and friends are quite spread out."


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Too much responsibility.

    I much rather be a fun uncle/older cousin than a parent

    ReluctantlySocialGuy , derekowensheart Report


    Have you seen the state of the world lately? Global warming, peak oil is happening, water shortage, micro plastics are in our food and body. In short have you seen Mad Max? I don’t want to subject a new person to any of those never mind all of them.
    Edit: also a good amount of animals are going extinct, imagine having to explain what a rhinoceros or an elephant is when your kid sees one in a movie or something. Imagine having a child and by the time they’re 21 a lot of fish have been overfished to near extinction. The world sucks.

    flaming_steel_kick Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention the political Development. USA developing into a fascist state, russia invading other countries after long peace time in europe. Drastically increasing prices for living in europe.. The world is turning to s**t at the moment. Nuclear war used as a threat..

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    How much time ya got?

    I've spent most of my life living for other people's dreams. I finally have some financial independence and the ability to pursue my own ideas. Why would I give that up to serve another person for two decades?

    The world does not need more people. The carbon footprint of bringing a human into this world is enormous.

    Kids are f*****g expensive. I can't afford to do it right.

    I deal with depression and frankly don't know that I would be an excellent parent. I don't like to do things if I don't think I can excel at them, especially not something as serious as raising another human. My folks f****d me up because despite being amazing people they had no clue how to be parents. I don't want to do the same.

    My partner and I are perfectly happy with two dogs and a cat.

    I don't like most people because they are generally selfish, shortsighted, and shitty. Kids are just this to the maximum. I fear I would dislike my kids on top of resenting them.

    Having kids is extremely narcissistic. It's a desire to see yourself remade and perpetuate your impact on the world beyond your death. To do so despite what it costs the world is ultimately selfish.

    The world doesn't need more humans.

    Humans are a cancer on the natural world.

    The World. Doesn't. Need. More. Humans.

    I reiterate this last bit because the drive to reproduce manifests everywhere in human culture. Religion, mother-worship, &c. It's so deep in us that I feel like people need to hear it multiple times to actually understand: the world does not need more humans.

    huggybear0132 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seriously. Having kids is incredibly selfish. Every reason I hear is rooted in selfishness. Furthermore, with my issues w anxiety and depression, anything to do with pregnancy hormones + raising a kid or kids = disaster. I'd never be able to function for the rest of my life, I'd be too worried about all the horrible things that could go wrong with them.

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    The creator of Curiously Childfree noted people’s reluctance or inability to wrap their heads around this decision partly stems from the culture that still places enormous emphasis on fixed life patterns, and children bringing meaning to life. "But on top of that, I think some people’s desire to become a parent is so strong, that they can’t fathom why anyone wouldn’t want to do it."

    "It's often suggested that those who choose to not have children are selfish but I don’t think that’s true," Erin continued. "Most of us consider whether we would be good parents and/or could provide the life we believe the child deserves, and if we can’t, then we don’t become parents. We are considering the implications for that unborn child, who may not get everything they need from us, for whatever reason/s."


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Expensive, plus being a teacher I have seen enough and don't want to come home to dealing with more kids.

    anon , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My friend love kids and since she was a teen she was on and on about how she wanted at least 3 kids someday so she'd have to work hard and save etc. She went to become a primary teacher so she could be surrounded by kids. One year into TA and she decided she didn't want kids ever as she's seen just how much work they are (that was over 30 years ago and she still doesn't want kids, she's a secondary teacher now!)

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids The question is always "why don't people want to have children?" when it should be "why do they want it?"

    Not wanting children doesn't change anyone's life, while having them is a huge responsibility and most people don't even think it through. Are you ready to put another human being first for at least 18 years? Are you ready to work HARD to make sure the child will grow up healthy, happy and adjusted? Because it's a lot of work, and every child has different needs. What if your child is different than you expected, are you ready to completely love them , to change your approach to parenthood to make sure it works with them?

