“Giving Every Day”: 50 “Good News” Stories That Prove There’s Still Positivity In The World
It's okay to sometimes get tired of reading, watching, or listening to the news. The world can be a dark and scary place with heaps of negativity. But that's why it's important to remember that there are people who choose kindness every day.
Here we have a collection of wholesome good news stories and random acts of kindness that show the good side of the human race. Compiled from the Giving Everyday project's Instagram account, they act as a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one person to be kind. And it may start with you!
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The Giving Everyday Instagram account is part of the Giving Everyday Charitable Trust, a project dedicated to spreading positive news and lifting up Americans' spirits by sharing random acts of kindness. "We hope to offer an alternative to the negativity by offering news story ideas of acts of kindness and charity to local, regional and national news organizations," they claim on their website.
The creators of Giving Everyday started the project during the COVID-19 pandemic. Or, as they say, at the time when most of us needed at least a nugget of positivity in our lives. "We were struck by the outpouring of goodness we saw in American society – from widespread public shows of appreciation to healthcare workers, to neighbors helping each other deal with the ravages of this insidious disease, to strangers helping others in both small and monumental ways," the project's creators write.
Trust me, mum already knows which is why she used the money for her and her child to have a treat at Taco Bell. When you are really poor or struggling you know exactly how much money is in your purse.
At a time when America (and the world) seemed to be more divided than ever, the Giving Everyday project sought to highlight the ways in which we're similar. "The acts of kindness and charity we share serve to remind Americans of who we are at our core – the helpers, the givers, the supporters – and ultimately show us that we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for," the creators claim.
At the same time, they admit that their vision might seem somewhat utopian. "We know it may appear that we are naïve and full of wishful thinking, but perhaps returning to a more innocent time is just what we need to rebuild what has been splintering."
And thank you to the men that responded in a quick and serious manner
The Reuters Institute 2024 Digital News Report findings show that more and more people are experiencing news fatigue. 39% of their respondents claimed that they feel 'worn out' by the amount of news these days. People say that it seems like all the media is covering nowadays is wars, disasters, and politics. The researchers also report being told that the negative nature of the news makes folks feel anxious and powerless.
I am in training at work. I am a senior analyst with 25 years experience. I took a job that is a major step down because i needed a break. I am in training with a recent college graduate. Sometimes i will ask a question. Not because i dont know the answer but because i know that was a particular struggle when i was learning this material and i know the other person is worried about being judged ( we talked ). I think the trainers think i exagerated my skills because i ask so much, but i dont care.
Idk why, maybe because I’ve been struggling with my art lately but this hit me the hardest out of all of these. this is so sweet <3
However, there's a discrepancy between what we say we want and what we actually do. In 2014, researchers studied whether people click on good news articles more than they do on negative ones. Interestingly, even if they said they preferred good news, they still clicked more on headlines with negative words in them.
So wonderful and amazing to have that experience. And bless the person that got that recording to you I accidentally erased a voicemail from my Mom after she passed and cried so much but I had her in my life for 57 years
"This man was harassing me and my friend and the bartender passed this note to me acting like it was the receipt!"
Most of us are already familiar with negativity bias: we react more strongly to negative news than we do to positive news. But how can we fight it, and how can we build resilience to "doom-scrolling," "headline anxiety," and "headline stress disorder"? The APA claims that a "media restriction diet" is a good way to start.
In a previous interview, licensed psychologist Nathan Brandon, Psy.D., explained to Bored Panda that people should curate their social media experience to avoid unnecessary stress. "This involves actively choosing to follow accounts that align with your values and unfollowing toxic or triggering content. It can also be beneficial to turn off notifications for news stories that may create anxiety so you can read them when you're ready rather than being bombarded with them throughout the day," he said.
Matthew Price, PhD, claims that people should be more proactive on the issues they care about as well. "What sort of values does the patient want to strive for, and then what can they actually do to achieve, to work toward those values,” Price explained. "Scrolling more on Twitter is not going to be in service of that value, or of any value that one might have."
Doodling is a way of paying attention! There's a lot of research behind this. Stop requiring kids (and adults!) not to doodle.
Another way to combat bad news fatigue is random acts of kindness. Which, scientists say, can be contagious. In 2023, researchers from UCLA’s Bedari Kindness Institute conducted a study where they found out that watching videos of people doing good deeds inspires others to do good as well. After watching Unsung Hero videos, the participants gave 25% more to charity than the control group.
A grandfather and his granddaughter share three moments, though years apart, are all filled with equal amounts of love.
So much love in both of their faces. And she got tall. I'm 5' 1" and my grandson is 6' 5". Honestly our photos look pretty hilarious
So, in a way, we can say that kindness is contagious. Katelyn Millinor, LPC, explains that doing kind acts lights up the pleasure center of our brain and releases serotonin (the happiness hormone) and oxytocin (the love hormone). So, being kind not only feels good but is actually good for you.
There is a video filmed in the winter in norway, as an experiment. Its a young child with bare clothing on a busstop in the snow. Its so sweet seeing all the people taking the clothes of their backs to warm the child ❤️ found it https://youtu.be/L9O8j9QPZc8 ...well, its norway. So we rather just send money, and we are used to being cold, but give it some time 😅😅
And what about you, Pandas? Did these feel-good stories inspire you to do some good deeds? Share a recent kindness you received or gave someone else in the comments, and maybe that'll inspire someone else to do the same! And if you're looking for some more wholesome content, check out older people from "Retirement Homies" giving some humorous life advice!
A friend told me he was getting his wife a Litter Robot for her birthday. Something must have shown on my face because he then said, "Or, maybe I'll give it as a random surprise next month."
Amazing idea and being in the hospital for anyone sucks I think it would be fun for everyone
Absolutely love this and can only imagine the look on the kid's faces. What an unexpected diversion for them
My grandma always joked about "phono vision" when I was little before she passed away I had gotten her an IPhone and she got to experience something she thought was impossible FaceTime or in her words "phono vision"
Oh my word, imagine not seeing it and riding it over! What a lovely old lady.
The clothing suggests conservative Orthodox Jews. They tend to marry young, and have an average of around 7 children. It's not unusual for people to start having children at 20, and grand children at 40, great grands at 60, etc. By the age of 104, there is the possibility of having great great great grand children. I have no difficulties in believing this is one family.
Poll Question
Do you think sharing more positive stories could impact society positively?
Not sure
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And now I am here, should be working, but sitting here with tears in my eyes.
I have, over the years, made lunches for children who couldn't bring their own. Nothing fancy, just two slices of white bread and topping (sandwich spread, Nutella, cheese & tomato, whatever). One "girl" I taught message me on FB - she's now grown up & married and said how much it meant to her. My heart. <3 I didn't do it to be thanked, but her message made me feel that the world isn't quite so bad.
And now I am here, should be working, but sitting here with tears in my eyes.
I have, over the years, made lunches for children who couldn't bring their own. Nothing fancy, just two slices of white bread and topping (sandwich spread, Nutella, cheese & tomato, whatever). One "girl" I taught message me on FB - she's now grown up & married and said how much it meant to her. My heart. <3 I didn't do it to be thanked, but her message made me feel that the world isn't quite so bad.