If The World Feels Like A Terrible Place, Here Are 50 Wholesome Posts To Get You Through The Day (New Pics)
With autumn blues slowly creeping into our cooling homes and days getting shorter, it’s easy to feel a little down. You may feel a little more sensitive, irritated or generally dissatisfied with the world around you.
And it’s understandable. With the cost-of-living crisis, gloomy post-pandemic reality, Russia’s war on Ukraine, barely affordable housing and ever growing inflation, few things make us joyful these days. And since bad news has penetrated all layers of media, we prepared you a heartwarming antidote – Bored Panda’s compilation of strictly wholesome and feel-good stories, pictures and events that people shared online.
After you’re done, be sure to check out our previous positivity-induced features here, here and here and don’t forget to share them with others in need of a little pat on the back!
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I Don't Have Anyone To Celebrate With But I'm 8-Years Clean Of Heroin Today. Yay Me
Sir, if you read this, just know that there are many people here who would celebrate with you if we could.
The Owners Asked To Superimpose The Image Of Timber, Their Recently Departed Dog, Into The Photo As They Spread His Ashes Into A Pond. This Is The Result
Boy Reunited With His Cat He Had Lost While Crossing The Polish - Ukrainian Border
No one said life was going to be easy. In fact, it can be downright tough at times. But despite the challenges we face, we can remain resilient. In fact, some people seem to be much better at it than others.
So to find out more about resilience and the power of positivity, a while back, Bored Panda spoke with Susan Petang, a certified divorce coach and the creator of “The Quiet Zone Coaching,” who teaches people how to stop feeling overwhelmed and start waking up happy in the morning again. Petang argues that the very first step towards building mental resilience is instead of viewing these unfortunate moments as "failures" or "misfortunes," view them as learning opportunities.
A Single Dad Adopted An 11-Year-Old Teen After His Adoptive Family Dropped Him Off At The Hospital And Never Came Back
Ladies And Gents Out On The Beach
Before And After Beating Cancer. 2019 - 2020 - 2021
It’s important that we sit back and consider a couple of things about any difficult situation we’re in at that moment. “What can we learn from this? How can we use this to become a better human being/worker/parent/partner?” Petang said and added that crucially, it's all a matter of mindset.
It Has Been Amazing To See How AIDS Has Been Controlled, Definitely A Win For Humanity
It May Not Seem Like Much, But After Two Years Of Struggling, My Fridge Is Finally Full Tonight
Oh, it is much and I'm ecstatic for OP. I've been on both sides and I think anyone else who has knows the comfort and overall relief it is to have food in abundance after having very little.
To Promote NASA’s Artemis Program I Regularly Set Up My Telescope On Busy Street Corners To Show Passerby The Moon
This deserves way more upvotes, such a simple but beautiful thing to do and magical for the kids.
Meanwhile, some people are more naturally resilient than others. “It's because they learned to think positively at a young age,” Petang said. It turns out that our attitude towards life - the good, the bad, and the ugly - is formed earlier than we think, way before we go to kindergarten.
“Positivity isn't about putting your head in the sand and singing 'lalalala' when bad things happen; it's actually just the knowledge that we'll be OK no matter what,” the life coach explained.
Such A Wholesome Moment
All right!!! That must have absolutely blown you apart. What an awesome day!!
1001 Days Sober. 4-digit Club. Was An IV Drug User For 10+ Years
Each and every one of those days were both a blessing and a struggle. Congratulations for being an unseen Iron Man and winning each and every one.
He Used To Be In A Coma, I Used To Be A Fat Guy. Now We're Both Recovering
My son is recovering from a brain injury. We have a deal now...if he's standing, I'm running. He's up to 90 minutes and I'm down 70 lbs.
What’s interesting is how closely positivity and resilience are, in fact, related. “Positivity is the understanding and belief that you'll be able to bounce back from anything; resilience is when you actually do it,” the life coach argues.
“I teach my clients to use The Power Questions. It's a great way to interrupt the spiral of emotions when everything is hitting the fan!” They are as follows:
“How important is this, really? Don't make mountains out of molehills.
What is something positive and constructive I can do about this? Be solution-oriented instead of blame-oriented.
What emotions am I feeling right now? By identifying and labeling them, we shrink their power over us."