    It's like getting a dog: if you are getting one, you need to think about it first, do you have the space, the time, etc? Why is it different with kids? People who want children should ask themselves if they actually want to do the work or if they only want kids because society says they should.

    lucyvgu , kelli_mcclintock Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is kinda the conversation I had with my SO. Turns out she wanted kids, because, "you know, that's the norm! You are expected to have kids, parents and especially grandparents constantly remind you that they are looking forward to their grandkids". Then we started listing the responsibilities, the tasks, what to expect, from conception to birth (changes in body, mood, health, work, free time/vacations, child-proofing), birth to kindergarten (sleepless nights, healing body, breastfeeding, monitoring child's health/behavior, less or adapted traveling [Edit: had to add "A LOT of poop/urine removal" to this list...]), kindergarten to puberty (bullying/being bullied, homework, body changes, mood swings, boy/girlfriends), just to mention a few things we discussed. We also looked at the possible costs in each stage. After a few days she let me know that she thinks she wants to hold off having kids for a few more years. She wants to enjoy life a bit first, while she evaluates her position on having kids.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Many reasons:
    - i like being alone
    - i value more than anything my personal/lonely time
    - i don't want or need to significantly change my life. It took me 35 years to feel confortable
    - i'm not close to finish travelling the world whenever i want
    - i'm not rich and don't want to spent my extra money on raising a child
    - i find a dog more cute than a baby or a child
    - i don't like noise and scream
    - i don't think it's necessary to repopulate this world
    - i don't feel the need to have someone with my blood
    - i don't feel the need to pass on a legacy as i don't have anything particular
    - i don't feel the urgency to have someone taking care of me when i'll be old and honestly i find it a little bit selfish
    - i seriously lack of self confidence and i don't want to raise a slobby shy child
    - i feel pretty childish in my head and need "to go back" to that spirit.

    Branquignol , B h A v i k S u T h a r Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "i don't feel the need to have someone with my blood" and" i don't feel the need to pass on a legacy". These are the two reasons I heard the most for why I should be children! "To preserve your bloodline abs to pass on your legacy!" Well, fortunately, my SO and I have siblings and siblings-in-law go already have children, so no need to worry about the bloodline. My legacy? I'm here to live life to the fullest possible... How's that for legacy?!

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    Apart from the social stigma that inevitably comes when one decides to opt out of parenthood, there’s also the pressure from friends and family members who consistently ask to reconsider. According to Erin, lots of parents have hopes of having grandchildren one day, so the pressure can often come from them. Moreover, having kids is emphasized within certain cultures and religions too, so that becomes an added strain. "Once siblings and friends start having them, then questions often begin," she said.

    "I’m due to get married next month, and although my fiancé and I have always been very open with family and friends about not wanting to have children, I am still fully expecting questions to start after the wedding, on the assumption that being married might change our minds."


    Because I love being alone, I love silence, I love being relaxed, I love having time for myself, I love spoiling myself, I love that nobody’s life depends on me. I’d rather have a dog than a child. Dogs are better than humans.

    Remarkable_Language8 Report

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    Deborah B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dogs give you unconditional love, are less work, and mostly don't talk. I see the benefits, but I went with a cat. Pros: daily walks not required, purring, Cons: cats will judge you. Mine disapproves of visitors staying more than an hour.

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    Dude, I can barely take care of *me*.

    anon Report


    To start with, they're super expensive, and my husband and I can barely pay our bills each month. Secondly, US maternity and paternity leave is a joke, not to mention our s**t medical/insurance situation and Republicans trying to make it illegal to terminate ectopic pregnancies (or any pregnancy). Thirdly, climate change and rejection of any effort to curb it doesn't exactly inspire me to produce a kid. Fourthly, the rise of Nazism, conspiracy theorists (Q and antivaxxers, for instance), white supremacy, and nationalists who seem to live for violence does not inspire confidence in a rosy future. Fifthly, I'm not eager to deal with another person's bodily fluids on the regular.

    TimmyIV Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad I dont even live in the US. I wouldnt want kids there.

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    Needless to say, it can be very annoying when others continually ask personal questions instead of minding their own business and respecting our choices. Erin explained that these behaviors can create a sense that people (family or not) think we don’t know our own minds. "[This] is very frustrating, especially as nobody would question us if we did want to have them, despite the huge, life-altering implications of having a child. Very few people ask those who want to be parents, whether they are completely sure — it’s just accepted and celebrated."


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I can't care for myself when i'm down, so how can i care for a child?

