50 Positive And Wholesome Pieces Of News Shared On This IG Page That Might Make Your Day (New Pics)
The media floods us with negativity every day. The constant influx of distressing headlines and gloomy narratives can weigh heavily on our mental well-being, leaving us disheartened and overwhelmed.
But by consciously offsetting this negativity, whether through uplifting stories, humorous content, or inspiring messages, we can restore a sense of hope, optimism, and resilience.
Enter the Instagram account 'Tanks Good News.' Dedicated to what it calls "positivity with a hint of humor" it really contributes to fostering empathy, kindness, and progress on the internet.
More info: Instagram
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someone should turn these stories into daily messages, they totally restore my faith in humanity
It is NEVER too late to learn. I wish my mother would realize this. I'm 41, and I have learned new things and better ways to treat people more humanely and kindly, and to respect who they are and what they care about and things that are important to them. It costs nothing to use someone's preferred pronouns or proper name. It costs nothing to treat people of color as who they are - normal human beings like any other human being. It hurts me to see my mother be so purposefully racist, obtuse, and cruel, even to people she has never met.
I love seeing this one every time it makes the rounds. A reminder that people are looking out for you even when you don’t know. There’ve been many times I’ve looked out for someone from a distance and probably vice versa. People do care about you!
There's nothing like facing the question of your own mortality to make you think about the things that really matter to you. When the pandemic started, given that I am not a healthy person, I was very much afraid that I might catch COVID and die. So I asked myself, "What's the one thing I really, really want to do before I die?" The answer was "I wanna see the Northern Lights!" Well, I got all boostered up and when I did catch COVID I came out of it just fine, so now to start working at going up North and seeing those lights dance in the sky.
Reminds of what Whoopi Goldberg said after seeing Nichelle Nicols on Star Trek. “ There’s a black lady on TV and she ain’t no maid!”
i watched this back then and i think the little guy did an amazing job
It is devastating and horrifying to be an American right now. Fearing and hating your fellow citizens who choose to slaughter innocent people with weapons they shouldn't own. Those of us in America who are against assault weapon ownership feel compassion and empathy towards the victims of mass shootings. It hurts all of us as if they were our own family.
I will never understand why our guns are more important than our children
Load More Replies...Did anyone else notice the post does not say what country she is from. But we all immediately know because if she died protecting students in a classroom that could only be the US. How sad.
Absolutely appalling as an American. But we've had a loooong history of allowing awful s**t to keep going in the name of profit and power.
Load More Replies...My cousin was killed at Sandy Hook. It is absolutely insane that it has only gotten worse since then. Love to all the teachers who protect these precious babies.
It is insane. And I'm sorry for your cousin and family.
Load More Replies...I looked it up, her husband actually died a couple of days later from a broken heart.
I just read about it. It is heartbreaking. That shooting cost four children their parents.
Load More Replies...Please America. Stop with the guns. There are so many among you who don't deserve this. One day it could be someone you love, and what then? Have some compassion. I am not one of you, but I can only imagine how scary the thought that children go to school blissfully unaware it's their last day on earth. It is not something that should happen in a country that calls itself a 1st world country and the land of the free, because fearing for your life is not freedom, it's a horrific imprisonment.
It is absolutely terrifying. I have family in both the United Kingdom and United States and moved from UK for my current work position. I don't think I would ever want to raise a child here right now from the senseless gun violence to hyper conservatives and fanatical religious groups trying to ban LGBTQIA+ rights and literature. It disgusts me that some people seek to ban rights for minority groups but scream and cry and say that there constitutional freedoms are being taken away when there are political discussions to ban assault rifles. It is scary because you NEVER know where a mass shooting could happen. I feel that some people here have become so desensitized to gun violence that nothing ever changes.
Load More Replies...this happened only last year. f**k firearms and how easy they are to get.
Irma Garcia, you are a selfless hero and an infinitely better person than so many others. Rest in peace. ❤️
I'm a trans and queer student in Texas. I'm honestly terrified to go to school. not because I'm scared for my own life, but because I don't want to watch my friends die.
Texas GOP politicians suck. All the GQP promotes is hate; nothing positive to help their constituents.
Load More Replies...Virginia school officials have argued that Abigail Zwerner’s pending $40 million lawsuit against them after she was shot by one of her 6 year old students should be dismissed as the shooting was but a “workplace injury" and thus she should only be entitled to file a worker’s compensation claim. They claimed the shooting was a hazard of the job. And people wonder why it's hard to find young adults who want to become educators.
As disgusting as it should be, the statistics do support the claim of shootings as a hazard of the job in the US.
Load More Replies...I work at a school, and this is something I have to plan for. How will we barricade the room and hide, if the guy gets in the room what can we throw. I love the kids and would do anything to protect them, but this should not be a decision I may have to make. I shouldn't have to assess an elementary classroom for defensibility.
