50 Times People Encountered Such Wholesome Dogs, They Just Had To Spread The Joy (New Pics)
Whether or not you agree that dogs are man's best friend, I hope we can at least agree that they're an endless source of wholesome and heartwarming moments.
These loyal and loving creatures bring joy not only to their owners but also everyone they pass as well. All it takes is a single enthusiastic tail wag or a quirky head tilt, and we're smiling like fools.
The fact that these precious animals can do that even on the toughest days — when negativity is at the forefront — is tough to beat.
So we at Bored Panda compiled a new list of pictures that capture dogs in all of their glory. Continue scrolling to check them out and when you're done, catch up on the series with our earlier publications here and here.
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If I Ever Took A Good Photo It's This One 😍
It's not just us at Bored Panda talking up dogs. The therapeutic value of our relationship with our pets, particularly K9s, is increasingly recognized by scientists too.
Cats can be wonderful as well – but dogs have been domesticated by humans for much longer, and, as even the most devoted cat lover will admit, dogs are far easier to train for companionship.
My Foster Dog Had Never Been Indoors Before. This Is Her First Nap, On A Bed, In A Home. ♥️
Sir Patrick Stewart And A One Week Old Puppy ❤️
It Ain't Much
Marion Janner, a mental health campaigner and all-around animal lover, thinks that dogs teach us a whole range of lessons.
"Dogs love us unconditionally," she told The Guardian. "They’re the ultimate in equal opportunities – entirely indifferent to race, gender, star sign, CV, clothes size, or ability to throw cool moves on the dance floor."
"The simplicity and depth of this love is a continuous joy, along with the health benefits of daily walks and the social delights of chats with other dog walkers. They teach kids to be responsible, altruistic, and compassionate and, valuably but sadly, how to cope when someone you love dies."
He Protect
Super Dog For Sure
Grandma Looking Cute
Not All Heroes Wear Capes; Many Wear Collars
On some level, the bond that forms between owner and pet is, it seems, similar to the bond that a mother forms with her baby.
According to academic and psychologist June McNicholas, pets can be a lifeline for socially isolated people. "Pet care and self-care are linked. When you take a dog out for a walk, people talk to you and that may be the only social contact an isolated person has the whole day ... People with disabilities often find that able-bodied people are socially awkward with them [but] if they have a dog it breaks down barriers and allows a more comfortable and natural interaction."
Old Man Is Deaf. Waking Him Up Using My Scent So I Don’t Spook Him By Touching Him When He’s Asleep. Here’s The Moment He Knows It Me By My Scent. Good Old Boi.
Some Images Require No Title, Just A Smile.
Jax Is 13 Years Young, He Can’t Walk Very Far Nowadays But Would Be Heart Broken If We Didn’t Take Him For A Walk. So We Pull Him In His Wagon!
Greyhound Rescue Group Posted This Picture With The Caption "Athletes In Retirement"
I love this so much. The expressions of total relaxation and contentment.
Author and researcher Meg Daley Olmert believes that when we call our dog, "our baby" it is because we recognize it on a neural level as such. And this recognition triggers the same maternal bonding brain networks that allow a mother to look at her red, slimy newborn and say, "mine!"
Keeping My Promise To Take Her To The Beach After Having To Cancel Last Year Due To Covid
This UPS Man Taking Selfies With Every Dog He Comes Across On His Delivery Route!
My Niece Got A Puppy!
Seems Like The Dog Is Concerned
Interestingly, there was a small study of functional MRI brain scans that looked into 18 women and showed similar responses in regions involved in reward, emotion, and affiliation when the women looked at images of their child and pet dog.
Homeless Man Throws Birthday Party For Dogs
I Saw One Of The Debreed Pugs That Can Breathe Properly
I Just Found Out That My Neighbors Tell Their Dog I'm Outside When They Want Him To Hurry Up And Get Out The Door. This Is Him Waiting For A Treat From Me.
The Proudest Mom I've Ever Seen
However, there were important differences too. Dogs caused activity in the fusiform gyrus (involved in facial recognition) and babies in the tegmentum (centers of reward and affiliation). To put it simply, while we love our pets, in a fire we'd try to save the baby first.
This Is Kabosu, She's 17 Years Old And Was The Original Face Of The Doge Meme In 2013
His First Day At Work
That Look When You Meet Your Best Friend
Can I See
These creatures can find a way into everyone's heart. When the Centre for Mental Health ran an evaluation on therapy dogs in prisons, the feedback was off the scale. “I don't know what it is, but even when I am running around with [the dog] I just feel better inside, calmer, more peaceful," said one prisoner
Another told the interviewer that "Dogs have a magic effect on you, you can feel their love and that just makes you feel better inside you."
My 11yr Old Dog Is Blind But Still Loves Hiking So I Got Her Doggles To Protect Her Eyes From Sticks
Random Girl At Farmer’s Market Seduces My Partner In Front Of My Very Eyes
She Destroyed All The Stuffed Animals Except For This One
Sat Next To These Ladies Who Insisted Our Dog Facetime With Theirs
Sweet Support Dog Who Gives Comfort To Children At The Dentist, Priceless
An Elderly Neighbor Of Mine Is Throwing A Birthday Party For His Dog
My Cat Passed Away A Couple Weeks Ago And My Dog Now Sleeps Next To His Bed And Stares At His Tower… Sometimes She Whines While Staring At It… Does She Miss Him? Or Am I Just Crazy? They Were Really Really Close
Banks In Georgia (Country) Allow Dogs To Take Shelter In A Freezing Cold
I Found This Picture A While Ago. Idk Why But It Just Fills Me Up With Joy. The Dog Is So Happy
A Husky Next To A Wolf
Before And After Of Rescuing A Fought Dog (Mods Delete If Not Allowed). 2020 To 2023
(Oc) Today His Intrusive Thoughts Won After 2 Years Of Fighting The Urge To Jump In
Please Take Care Of My Baby!!!
🎶Take good care of my baby / Please don't ever make her blue / Just tell her that you love her / Make sure you're thinking of her / In everything you say and do🎶
My Golden Brings Me This Old Rug Every Time I Come Home To Wish Me A Warm Welcome
Meg Would Like To Offer You A Leaf During These Trying Times
The Finnish President And His Dog Lennu
When You Tell Her A Story That She Doesn't Understand, But She Loves You Anyway
Best Date Ever
Still The Cute Face 😊
Miller Believes In You
Wife And I Got A Bus For Our Dog Business!
Adopted Our First Family Puppy Today. Found My 2 Year Old And Puppy Like This Day 1 - I Think We Found A Winner ☺️
Double Vision! What Perfect Pictures Of These Pups
The Vet Is Very Familiar With My Boxer. They Know He's Good Natured, So They Decided To Put A Cap On Him. They Sent Me This Picture
Teen's Service Dog Get Photo In Yearbook
I’m 6 Days Past My Due Date And She Gathered All Her Favorite Toys And Gave Me These Puppy Dog Eyes
This was exactly the medicine the dogtor ordered after spending too much time on the "poor rich guy" list. Dogs make everything better!
This was exactly the medicine the dogtor ordered after spending too much time on the "poor rich guy" list. Dogs make everything better!