Happy Pride Month everybody! How are you celebrating this year? Are you attending your local Pride parade? Maybe you're indulging in a little bit of innocent rainbow capitalism and buying a tote bag or some other Pride merch? Or are you baking a rainbow cake for your queer loved one?

We here at Bored Panda are celebrating this year's Pride Month with another edition of wholesome pictures. We're featuring awesome parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles who proved they love their LGBTQ+ family members no matter what. Love is love, right? So check out the most inspiring and heartwarming pics of family members supporting their LGBTQ+ folks. And warning – you might need a tissue if you're an easy crier like me.

Bored Panda reached out to LGBTQ+-affirming Therapist Lisa S. Larsen, PsyD. She kindly agreed to tell us more about the role that family plays in an LGBTQ+ person's life. She also offered some possible coping strategies for queer individuals who have been rejected by family members. Read her expert insights below!


My Son’s Boyfriend Gave Me A Father’s Day Card Because I’ve Made My Home Safe For Them Both

My Son’s Boyfriend Gave Me A Father’s Day Card Because I’ve Made My Home Safe For Them Both

My (adult) son’s boyfriend didn’t have a healthy or safe father, but he’s watched me with my son, and it’s given him a new way to understand families. I came home from work today to find this card and sticker waiting for me, with this message inside. It takes a lot for him to express his feelings this way, so this is a priceless gift from him. I’ve had a hard time recently, losing a woman I’ve been deeply in love with who chose a different guy who doesn’t treat her well, struggling with money, feeling embarrassed at not being able to do more for my sons, plus being in counseling as a survivor of domestic abuse from an ex who told me I’m worthless, stupid, ugly, and that I should have ended myself years ago. I’m slowly rebuilding my life, and things like this give me hope that I’m doing a good job.

Anishinaapunk Report


    Mom Says She Knew I Was Gay Before I Did. I Guffawed. She Showed Me This

    Mom Says She Knew I Was Gay Before I Did. I Guffawed. She Showed Me This

    jonathanrss Report

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    kodathena avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the absolute best pic Ive seen in a while!! Thanks for the smile!!!

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    "We humans need a secure attachment to [our] caregivers and family members in order to survive and thrive," Lisa S. Larsen, PsyD, says. "Being securely attached means that we know that our caregivers are there for us against all odds, including societal rejection and oppression. When we don't have that, it is harder to handle stress and navigate the struggles that we all face."


    "Unfortunately, members of the LGBTQ+ community also face minority stress, in addition to the usual challenges of daily living. When our own families reject us, ridicule us, or disrespect us, we may not know where to turn. It is a lonely experience to believe that we don't belong anywhere and that even our own family would turn [their] back[s] on us."


    Elders Are Our Most Cherished Asset

    Elders Are Our Most Cherished Asset

    TheOnlySuccubus Report


    Lost A Chance To Show Support With A Great Dad Joke

    Lost A Chance To Show Support With A Great Dad Joke

    Netrogo Report

    "LGBTQ+ youth are at greater risk for substance use, depression, anxiety, and suicide," the therapist notes. "They are very vulnerable to the pressures of political and social stigmatization and persecution. Many of my clients talk about their fear and disbelief at how risky it can be to be ‘out’ as LGBTQ+. If they also face discrimination from their own families, it creates a sense of hopelessness and helplessness."

    Larsen says it's important for families to understand what it means to be LGBTQ+, accept their queer family members, and love them unconditionally. Just as they would a cisgender or heterosexual child. "Unfortunately, some ultra-religious families cannot accept their child's gender identification or sexual orientation," she says. "I have even seen young people get kicked out of their families' homes with nowhere to go."


    My Dad's Hatred For Men Got The Best Of Him

    My Dad's Hatred For Men Got The Best Of Him

    yvclu Report


    We Then Had A Frank And Open Discussion About Both Of Our Struggles And She Asked Me For Any Books She Could Read To Help Her Understand Transgender Stuff More In Order To Help Me Out

    We Then Had A Frank And Open Discussion About Both Of Our Struggles And She Asked Me For Any Books She Could Read To Help Her Understand Transgender Stuff More In Order To Help Me Out

    GreatCheshire Report

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    michellegoubeaux avatar
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    aswathimahesh89 avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If all believers were like this, what a wonderful place will this world be

    natalietorp03 avatar
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know I'm probably gonna get down voted for this, but I mean it with love. I am Christian, and don't agree with lgbt stuff, but I make an effort to love everyone, and support them. I think alot of the time, Christians don't show the love of God to members if the lgbtq community. I think it is kind of hypocritical to preach about the love of God that you don't even practice themselves. Just had to point that out.