That is one brave, kind woman who I’m sure is sorely missed by everyone who knew her. I have such mixed feelings about this topic, though, after reading online comments from teachers who say that they did NOT sign up for willingly sacrificing their own lives for their students.’ Many teachers report that their administrators use that line to comfort and reassure parents, like “oh, don’t worry, if there’s an active shooter event, our teachers and staff will die to protect your children!” I think it’s equally wonderful and heartbreaking that there are people out there who are willing to do this BUT we should not expect it from everyone. Here’s something else that’s horrifying: as I was typing the word “active,” “shooter” was the first word that came up in the predictive text. ‘Murica.
Flags seem to be at half-mast always now, and I don't even know which of the many shootings it is for. Every day there seems to be a new one. How can we not see that we are on a collision course, STRAIGHT for disaster? There is so much more I would say. If only I could muster the words, the terror, the fear, the disgust, the horror I feel. This. Is. Not. Freedom.
Probably not worth raising the glass you'll only be lowering it soon.
Load More Replies...It is appalling and absolutely devastating that so many lives continue to be lost to this senseless gun violence in the United States. Children and teenagers should not have to fear getting shot in school. Teachers should never have to think about what they would do in an active shooter situation. It is an endless cycle where NOTHING is ever done. A mass shooting happens and lives are tragically lost. Politicians claim their will be gun reform and there never seems to be. Teenagers who saw their classmates brutally murdered and parents who lost their little ones should not have to march and demand their government for change. It is truly dystopian and cruel.
Stupid gun laws. I wish for the US that this nonsense will stop very soon. The ones who suffer most are kids and their parents (and I wouldn‘t be surprised if most of them were on the lower end of the income ladder). The US NEEDS change! Not only with this. I‘m honestly afraid for you and the rest of the word too, because you ARE a Super Power and I shudder to think what could happen if you remain on the path you are on right now
Unless every Republican in office is taken out, the gun laws will never change. They’ll just continue to say, “Thoughts & Prayers” every single time kids and teachers get slaughtered just by showing up to school that particular day. It’ll only maybe change when it’s their kids that are being slaughtered - which is fine by me. The NRA pays the Republicans in office a s**t ton of money to make sure they look the other way with each and every school shooting - which happens weekly now.
I'm so, so afraid for this country. Revolutions and governmental collapses happen when the rising generation feels desperate and hopeless and unheard. I'm a Zillenial, and I can practically see the breakdown of democracy by the day. No matter who I vote for, it won't stop school shootings or the elimination of civil rights. I know other people my age feel the same, and I feel like I'm just going about my day while living through the last gasps of the Great Experiment.
We need a memorial wall for all those who died protecting others -- especially children -- from slaughter by assault weapons. Let's make those who fetishize assault weapons ashamed. I'm all for self-defense, having weapons to protect oneself if living in an isolated area or dangerous location. But no one in a country that provides Law Enforcement billions of dollars needs an AR-15 or an AK-47. It is reprehensible that kindergarten - age and older school children need mass-shooter drills; that in a "Christian" country, we don't have the leaders of huge church congregations that raise their hands and "call to Jesus" also calling out to END the slaughter of innocents. It is wrong and downright evil that the NRA controls the Conservative Party to the extent that this is not stopped by legislature. @fuhknjo i.e John Martinez, go to Spoutible.com and post to make this happen! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, EVERYBODY. Downvote -- and be Goddamned..
And her husband died a few days later of a broken heart… 💔 Her children were left without parents. Hug your loved ones, nothing is guaranteed in this crazy world
I'm a USMC veteran, consider myself to be a "lite liberal" I own weapons for my own private use. I've said many times, only the military should have assault weapons. Police only need them because the public has them. You can not go out and use one on a herd of deer or whatever you happen to be hunting. I'm not sure of the stats, however, I'd be willing to say, majority of mass shootings are being accomplished using the assault weapons. We need some common sense action to be taken by Congress now. Don't be controlled by the NRA and what they do for you. It's your constituents that should matter.
I started looking for the name of her school when I realized that it doesn't matter. Too many teachers are protecting their students from gunmen. That's not what any teacher went to school for. She shouldn't need a bullet proof vest for teaching.
I'm so sorry for you & your family! There are too many a**h***s in America right now.
The rest of these had me looking for a tissue. This one made my jaw clench in anger.
No greater hero than those who give their lives in defense of another. An angel that I would take a knee in support of.
Irma, thank you for saving the lives of innocents. You will be rewarded for your selfless sacrifice. Your family are in my prayers.
The only people that to carry assault rifles are soldiers at war. There should be no gun sales to civilians at all. Legal action should be taken against anyone owning an assault weapon and against the gun stores that sell them. As long as murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse get away with owning and using assault rifles, these crimes will continue to be committed.
My cousins school was called with a threat and they had to evacuate the school
Load More Replies...She is a hero, who sacrificed herself to protect others during a terrorist attack. Let's make a damn statue to her!
Fully agree with Lakota Wolf, abhor so many senseless deaths. I pray for Irma Garcia and everyone who passed and have been traumatized in such a way. May God bless them all 🙏🏼
Florida just passed permitless carry and a ton of anti LGBT laws. The LGBT hate in FL is so high there is a travel advisory that it is designated a dangerous place for the LGBT community. Now that anyone can have a gun at any time my daughter is afraid to leave the house
Why now? What has changed in the last in the last 50+ years that makes so many people want to kill another human being? I was in grade school in the 60s, I graduated high school in the mid 70s. Anyone could walk into my one of my school buildings, the doors were never locked. No one brought an assault weapon or any other gun into the building. I grew up in a rural area, many of the boys went hunting after school during the season. Their rifle was in a rack on the back window of their truck. Absolutely no one grabbed one of those rifles and took it inside the buildings, no one dreamed of shooting another student or teacher.