    BeeAdorable7871 , adroman Report

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    Lori w
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have had anxiety and depression for over 20 years. No kids. It baffles me how people will say how horrible their mental illness is and then willingly have a bunch of kids, who are very likely to have both a genetic and environmental probability for mental illness. I've spent everyday wishing I was dead, there's no way in hell I'd ever willingly bring a child into the world with the same illness. I had good parents, but my brain is just not wired correctly. Kudos to you. I hope you find your way through the darkness ❤️

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    Many people would tell me that I'm still too young to know, but here are some reasons:

    1. I am really afraid of vomit. Morning sickness and puking children sounds like something outta a horror movie to me.

    2. The process of birth is super painful and absolutely terrifying.

    3. I don't want to ruin my body after birth. I see how unhappy my mom is with her body (after three kids) and that makes me so sad and discourages me from wanting kids.

    4. Sleepless nights

    5. My dream career is super busy and highly demanding. If I ever suceed in that field, I don't know if I will have time for kids.

    6. I've seen how bratty some kids are. No thanks.

    7. Kids are very f*****g expensive to take care for. I've seen so many people who are financially not in the place to have more than one kids. Somehow they have multiple kids and are struggling so much.

    8. Kids crying p**s me off beyond belief. Like, to the point, that I wanna smack them in the face and yell "SHUT UP!" That's not something a mom should think.

    9. Seeing bratty kids get owned gives me seratonin.

    I am well aware that this mindset could change, and I have absolutely nothing against people who decide to have kids, but so far I am worrying about school and my future and kids terrify me. I may consider adopting an older kid in the future when I'm the right age, graduated everything I need (if I do) and have some kind of stable career.

    If you wanna have kids - have kids, but I'm not exited for upcomming questions from my relatives when I'm older: "When will you give us grandchildren? Are you still single? When will you have kids?" Ugh.

    P. S. I'm also bisexual female, so, more life choices for my relatives to judge me on :)

    curly_bi_biatch Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I'm still too young to know"...You've listed 9 conclusions for you and each of these required thought and consideration to reach. You even capped it off by acknowledging that any or all conclusions may change. No, you're not too young to know. Far too many adults just like to pretend that they know all and kids are stupid so that they can maintain the upper hand in the power struggle of their making.

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    If you feel like you have to defend your "selfish" childfree lifestyle and struggle with countless comments and questions from others, Erin had a few pieces of advice to share. "Be safe in the knowledge that nobody knows you like you do. Friends and family might want you to have children but only you know what is truly right for you. Acknowledge that you might regret it, because you might, in the same way you could regret literally any decision you make in life — none of us can predict the future."

    "You have to make a decision based on what you know and feel right now, and fear of missing out or someone else’s opinion are never good enough reasons to have a child. Also, don’t feel that you always have to justify your choice (I used to feel like this) — 'I don’t want to have children' is a complete sentence. It doesn’t have to be, 'I don’t want children because of X, Y and Z,'" Erin concluded.


    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Known since middle school.

    Didn't have a cheery upbringing. Lot of friends growing up didn't either. I spent a lot of my childhood being mad about my circumstances in life, and the circumstances of others and fighting (sometimes literally) for them. I got to see how others were raised. I got to see all the little broken ways they developed. I hated it. Life was too precious and too great to risk it crashing down due to someone "trying their best" when their best just flat out isn't enough for a kid. I feared I'd never be able to do that. For me or anyone. It made me very avoidant of relationships too. I was everybody's friend, nobody's best friend. Attachments made me anxious. They still do. Cause after all, I'm as broken as all the people I tried to protect and fix.

    That's why I don't want kids. That's why I never want to raise kids. I know perfect shouldn't be the enemy of good, but I feel like even good isn't achievable in this world, by me. Not now, and likely never. My failings shouldn't be the failings of my offspring, much as my parents' failings shaped the failings I have today still.

    guizemen , Kasia Report

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    Abby F
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow. I hope you see you are worth more than what you’re parents made you feel you ought to be smh. I realize now at thirty how much of an impact my childhood has had on me and my relationships. I had a destroyed childhood and I have destroyed all the relationships I have been in. Time for me to sit back and grow and have self love. You have to tell yourself you’re worth it and your beautiful and if you don’t feel like you are cry and say I AM !!

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I don't want to destroy my body and be treated as an incubator and lose my identity as a person. Pregnancy seems to give all of society the right to judge and demand behaviour of women with no inclination to actually help them. I have a friend whose organs fall out if her bowel movement is too hard and the surgery to fix it is "elective".

