What made you feel loved as a kid? Think about it. Maybe you remember rollerblading with your parents on holiday? Being helped with homework? Or just telling them what you thought was a really big secret? There certainly is a time and place for big presents and gestures but very often, it is the small things that count.
Turns out, quite a few of them end up on the Internet, too. And we at Bored Panda did our best to collect them. Below you will find a wholesome series of posts where kids celebrate their parents' signs of affection. Whether we're talking baking cookies or 3D-printing a little anti-stress elephant, these moms and dads went the extra mile for their kids, and even if some of them weren't executed to a tee, it's the intention that matters.
Continue scrolling to enjoy the entries and check out our interview with Vicki Broadbent, a writer, director, broadcaster, and founder of an awesome parenting blog called Honest Mum.
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Every Parent Should Be So Cool; The World Would Be A Better Place
By no means do these posts mean that children are content with just short bursts of affection. Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint. "Children want your time and attention, plain and simple," Vicki Broadbent, the author of Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home, told Bored Panda. "While every child undoubtedly loves a treat, a present, or a party, what they consistently crave is quality time with their parents and carers. They want you to listen to them (however long and convoluted their stories are) and when they request you play with them, they want you to do just that and not just once."
Children want you to commit to them and they can tell the difference when you are consistently showing care by devoting your time and energy. "Even if you can only spare 10 minutes of your time a day (because the parenting juggle is real), please try to do so," Broadbent advises. "Having children allows you to relive your own childhood, to feel free and see the world through your children's precious eyes so don't miss the opportunity."
On Mother's Day In Thailand, Dad Put On A Dress For His Son, Because Everyone Was With Their Mothers, And His Mother Died
Those 10 minutes don't have to be anything glossy. Simply, genuine. Broadbent, for example, said her mom would tell her stories of her own childhood, and they were her personal favorites. According to the mother, board games, sports, and other activities that encourage imaginative play and the family can enjoy together are also great ideas for those precious moments. "I love sharing the programs and films I loved as a child with my own kids (we're currently watching Sister, Sister on Netflix) and we often bake the biscuits I'd make with my Dad and the crumble that got me through every exam I've ever taken. Let yourself go and enjoy parenting."
These things help parents become attentive on a daily basis. "It is your job as a parent and carer to make your child feel emotionally secure and loved. If you were denied this as a child yourself and require help on how to connect with your child and become more demonstrative, please consider therapy so your children won't miss out on that crucial love and support every child needs and has a human right to."
This Dad Is Doing Parenting The Right Way!
One of the most bonding times Broadbent experiences with her own kids is when she reads to them at bedtime, a tradition which started when they were babies and has continued to this day, even though the fellas are already 10 and 8. "I relish in playing the different characters' voices and making the stories come alive for my kids," she said. "It's a time we are able to enjoy one another's company without distractions. I cuddle and kiss my kids a lot but I'm mindful that now that my son is 10, he doesn't want PDAs when I drop him off at school, for example, so I'm always respectful. It makes the odd hand holding extra special. Both of my sons know that they are enough and they are loved as I tell them every day, and in return, they are able to show love and care back."
Don't stress yourself with expensive gifts, Broadbent highlighted, those are not the things children will remember. "Consider the values you want your children to garner, not of materialism but connectivity, shared experiences, charity and empathy."
Dad And Daughter Time
This Dad, Who Never Promised You Maturity
Wholesome Graduation
Is this some American madness that I'm too European to understand?
