You need look no further than the day’s news headlines, or your social media feed, to notice that the world has the potential to be a really dark and negative place sometimes. Throw in a few social media trolls, cyber bullies, keyboard warriors and general online jerks, and you’d be forgiven for wondering where on earth humanity is heading. Perhaps straight to the depths of hell?
But we’re here to tell you that it’s really not all doom and gloom. There are actually plenty of examples of internet interactions that glow bright in the darkness of it all. If you’re struggling to find them, look no further than an online community called “Gates Open, Come On In.” Over 373,000 people have joined the page, which has only two rules: “No gatekeeping” and “Be nice!” It sounded promising to us so we took a step in… We were greeted by a wall of positive posts about strangers having each other’s backs online.
Because sharing is caring, Bored Panda has put together our favorites, just for you. Keep scrolling and allow the weight of the world to disappear. Feel free to come back to them any and every time you need a reminder that things aren’t all as bad as they might seem.
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Never Realized This But I Love It
Every Job Is Valid!
With more than 5.6 billion people using the internet, it’d be unrealistic to expect to find only positive posts and interactions between strangers. There’s a massive mix of personalities, cultures, religions, beliefs, and of course, moods. So there are bound to be some, if not many, clashes. Plus, let’s be honest. Not everyone likes being kind and decent.
As Kinsey Featherston wrote for Neptune Navigate, "the internet has become a modern day Wild West, and what we really need is a digital sheriff to ride into town and restore order to the virtual frontier."
Brooklyn Librarians Subverting Censorship & Allowing Any Teenager In America To Have A Library Card
Dogs And Cats My Favorite Animals
Depression Gateopening
Luckily, there are more than enough people who go the extra mile to make others feel like someone who matters. They inspire with their positivity, and sometimes send ripples of goodness across the world wide web, as strangers share their posts with other strangers and friends. There have been cases where a simple post has changed someone's day, and sometimes even, their life.
It's Not Pie. If You Think It Is, We Can Bake More
There are a few people who come to BP who do not understand this at all.
An Oldie But A Goodie :)
It's Never Too Late
Never underestimate how much of an impact your posts could have on someone else. Positive or negative. “Consider, for instance, the act of leaving a supportive comment on a post by someone who has been subjected to online hate. By doing so, you offer a lifeline of positivity in a sea of negativity,” writes LGBTQ+ rights activist, Desi Napoles.
“Your small gesture demonstrates to the individual that they are not alone in their struggles and that kindness exists even in the digital world. This single act can inspire others who witness it to follow suit, creating a domino effect of compassion and support that extends beyond the digital realm and permeates real-life interactions.”
Finally Someone Who Gets It!
those who give us burgers must be celebrated those who fix powerlines that enable us to have burgers must be protected all must be protected and burgers enjoyed
Live And Let Live
Told my kids that it doesn't matter how old you get. If you still like playing with toys, like watching things like MLP or PawPatrol it doesn't matter. Like what you like and don't let anyone tell you different (as long as it's legal). Then I went back to watching Shaun the Sheep
Almost Hald Me At The First Alf
Happy Lunar Year Everyone
Great Story About Fitting In
Its Lovely
Just Let Them Be They
This One Was Nice
Not a fan of their music, but I'm beginning to really like Metallica for their attitude.
I Like These Too
I went to a gay club for halloween with a group of friends and my girlfriend. She had to use the restroom and while she was gone a guy made a pass at me. I was flattered! He was a good looking guy, real boost to my self esteem :).
This Felt In The Spirit Of This Sub
Good Parentin
I hope she told the dad. I was at Wawa (it's a cross between a bodega and a sandwich shop) with my then 6 year old. They have these monitors where you place your order, and my daughter was asking me all these questions about how the monitors worked. I am an engineer, so I was trying to answer in a way that a 6 year old would understand. They also asked about the power button and wanted to press it to see it work. I told them not to press it because it would make it hard for the next customers. This woman walks over to me and tells me that she's a teacher, and she was loving our conversation, because I was keeping my daughter engaged and encouraging their curiosity, while also setting boundaries. Best compliment I've ever received, and I think about it a lot.
That's His Whole Thing
If God hated gay people, she wouldn't have made so many of them!!
Mature Humanity
Literally The Gate Was Open
Saw This On The Lawn Of A Couple That Lives On My Street. Genuinely Brightened My Day
Luke Skywalker Makes Young Star Wars Fan Feel Loved
For The Waiters
There was a story that I heard where someone asked the owner of a fancy restaurant who they didn't know was the owner and just thought was a waiter, "How does it feel knowing your life is worthless and all you ever became was a waiter." I was legit so annoyed at this I had to look up cat videos for an hour.
Everything Turned Out Just Fine, Then
I'm Sure Many Of Us Needed To Hear This
I've been active in my area's alcohol recovery community for a long time (12 years sober myself). I recently was forced to step back from those commitments in order to address some personal responsibilities. I felt really bothered by it because I was worried that it meant I was no longer being useful or of service to others. A good friend of mine reminded me that I by stepping back and taking care of my personal life meant that I was not only in a position to enjoy the gifts of my sobriety now, but I was giving someone else a chance to step up and be of service.
Pauly Shore Being Wholesome
Restroom Sign At My Gym
Mentally Empathetic Dad
I was told I was ''rude'' and ''ignorant'' as a shy kid when I didn't want to be around when company came over -_-
Found On /R/Mademesmile, Thought It Belonged Here As Well
Beards Are For Everyone
Girl In Red's Music Is For Everyone
Slow Down
This would be great for places that have introverted cashiers who don't want ro chat - it allows us gabby people to go to an alternate cashier.
Sh*tter’s Open!
I peed in the women's AND the men's bathroom and nothing exploded (places should have more gender-neutral bathrooms)
Dolly Parton Showing Support For Beyoncé’s Country Era ❤️
Nsp Holding The Gate Open
Caring Comes In Many Forms
You’re Such A Girl
Pearly Gates Open, Welcome To Heaven!
The Library Loves Everybody
I love audiobooks. Life is sometimes rough and there is a lot I have to do, so I don't have much time for reading, but audiobooks are there when I drive, cook, wash dishes, mow garden,...