    The horror birthing stories I've had to listen to has been enough to validate my decision.

    booksandchampagne , the_heaven_girl Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The "lose my identity as a person" was a huge thing for me, too. I don't want to be "a mom!!" or "Mommy!" or "___' and ___'s Mom!" as my primary identity. Or even secondary. But if a woman has kids, she is rarely seen as anything but "a mom!" and if you even HINT that that's not a satisfactory identity, then whoooo, cue the insults.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Self-awareness. I am the one to end the family curse of anger, violence, betrayal and gaslighting. I am not going to put my future children in that situation. Also, cancer, diabetes and bad cholesterol run in the family.

    I am good with my pets. Cats and dogs. I love them and they give me the love I need in my life to function in this world and actually live a peaceful and purposeful life. I have friends who can't and do not want children as well so I am in the right crowd and dont feel like I am missing out on something.

    summertimepeace , Ben White Report

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    Lady Goldberry
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good introspection here. My siblings and I are ending the cycle of abuse and nastiness that occurred within the last few generations of family by treating our children as human beings with minds of their own, as opposed to pawns in a game.

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    We're overpopulated and destroying this world. There are plenty of children who already exist and who are suffering. Things like jobs are limited, if I bring a child into the world as I'm in a fairly good economic position, I'd like to give that child everything I can, that child would have an almost guaranteed place in a good university and would only make things harder for the ones who already have it worse. That child would become part of the problem (and you could say "ok, but you can teach that child about inequality, etc." but that child has no reason to be interested on the topic or to listen to me).

    Children don't need to be born. As they don't exist, they need nothing. Bringing them into the world would make them have needs. Needs bring suffering, suffering is part of existing, as dying or seeing the ones you love die also is.

    I can't guarantee that my children would be born healthy, or would remain healthy during their lives. Many things can happen over which you've got no control, and you won't always be able to solve their problems. Your child can be raped, your child can rape someone else, etc.

    I understand that my children could be people with very different interests from mine or have a totally different personality. We could not get along, I could cause trauma to them, etc. I've got no reason to think I'd be a particularly good parent, and I think most people suck at parenting.

    I also think that we humans have a tendency to be unhappy, to focus on what's missing. I don't think I know many happy people, so it seems unlikely to me that they would be happy as adults anyway.

    Then comes money, giving birth, sleepless nights, etc, etc.

    needtogetcreative Report


    I want to spend my *entire* life doing things for myself and focusing on my own happiness. I have career goals that would be hindered by childcare. The expenses of children are not worth it. I also have a genetic movement disorder that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

    Most importantly, I would resent motherhood. It wouldn't be fair on the child. Kids deserve to feel wanted, and I wouldn't be able to provide that.

    Delicious-Carpet-3 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed. I wanted a PhD, not children. Made the right choice. (ETA: Downvoting this only makes this post's point, you know.)

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Pregnancy is so gross to me

    CompetitiveVanilla14 , Anna Hecker Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got hit with all of the "pregnancy is so beautiful, being a mom is the best, hardest job a woman can do!" propaganda all my life. Thankfully, I found out about a lot of the other stuff--PPD/PPP, the "green show," growing more hair and your feet getting bigger, gestational diabetes--before I fell for the b.s.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids Have you looked out the window lately? Why would I actively help someone's life be miserable?

    DickieGreenleaf84 , lazywhiskey Report


    I just don’t want f*****g kids man.. nothing about them seems pleasant. Loud, ignorant, “my mommy says I can eat chips like that”, beating up my stuff, “watch me” and then do some dumb a*s s**t. Nah man, kids aren’t for me.

    Runs into a wall and screams uncontrollably, they’re f*****g expensive, have to share every f*****g thing because they don’t understand boundaries, having to teach them what a boundary is, being seen as a bad parent because my kid is crying, being seen as a bad parent because my kid gets what he wants, can’t have quiet time, parental problems, child support, disappointing them in the future, having to think not only for yourself but for them too, running around doing things because you have too, not being able to just walk away, no spontaneous plans allowed, can’t sleep, s**t diapers and s**t toys that cost 100+ and either breaks or they don’t care enough to play with them, school funding, can’t invest, can’t have your favourite food because they’ll beg and cry if you don’t give ‘em any, formula is expensive asf. Please do I need to go on?

    krookedkaptain420 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They just relentlessly take over every element of your lives. Can't do it.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I don't wanna bring kids into this f****d up a*s world

    hundredjono , Michał Parzuchowski Report

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    Pirates of Zen Pants
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can imagine all kinds of worlds I'd be willing to bring a kid into. This isn't one of them. My three best friends have kids, and I respect that, but they are much more optimistic.


