50 Family Members Showing Just How Much They Love And Support Their LGBTQ+ Kids And Grandkids (New Pics)
Family support makes a huge difference in the lives of people who come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.
Plus, when relatives show LGBTQ+ folks just how much they care about them, it not only bolsters their own connection, but emboldens others to do the same; love is contagious.
So in an attempt to accelerate its spread, we at Bored Panda put together a collection of wholesome moments where parents and grandparents stood by their LGBTQ+ kids.
Continue scrolling to check them out and don't miss the conversation we had on the topic with Dr. Danielle Ramo, a clinical psychologist and Chief Clinical Officer at BeMe Health.
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Just Came Out To My Grandma, She's The Best
So Wholesome
Dr. Ramo highlighted that even mental health is challenging for everyone right now, however, she also added there is particular adversity for LGBTQ+ folks.
"People who identify as LGBTQ+ have higher rates of depression, anxiety, and are more likely to consider suicide compared to cis-gender, heterosexual people," Dr. Ramo told Bored Panda. "There are clear links between mental health challenges among LGBTQ+ people and stigma and discrimination. Many LGBTQ+ people report experiencing stigma around their identity and may have lower levels of support in their homes and their communities. They are also more likely to be victims of violence."
After I Came Out, My Mom Wanted To Not Only Show Her Support To Me But To The Entire Community
This is such a beautiful tattoo! The colors and shading are perfect
Saw This On Facebook
This is a wonderful beautiful wedding! Also your selfie skills are TOP-NOTCH
Best Ally Grandma
If we were to look at numbers, we'd see that, sadly, around 40% of LGBTQ+ adults have experienced rejection from a family member or a close friend, while roughly 86% of LGBTQ+ youth are being harassed or assaulted at school. Additionally, only 37% of the latter identified their home as an LGBTQ+-affirming space.
There can be a number of reasons why some families may have trouble accepting their LGBTQ+ family members for who they are. According to Dr. Ramo, these include "their own fear or discomfort with LGBTQ+ identity, often guided by their religious beliefs or other teachings, and/or their fears that their family members will be treated differently because they identify as LGBTQ+."
Wholesome Dad
My Dad Got A New Bumper Sticker
As Long As He's Supportive
Great Message Through The Decades
In certain cases, the clinical psychologist said this can lead to people advocating or forcing their family member to undergo so-called conversation therapy—the practice of trying to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.
"Conversation therapy has been proven not to work and in fact is harmful to LGBTQ+ individuals. Young LGBTQ+ people often experience conversation therapy as a form of family rejection, leading to low self-esteem, and mental health challenges."
Sarah's Dad Is A Real One
This Post My Mom Made On My Birthday A Few Years Ago Still Makes Me Cry
Shout Out To My Mom For Always Being My #1 Supporter
This Just Made Me Laugh, Thought I'd Share
I don’t care how many times I see this, I will still love it just as much as I did when I first saw it.
"There is a clear link between family support and thriving among LGBTQ+ individuals," Dr. Ramo stressed. "For example, the Trevor Project National Survey showed that LGBTQ+ youth who felt high social support from their family reported attempting suicide at less than half the rate of those who felt low or moderate social support. Family support can have a positive impact on LGBTQ+ individuals' mental health by helping them feel confident in who they are and by bolstering their ability to get through challenges from society and other environments like discrimination and stigma."
Dr. Ramo said family support can be especially helpful to LGBTQ+ people when it's expressed not only to them but also to their LGBTQ+ friends and partners, whether it's talking to them about their identity, using names and pronouns correctly, or supporting their gender expression.
I Told My Grandma I Was Bisexual A Few Weeks Ago And Today She Gave Me This. My Grandma Made Me A Rainbow Sweater
Loving Mother
My mom sent me this picture of her in her new shirt she found and bought herself. She grew up dirt poor in the south, surrounded by ignorance, and still surprises me every day with her ability to learn, grow, and love. She's my hero.
My Grandma Is 83 And Lives In Rural Florida, Where She Is Surrounded By Anti-Gay People. She Just Had Her Two Front Benches Repainted In Support Of Her 3 LGBTQ Grandkids
Best Grandad Ever
Pride is celebrated in June, as that was the month when the Stonewall riots took place.
The Stonewall riots began on June 29, 1969. On that night, decades of discrimination and police brutality against queer and trans people, especially LGBTQ+ people of color, culminated in six days of rebellion at a queer bar in the West Village, The Stonewall Inn.
My Uncle And Grandma On Their Way To A Pride Parade In The ‘80s
Man Offers 'Free Dad Hugs' At Pride Parade. I Wish Everyone Had Supportive Parents
I might not be there to hug you in person, but if you're not supported by your family, I'm sending you a hug and all the love in the world. ❤️
My Dad, Who 7 Years Prior Put Me In Gay Conversion Therapy, Helping With My Bow Tie Moments Before Officiating My Wedding To My Beautiful Wife
So sad you had to go through that but so happy your dad saw your truth and accepted it. I hope your relationship continues to grow and congratulations!
NYC Pride, 1986
Following the Stonewall Uprising, the first Pride march was held in New York City in 1970. Originally, marches took place on the last Sunday in June as Gay Pride Day or Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day, but later spread out across the month and continued as a tradition over the past half-century.
Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship, it's meant to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and also how in some places there's still work to be done.