Irma will be in my prayers along with her loving family. She will be remembered.
Anything can happen anywhere in the world. You just don't hear about it all bc not everything gets broadcasted.
Take my word for it, if a shooter came into a school in any other country besides America, it would make world news. Yes, anything can happen anywhere, but almost everywhere else makes it incredibly difficult for someone so mentally ill that they think shooting children is a good idea to get the weaponry to do so! And should someone slip through the cracks & get the weapons, decent countries make it even harder to get them. America is the only country that I know of that has such an horrific gun culture, especially for a 'first world' country. Most countries make it well nigh impossible to get your hands on a semi-automatic weapon of war but America sells them in Walmart!! And the shootings will go on & on & people like this lady will continue to die beside their young charges because of that culture.
Load More Replies...Just to be clear, you are suggesting teachers carry firearms inside a building full of children. That’s brilliant, saves shooters having to smuggle in their own weapons. /s
Load More Replies...I have an Asian neighbour like this. I'm in my 50s I care for my mum full time who is 81. He did all our front yard weeding. I insisted on paying him, he said no way God pays him in blessings every day. I put the bins out last night and he was walking by we said our Helios. Went to put them back in and he had already done so for me today.
Ive sold several cars for 1 dollar to people in need over the course of my life
Same thing happened with my dog, except it wasn't the same litter. The owners had even given his brother the same name as him!
When my sister got a liver transplant it was like a magic spell— we could literally watch the jaundice start to fade from her face the very first day. The transformation was incredible. She’s had over twenty years of healthy life since, and we’re grateful for every day of it. Organ transplants are a genuine miracle of science. Donate your organs folks!
I have a locket from my childhood that has a picture of my pet iguana in it! My mom made me give him away, so I don't know what happened to him. But I still have the locket with his photo in it <3
Reminds me of that adorable Christmas ad about the old guy who keeps lifting one of those kettle weights every day and his neighbours think he's being daft, but it turns out he's training for when he will lift his grandkid so the kid can put the star on top of the Christmas tree.
UK people who have shared their homes with Ukrainian refugees have been refused mortgages as a result :(
While we're on this thread, I'd like to thank everyone in these BP comments for helping me, a sheltered, semi-ignorant pea brain, expand my view of the world through all your stories and comments. It's amazing how much I don't know about the world, and all of the information, clarification, debates and website links are so helpful for me. Thank you all.
Thank u for listening and asking. It is a hard thing to do these days. I hafe so much respect for people who ask and learn.
Load More Replies...you know everyone one this post gets llama hugs *arms extend hugging everyone*
There’s much more to humans than us just being good or bad. It’s way more complicated than that. I think we sometimes focus so much on the negative aspects of our species that we start to forget that is not all that we are. We have the potential to do a lot of good and if we look for it we can see that we already are doing just that. The negative shouldn’t necessarily outshine the positive. It’s possible to acknowledge and embrace both sides to us without losing sight of the other.
I couldn't agree more. I had to stop a few times because I had so many happy tears in my eyes. I was definitely ugly crying as well. 🤷🤣😢
Load More Replies...Thank you for this. I've been... having a hard time. Stories like this give me one more breath to take.
Hey Gerald, just wanted to let you know a lot of folks are willing to help you through those rough days and sketchy people. You deserve all good things, and no one has the right to judge you. If they try, say 'I do not accept that.' Walk away. It's like a shield against their ignorance... reflects it back on them.
Load More Replies...While we're on this thread, I'd like to thank everyone in these BP comments for helping me, a sheltered, semi-ignorant pea brain, expand my view of the world through all your stories and comments. It's amazing how much I don't know about the world, and all of the information, clarification, debates and website links are so helpful for me. Thank you all.
Thank u for listening and asking. It is a hard thing to do these days. I hafe so much respect for people who ask and learn.
Load More Replies...you know everyone one this post gets llama hugs *arms extend hugging everyone*
There’s much more to humans than us just being good or bad. It’s way more complicated than that. I think we sometimes focus so much on the negative aspects of our species that we start to forget that is not all that we are. We have the potential to do a lot of good and if we look for it we can see that we already are doing just that. The negative shouldn’t necessarily outshine the positive. It’s possible to acknowledge and embrace both sides to us without losing sight of the other.
I couldn't agree more. I had to stop a few times because I had so many happy tears in my eyes. I was definitely ugly crying as well. 🤷🤣😢
Load More Replies...Thank you for this. I've been... having a hard time. Stories like this give me one more breath to take.
Hey Gerald, just wanted to let you know a lot of folks are willing to help you through those rough days and sketchy people. You deserve all good things, and no one has the right to judge you. If they try, say 'I do not accept that.' Walk away. It's like a shield against their ignorance... reflects it back on them.
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