    Well for starters I don’t like kids. I don’t like sticky hands. I don’t like messes. I don’t like having to assure there’s no monsters under the bed or explain why it’s important to wash your hands. I don’t want to have to do any of that.

    Second, it’s just a financial nightmare, especially currently. I can’t even afford to buy a house, I sure as f**k can’t afford to provide for a tiny human! Hell, I can barely afford to provide for myself.

    Third, my mom has rheumatoid arthritis. I have been her caregiver since I was a teenager. My dad worked late hours to provide for us. He died of cancer when I was 21. Since then it’s been me looking after her, while getting through school and pursuing my own life goals. I gave up my adolescence being someone’s caretaker. I don’t want to give up my middle age to the same thing.

    Fourth, look at the planet. Not the people, not the governments, not the war, not any of that mess. Look. At. The Planet. Rising temperatures, dwindling resources, increasingly volatile weather patterns. This generation is the last one to enjoy a world that is anything like the one of our past. Future generations have a mess of environmental issues to contend with, and I don’t wish it on anyone.

    I would feel horribly guilty bringing a child into this world knowing the nightmare of environmental fuckery that’s going to be just reaching its stride when I check out.

    Finally, and most importantly, I don’t want to dedicate my life to raising someone else! I want financial and physical freedom. I don’t want to have to find a babysitter, or hire a nanny, or pay for school! I want to be able to go on a weekend getaway on a whim. I like being able to buy myself a goodie or treat here and there without worrying about paying for junior’s daycare. Most important of all, I want to be able to come home and do whatever the hell I want to do, not help a kid with homework, and bedtime, and all that stuff.

    The5Virtues Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I don’t want to dedicate my life to raising someone else!" needs to be in giant neon letters. I had too much work re-raising myself.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids I can tell my partner I love her more than anyone else in the world and actually mean it.

    Chrisnolliedelves , huuduong Report


    People say it changes your life. My life is awesome and I don't want it changing. I'm 40, never married and me and my girlfriend do what we want, when we want.
    Why would we give this up to change shitty nappies, halve the amount of hours we sleep, lose our social life and spend all our money on kids? Mental.

    i_like_flies_ Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No reason to bring unwanted children into this world. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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    I don't want them to suffer

    Responsible-Page-344 Report


    They s**t themselves. They drink too much milk and puke cottage cheese. Annoying most of the time. Can't talk right for like 2-3 years, then they don't make sense for the next 15-20. Expensive as f**k. There is a chance they hate you and kill you in your sleep.

    I'd rather be an uncle and call it a day.

    ASneakyKat Report


    Im an older sister to many, I feel like ive already been a mother, i want to enjoy life, not cater to someone else’s needs. Im sure it will change but right now I’m very uninterested in birthing a tiny human and having to raise it

    samjones83 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She's a SIBLING not a parent and has every right to feel this way.

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    My sister had a baby with her boyfriend while she was still living at home and I wanted to kill myself from the baby’s constant crying at every hour of the day. No way in hell I would purposely put myself through that again. People with more than one kid are psychos.

    zeroj20 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you think you want to have a kid, spend a good chunk of time around them, for months, even years, if you can. Working in kid-centric retail jobs and dealing with kids (and their parents) for hours a day is one of the things that first made me go "Wait. I actually HATE this. I hate everything about it! I don't want kids!"

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    People who do want children, have you ever had to be near a child for more than an hour.

    Cybermage99 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I raised my siblings, baby sat, and the nannied for a decade so yes and I wanted lots of kids. I support being child free and have never and would never push having children on someone. I never even ask people because I operate under the assumption that people don't want kids.

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    I like my own personal space.

    NotYourAverage666 Report

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    Upper Enchilada
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, yeah. I have a toddler. I don’t even bother closing the door when I poop.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids They're expensive and I want to live my life without having to worry about them constantly.