No Matter Who You Like You Matter
Grandpa Supporting LGBT
My Transgender Son Was Nervous About Telling Our Extended Family. His Grandparents Picked Us Up From The Airport With His Chosen Name On Their Shirts
Ahhh omg reading this is like masochistic bcuz I know I'm going to cry but I read it anyways
My Stepdad Cracks Me Up, But Yay For Coming Out
Of course, you can express your support for the LGBTQ+ community even if nobody from your social circle belongs to it. It's all about acceptance, equality, educating yourself and raising awareness.
Keep in mind that although most Pride events see people wear more rainbow-themed clothing and accessories than usual, and there's often lots of partying, dancing, and making out, you never have to participate in anything you don't want to!
I Brought My Boyfriend To My Sister’s Wedding And Introduced Him To My Very Evangelical Family. My Grandma Loved Him
I Came Out When I Was 14 (Now 35) And To Say My Parents Weren’t Thrilled Is A Complete Understatement. But Last Night, 21 Years Later, I Saw This Little Ornament On Their Tree
I really can’t believe how far they’ve both come as humans.
It soothes my soul to see so many people change for the better. Just love your kids.
Wholesome Dad
Isn't blue what the B stands for in LGBTQ+?? I know the G stands for guacamole according to m&s...
My Teenager Daughter Running Towards Her Tribe. It Is Pride And I Am Proud
Dr. Ramo also said there are a number of free online resources for LGBTQ+ people to support self-esteem, identity development, crisis support, and thriving. Some of the ones she recommends include the Trevor Project Crisis Support, the imi guide for LGBTQ+ teens, and PFLAG for parents and families.
My Oma (Grandma) Made Me This Quilt For My Graduation. She Thought The Rainbows Would Be Good Because I’m Gay
My grandparents are new to this whole gay thing but they are doing their best.
Look At My Mom And Dog Showing Their Pride For Me! My Parents Used To Be Against Homosexuality Because Of Their Religion But They Accepted Me And Support Me
It's Not Much, But My Mom Got Me A Pride Narwhal After I Came Out
What A Sweet Dad
Just like most flags it is designed to be horizontal when on a flagpole, but when you're hanging it on a wall or something it can be either vertical or horizontal.
My Friend Came Out To Her Grandmother, And Grandma Did This
Nothing More Wholesome Than Loving And Supportive Parents
Army dude came and ordered something "kinda gay" cause his son came out to his mom and was apparently scared his dad was gonna hate him or be mad.
Dude: he's my boy, I love him. Can you make me something, kinda, you know... Kind of Gay?
Me: I got you...
Parenting level: expert.
I Came Out To My Parents. It Went Better Than I Expected
reminds me of my mom. She is a prophet and asked me if I liked girls even in elementary school. So she was not shocked in the slightest when i came out
My Dad Thought He’d Given Me The Perfect Gift At An Early Christmas Gathering. He Did
I Got This Pog LEGO. I Also Want To Thank My Parents For Supporting Me
My Mom Is Definitely An Ally
Love This So Much
It's so nice to read these encouraging stories, thank you all for sharing.
More Parents Like This Please
My Mom Bought Me My First Suit Today, And I Couldn't Be Happier
Came Out As Trans To My Parents This Year. My Mom Made Me Break Down Crying With This One
Greatest Mum, NYC Pride March, 1981
My Mom Who Used To Be A Homophobe In Every Way A Few Years Ago, Bought Me These Dresses A Week Ago And Calls Me Zoey All The Time
Words can't express how happy I am that my mom came around and accepted me. We may live 7 hours apart now, but she still shows her love in whatever way she can.
Thanks Mom
You are seen. You are cared for folks. Keep your head high ok yall?
I Recently Came Out As Trans After Not Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin. My Mom Took Me Shopping The Other Day, And I Got This Outfit
Today I Went Shopping With My Mom At Norstrom Rack, And I Couldn't Find Her For A Second. When I Found Her, She Held This Up And Said - "I Am So Getting This For You"
My Parents Are Really Trying! They Had The Idea To Make A “Deadname Jar”. Every Time They Use My Deadname And Pronouns They Put In A Quarter
This will all go to the Trevor project once they are used to my new name.
I’m Calling Them This From Now On
This is needed now in wake of a terrorist attack in a gay bar in Oslo. Yes I said it. TERRORIST ATTACK! It's an attack on love and acceptance and people keep coming up with excuses for these murderers. NO! They are terrorists full stop and should spend the rest of their lives in jail!
A terrorist who was welcomed into that country at the age of 12 to build a happy life, and this is how he repays that, if you don't like the way we live then f**k off to somewhere that has barbaric rules. Disgusting scumbag.
First, grandparents are truly national treasures. Second, the pieces where we're told the parents 'finally' accepted their children for who they really are in this world, just made me tear up. Lastly, parents are pretty damn funny. Bless all of you!
This is needed now in wake of a terrorist attack in a gay bar in Oslo. Yes I said it. TERRORIST ATTACK! It's an attack on love and acceptance and people keep coming up with excuses for these murderers. NO! They are terrorists full stop and should spend the rest of their lives in jail!
A terrorist who was welcomed into that country at the age of 12 to build a happy life, and this is how he repays that, if you don't like the way we live then f**k off to somewhere that has barbaric rules. Disgusting scumbag.
First, grandparents are truly national treasures. Second, the pieces where we're told the parents 'finally' accepted their children for who they really are in this world, just made me tear up. Lastly, parents are pretty damn funny. Bless all of you!