Jimmy Fallon Asked People Why Are They Single, And The Answers Will Make You Laugh, Then Cry (New Pics)
For as long as love has existed so have broken hearts, which is what makes movies/books/music about these melancholy lovers so relatable. Of course, not all of us are artistic enough to write a ballad or novel, but can tweet about it!
Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon has popularized the "Why I'm Single" hashtag and delights in sharing these hilarious but sad tweets on his show (and let's be honest we love hearing them). Well, Bored Panda has the newest round of this series and they will crack you up. So scroll down below for some delightfully awkward missed connection tweets and don't forget to upvote your faves!
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I love elentori! Check out her Instagram or tumblr, amazing art I promise.
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If you didn't hear it how did you know that that was what he asked?
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This one's not on you! He either doesn't know TLC or doesn't like joking around.
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and you install toilet paper the wrong way as well i guess? :D
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I used to do this until my mid twenties, which is when I weirdly outgrew a lot of my eating quirks. I had a friend who at least used to eat the chocolate before the creme in a cadbury creme egg, which left her holding a sticky mess, and she's happily married.
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Unless it was their fault. I don't grieve for sims that die stupid deaths.
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You should meet the guy from earlier who Eats his pack of four kit Kats like that
All seem perfectly good, and some hilarious, reasons. I have been on some dates in the past year where I was actually looking around thinking that I was being punked because there was no way anyone could be so hateful and clueless. They made for great stories that are so rediculous you can't make that kind of behavior up.... it's best just to laugh, shake your head, and move on.
All seem perfectly good, and some hilarious, reasons. I have been on some dates in the past year where I was actually looking around thinking that I was being punked because there was no way anyone could be so hateful and clueless. They made for great stories that are so rediculous you can't make that kind of behavior up.... it's best just to laugh, shake your head, and move on.