    BugBoy_760 , Markus Spiske Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    100% So many people try to argue these points with me, about how we could afford it if we moved to ____ or stopped ____. No. I don't want to move to ___ and not ___. That's literally the point.

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    haven't conquered my inner demons yet...

    I don't want them to inherit my inner demons

    Jimboynoob Report


    In this economy?

    uzakichu Report


    I can't imagine how gross it must be to be pregnant and to plop a child out..
    I hate my body the way it is - why should I make it worse?

    The responsibility for myself is way too much.
    And I really love alone time.
    I am happy about all the time I get when my bf is not at home.
    I like to be free and spontaneous. Go to festivals and stuff like that.
    With a child I would have 10-20 years no privacy and all my schedules have to be around the child...

    I hate children. I don't like when they look at me and especially when they wanna talk to me. I always try to ignore them and hope their parent gets them soon.
    I love my grandma but when her neighbor hat a baby and was often at my grandma I stopped visiting her because I would not want to see a child...

    How could one financiate that? One has to slow down work, the career takes a massive step back and you need to buy so much stuff for it. Let alone a bigger flat and vacations are only possible in holidays and no one can pay for that.

    And it is bad for the environment and the world.

    Xula_R Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The 'no privacy" thing is a huge one for me. I don't think it's cute when you can't even go to the bathroom without being nattered at by a kid. To me, that = massive anxiety spiral.

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    -see how your partner and you mix
    -naming it
    -dressing it up

    -money drain
    -stress faucet
    -climate change
    -pressure to not f***k over the kid
    -giving birth (i could go on a whole rant about that but let’s not)
    -potential strain on relationship with s/o
    -some people shouldn’t be allowed to be parents, i am one of those people
    -daily expenses/upkeep
    -special expenses (christmas, birthday, etc)
    -too much responsibility
    -forced to grow up/be mature/a role model
    -fluids from child (spit up, vomit, feces, urine, blood, etc)
    -potential problems with health and to be responsible/parent them
    -children being brats
    -birds and bees talk
    -stubborn, horrible, insufferable children defying you
    -being cucked by your own horrid creation (possibility your son becomes a misogynistic, racist incel or frat bro, possibility your daughter is too naïve and stupidly thinks it’s a good idea to get groomed)
    -maid them/clean after them
    -listen to things you don’t want to listen to
    -loud, noisy

    basically if i had to raise myself, i wouldn’t.

    threadersam Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow… victim blaming much? It isn’t anyones fault if they get groomed. And it isn’t a choice either. The blame lies only with the groomer.

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    I basically never felt that I wanted children.

    obsoulete Report

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    I haven’t found a non-selfish feeling reason to have one. Even if all the time and resources were available, it just seems so inconsiderate. People just want little helpers, people to guide them into old age, something to show off, a better version of themselves, a re-do. Seems like the most innocent reason, is to give someone a better life than yours, but even then that smells fishy to me for most character types. Most people won’t admit it but so many kids are the product of feeble grasps at dying relationships. My least favorite is the whole “I need to carry on the family legacy, or name, or bloodline” or whatever. That’s so creepy and vein. Like what gets into those kind of people, that think that they’re genetics are a gift to society, that they “should be here” rather than “could be gone”. It’s gross.
    That life can really go in any direction, no matter the control you think you have over it, and you don’t have to live that life, some poor kid you decided to create does.

    anon Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The reasons I kept hearing were all deeply selfish. My family is mostly Mormon, and I'm the only one in at least 3 generations that didn't get married and/or start having kids as a teenager. So all I heard were things like "When you love your husband, you want to give him his baby!" "Now I'll have someone here who will always love me!" "Don't you want to carry on your family name?" "How can you be so selfish?!" Sorry, but the idea that having kids is "selfless" is one of the biggest lies our society promoted. You may have to act selflessly as a parent sometimes, but everything about bringing kids into the world is profoundly self-centered.

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    The last thing this world needs is another me

    Exactly_Sandwich Report

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    I never wanted children. Even when I was a kid myself I never wanted to “be mom” to my dolls if that makes sense.
    I don’t want something growing in me, making me sick, having to birth that, destroy my body, be exhausted, give up my alone time for the next 20 years or so etc.
    They’re expensive AF.
    Also I don’t think I’m capable of raising it right, it seems so hard to create a little human and make it decent adult. So many ways to mess that up.
    Also today’s world seems crazy and really awful for people. Don’t want my nonexistent child living and having to deal with that.
    (English is not my first language.)

