Here’s My 29 Drawings That Will Hopefully Inspire You To Look On The Bright Side Of Life
I've been an educator for most of my life, starting as a volunteer math teacher in Africa many years ago, then a human rights educator working primarily in Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Asia. For the past 11 years, I've been an independent consultant and supported governments and international organizations in promoting human rights education and diversity & inclusion, as well as facilitated workshops to train other facilitators.
When I was 10, I came across a trove of drawings and paintings my father created when he was younger, and these inspired me to explore my own creative talents. He passed away when I was much younger, so I examined his work and became a self-taught artist.
I created an introspective character several years ago who quietly contemplated signs he would see—some obvious, others less so—that encouraged him to look on the bright side of life.
I've drawn him occasionally over the years, but since the start of 2022, I've had my beloved character face new signs and situations every day, and hopefully, I can continue creating a drawing a day as long as he inspires me (and hopefully others).
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Early inspirations were my father's illustrations - tall ships, cabins in the woods, fall scenes - and that gave way to pop culture influences in my teens from superheroes to sci-fi characters. I spent several years away from the easel, but eventually returned to drawings in pencil, comic art in pen and ink, paintings in acrylic, and murals in my children's rooms when they were younger.
So they can tell you to suck it up, or laugh at you, or get tired of hearing about it?
The idea to create these drawings was born when I was facilitating a workshop in Nepal about 15 years ago. At the end of the training, participants were asked to complete a written evaluation. One participant wryly noted, "The facilitator should smile more." I took that to heart. The world needs more smiles.
The older I get, the more I realize that it doesn't have to be some big occasion or event... just coffee with friends in the morning, or a game night with family, or a typical weekday dinner are the moments I cherish above all others. The trips and holidays and events are all great, but they're nothing compared to normal days.
There are two underlying and interconnected messages in these recent drawings. On the one hand, many of them present a message reaffirming our need to reach out to others when we're feeling down; life in the past couple of years has been hard on many of us, and connections to friends, family and others help lift our spirits. The other message is one of self-care and finding comfort in either doing the things we love (which can sometimes be nothing more than sitting in front of a fire) or challenging ourselves to do something different.
It is very fragile, and we have no backup. I worry about what our children's children will say about the way we've treated the world... if we survive that long.
The yellow balloon to me symbolizes the innocence and openness of a child's creative spirit - it's a reminder to the character (who is an adult) that you need to remain young at heart. As for yellow, well that was just my mother's favorite color.
For me, drawing means to escape. For others: people have told me that some of these drawings resonate powerfully with who they are and what they're going through, and I'm grateful for that.
Even if it's just your neighborhood, or your thoughts. You can travel the world using books and imagination.
And I do appreciate you being 'round. Help me get my feet back on the ground....Won't you please, please help me.
Why not? Some of my happiest moments have happened while I was just wasting time.
With your family, with your friends, with people you'd like to be friends, and with yourself.
:-) Smiling feels good! So does seeing that yellow balloon! Yellow is my favourite colour, too!
I agree with this one. There will always be something that needs doing somewhere.
These are super sweet. The comments under most of the pictures make me sad though 😔 guys, you don't have to argue a positive message or bash it down. I'm sorry if life feels that bleak, I really am.
Got it your opinion matters, others dont...seems like you got the one with a closed door but said be open minded..lol
These are super sweet. The comments under most of the pictures make me sad though 😔 guys, you don't have to argue a positive message or bash it down. I'm sorry if life feels that bleak, I really am.
Got it your opinion matters, others dont...seems like you got the one with a closed door but said be open minded..lol