For the past few years, the world has been a painful mess. You open the news wishing to find positive things, but the headlines offer only more despair.

However, just because mass media paints a grim picture of our times, that doesn't mean it's all hopeless.

Recently, Redditor ItsTheCess wanted to cheer themselves up and asked: "What are some good things happening in the world right now?" Immediately, people flooded them with wholesome things, and we at Bored Panda believe this post, together with the replies it has received, is exactly what we need to start the week with a smile on our faces.


If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I bought a f**k ton of milkweed and wildflowers and got rid of 20% of my grass lawn to make a meadow.

Bees are thriving in my lawn.

I also successfully seed bombed quite a few places in my area from last year's fall that are BLOOMING this year.

SadlyCantGoToEdc , Dmitry Grigoriev Report

We managed to get in touch with ItsTheCess and they agreed to have a little chat with us. "I don't remember exactly what I was doing right before I posted it but I can guess the news cycle had been more depressing than normal that day," the Redditor told Bored Panda. "The question itself was almost sarcastic. 'There's so much evil happening in the world right now, is anything good actually going on?' Part of me expected to get downvoted into oblivion and just a few comments saying some variant of 'No.'"

ItsTheCess said the replies really stuck with them. "The fact that literally anyone took the time to give real answers and not just some variant of 'No' meant a lot to me. I particularly enjoyed the answers that pertained to space, such as the JW telescope, or the medical field, such as the new treatments for cancer, because scientific advancement is something I hope to never stop seeing or learning about."


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Pandas are no longer endangered!!

    TiroTiroTetsu , Kerry Hu Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out An Arkansas school district installed 1400 solar panels, turned a $250k deficit into a 1.8 million dollar surplus due to the amount of energy they saved, and are now raising teachers salaries by 2,000 3,000 dollars.

    washyourhands-- , Biel Morro Report

    As Pamela Rutledge, director of the California-based Media Psychology Research Center, explains it, our tendency to doomscroll “really just describes the compulsive need to try and get answers when we're afraid." We do have to assess whether new information constitutes a threat. "We are biologically driven to attend to that," Rutledge said.

    "Unfortunately, journalism to some degree plays to that tendency,” she added. Provocative headlines and stories draw in readers because they elicit fear and urgency. We tell ourselves, if I know all the latest news, I can better protect myself and my family.


    And while this soudns reasonable, most people scroll well past the point of ascertaining any valuable information.


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Polio was officially eliminated from Africa last year.

    Less_Reflection_7601 , Kristine Wook Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I was at the Phoenix airport a couple weeks ago. An older gentleman sat next to me at our gate. Both his feet were wrapped in some sort of bandage and he was struggling to get around with a cane.

    On his other side were a pair of teenagers just giggling over kitten videos on their phones. They were strangers but made sure this man got helped to the restroom, had a drink, carried his bag, got to his seat, had access to a wheelchair when he got off the plane! It was seamlessly selfless.

    The kids are alright. They really are. I'm 47. I am seeing it around me so often.

    GoingApeCostume , Rayhan Fahmi Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in a restaurant some days ago and a group of kids were celebrating a birthday. Between 16 and 18. They were so heartwarming and genuinely nice. The birthday boy made a speech after receiving a big present, explaining to each of his guests why exactly he cherishes and loves them.

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    A day of scrolling through positive news probably won't erase or counteract the habits we've formed from months or even years of doomscrolling and their negative effects on our mental wellbeing, however, good news do, in fact, bring us joy.

    From what they see in the media, ItsTheCess believes publishers should really step up and cover more positive stories. "I know they don't do it because it probably doesn't equal rating or at least they think it doesn't equal ratings. Good things are happening. Good people are out there. People should be aware of that too," the Redditor highlighted.

    "That balance is incredibly important to me and I believe it should be important to everyone. All that negativity takes such a toll on the mind; it's not healthy or sustainable," they said.

    "[I would like to] remind everyone reading this to be kind to those around you and those who you interact with online. You never know what someone is going through and you don't want to add to it. The only way to get kinder people into the world is to be one," ItsTheCess added.


    I finished my Master's degree on Wednesday. I'm the first woman in my Hispanic family to have one and I'm a single mom.

    The last three classes were extraordinarily difficult for me due to my mental health issues and financial situation. However, my instructors worked with me and supported me through out them.

    TaterTot_1984 Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out There is a video going around of this Ukrainian refugee woman who told her son that they were going to see Jon Cena in order to get him to escape with her.