    Fluffy__bee Report

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    1. I don't like kids
    2. I care more about myself than anyone else
    3. I don't like being tied down to anything and having my quiet time
    4. Unnecessary commitment, drain on time and resources
    5. Pregnancy messes up the body even after birth
    6. and many more :)

    Ristique Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1. I like travel and spontaneous adventures. 2. I like peace and quiet. 3. I don't like children at all and have no desire to be around them. 4. I'm selfish and care more about myself than anyone else. 5. Being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. 6. Sleep 7. Disposable income 8. WAY too many $&#@ing people on this planet already. 9. Reproduction grosses/creeps me out 10. I don't have some egotistical need to create a copy of myself. Yeah, I'm glad that as a gay person I will never have to worry about accidental pregnancies!

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    Kids are like annoying little drunk people you can't punch who s**t all over themselfs and drain your wallet.... whats the upside?

    Starman388 Report


    In this economy?? Hell no.

    Also I don't think I quite have the patience nor the behavior for a child. Ive babysat before, and its fine but children need so much and you need to keep yourself composed in situations where you both want to freak out. I'm perfectly fine being a big sister, big cousin, an aunt some day. I've got a big family with lots of kiddies that I adore, and that's enough c:

    Argentum1909 Report

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    My life is already ruined that I have to work 5 days a week. Why would I want to ruin my weekends too?

    evilmonkey9361 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter never ruins my weekends. What ruins my weekends is when I have other responsibilities that lessens my time with her.

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    50 People Reveal What Made Them Decide To Never Have Kids People who do want children, why?

    Wanting to reproduce is driven by instinct. Allowing yourself to be driven by instinct is to forego what makes humans unique. It's also what makes people want to murder, rape, and steal.

    I hold myself to a higher standard than that. I can't see a single compelling non-emotional(instinctual) reason to have kids, so I'm not going to.

    firebat45 , Tyler Nix Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fortunately I have no emotional proclivity to steal, murder, or rape. But I'll go ahead and allow you to feel superior to me because I love kids. I also think it is pretty cool that humans feel emotions like love, compassion, empathy, charity, etc. But I guess my standards and the way I perceive what is special about the human experience is just not up to snuff.

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    My family's bloodline doesn't end with me. Just a specific single solitary branch that wasn't meant to be to begin with.

    I've given up on trying to find love or anything like that, and I'm content to just live my life on my own now. =)

    44 years going strong....!

    mdkubit Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same. I am 40 and barely found myself and just want my peace.

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    They're gross. They're expensive. They're time consuming. They'll wreck my body (if I had biological ones). I'll never get alone time. It's a dangerous world today. Many reasons.

    astronerdia Report


    Because this world is not a place to bring someone into. Because I suffer from mental illnesses and other things I wouldn’t want to pass on. Because it’s expensive. Because I enjoy sleep and my free time. Because I want to travel, see the world and a kid would ruin that. Because it’s a serious and life changing commitment. Because I know parents who seem absolutely miserable and no longer have an identity outside of their children. Shall I go on?

    WafflezXBL Report

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    They grow up and tell you what you did wrong.

    badbarn85 Report

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    There are already more than enough people on this planet.

    Alternative-Rain-718 Report

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    My mother sold me as a sex slave when I was 13. She also left me with drug dealers when I was 7 and also allowed me to be sexually molested. My father decided I was too much of a "queer" and traded me in for a better son who fit his personality better.

    Probably not the best candidate for raising children.

    meaton124 Report


    People who do, why?

    Never wanted kids, and have never regretted the choice (50s now). Didn’t have to deal with the expenses, where to live dictated by school system, etc. Also wasn’t so self-infatuated with my genes that I thought having kids was a gift to humanity.

    And given the times we’re in? Feel like I hit the lottery by not bringing people into this shitstorm.

    Sofarbeyondfucked Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We keep looking at each other with each knew f**k up in America, and going "I am SO glad we don't have kids!" Hearing our friends have to explain Trump to their children was grim.


    They're expensive, always sticky, can't use the toilet for 3ish years, and you can't understand a word they say until they're about 5. I have several genetic mental health conditions that don't need to be passed on. Oh, and the world is on fire. I also love my freedom, quiet and money.