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    batphace avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THIS. This is genuine Christianty at it's finest. Many blessings upon them both☮️

    jenniferbrinkman_1 avatar
    jennifer brinkman
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am posting this to people that are religious so they can understand god doesn't care about straight or gay

    zeljkoklaric78_1 avatar
    Bernd Herbert
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m probably risking downvotes, but, if you know that the person you are talking is not religious, is it really necessary to still impose your belief on the other person?

    emilycockroft avatar
    Aroace tiger (she/they/he)
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Personally i think its more of a "this is how i think of it therefore I accept u" not a "this is what u must believe"

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    rayneofsalt avatar
    Rayne OfSalt
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Christianity used to believe that trans people were marked by god for holy purpose, as god had given them the greatest of challenges - being born into a body that was not theirs. That's why there's numerous trans/gender non-conforming saints. The christian hatred towards lgbtq+ people is really only a product of the last couple of hundred years, mostly stemming from english puritanicalism in the 1800s.

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    We put a great deal of significance on the concept of family in our society. But there's also a saying "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." Sometimes, the bonds we choose might be stronger than the ones we're born into. Larsen says that while the concept of a chosen family is not specific to the LGBTQ+ community, it does apply.


    For All The Folks Asking: He Does Not Speak Chinese, And When I Told My Grandma She Said "Ah I Guess You'll Have To Continue Being The Family Translator Then"

    For All The Folks Asking: He Does Not Speak Chinese, And When I Told My Grandma She Said "Ah I Guess You'll Have To Continue Being The Family Translator Then"

    michaelyichao Report

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    winterwidow87 avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am learning Chinese so i speak a bit of chinese but at the same time i don't. Does this mean i am gender fluid?

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    That's So Nice

    That's So Nice Report

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    happyhirts avatar
    Mad Dragon
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I knew a kid who was constantly and deliberately misgendered and dead-named by his family, to the point that he wanted to erase himself from existence. I told him I would give him love and support and in return he had to take care of himself and stay healthy. It is now six years later and he is happy and healthy, and he is also officially my son as my husband and I were able to adopt him as an adult.

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    "People who have been abused or neglected by their families of origin might also choose not to associate with their blood relatives or caregivers from childhood anymore. Each person gets to decide for themselves what makes sense for their mental health. If you are repeatedly dead-named or insulted because of your gender identification or sexual orientation, that can have damaging effects long-term."


    I Mean, Who Can Be Mad At An Honest Grandpa Who’s Going To Do His Darndest They Way He Knows How

    I Mean, Who Can Be Mad At An Honest Grandpa Who’s Going To Do His Darndest They Way He Knows How

    genderbones Report


    These Are The Happiest Little Squirrels Ever

    These Are The Happiest Little Squirrels Ever

    julesgold_ Report

    "It makes sense to find people with whom you connect emotionally and to accept you the way you are, without [them] having to change you for their own comfort. The important thing is to find people who accept you the way you are and show you unconditional love; whether it's a blood relative [or] someone you have befriended or adopted along the way is unimportant," Larsen emphasizes.


    Also, I Cannot State Enough How Sick Of A Response That Was In 2006 Of All Times, In Alabama Of All Places

    Also, I Cannot State Enough How Sick Of A Response That Was In 2006 Of All Times, In Alabama Of All Places

    HeavenlyGrandpa , HeavenlyGrandpa Report


    Has Been Pointed Out To Me That I Should've Like Asked For Some Congratulatory Cash But Oh Well

    Has Been Pointed Out To Me That I Should've Like Asked For Some Congratulatory Cash But Oh Well

    charlvickers Report

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    beccatheqt avatar
    Becca not Becky
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's all about perspective. I knew someone with a similar story, and especially considering where we grew up, it was a great outcome.

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    Finally Came Out To My Grandpa And His Response Is So Sweet

    Finally Came Out To My Grandpa And His Response Is So Sweet

    tr4v4cq Report

    However, this still doesn't diminish the fact that being rejected by family is one of the toughest things a person can go through. "It is tempting to assume that no one else will love you if your parents or other family members don't, but that is simply not true," Larsen explains. "When I think of the courage it takes to come out to family members, it's amazing that people do it. However, sometimes, family members don't know what to do with the new information, and so [they] react fearfully."