    Jon cena heard the story and flew over there to see them so he could meet her son.

    idk0897 , Gage Skidmore Report

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    Sheila Stamey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He's awesome. The son is severely mentally challenged and simply was having a horrible time leaving his routine and his home even in time of danger. I totally understand. Ok here I am. Safe and sound. They tell me well you are not safe anymore where you have been everyday. Ok. I don't want to go. You have to. Idc. But John Cena is waiting on you! Me: where's the car?

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out My husband is two months alcohol free.

    dharmawaits , Daniel Smyth Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I made some friends for the first time in a while

    Gr33nman460 , Wasa Crispbread Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I ditched Facebook completely and my mental health has improved by 90%.

    optiplexiss , Book Catalog Report

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    Mark Fuller
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've never done social media apart from Bored Panda. I reckon I dodged a bullet.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out R Kelly got sentenced to 30 years. It's about time IMO

    mommallama420 , Miami Police Department Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Ukraine is generally beating Russias a*s which is good

    Single-Jump48 , Max Kukurudziak Report

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    Frank Ropen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The war is not over and the aftermath will be horrific for the world

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Greater one-horned rhino or Great Indian rhinoceros population stands at around 3,700 individuals, a significant increase from around 200 remaining at the turn of the 20th century. Strict protection and management action from Indian and Nepalese authorities and their partners are responsible for bringing the species back from the brink.

    SuvenPan , Sanjay ach Report

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    T'Mar of Vulcan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now we need to do the same with white and black rhino populations in Africa.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I know it may be selfish to put here but I’m proud of myself for this.

    I went from not seeing a purpose in living to living every day with purpose.

    DudeManThing1 , Sasha Freemind Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Scientists have discovered a worm that can digest plastic, and they are currently trying to copy it's digestive system. This can help solve a huge problem.

    my_username_30 , The University of Queensland Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I left an abusive relationship after 5 years and have found a nice niche helping my brother remodel his house- the house we grew up in.

    cassigayle , Dương Hữu Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Ozone layer has been almost 100% repaired after the CFC bans from years ago

    PulverizedAnus , Sean Stratton Report

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    Laura Ketteridge
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We're not quite there yet. The ozone layer is most definitely becoming thicker, and we are back to pre-2000 levels. It's estimated that it will take until 2040 to 2070 to fully repair, but we are most definitely headed in the right direction.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Several extremely promising treatments for cancer are being developed.

    46from1971 , National Cancer Institute Report

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    Bear Hall
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I heard this sentence first decades and decades ago. If only I have a dollar every time I heard this. There are definitely new treatments, but people are still dying.

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    More people are seeking to "break the cycle" of all the c**p they had to deal with as children, and I couldn't be prouder.

    No-Championship21 Report


    The aboriginal flag is having a permanent fixture on top of the Sydney Harbour bridge

    Username-xxx Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Earlier today i saw a post of a woman asking where she can get free menstrual products and the very first comment was 'sent me a amazon wish list, I got you girl!' And that really restored my faith in humanity

    Fluffy_Opportunity71 , Marketing City to Sea Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We have implemented this in our city (Liège, Belgium) free reusable products for all menstruating people, because it is a necessity and a huge budget for those who are in need, especially disposable products.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out bald eagle populations have made a MAJOR comeback

    rampagerooster , Saffron Blaze Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out There's a woman (forgot where she lives. I think in Africa) who started collecting plastic waste and compressing all of it into bricks for roads and giving people jobs. They're still trying to perfect it or get it to last longer, because it will erode no matter what, but it's still limiting the space where all the plastic is.

    vikkis_awk , Lisa Risager Report

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    Michelle M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nzambi Matee. She is a Kenyan engineer based in Nairobi. Everyday, her company turns tonnes of plastic wastes into over 1500 bricks. Overall, the bricks are cheaper, three times stronger than concrete and twice as light. Already paving Nairobi roads with them and working on a prototype for low-cost buildings. Brilliant woman!

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out The amount of machines in development to clean up plastic pollution is just crazy. Want a large boat patrolling the oceans? What about a small drone for busy waters? A gate stopping plastic in rivers from entering the oceans in the first place? You name it, someone is working on it.

    MarcoYTVA , Ajin K S Report

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    Nicola Roberts
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out There have been advances in vaccine tech that will likely cut development time from up to twenty years down to 1-2 years.

    KP_Wrath , Jaron Nix Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Certainly due to Covid 19 and the race between laboratories to be the first to find a vaccine. This epidemic will have at least had a positive effect.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out my girlfriend said she loves me

    Many_Imagination6114 , Oziel Gómez Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wholesome, yes, but (and please don't lambaste me for this) do you love yourself?