    Elegante0226 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just the thought of diapers and toilet training is a no for me. And that's before we get into puke, snot, and general grossness.

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    Don't want to damage my body. Haven't found a man who would be a good father to our kids. Toxic family, background. Dealing with anger issues, depression, suicidal thoughts, effects of misogyny and patriarchy, low confidence and self worth.
    I would like to adopt if I ever recover but I don't see myself surviving that long.

    NeighborhoodEnough15 Report

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    1 too poor

    2 no one to have the sex with

    3 would rather not do it than do it wrong

    4 poor genetics

    5 foster

    Miserable-Fox-4205 Report


    Cause they won't wag their tail on seeing me

    CryptoNoob2077 Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is my argument for why we have cats, not kids. Cats purr, give you love-blinks and head-butts, and bury their own poo. They also aren't going to scream "MOMMY, DADDY HAS A PENIS AND YOU HAVE A VAGINA" in the middle of the grocery store, either.

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    I'm mentally ill and can give it to my children

    cretindesalpes Report

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    Noisy , noisy and noisy

    Treeoflifetheory Report

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    I’m not a very healthy person. Physically or mentally. Intergenerational trauma is also a big thing in my family so I don’t want to pass that along.

    canijustbelancelot Report

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    Cant justify bringing a life into existence who will have to deal with massive climatological disasters due to capitalism

    Romarium Report

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    Money. S**t costs too much to bring up α child/children

    IkeaIsLegendary Report

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    Mrs. Jan Glass
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even just having an uncomplicated birth is too goddamned expensive in America. And what if something goes wrong? Yay, starting your family in medical debt is awesome! USA! USA!


    Don’t want to bring another life into our messed up society, it’s not fair on them.
    Also I can’t guarantee that I would put a lot of pressure on them to turn out a certain way. I like to think I’d be a very chill parent and not want my child to do things conventionally but at the same time I would want them to be very well educated and respectful… Going from my childhood it can be so suffocating and damaging to put a lot of pressures and ideologies onto your child, and I can’t guarantee I wouldn’t do that.

    Background-List-8454 Report

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    I'd be a terrible father. I like to relax and do whatever the hell I want when I get home. Taking care of a small child is one thing I would definitely not want to do after a long day of work. Yes, I am selfish, in this instance.

    Plus, I like my money. Kids are expensive af, and saving money that I can then spend on going to see my family or going on vacations or just doing whatever the hell I want is something I don't want to change any time soon.

    DesertOps4 Report

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    Eat Dirt Crow
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are some days I get home from work and pass out after taking off my boots. How would you tell your child that daddy can't play right now, he's too tired from work? And tell mom that you don't have any energy left to help parent? That's not fair for either them or me.


    I don't want to waste time taking care of another person until they are capable of doing things on their own. I've wasted so much time worrying about what others would think/do and not living at the present moment that I want that time to be invested in myself.

    alakazuela Report

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    You could get a yacht, or send a kid to college and pay for at least 18 years worth of food, clothes, and toys… hard choice right?

    Extension-Fox2081 Report


    I don't like children.

    Also, children require the consent of another person to create.

    Obsidian_Veil Report

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    Can't handle them and I don't think I'll be a good dad in general. Also I don't want my child to suffer in this world

    Independent_Boot4326 Report

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    They are burden

    anon Report

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    I like spending my energy and money on myself

    anon Report

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    I don't necessarily have a solid answer, broadly speaking I can say I have just never 'wanted' to have children. There may have been a couple of times in my late teens early 20s that I thought I might want a family, but I don't think that intrinsically meant children as well.

    So whether that inate feeling I've always had has influenced and guided my choices or whether my choices have influenced and guided that feeling I'll never know. There are many minor individual reasons I could point to, though I feel that might just be my mind using those as reasons in hindsight.

    That said, my brother has had his first child recently and my sister is pregnant. I couldn't be happier for them and feel quite proud to be an uncle. There is a sense of excitement there and it's opened a perspective of life that I didn't entirely have before. So, in another timeline perhaps I would have loved to be a father.

    I-Denrik-I Report

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    Because they poop a lot. Alas nobody wants the little stinker so im stuck with em

    _MrNobody___ Report

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    2 years ago

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