    Grandmothers Are The Best I’m So Happy You Have A Supportive One

    Grandmothers Are The Best I’m So Happy You Have A Supportive One

    lily_haunter Report


    The Strudel Is The Most Important Stuff

    The Strudel Is The Most Important Stuff

    ASTARIONN Report

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    pamhogue avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You really do have to focus on the important stuff. Way to go, grandma.😊

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    Parents Threw Him A "Gayceañera" On His 15th Birthday To Celebrate His Coming Out, And Make Him Feel More Accepted Among Family And Friends. You See? It’s Easy. All You Need Is Love

    Parents Threw Him A "Gayceañera" On His 15th Birthday To Celebrate His Coming Out, And Make Him Feel More Accepted Among Family And Friends. You See? It’s Easy. All You Need Is Love

    ernmanic Report

    Larsen gives some possible internal coping strategies for LGBTQ+ people. First, she says, it's paramount to keep in mind that deep down, you're still the same. "Remember that you are still the same person you were before you came out, with the same strengths and challenges. Your family's rejection does not mean that you are worthless or unacceptable. Their rejection of you says more about them than it does about you," Larson tells Bored Panda.


    This Is Amazing. I Say Acceptance Is A Lot. When A Person Changes, Cause It Shows They Love You For Who You Are

    This Is Amazing. I Say Acceptance Is A Lot. When A Person Changes, Cause It Shows They Love You For Who You Are

    flvmeprincesss Report


    This Just Gave Me Energy And Warmth Like A Sun Beam! That Is So Sweet

    This Just Gave Me Energy And Warmth Like A Sun Beam! That Is So Sweet

    Garrett_Watts Report


    That’s Lil Brother Love

    That’s Lil Brother Love

    bmoore1294 Report

    Secondly, LGBTQ+ people should stop seeing themselves through the eyes of others. "Learn to see yourself through your own eyes," Larsen says. "Hopefully, you know your own talents, qualities, and values. Those don't change based on what other people think of you. They are enduring characteristics that you have as long as you choose to keep them. You might have to detoxify from how other people have treated you or seen you in order to find your own perspective of yourself."


    My Birthday/Pride Was Cancelled, But My Whole Family Stepped Up. Without Consulting Each Other First

    My Birthday/Pride Was Cancelled, But My Whole Family Stepped Up. Without Consulting Each Other First

    AerialArria Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    He's Trying

    He's Trying

    tesspaisan Report

    Lastly, Larsen recommends finding refuge by confiding in others. "Find resources in the community where you can meet other LGBTQ+ people to connect with and, hopefully, befriend. If necessary, join a support group for those who have lost family members due to rejection."


    In Case Y’all Are Wondering, It’s Going Great. They Been Talking To Each Other Since We Sat Down

    In Case Y’all Are Wondering, It’s Going Great. They Been Talking To Each Other Since We Sat Down

    lutherxhughes Report


    I Came Out To My Dad A Few Months Ago. We Were Talking About Gender And He Just Asked If I Was Non Binary, And I Said Yes

    I Came Out To My Dad A Few Months Ago. We Were Talking About Gender And He Just Asked If I Was Non Binary, And I Said Yes

    I was terrified because, in the past, my dad has said some very transphobic things. But a few days later, when he came to pick me up for something, he called me by my chosen name (which my mom told him). And since then he’s been trying his best to use my pronouns and he corrects himself constantly, it makes me so happy. Here’s a picture of him wearing a shirt I got him.

    ramen_gurl Report

    "Allow yourself to process the grief and trauma of being rejected, but don't let it define you as a person," Larsen reiterates. "There is so much more to you than the rejection. In the community of other like-minded people, you'll be able to resurrect your self-esteem."


    His Sign May Be Smaller, But His Message Is Much Bigger

    His Sign May Be Smaller, But His Message Is Much Bigger

    wordswiththeletterB Report

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    red_megan avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A few years ago, shortly after the Pride Parade in Atlanta, I chased away some "good, bible-thumping, christians", complete with a bullhorn. They had cornered some teenagers and literally were spewing hate and filth right in their faces with that bullhorn. I simply took it from them and made them chase me out of the park to get it. By that time people had stopped what they were doing/came around from vendor booths, and made like a parade across the entrance beside me. So the "good christians" had to settle for riding around the park in their truck, yelling horrible things until their battery ran out on the bullhorn.