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out In recent drug trials, Dostarlimab had a 100% success rate in treating colorectal cancer. 18 out of 18 participants were in remission 1 year from being administered the drug. Enormous news as this is the closest we’ve ever been to a cancer “cure”.

    Edit: i misremembered the number of participants. It’s 14 out of 14 not 18 of 18.

    Article [here](

    Were-All-Fucked , Louis Reed Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope so, I have a strong history of it in my family. Would be nice to think that if the worst happens, then I have options.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Johnny Depp’s victory is a promising sign for other men in abusive relationships.

    RifleShower , Andy Templeton Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And might help more men speak out. Or even to realise what the difference between being "the strong one" and being in a manipulative, abusive relationship.

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    My son.....he was born yesterday. We got lucky to find out Walmart got a supply of formula in this morning too. I may sound selfish but I might have a better job by the end of the week to afford this new bundle of joy

    Ok_Chocolate3253 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Enjoy. Just remember that feeling that you'd sacrifice anything for your kid? Well.. tiredness is that sacrifice. You'll lose 1,000 hours sleep in the first couple of years. That's ok. Being tired is ok.

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    New Lyme disease vaccines are on the way, accelerated thanks to the knowledge learned from making the Covid vaccine.

    Esc_ape_artist Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We had an old lyme disease vaccine. It was pulled off the market not because there was anything wrong with it, but because anti vaxers made it one of their early targets and it became unprofitable.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Canada and Greenland (Government of Denmark) have just come to a peaceful resolution of the 38 year territorial dispute over the highly coveted Hans Island, where they've agree to share the island and split it right down the middle.

    This is of course the famed "Whiskey War". The main aspect of it (swapping schnapps with whiskey or vice versa), I imagine, will remain in some part as a celebrated border-crossing tradition.

    i_f**kin_luv_it_mate , Toubletap Report

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    Laura Ketteridge
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The treaty will go before the various parliaments for ratification. It will create one of the shortest international land bordered in the world.

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    I heard on the news, a guy spent a whole year planting his blind wife’s favourite flowers, and that really warms my heart

    Longjumping-Eye-1925 Report


    Trees are blooming, wild animals reproducing, bees making honey. Nature is beautiful man.

    wolverine-claws Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Germany will reform its laws surrounding identification to better support the rights and safety of transgender people.

    FormalWare , Maheshkumar Painam Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out My guava plants produced fruit, I had so many tomatoes that I gave some to the neighbors, gave some to the chickens and ducks, and still had lots left over for salads and sauces. I got about a hundred cucumbers. And found out my new puppy likes to steal ripe tomatoes off the vine (which sounds like a bad thing, but they were just going to rot there cause I can't pick them in time, so good job Bleu)

    OutsideBubbly4740 , Rusty Clark ~ 100K Photos Report

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    Down With Agent Hedgehog!
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds nice. My avocado plant (which I grew from a grocery store avocado core) is also producing fruit after 8 years

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Psilocybin therapy is helping people overcome addiction, depression, and anxiety.

    Gozword Report

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    🧶𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕂𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣🪡
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like many people, I've had a few experiences with mushrooms and LSD and they were life-changing. It's truly amazing how just one experience with hallucinogens can open your mind and totally change your perspective. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone got to try these drugs in a safe, comfortable, and preferably natural & green environment at least once in their lives.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out More and more nations accept trans and gay people, women's rights are becoming an acyual matter and equality is becoming possible

    DaveDerSowjet , Teddy Österblom Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women's rights are endangered. Limiting acces to (knowledge about) contraception and abortion is a slippery slope... Witch hunts are a real danger to women in several countries in the world today and in many more countries femicide is increasing

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Futurama coming back in 2023

    eatmystrawhat , Tom Francis Report


    The ocean cleaner that everyone said wouldn't do anything years ago has carried itself into an outstanding success!

    MsMcClane Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Advances in stem cell research.

    More awareness on mental health and treatment.