Someone At The Purrfect Day Cat Cafe In Louisville, KY Filling Out The Paperwork To Take This Kitty Home
Good To Be Open
I did this with my kids when they were little too. Everyone was very happy to answer the kids questions. One young lady did not want to talk about why she was missing a leg but was absolutely amazing. She told the children (with great enthusiasm) that she was sat on by an elephant while visiting the circus. The kids were wide eyed and had questions about how she learned to live without a leg which she answered honestly - it was hard in the beginning and she was still adjusting but that she was really excited to get a prosthetic leg next week. When the kids were satisfied they ran off to play. I apologized if I had made her uncomfortable and presuming that she was ok to talk about her experiences. She smiled sadly but thanked me. She said it was fairly new resulting from a trauma and that she hadn't been prepared for such open honest questions but said it was much much better than the silent stares and whispers. She was graceful, courageous and amazing and my kids remember her well.
A Kindergarten Classroom At Gatewood Elementary School In Minnesota Was Learning About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A Teacher Captured This Precious Moment
The Famous Actor Met A Young Couple In A Hotel Bar In Northamptonshire. They Invited Him To The Wedding, And Keanu Reeves Could Not Refuse
I’ve Been Traveling Through The 50 States In Memory Of My Best Friend. Today I Visited Alaska, Completing My Journey
After 9 Years, I Am Me
I Saw This Man And His Dog Whilst I Was Crossing A Bridge In Prague. It Was -4°C Out And He Used His Only Blanket To Wrap Up The Dog. A True Act Of Love
I Went To A Community BBQ Tonight And Sat By Myself. A Few Minutes Later This Kid Came And Sat Down Across From Me. He Shyly Asked, "Sir, Do Know How To Play Magic?"
I told him that I'd played as a teen. He pulled out two decks and challenged me. How could I say no? It made my night.
Sometimes It’s Ok To Slow Down
Rain bring a lot of things. Rain may bring life on Earth, while it may bring sadness too but it also bring calmness.
I Made A Decision That Will Define My Life. I Will Not Study Political Science. I Will Study Fine Arts In Italy. I Will Follow My Dreams, No Matter How Unreachable They May Seem
Fine Arts in Italy sounds like an absolutely banging choice! I love it!
The Housekeeper Deserve A Raise, They Must Love Their Job
My Daughter Was Born With A Terrible Lung Disease And Was On Life Support For Her First Four Days On This Earth. Before vs. After
I Was Assaulted Last May And Attempted To Take My Life In November After Losing A Close Friend. A Few Weeks Ago I Took Senior Pictures With My PTSD Service Dog In Training
I didn’t think I’d make it this far
Keep going. You are showing so much strength and endurance; I wish I could be as strong as you.
After A Five-Year Wait And Three Attempts, I Finally Got Gay Married To My Gay Husband
This Guy Managed To Photobomb His Girlfriend For A Whole Month, By Taking Engagement Ring Pictures Without Her Having Any Idea About It
The sleeping one with the ring resting on her open palm is my favourite. Beautiful couple!!!
My City Has Begun To Change Any Russian-Related Public Road Names To Reference Ukraine Instead
The Speed Camera Lottery In Stockholm, Sweden. Drive At Or Under The Speed Limit And You'll Be Entered Into A Lottery Where The Prize Fund Comes From The Fines Speeders Pay
The average speed was reduced from 32 km/h to 25 km/h (a reduction of 22%).
My Wife And I Put Up Our Own Candidate This Year
I would vote for Todd anytime :D Edit: We know you can be bribed Todd (with cheese) :D
A Portrait To Commemorate My Best Friend Arden, Who Passed Away Earlier This Year After A Long And Adventure-Filled Life
This Soldier's Body Armor Has Additional Protection. In Addition To The Armor Plates, There Is A Drawing Made By His Daughter To "Protect Dad From The Evil Russians"
I dont want to take away from this picture. I am happy for his protection, and glad not all russians are evil. I think of the poor russians locked in there and locked out from the rest of the world every day. I dont want them to feel we dont care for them as well 💗 edited to add the first part that was cropped out by mistake
My Dad Lost His Job During Covid. He Drove School Bus. He Recently Got His Old Job Back And Stopped Driving. A Boy From His Bus Stopped By The Other Day Just To “Talk Birds”
They connected on his bus route talking about birds.
My Little Cousin Did His Last Chemo Treatment And Is Now Cancer Free. It's Been A Long Battle But Look At That Smile. That's My Hero
My Sister's Husband Stepped Away From Her During Their Wedding Ceremony To Say Some Vows To Her Girls
Got Married To My Favorite Weirdo Yesterday
As I said before, I am happily hetero, but everytime I hear a man talk about his husband or a woman talk about her wife it gives me a warm feeling inside. Every single time.