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    Thought This Might Be Appreciated Here. Happy Pride Everyone! I Put This Together For My Dad And His Husband

    Thought This Might Be Appreciated Here. Happy Pride Everyone! I Put This Together For My Dad And His Husband

    evanjahlynn Report


    4 Years Ago I Came Out To My Parents On Thanksgiving. I Was Horrified But My Mom's First Response Was "When Are You Guys Getting Married?"

    4 Years Ago I Came Out To My Parents On Thanksgiving. I Was Horrified But My Mom's First Response Was "When Are You Guys Getting Married?"

    starstufft Report


    Look How Cute She Is! So Supportive Of Her (Many) Queer Grandchildren. No Seriously There Are Tons Of Us, Happy Pride

    Look How Cute She Is! So Supportive Of Her (Many) Queer Grandchildren. No Seriously There Are Tons Of Us, Happy Pride

    PunkyStarshine , PunkyStarshine Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    In Honor Of Pride Month, My Brother Painted The Lesbian Flag On The Back Of His Pickup Truck

    In Honor Of Pride Month, My Brother Painted The Lesbian Flag On The Back Of His Pickup Truck

    librasapphire000 Report


    You Are A Lucky Guy

    You Are A Lucky Guy

    theFoxFisher Report


    I Came Out To My 76-Year-Old Grandpa Today

    I Came Out To My 76-Year-Old Grandpa Today

    If you know me you know he is my favorite person. I was so nervous after hiding this part of me for years. His response was “you have to be you and proud to be you. I’m more proud that you told me”. I ugly cried y’all. I’m so lucky.

    ravnilena Report


    Found A Roll Of Film From Pride. Got This Great Picture Of My Mom. She Has Gone To Every Pride Parade Since I Came Out! I Couldn’t Ask For A More Supportive Mom

    Found A Roll Of Film From Pride. Got This Great Picture Of My Mom. She Has Gone To Every Pride Parade Since I Came Out! I Couldn’t Ask For A More Supportive Mom

    dustin_ginsberg Report

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    This Has Got To Be The Sweetest Thing Ever

    This Has Got To Be The Sweetest Thing Ever

    JaimieCantDance Report

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    lindacowley avatar
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm going to have to take a break for another cup of tea because I swear I'm about to dehydrate from happy tears

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    I Made A Presentation To Explain My Transness To My Family

    I Made A Presentation To Explain My Transness To My Family

    It went really well. I made the whole thing humorous, so it wouldn't seem confrontational, but it was a great way to inform them and set boundaries. I saw an instant change in pronoun usage and a general awareness of how they treated me.

    YourFriendJeebus Report


    After Coming Out As Transgender And Non-Binary, My Mother Crocheted Me A Giant Pride Flag Blanket To Show Love And Support. It's Super Wholesome And I Love It

    After Coming Out As Transgender And Non-Binary, My Mother Crocheted Me A Giant Pride Flag Blanket To Show Love And Support. It's Super Wholesome And I Love It

    DrMBotha Report


    My Mom Surprised Me With The Gayest Fans During Our Mother/Son Dance At My Wedding

    My Mom Surprised Me With The Gayest Fans During Our Mother/Son Dance At My Wedding

    BowtieBoy Report


    My Mom And I Made Rainbow Cupcakes To Celebrate Pride Month

    My Mom And I Made Rainbow Cupcakes To Celebrate Pride Month

    Mvpcat29 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    That’s The Reaction I Want From My Parents

    That’s The Reaction I Want From My Parents

    quenblackwell Report


    My Mom Got A Bi Scorpion Tattoo Because I'm A Scorpio, I Love Her So Much. I Don't Even Believe In Zodiac Signs But She Does And This Almost Made Me Cry

    My Mom Got A Bi Scorpion Tattoo Because I'm A Scorpio, I Love Her So Much. I Don't Even Believe In Zodiac Signs But She Does And This Almost Made Me Cry

    Arno_VH1 Report


    Your Parents Are Doing It Right

    Your Parents Are Doing It Right

    mandersoncooper Report


    Came Out As A Lesbian This Year. Christmas Gift From My Older Sister. It Is Safe To Say She’s Supportive

    Came Out As A Lesbian This Year. Christmas Gift From My Older Sister. It Is Safe To Say She’s Supportive

    charlie-crossing Report

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    winterwidow87 avatar
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    2 weeks ago

    As the first of 4 siblings who is also gay, i can confirm that's the highest form of sibiling support.

    Note: this post originally had 80 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.