    PermabannedX4 , CDC Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm really pleased that many people have helped to raise mental health awareness. That can only be a good thing, but we need to start turning that awareness into tangible resources that the psychiatric services so desperately need. Better pay for staff would only lead to better care. I know of one ward which was understaffed last summer to the point that the patients were only allowed outdoors access for three fifteen-minute periods per 24hr day. Whilst awareness is great, it isn't quite enough. For instance, I am aware that I am a terrible singer (as are my family and neighbours) but without a tangible injection of cash so I can take singing lessons, nothing will change and I will continue to howl like a strangled cat. My family and neighbours will continue to be aware that I am making a hellish sound but will be unable to improve their situation either. I suppose that what I'm trying to say is that having more people know that I can't sing doesn't improve my singing.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Science has discovered a way to grow a type of biological plant life with only artificial light

    Science has improved solar power to the point where it is now a very viable solution to our energy needs if we just muster the political will

    Science has improved electrification (eg heat pumps, EVs, et al) to such a point that if society were to muster the political will we could probably dramatically slow, halt, or even reverse the current climate crisis if used in combination with solar and other renewable forms of energy

    Knightowle , CHUTTERSNAP Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And overcome the lobbing dollars of the oil and gas industries.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out On the surface of Mars, the mars rover was able to successfully separate oxygen from carbon dioxide.

    Upstairs_Toe_1402 , Malik Shibly Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean it’s good to know we have a back up… but why not focus on fixing our mistakes here on earth.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out I've almost beaten a lifelong skin condition that seriously affected my confidence :D
    Edit: I meant to use the word chronic not lifelong.

    SoulScribbler_ , Valeria Smirnova Report

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    Breakdancing will appear in the Paris Olympics in 2024!

    gnapster Report

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    Ali H M Salehuddin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To me this is sad. A more 'mainstream' sport such as Squash wasn't Olympic worthy while breakdance is. Is certainly wasn't World Squash Federation lack of trying though..

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    Some journalist wrote something based off of one of my tweets and now I accidentally named a movie. Even if it sucks I hope the film gets a release since that's a notch on my belt

    artpalos Report


    The California Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act passed! Monterey Bay Aquarium Senate Bill Act 54 Article

    BunkerSoup Report


    They found a baby mammoth so that's pretty cool

    AlternativeAd8044 Report

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    Australia prioritizes reducing emissions and cheaper EVs:

    Australia's new government is putting climate change at the top of its legislative agenda when Parliament sits next month for the first time since the May 21 election, with bills to enshrine a cut in greenhouse gas emissions and make electric cars cheaper.

    Back2Bach Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YAY!!!! (I'm not Australian, but I'd love to live there someday)

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    Space programs are moving forward at a pace not seen since Apollo.

    Jefoid Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd prefer some of that effort go to solve the problems down here first.

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    Chapters of the 501st Legion, people dressing as Star Wars characters, visit children's hospitals all over the world.

    Connecticut has free admission all Summer for kids at museums, zoos and aquariums

    Bigbird_Elephant Report

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    Loki’s Lil Butter Knife
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually looked them up and the volunteer work they do is amazing. They either play a well know character from one of the movies or they develop their own Jedi/Sith personas.

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    Lots of advances have been made with LED technology to the point where indoor grow lights for food are becoming cost effective to operate, especially in colder climates.

    Previous indoor growing was reserved for cannabis as it had a high dollar to pound yield. Now with high efficiency LEDs, panels that rival 1,000W bulbs only consume around 90W and last for tens of thousands of hours!!

    Major step towards improving the world hunger situation.

    minidinosaurfarm Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is no shortage of food in the world. Half the population is overweight or even obese. Tons of food are being thrown away... Proper distribution and speculation is a problem.

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    CART 19 cancer therapy.

    liscbj Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is CART 19 cancer? I assume it is a kind of cancer and glad people with it are getting therapy, but where on the body does it affect and what does it do to do it?


    Quantum computing.

    Just a matter of time they overtake classical computers and the advantages flowing to the masses.

    scavenger981 Report

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    Hobby Hopper
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I believe quantum computing absolutely will be amazing, but classical computers are going to stick around for a couple of reasons. 1) quantum and classical computers solve different problems, and 2) we need classical computers to interface with quantum ones.

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    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out

    World poverty is half what it was in 1990 and still dropping. Inequality has increased but it's increased in the other direction (rich getting richer).

    That's pretty awesome and doesn't get talked about at all

    itsayspull88 , Jon Tyson Report


    There is a new Monkey Island game coming out.

    Meteorblues Report


    If You're Tired Of All The Depressing News, These 50 Wholesome Stories Might Just Balance Everything Out Well, SCOTUS is actually relinquishing some federal power. That’s something I don’t think anyone really expected.

    AbolishTheFed1776 , Phil Roeder Report

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    Den Ver
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t think an extremist, power grabbing SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) acting as an arm of the Republican party (Trump) shifting control to the states to eliminate abortion care and contraceptive choices/rights, in addition to forcing their other views on the MAJORITY of Americans qualifies as, “Good Things Happening In The World Right Now”. The founding fathers of the nation would not approve of the way they are defiling democracy.

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