It's Really Beautiful
A Year Ago I Sent My Dad A Meme. Little Did I Know He Printed It, Dated It, Hand Laminated It, And Put It In His Office
I Saw This Japanese Mom’s Amazing Cooking And Sent It To My Mom, Asked Her If She Could Make One For Me. I Was Just Joking Since I’m No Longer A Kid And Living In Another Continent Now. Two Hours Later She Replied With This Pic And Told Me She Will Be Practicing And Cook For Me When I Go Back Home
And This Dad Who Has Been Proud Of His Son's Work At Every Age
And This Dad Who Sent A Hilariously Embarrassing Voice-Recorded Card To His Daughter
These Parents Who Made A Legit At-Home Blockbuster For Their Son
Very Shmol Dad
Best Advice
This Just Made My Day
Wholesome Dad
Life Goals
A Wholesome Dad
I’ve Been Having A Hard Time Bonding With And Getting My Daughter To Smile Lately. So I Finally Agreed To Let Her Give Me A Makeover And Her Smile Says It All
Wholesome Dad
My Dad Is Adorable And His Bad Jokes Always Make Me Happy
This Mom Who Belted Out A Classic Song In Public Just To Cheer Up Her Kid
This Dad Who Overnighted Mangos To His Daughter Because She Forgot To Pack Them
This Is Amazing. A Mother's Love Is Truly Great
This Dad, Who Took What He Learned And Ran With It
My Dad Has Been Peeling Oranges For My Lunch Since Kindergarten & On My Last Day Of High School I Got This Instead
A Dad Who Firmly Believes In Solidarity
My Mom Found My Book In Her Local Library And I Can’t Get Over How Proud She Looks
My Mom Sent Me This Picture Of Her And Our Family Dog Showing Their Pride. It Made Me Smile To Know They Support And Love Me And The Lgbt Community!
Guys, My Mum Wants You All To Cheer Up And Look At Cute Babies
No Matter How Old, You're Always A Kid To Your Father.
This Mom And Gma Who Make Sure To Never Miss A Game
Dad Who Sent His Daughter A Cake
Dad Builds A Stage Right On His Driveway To Host College Graduation For His Daughter
Heart Exploded
The Most Wholesome Parents
This Dad Who Praised His Daughter's Makeup Look
My Mother-In-Law Set Up A Sweetheart Table For My Fiancée And I On What Was Supposed To Be Our Wedding Day
Wholesome 100!! Dad Made Custom Controller For Her Specialy Abled Daughter So She Could Play Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Why not try to put it in production? I'm sure there are more children who could use this.
This Dad Who Was So Proud To Walk His Son To School No Matter His Son's Age
My Mom Recently Moved In With Me. She Spent 30 Years Working In A Jewelry Store. I Needed A New Battery In My iPhone. She Immediately Looked Me In The Eye And Said “I Got This”. Welcome Home Mom. I Love You.
Crikey, what kind of battery does an iphone have? The one in my Samsung, anyone could replace - although I wouldn't expect it to ever need replacing.
My Daughter’s Entire 1st Grade Class Had A Virtual “Fort Night” Together To Celebrate The End Of The Year And Boy, Did Her Dad Deliver On The Fort Making
Ever Since I Came Out My Mom Has Sent Me Rainbow Hearts
I Asked My Bar Guest What She Was Writing. Turns Out She Has 3 Daughters And She Writes 5 Lines A Day To Each Of Them. These Will Be Gifts When They Get Married One Day. Mom Of The Year
What if they never get married? I feel we should stop using that as a mile marker of achievement in a woman's life.
She’s Got Great Chat, An Eye For Colour & This Only Cost Me £1.
My Son Broke His Wrist And It Extra Sucks Since We Are Stuck At Home For At Least Another Month. I Decorated His Cast And Now He Loves It And Is Super Happy To Finally Have A "Tattoo"
I'm not an artist but am really proud of this.
And This Dad Who Sat In On His Daughter's Grad School Class Just To Embarrass Her
Really Wholesome Mom
This Dad Who Took The Family Dog To A Motorcycle Event
Middle School Lunch Period Is Hard So My Mom Wrote Me Encouraging Notes To Read At Lunch
I will upvote each story you don't upvote so that they will all get enough upvotes!!
Load More Replies...All these stories and comments make me really miss my mom. I think that one of my favorite memories of my mom is that she would always leave a treat or a present on my bed for me to find when I got home from school! Even after I graduated, she would still leave presents for me every now and then!
made me miss my dad..been gone 8 years after suffering alzheimer's..
Load More Replies...Look at all those happy and proud parents, I think I'm someone to be proud of but I will be dead at this time because of their non caring. I hope to be a parent like those for my child if I will have one.
I'm a mom and I'm proud of you even if I don't know you 🤗
Load More Replies...There's one which always gets me which isn't here: some parents whose child came out as transgender and who paid to have a revised birth announcement printed in the newspaper saying they'd been mistaken about having a daughter and would like to present their son. So supportive, it make me well up every time I think about it.