Everyone needs another beautiful and loving weirdo in their life! Congratulations!
Maybe even "roommates"?! All the best to the happy couple!
Load More Replies...Two beautiful weirdo’s ♥️. Congratulations! Peace✌🏻and best wishes to you.
CONGRATULATIONS 💐🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️ weirdos make life way more interesting! Just so my husband!😆😆😆
Unlike above she didn't gay marry her gay wife, sorry I fully support everyones right to be miserable by getting married, the way that other post was worded though was just weird.
An excellent choice! I can highly recommend marrying your favorite weirdo.
Moved To Japan, Met My Neighbor
I Turned A Bunch Of Wood Sticks Into A Meter Long Flying Dutchman Ship
Before I Met My BF, He Hated Small Dogs, And My Dog, Maisie, Was Terrified Of Men. This Picture Was Taken Two Weeks After They Met
I Use My Bike To Deliver Medicine And Food During The War In Ukraine
After Three Long Years, I'm Happy To Announce That I Will Be Exhibiting My Works To The Public Again
I Cleaned My Depression Closet
They Are Just So Cute
So cute! My son does this too. We have a little garden cart with wheels I sit on while working and he asks me to pull him around for a little the insists I do too. He pulls really hard but can't so I tell him to turn around and pull with his arm behind him so he can pull better. As he's turned around I help push with my feet.
My Dad Was Admitted To The Hospital Right Before Christmas. We Didn't Know If He Would Make It Home At All. This Is My Parents Slow Dancing To "I'll Be Home For Christmas"
I'm just gonna assume that this dance took place somewhere after Christmas and go cry in a corner
This Ambulance Has Stork Decals, One For Each Of The Babies Born In The Back
People Protesting In St. Petersburg, Russia. The Placards Read “You Are A Bloody Dictator, Not A Freedom Fighter” And “No War”
Nice Employee
Paul Rudd Being Friendly With A Fan
Sofía Jirau, The First Victoria's Secret Model With Down Syndrome, Says She's Dreamed About A Career In Fashion Since She Was A Little Girl
In The Men's Locker Room At My Gym
Thank you Bored Panda. Some of these were really life affirming!
If anyone knows where the wheelchairs in picture #5 Ladies And Gents Out On The Beach can be rented or bought please let me know. Thank you.
Not knowing where you are, I don't know if this will help. https://www.cwimedical.com/all-terrain-wheelchair/echo-all-terrain-beach-wheelchair-echochair?sku=E720-ATC-RBLUE&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpeaYBhDXARIsAEzItbGF32aB43jDBi7g3S59X2VtELe_zRIrn4WrmRy8RbXdGqNljADwf-8aAtk_EALw_wcB
I'd love to see more articles like this one (and a LOT fewer lists of bad jokes and lists of "150 movies/books/etc" with just a photo and no explanation).
This is the content we need. Less negative stuff bashing countries and more uplifting stories that remind you that humans have generous and good souls. Be more kind ❤️
A lot of these are great but I don’t love seeing the cancer and sickness ones even if they’re positive. It just drops me immediately back to the people close to me who have died of cancer. I guess I like the stupid stuff better, I come here for mindlessness and animals.
Thank you Bored Panda. Some of these were really life affirming!
If anyone knows where the wheelchairs in picture #5 Ladies And Gents Out On The Beach can be rented or bought please let me know. Thank you.
Not knowing where you are, I don't know if this will help. https://www.cwimedical.com/all-terrain-wheelchair/echo-all-terrain-beach-wheelchair-echochair?sku=E720-ATC-RBLUE&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpeaYBhDXARIsAEzItbGF32aB43jDBi7g3S59X2VtELe_zRIrn4WrmRy8RbXdGqNljADwf-8aAtk_EALw_wcB
I'd love to see more articles like this one (and a LOT fewer lists of bad jokes and lists of "150 movies/books/etc" with just a photo and no explanation).
This is the content we need. Less negative stuff bashing countries and more uplifting stories that remind you that humans have generous and good souls. Be more kind ❤️
A lot of these are great but I don’t love seeing the cancer and sickness ones even if they’re positive. It just drops me immediately back to the people close to me who have died of cancer. I guess I like the stupid stuff better, I come here for mindlessness and animals.