Please don't cry: my 95 yo grandma had a gift for every boyfriend of my brother for christmas. Labeled "MR Firstname". She's 95. French, she lived under war. I'm so proud of her!
Load More Replies...I'm sobbing over here. My dad died in April and his birthday is tomorrow.
I’m sorry for your loss. I am sure he wouldn’t want you to be sad for his bday. Maybe you can still get a cake and try to have a celebration of his life.
Load More Replies...hehe the gay cupcakes and military dad one reminded me of what I plan on doing for my birthday next year... It's going to be my sweet 16 and I'm going to ask my parents if I can make my cake with a couple of my friends, and I'm gonna try and make 3 layers, blue, purple, and pink, and make the frosting in a similar pattern, idk I haven't decided yet. Anyways, I kind of want to make my friends grab a letter or a big paper word and we're going to wear a purple, blue, and pink themed outfits hehe. I think I'm going to use that to come out to them just because I can, and I think it'll be a fun way to go out with a bang if they don't want to understand/don't accept me lmao
When I was in the Army, I sent my folks a picture of me in field gear next to my largest buddy, also in field gear (Im a subcompact model). Found out he put it on his workbench at his job until he retired.
It is great to see these. My stepfather (the only father I knew) totally and completely ignored my existence until he was near death. And my actual mom kept it pretty platonic, too. I am so delighted others had such great parent experiences!
We need more of these kinds of positive things on BP. I especially love that this one focuses on good parents. We hear so much about bad parents these days and I feel like the good ones need just as much, if not more, recognition. Raising kids is a hard job, and even though the "raising" part ends when they become adults, you're always their parent. So let's have more posts like this!
I will upvote each story you don't upvote so that they will all get enough upvotes!!
Load More Replies...All these stories and comments make me really miss my mom. I think that one of my favorite memories of my mom is that she would always leave a treat or a present on my bed for me to find when I got home from school! Even after I graduated, she would still leave presents for me every now and then!
made me miss my dad..been gone 8 years after suffering alzheimer's..
Load More Replies...Look at all those happy and proud parents, I think I'm someone to be proud of but I will be dead at this time because of their non caring. I hope to be a parent like those for my child if I will have one.
I'm a mom and I'm proud of you even if I don't know you 🤗
Load More Replies...There's one which always gets me which isn't here: some parents whose child came out as transgender and who paid to have a revised birth announcement printed in the newspaper saying they'd been mistaken about having a daughter and would like to present their son. So supportive, it make me well up every time I think about it.
Please don't cry: my 95 yo grandma had a gift for every boyfriend of my brother for christmas. Labeled "MR Firstname". She's 95. French, she lived under war. I'm so proud of her!
Load More Replies...I'm sobbing over here. My dad died in April and his birthday is tomorrow.
I’m sorry for your loss. I am sure he wouldn’t want you to be sad for his bday. Maybe you can still get a cake and try to have a celebration of his life.
Load More Replies...hehe the gay cupcakes and military dad one reminded me of what I plan on doing for my birthday next year... It's going to be my sweet 16 and I'm going to ask my parents if I can make my cake with a couple of my friends, and I'm gonna try and make 3 layers, blue, purple, and pink, and make the frosting in a similar pattern, idk I haven't decided yet. Anyways, I kind of want to make my friends grab a letter or a big paper word and we're going to wear a purple, blue, and pink themed outfits hehe. I think I'm going to use that to come out to them just because I can, and I think it'll be a fun way to go out with a bang if they don't want to understand/don't accept me lmao
When I was in the Army, I sent my folks a picture of me in field gear next to my largest buddy, also in field gear (Im a subcompact model). Found out he put it on his workbench at his job until he retired.
It is great to see these. My stepfather (the only father I knew) totally and completely ignored my existence until he was near death. And my actual mom kept it pretty platonic, too. I am so delighted others had such great parent experiences!
We need more of these kinds of positive things on BP. I especially love that this one focuses on good parents. We hear so much about bad parents these days and I feel like the good ones need just as much, if not more, recognition. Raising kids is a hard job, and even though the "raising" part ends when they become adults, you're always their parent. So let's have more posts like this!